Him and their stars

Chapter 1174 The Familiar Mob Comes Again

Miss Cellu stared blankly at the other party, and for a moment it was really hard to determine whether the other party was joking or amused.

Of course, Sobaek also knew that it would be impossible for a dignified major general of the space fleet and knight of the Astral Knights to become the director of a food factory after resigning.So, after his heart was moved, he still said solemnly:

"In any case, the soldiers of the whole army have been away from home for more than a year, and they can't even make an instant message with their family members, so I always ask them to think about their practical problems. It cannot be completely left to the Generalissimo's Office and the Supreme Commander to consider. Since I have become the commander of the squadron, I should start thinking about this."

Seeing that Miss Sellu was looking at him in awe, he hurriedly said: "I didn't figure this out. It's the teaching of my mentor. Hahaha, Sellu, you will still be on the list sooner or later." Commander, you have to start learning now."

"I don't want to be a commander at all," she whispered.


Miss Seilu said again: "... Well, it may be an unspoken rule of the whole army to benefit the soldiers. I can understand it. But we must not forget our job, right? When we leave New Lushun, Earth People's No.13 fleet is still cruising alongside us. But after speeding up last time, it completely left us. It has been 48 hours without news from the other party."

Yeager Soback and his friends, after completing the initial exploration of the Miracle Ring, hunting down an ancient mechanical monster, and taking back the spoils, they naturally received the award from Admiral Farrell , and the new command.

Considering the reputation of the "Wolf of Dawn" and his relationship with the opposite "Dragon of Dawn" full of male blood and pride, he will lead the fleet under his command to pay a friendly visit to the community's new Lushun Starport.Then, together with the opponent's No.13 fleet, conduct a combat readiness cruise on the "New Continental Highway".Any pirates, remnants of looters, or other suspicious targets found on the road have the right to destroy the enemy and return the New Continental Highway to peace.

Of course, Admiral Farrell told Sobaek that the performance of the community's main fleet during the entire Dawn Starfield Battle could only be said to be quite satisfactory.Although he also made a lot of military exploits, he did not exceed the evaluation of the Imperial Marshal's Office overall.On the contrary, what really surprised the elites of the Imperial Army, apart from the Marine Corps, was this No.13 fleet.

Of course, no matter how well the marines perform, it cannot determine the victory of the war, but no matter how small a fleet is, it may become a poisonous needle in the heart.

Therefore, Sobaek's trip had some other purposes.

"I heard that the No.13 fleet of the people on Earth has been supplemented by new warships in Xinyumen. If you can find an opportunity, you can observe the opponent's formation and training situation. If you can get the performance of the new ship, you may even It’s a new tactical editor, so I’ll give you another credit!” Admiral Farrell patted Sobaek on the shoulder vigorously, his face full of expectations, and he said, “Young man, I’m very optimistic about you.” .

"Speaking of which, it's good that you are smart and popular, and you are indeed the best candidate for this kind of thing. However, you should have a bright future, you should be careful when doing things, and you must take your own safety as the first priority. Come on. After the cruise security mission is completed, go to the Gate of Glory to receive a new warship. You will get a Phoenix-class battlecruiser."

Admiral Farrell thought for a while, and added: "In addition, I will not know about other small part-time jobs during this period."

Admiral Farrell also came from the grassroots, so of course he is very knowledgeable about these matters.What's more, his old man has already talked about this. Sobaek is really touched. He feels that if he doesn't take the opportunity to run some business to give some benefits to the soldiers (and himself), he will be sorry for the painstaking efforts of the officer. .

Thinking about it carefully, Sobaek felt that he was still very lucky.At least after participating in the God of War Festival, the colleagues and bosses I met in my official career were all good people.Of course, it would be even better if the job is also safe with less work and more money.

Everything went very smoothly afterwards, and the Sobaek fleet successfully entered the border of the community and arrived at the new Lushun star port to start a friendly visit.He saw the sea farms slowly spreading on the blue ocean planet of New Lushun, like ribbons spread on the ocean.However, he also saw the floating turret built on the space orbit, and the orbital hospital being dismantled.

"Then, why do you want to tear down the hospital?" Miss Seilu asked the other party.

"Isn't the previous battle over? We don't need this kind of orbital hospital with a million beds, right? The maintenance fee for this thing is really high." The Earth military officer replied in this way.

Then, it was the joint combat readiness patrol of the Sobaek Fleet and the No.13 Fleet.The Earth military officers on the opposite side behaved very sensibly. As the admiral, Major General Mark Love brought a group of generals and colonels, and even invited the imperial officers to dinner on the flagship to recount the bloody game.

However, when the two sides left the border of the colonies of the Commonwealth and entered the high seas of the "New Continental Highway", Fleet No. 13 suddenly sent a signal, saying, "Speed ​​boats can race, capital ships can race, and fleets can of course." Words that the class does not understand.Then, without waiting for his side to respond, he suddenly started to speed up.

Then, just like Miss Sellu said, the Imperial Army has not heard from the other party for 48 hours.

But Sobaek explained seriously: "This at least shows that the opponent has the ability to patrol the entire fleet at high speed. To achieve this level, the performance of the ship and the elite crew are both indispensable. Moreover, they can Avoiding the automatic detection beacons we set up on the high seas shows that we are very familiar with the railroad astrology and various astronomical changes of the New World Highway. The entire New World Highway is their home field, and we really cannot take it lightly."

Miss Seilu's eyes widened: "You won't just hand over these to a job, will you?"

"Of course, those new assault ships, the 'tiger and leopard cavalry' class, seem to be quite peculiar. Judging from their fleet formation, they should be planning to organize these small ships into independent combat units. It’s against common sense. When we meet next time, ask Major General Mark Love.”

Cellu is not very interested in those new assault ships.She is a very traditional star knight and imperial officer, and she feels that apart from the mighty power of the psyker, the battleship is the battleship.

However, since Sobaek said this, she also paid attention to it a little bit: "...Understood. I will send a letter to let the three holy shields under our command return to the team as soon as possible."

In fact, there is no need to be so anxious.That's what I said.thought Sobaek.

"But, you just said you were going to ask Major General Mark Love? Could it be that you were going to ask directly?"

"This is a normal military exchange. Cellu, war is not about fighting and killing, it is also about the ways of the world."

"Like you and the Dragon of Daybreak?" the Viscountess smiled.

"That's different, he's hurting me." Sobaek said loudly.

"It's started again. Sir, I know that a manly friendship like yours is always awkward, especially when the two sides are in different positions. But, after all, I am your deputy. In front of me, you You can be a little more frank." Sailu said.

Am I not honest enough?I even said that I want to work in a food factory!But you don't believe it!

Sobaek wanted to cry but had no tears.

At this time, Celu said again: "However, I have always felt that the No.13 Fleet really has the final say, and it is actually Commodore Eleanor Bonaparte."

"So, so what?"

"I'm a woman, so I know that women like us who are on the battlefield are the ones who hate sophistication the most."

Yeager Soback always felt that these words seemed to be mocking himself, but he still said with a half-stern expression: "In any case, we did lose this fleet racing competition, but it doesn't mean that Nothing. This can at least show that the formation of our original cruise fleet is a bit outdated. This lake-class supply ship is already a support ship specially prepared for a high-speed fleet that conducts long-term combat readiness cruises. The speed has been enhanced, but it is obviously It’s out of date.”

Celu smiled helplessly: "Well, although it is a bit far-fetched, it should be possible to communicate with Admiral Farrell. However, if it is you, there should be stricter requirements. Your Highness and Admiral Farrell Everyone should have greater expectations of you."

So I don't understand, can you not have too high expectations of us?

Sobaek could only say in a serious tone: "I personally think that with the increasing prosperity of the sea route and the expansion of the border line, more modular space stations with supply functions should be considered to replace these supply ships. At the same time, the mobility of the patrol fleet will be enhanced. Cellu, we can jointly write a report."

The viscountess was slightly startled, and a big reward flashed in her eyes: "By the way, this directly involves the reform of the safety of the empire's waterways and the security and defense of the entire border! It's a big deal! This is what you should consider! Yes, we It is best to extend this proposal and directly make a detailed paper, a paper on waterway defense!"

You, what are you so excited about?Sobaek was too frightened to speak for a moment.

"You are the 'Wolf of Dawn', and the famous general should also have military theories. The person opposite already has "Psyker Four Formation" and "Mobile Defense Theory."

Yeager Soback wanted to slap himself on the spot, feeling that he had dug a huge hole for himself.You know, it was because he couldn't write such a demanding thesis that he failed to be admitted to the top universities in the empire. As a last resort, he found a promising job in the colony's native guard.

But now, it's time to study the thesis again.Moreover, the requirements for a thesis written by a rear admiral should be much higher than that of the students, right?

Unfortunately, he lived to be 26 years old and hadn't written an article of more than 2000 words yet.

Just when he fell into a state of low pressure, the Candide on the opposite side was approaching him.Being safe, the two Aegis-class ships assigned by the fleet opened the gun doors at the front of the ship, maintaining a basic vigilance posture.And our own lake-class supply ship, which Admiral Sobaek regarded as a "cumbersome", swaggered closer.

So far, everything seems to be going well.But at this time, the new captain of the Blizzard, Lieutenant Colonel Pegsay, said: "This armed merchant ship of the Candide...something is wrong."

Sobaek also felt that something was wrong. He always felt that the cruising state of this merchant ship named Candide was too calm and a little too stable.Of course, he didn't know what the problem was, it was just a feeling of being a psyker.

"It's better to be on the safe side." Sobaek said.

Miss Sellu nodded, and decisively issued an order: "Let them stop the ship! Accept our random inspection from a safe distance!"

The front orbital main gun of the Blizzard raised the two sharp metal rails, as if drawing out a sharp sword.

Under the warning signal, the chubby Candide armed merchant ship had no choice but to stop slowly.

Well, the other party's movement of stopping the ship seemed tense and clumsy, which was indeed in line with the performance of a normal merchant ship.Sobaek and his friends felt like they were overreacting a bit.

"Let's board the ship and check first. Safety first," Sobaek said.

"But, admiral, this is the high seas, theoretically we have no right to inspect it." An officer said.

"It's so new. We have stopped other people's cargo ships in other people's countries for inspection, and we have done it many times." Another person said.

"Why don't I go and see for myself?" Miss Sellu was gearing up.Recently, no matter whether it is suppressing pirates or racing against people on Earth, it is not the turn of a traditional star knight to show her strength. She is actually bored.

However, before the inspectors of the Blizzard set off, the bridge of one's own side sounded a very bright warning signal again, but the automatic detector installed by the Blizzard in the gravity well caught the transition signal of the new space vehicle.

Immediately afterwards, what swaggered in front of them was a round metal sphere.From the analysis of the gravitational signal, the mass of this thing should be similar to that of a battle cruiser.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of triangular aircrafts also flickered, and suddenly appeared in this galaxy.Like a group of wasps that had been bombed, they frantically rushed towards the Imperial Fleet.

During the year-long war, the soldiers of the imperial army present were very familiar with this kind of thing.

"Ancient drone motherships controlled by predators?"

"In other words, there is a remnant fleet of Marauders nearby?"

"It might even be the Great Khan himself?" The officers of the Imperial Army on the bridge exchanged opinions quickly.

As for Sobaek himself, he stared numbly at the menacing uninvited guest in front of him, feeling nothing in his heart for a moment.If it was the No.13 fleet of the community that suddenly appeared in front of him at this time, he might still be shocked, but these drones... To be fair, they are indeed quite powerful. But he and the Blizzard were almost cornered.

However, in the Dawn Star Domain War that followed for nearly a year, he had already fought this drone many times.No matter how cowardly people are, when they encounter mobs who are about to vomit, they will be very calm in their hearts.

"Holy Shield cruiser, according to the standard No. 3 tactic, deploy the interception net."

"The destroyer fleet is preparing strong photon jammers to separate the connection between the attack aircraft and the command aircraft."

"Beware, the largest C-type of attack drones, with small railguns. Watch out for their long-range bombardment."

After Sobaek gave these orders in an orderly manner, he was ready to start watching the show.But at this moment, those aggressive triangular drones had already launched shelling.

A row of dense orbital shells roared towards them, looking very powerful, but after all, the distance was too far, and none of them hit the imperial battleship.

However, the armed merchant ship Candide, which stopped the ship and hadn't figured out the situation, didn't have such good luck.He was right between the imperial army and these ancient drones, and the chubby hull was hit by two shells on the spot, and a fire began to ignite.

"This, is this considered an unwarranted disaster?" Sobaek looked at the flames in the direction of the merchant ship, full of sympathy.

"It's really unlucky, but we can't rescue it now." Sailu said.

Indeed, there are quite a few drones coming from the opposite side. The Imperial Fleet did not deal with powerful enemies while rescuing unlucky civilians. Everything can only be discussed after the battle.Of course, Sobaek understood this truth.

However, when the imperial fleet faced the ultra-long-distance bombardment by no one and began to form a battle formation, the notification sound on the Blizzard sounded again, and indeed there was a jump signal in the gravity well in the other direction.

Three minutes later, Lieutenant Colonel Pegsay reported: "The signal is confirmed, it is the Clear Sky-class cruiser...it is the Aurora. Your Excellency, the No.3 fleet of the Blue Star Community has arrived at this battlefield!"

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