Him and their stars

Chapter 1173 Business

The tone of Tom's third boss is quite tight, but after letting himself go as a pirate, he began to unlock the chatterbox attribute, and he always likes to have a few words with others.However, on the opposite side is the famous general of the Empire known as the "Wolf of Dawn", that Major General Yeager Soback!The so-called talk too much will be lost.In front of a wise general like Yeager Sobek, this possibility is even greater.

Captain Plank turned his head and asked, "Your Majesty, were you found when you were escaping?"

Khan said: "If I'm really discovered, will the Tirilo people and the people on Earth immediately attack me? Don't forget, the bounty for my head has already arrived. Is it just for fishing? Fish like you? "

My fish is not enough, is it?Captain Plank admitted that what the other party said made sense, but he was still a little sad. He thought to himself, don't bully the young and poor. If there is no accident, I will be able to be the thirteen face in two or three years.

"So what to do now? Escape?" asked Mademoiselle Fantine.

"Heh heh heh, who do you think I am! Get the boat closer!" Captain Plank said loudly.

"Lord, do you take the initiative to lean over?" Fantine suddenly became a little nervous.Even the Great Khan on the side showed a look of surprise.

"There is no point in escaping. Even if we were able to escape, our only legal merchant ship would be on the blacklist. At this time, doing the opposite would make it appear that we have no intentions." Ghost! Maybe people don’t even check it?”

Speaking of this, he showed a heartbroken expression, but he still said: "Besides, I have prepared this move a long time ago. We have [-] tons of new Yumen spices on our ship, and some of them can be given to the Imperial Border Patrol Fleet before." Turn a blind eye and close one eye. This time I will spend half of it at worst, and I don't believe that I can't buy the Imperial Guard!"

This trick has always worked well.Imperials with abundant martial virtues are also human beings, so they will definitely be bribed.These days, whether it's a businessman or a black job, who hasn't had a Py transaction with the border patrol forces of various countries?Especially for the colonial army of the New World, which is far away from the mainland of the galaxy, the military discipline is even more difficult to describe.

However, the New World is no longer the New World of the past, and what everyone is facing is not an ordinary guard fleet that receives orders from the Generalissimo's Mansion less than a few times a year.

Then, I heard Miss Fantine say: "But, if it's the Wolf of Dawn, I'm afraid it doesn't seem so good. You are gambling. What if they really don't let me go? What if they really board the ship to check What if it happens? What if they do find a problem?"

Since he was the star of hope of the Imperial Army who gained fame in the New World War, how could he be bought by a little money.

"I admit that I am a gambler. However, as long as the other party really wants to board the ship for inspection, we will find an opportunity to approach and seize the ship! We will seize the Blizzard!" Captain Plank said in a deep voice.

Miss Fantine thought about it seriously, and found that there was a possibility of success.Although Candide is an armed merchant ship, it was remodeled after adding the Black Snake.At least the cruise engine was replaced by two ram pulse engines, and a high-explosive dust compressor was also connected.

Once you get to a close distance, start the compressor suddenly, and you can sacrifice the life of the hull and engine in exchange for instant acceleration, and the jump is successful.

In addition, the bow of the ship is also equipped with a disintegration ram, which is hidden under the chubby cat head.

All in all, the current Candid Tom Tom should be very professional in sneak attacks.However, even if the sneak attack is successful, one has to consider the outcome of the gang battle.

Then, Captain Plank looked at Great Khan, his eyes were firm and sharp, and a hideous and distorted smile slowly appeared on his face, but he said in a pleading tone: "At this time, everyone Literally a boat. Khan, you won't stand by and watch?"

The Great Khan pondered for a moment: "Did you take it?"

"Then take the crew on that ship as hostages and evacuate to the territory of the community. I also made some arrangements near Xinlushun. When we abandon the ship, there will always be a way to go to Xinyumen through other channels." Captain Plank shrugged: "I'm not talking about it. I have been operating in the New World for ten years. There are not many ships and subordinates, but there are many trustworthy companions."

Queen Tomiteri finally showed a maniacal grin: "It's really interesting! You are so interesting!"

Mademoiselle Fantine, too, was for a moment utterly overwhelmed with emotions.

She suddenly realized that she had known her captain for so long, and this was probably the first time she had seen him look so snake-headed.

On the other side, the Imperial New World Garrison Fleet Headquarters is directly under the admiral of the Guerrilla Squadron, and Major General Jaeger Sobaek continued to wear a business smile of Mo De's soul, and read with a smooth stick: "Our fleet It’s just a daily security patrol mission, please don’t be nervous. In short, it’s all routine. Is there any contraband on your ship?”

"Damn, of course not. We are all legal and good citizens." The old man on the opposite light screen touched his scalp honestly, and his face clearly showed the hardships and vicissitudes of life.

Contraband is naturally unavoidable, but Sobaek is not going to think too much about it.

"So, during the recent journey, can you see traces of looters or pirates?"

Tom shook his head and nodded a little: "I will often encounter the fleet of transporters rushing from the rear to the front of the Dawn Star Domain. For the pirates, I only encountered it once last month. Before approaching, the community that happened to arrive The fleet drove off."

Sobaek nodded again, and that fake business smile seemed a little more pleasant, and continued: "Then, why is your ship here? Is there something wrong? Do you need rescue?"

"I heard that the starry sky here is very beautiful, so I took a detour to watch it." Father Tom said in a serious tone, and immediately lowered his voice: "There are spices on board, adults, do you want to come and check?"

Sobaek on the opposite side was slightly startled, and then showed a knowing expression of "you understand", but still waved his hand and said, "Thank you. This is the high seas, and you don't have to pay taxes to the empire. If you really want to pay me this Sell ​​us some, my friend. I'll still pay cash."

The other party also showed an expression of surprise, thought for a while, nodded and said: "Then, let's bring the boat over here."

The young "famous general" of the imperial army immediately turned off the communication, and said to Viscountess Cellu behind her: "I know, it is indeed not my job as the admiral of the fleet to say hello to this kind of passing armed merchant ship. But, don't take this Shouldn’t it be enough to treat it as a job? In the early days of the great interstellar voyage, ships from different civilizations encountered each other in the new galaxy, and the two sides would definitely send friendly signals to each other. One cup. One captain may be an imperial prince, and the other is just a gangster smuggler, but everyone doesn't mind. What a romantic era! And I just want to get back this old and sincere etiquette. "

He quickly expressed his sense of mission on his face, and just as he turned his head, he saw Viscountess Cellu's very obvious white eyes, and quickly explained: "Besides, business is business, and there is no distinction between everyone on this occasion." No matter whether you are noble or humble, I have to play. I also worked as a factory manager and accountant in the third industry of the Colonial Security Command, and no one on this fleet knows business better than me."

Miss Seilu said unhappily: "You have quite a lot of experience."

"That's right, that's why I said I'm more suitable for logistics. I also have grassroots experience in this area, and I even have an accountant qualification certificate." Sobaek said proudly.

"You started again." Miss Seilu couldn't laugh or cry: "Excessive modesty is pride. In terms of arrogance alone, the wolf of dawn has surpassed the dragon of dawn!"

"So I just wanted to say, who is the Wolf of Dawn?"

"Your nickname! It's about you being ruthless and decisive in fighting with soldiers. Don't you think it's very appropriate? In this world, there are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames."

What a ghost!Every time I fight a war, don’t I get cornered in a daze?Every time, there is only half a step away from death without a burial place.

"...Then who is the Dragon of Dawn?"

"Your old enemy, the God-chosen champion whose name cannot be mentioned. This means that he is unconstrained in combat. It must be admitted that regardless of the position, he is indeed your arch enemy! But I believe that there will always be One day you will definitely beat the opponent!"

Sobaek snorted for a moment, then quickly changed the subject and said, "I checked in the database just now, and the Candide Tommy opposite is an armed merchant ship with a good reputation. The captain is also a member of the Standard Shipping Association. After a while, let the supply ship of Lake Rhoda dock with the other party. Remember, you must pay according to the market price. After completing the mission here, the next step is to return to the Gate of Glory to escort the supply fleet. By then , just sell the spices at the Gate of Glory. I have already contacted you with familiar importers and exporters there, and I will never delay the task time."

The young commander thought about it carefully, and then said: "Anyway, I have calculated, if we add the rare chilled food we bought from New Lushun, we can give each soldier an average of 1000 yuan after this trip." What about the golden dragon bonus?"

1000 golden dragons is naturally a large amount for ordinary soldiers born in ordinary families, but for Miss Sellu, the daughter of the Marquis family, it is not even pocket money.She said that she had no empathy at all, and said with a straight face: "But, isn't our mission this time to monitor the cruising movements of the No.13 fleet of the community and the combat effectiveness of the new ships they equip? , His Royal Highness King Su did not allow us to do business along the way."

"But at least she didn't object." Major General Yeager Soback shook his finger: "Sellu, there is one thing you must know, except for the guard fleet that has been stationed in the hinterland of the empire. The local fleet It’s already common sense to run a merchant while patrolling the waterway in the garrison.”

"We are the formation of the Imperial Guard Fleet..." Sailu said.

"But we are stationed abroad now." Speaking of this, Sobaek snorted sadly: "Why didn't the fleet that withdrew its troops back home include us? If I can be transferred back to the mainland to go to the logistics department, I don't want to think about it." kind of thing."

"It's started again." Cellu said angrily, "It's really a crime against a famous general of the empire to transfer you back to the mainland to go to the logistics department! It's a blasphemy against the wolf of dawn! An insult to us old subordinates When that time comes, why doesn’t the bloody Tirui Luo resign? I have a food factory in Fenghua City, which supplies snacks and high-end rough-processed ingredients to the big restaurants in the imperial capital. Would you like to work as a factory for me? long?"

"Ah? Is there such a good thing?" Sobaek jumped up, his eyes brightened instantly.

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