Him and their stars

Chapter 1175 War Sophistication

Chapter 1175 War Sophistication

At this moment, Yeager Soback suddenly felt that everyone on the bridge was looking at him.

Of course he understands why everyone is like this. At this time, his fleet, 24 warships and the [-] members on board, are all in a rather embarrassing situation.At this moment, if the earthlings' fleet came here with malice and pinched themselves from another direction, their own side would definitely face annihilation.In other words, they can choose to be darker, sit on the sidelines and watch the tigers fight, and wait until both sides are hurt before making a move.

In this case, it is necessary for the commander of the empire to make a wise decision.

Sobaek was caught in a dilemma.Rationally told myself that war is not fighting and killing, but war is the way of the world.The Empire and the Commonwealth did not tear themselves apart, and the No.13 fleet on the opposite side should still be a friendly force.However, as a person who lives contentedly and happily, he really dare not pin his hopes on the character of the opposite person.

Fortunately, before he hesitated for a few seconds, the No. 13 fleet on the opposite side didn't even move closer to his side, and rushed straight towards the drone mothership over there.

At the same time, the Aurora also took several Ranger-class cruisers and dropped strong photon jamming bombs towards the target.

"Well, the people on Earth are still allies." Cellu sighed: "It's true that as you said, the people on Earth also have warriors who value honor, and they won't take advantage of others' danger. However, we can also take advantage of the opportunity to see See if the opponent is really practicing some new tactics. By the way, there are also those new assault ships."

It is a pity that although the eight new assault ships formed an independent combat unit, they were always on standby near the two large aircraft carriers.And the strong photon jamming bombs of the people on earth did have an effect, causing a large number of drones to lose control in a short period of time, turning them into headless flies hovering in place.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the fleet released by the two aircraft carriers rushed towards the chubby drone carrier.

Among them, the most conspicuous ones are the white devil fighter squadrons equipped with light wings.

They were like holding short daggers, acting cunningly and swiftly like assassins. In an instant, they fell within the warning range of the drone mothership and threw anti-matter bombs at close range.

12 rounds of antimatter bombs, a total of three hits.If it wasn't for this distance, with the anti-interference ability and maneuverability of these ancient drones, it would be almost impossible to achieve this kind of hit rate.

The three antimatter bombs did not cause fatal damage to the unmanned mothership, and even just removed its shield and a circle of armor.However, this is enough for the rest of the earth fighters rushing over.They were like a swarm of crazy wasps attacking a bull whose fur had been torn off and began to bleed it.

"Your Excellency, we should also have that kind of equipment." Lieutenant Colonel Pegsay said to Sobaek.

"...Oh, you mean the White Phantom fighter?"

"The performance of the fighter is excellent, but at most it can only reach [-]% of our country's new Zidianlong fighter." Lieutenant Colonel Pegsay shook his head and said: "It is actually the new type of accessory components that really bring about revolutionary progress."

"Well, that's called the light wing. However, if you add this kind of thing to the fighter plane, it will increase the difficulty of the overall maintenance of the aircraft carrier, and of course it will also affect the carrying capacity of the aircraft." Miss Serlu said.

The lieutenant colonel nodded, but said again: "But, it's all worth it. The officer has inspected this fighter squadron, and all the records in the battle in the past year. It is a few brigades, which may play a decisive role in the decisive battle of the fleet."

Sobaek was a little hard to understand.He is just an orthodox military officer, and naturally he is also an orthodox believer in the cannon giant ship doctrine. He has always believed that small warships and fighter planes are used for auxiliary purposes.It's like the auxiliary soldiers and servants waving flags and shouting around the knight.

Lieutenant Colonel Pegsey said: "If I had to give an example, the previous fighters might just be auxiliary archers with soft bows, which could harass the army formation, but they couldn't effectively kill the heavily armored knights. But if this Fighter..."

"Have you become an elite archer with a crossbow?" Cellu asked.

The new captain of the Blizzard said: "It shouldn't be that far yet. It's more like a death squad with armor-piercing cones. These drones are only civilian models after all, and they don't have special air defense capabilities. As for the predator's warship, it's The design is also very extreme, most of them have extremely strong firepower and gang jumping ability, attacking strong and defending weak. I am very afraid of fighting with small bodies. These are the white ghost fighters of the earth people, which can be almost harmless on their own side Under such circumstances, it’s because of such achievements in battle. If we encounter our close-in defense network composed of holy shields and iron guards, even if we can get close quickly with these light wings, the casualties will definitely not be small. But..."

"But it's worth it, right?" Sobaek said.

Lieutenant Colonel Pegsay nodded: "Even if a hundred fighters are sacrificed, [-]% of them can break through the defense net and drop anti-matter bombs, which may seriously damage a Dreadnought. This kind of battle loss ratio is too worthwhile."

Sobaek thinks this is quite reasonable.

On the other hand, Cellu seemed to be thinking more, and immediately showed a heavy expression: "Your Excellency, your new paper should also include an evaluation of this new type of equipment and countermeasures."

Why is this thesis getting more and more complicated before it even starts writing?Hearing this, Sobaek started to cool off when he heard it.

"...However, the masters of the Grand Marshal's Mansion may find it hard to accept us if we want to introduce models from Earthlings!" Saillu said.

"Yeah, even just introducing light wing equipment is very difficult." Lieutenant Colonel Pegsay also sighed.Before he became the captain, he had been serving in the central organization of the Grand Marshal's Mansion, and he was too aware of the bureaucratic habits in the central department.

In other words, all large organizations with a long history will inevitably suffer from this problem.This is not based on whether the Tiriluo people are full of martial arts or not.

"Unless the Grand Marshal's Mansion is talking about His Royal Highness King Suliuka." Sobaek said casually.

As soon as he said this, others were not easy to answer.Lieutenant Colonel Pegsay simply put all his attention on the battle command, as if the conversation just now had never happened.Miss Seilu pondered for half a minute, bit her lips, and said in a low voice: "Your Excellency, I personally cannot represent my family, but I can represent myself. If you really make a decision, we old people The subordinates will follow your decision."

Sobaek also felt that he seemed to have said something very casual just now, and suddenly shivered.

Fortunately, there are other situations on the scene that can divert attention.

No, when the first wave of fighter jets on the earth ran out of ammunition and began to return, the flames on the spherical drone carrier also became more intense.But in this way, wouldn't the head be equivalent to being robbed by the earthlings?

The soldiers of the Imperial Army were freed from the sense of crisis being caught between two sides, and immediately realized this problem, and everyone began to move forward bravely.

In this way, the target that was attacked by both sides turned into this drone mothership that entered the galaxy and its fleet.

The size of this ancient drone swarm is indeed large.Even in the Battle of the Dawn Star Field, the soldiers of the expeditionary force rarely encountered such a large group of enemy planes.In addition to the A-type attack aircraft that uses short-range disintegration, cutting and impact, and the B-type that uses short-range cutting lasers and long-distance traction at the speed of light, there are also many C-types that can project rail artillery shells and electromagnetic interference missiles.

The high level of the coalition forces has always been difficult to understand. Since these drones are used for mining, what is the matter with this type C equipped with military weapons?
It can only be said that it is anti-pirate and space beast.Who can guarantee that there will be no pirates in the Age of the Enlightened?

If a fleet of this size appeared on the most intense battlefield of the Battle of the Dawn Star Field and cooperated with the complete fleet of the Marauders, it might really cause trouble for the main fleet of the expeditionary force.But now, no matter how many of them there are, they have indeed been reduced to the category of "space beasts".Facing the two-sided attack of the community and the empire, these drones would not even escape or hit the troops and deal with them all the way, but were exhausted in the pull, and then perished in the fierce artillery fire.

Three hours later, the fleets of the two sides paid a total of less than 200 casualties and five battleships were slightly injured, and finally joined forces beside the wreckage of the fallen drone carrier.

"Thank you for your support." Sobaek said.

"No, thanks to your army's frontal combat, it gave us a chance to outflank." Mark Love said.

"It was a perfect fit."

"Yes, it's the same as the countless battles in the Dawn Star Domain."

"Want to come over for a drink?"

"Why not?"

Then, the two commanders laughed at the same time.

This is called sophistication!Miss Cellu on the side couldn't help feeling so emotional.

Then, the two sides began to exchange information with a candid attitude.

According to the No.13 Fleet, they left the main channel of the New Continent Highway after speeding up and splitting up with their friendly forces, and were going to some branch channels to observe.You must know that the pirates who were driven out of the main channel by the patrol fleet could only scatter towards nearby unmanned galaxies.These pirates are like acne, even if they are wiped out quickly, as long as there is oil and water, they will always thrive.

Then, the No.13 fleet discovered this group of drones in the D-20-4 galaxy on the branch line of the New World Highway 188 hours ago.However, they did not take the initiative to attack the people on Earth, but started the month ago directly in the direction of the main channel.

If this group of rampaging killing machines were allowed to enter the main channel with many civilian ships, the consequences would be disastrous. The No.13 fleet chased after them all the way.

Fortunately, the drone swarm did not rush to the main channel in the end, but encountered the Imperial fleet on an unmanned galaxy that was 3 transitions away from the main channel.

Then there was this two-sided jungle battle.

"However, we always feel that the opponent's transfer is not blind, but has a certain purpose." Major General Mark Love said: "Could it be aimed at your army?"

For a moment, Sobaek wasn't sure whether the other party was joking or serious, so he could only make a thoughtful expression like a conditioned reflex: "This is not scientific, and of course it does not conform to our past combat experience."

"So, the old man is just guessing. Hahahaha, maybe it's just that people start to think wildly when they get old?"

"If these drones are only going to attack us, who is going to stand to gain the most?"

The two fleet (genuine) commanders who were separated by two generations looked at each other and laughed heartily again.The two of them didn't know why they were laughing, but if they didn't laugh at this time, it seemed that it would not end well.

In short, both the process and the result of the battle are almost perfect.The only fly in the ointment is the heavily damaged armed merchant ship Candide.These out-of-control ancient drones don't care whether they are warships or merchant ships in front of them, they only pay attention to the equality of all beings when attacking.In other words, because the merchant ship was shot at the beginning, its actions slowed down immediately, and it suffered more attacks in a short period of time.

So, when the battle ended, the chubby armed merchant ship had been cut in two from the middle, lost all energy response, and was completely reduced to space junk.

"What a pity. As soldiers, it is our duty to protect the people! However, we can only watch the people being slaughtered, but do nothing." The imperial officers expressed their guilt.

"But, in this way, will the spices on the ship become ownerless?" Another officer asked.

"...You are really nothing! What's the difference between this and touching a dead body?"

"But, the registry of this ship is on the Alliance side."

"Oh, it's all right then."

Having said that, Sobaek still sent a rescue team in the direction of the wreck of the ship out of the basic conscience of a daily life.After the earth learned about it, it also made the same move.

They subsequently rescued more than 2 tons of spices packed in space containers from the wreckage of the ship, plus more than [-] survivors.However, after casual face recognition, it was found that half of these people were on the wanted list, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became subtle.

As a result, the [-] tons of spices were added to five, and the empire and the community were each divided in half.The happy and harmonious scene of the two armies' reunion suddenly became better.

Sobaek was in a particularly good mood.I originally thought that I would have to spend some money to buy it at a low price, but now it has become a free prostitution.Calculated in this way, even if it is only half, it is enough to give bonuses of two to three thousand golden dragons to the soldiers of the whole army, and I can still have a lot left.

"I have some connections at the Gate of Glory, why don't we sell them together? I'll just charge a [-]% handling fee and shipping fee. There's no way, if it's just me, I can save all the money. But There are so many brothers below, so I dare not be willful." Sobaike said.

"I understand, I understand, this fee is very fair. We can accept it." Mark Love said.

"It's just that when you come to the Gate of Glory this time, you should have other official business, right? Handling our spoils won't waste your time?" Eleanor Bonaparte said.

"It won't be delayed. You should be worrying too much. You are doing private work while doing business. In fact, everyone is experienced." Viscount Serlu said.

"Ahahahaha business is business. It's not easy for people to collect [-] tons, but it's easy to get a discount when it reaches [-] tons. I'll take cash directly, and then send it directly to the Tuanjie Fortress?" Sobaek laughed.

"No, let's send it to the D17 galaxy on the Dawn Road. Then make an appointment at random." Mark Love said.

"Oh, will you use the Dawn Continent as your patrol area recently?" Seru asked.

"No, no, we are going to bury some mines somewhere. If these drones appear again, they may be able to crash themselves to death." Eleanor said.

"You are really witty. I thought that the graduates of the Central Defense University in your country lack a sense of humor."

"To each other, I also thought that the star knights were all dignified types."

"Ahahahaha..." Everyone held their wine glasses, laughed and toasted, toasting this great era of greater prosperity and development.At least, at that time, the soldiers of the two armies felt that peace was actually very beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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