Him and their stars

Chapter 1176 This is Part 1 of the Plan

Chapter 1176 This is part of the plan
In short, if we put aside the tense emotions around the world, just judging from the current atmosphere of this galaxy, the peace and tranquility of the New World should still last for a while.

However, in the spiral cross nebula far away in the local galaxy of the Milky Way, these pirates, gangsters, cults and other shady villain organizations that use the largest "high sea" in the galaxy as their lairs can really feel the fire. Great pressure like cooking oil.Some people flee to the deeper starry sky, some people are in a state of panic all day long, some people start biting their "colleagues" around them, some people close their eyes and wait for death, and some people even start to study the possibility of recruiting security.

When the famous great pirate Wang Gongxiao took his famous pirate ship "Red Pearl", which was the top-class "Red Pearl", left the cover of the nebula and arrived at the main route, and expressed his willingness to surrender to the coalition forces, the atmosphere in the spiral nebula suddenly became tense. It became more tense.

But at this time, the "Snake Lair" hidden in the depths of the nebula, called the headquarters of the "Navigator Fortress" by the members of the Snake Around the World, is still maintaining the calm rhythm of the past step by step.

It is now May 833, 5 Galactic Standard Time, and the Navigator Fortress has left its previous main active star field and arrived at a galaxy composed of red giant stars.

The stars here are in their old age, and almost all the planets have been consumed by the expanding giant fire.Within the range of gravitational influence of giant stars, extremely disordered magnetic and gravitational fields are also formed.In such an extremely harsh illusion, both the hyperspace observation data of the remote telescope and the gravity well are extremely unstable.

Therefore, this galaxy, although it is already very close to the main channel of Cross Nebula A-1, has not been discovered yet.

Now, the Navigator Fortress really dragged it here with a size and mass comparable to a large space city.

A meeting was also held in the conference room of this fortress.

Now, as if built on the gray mist, in the meeting room under the stars, there was still no one on the long bronze table on the main seat.Therefore, only the "past" sitting on the left can preside over the meeting.

He sat on his quaint bronze seat like a statue of a god, and looked down at the people in front of him with an expression like a god's, without sadness or joy: "Suihuo, tell everyone the new news."

The mercenary leader code-named "Suihuo" stood up under the long table and bowed slightly to the crowd: "I am really terrified. But, I just lost contact with 'Black Snake'."

"Zigong" sitting opposite him was slightly startled: "He has been lurking very well. Currently, the first-hand news about the New World and the Ring of Miracles is also obtained through him."

"Yes, he is best at lurking and acting." The "Ms. Now" sitting on the right side of the main seat spread her hands: "So, I appointed him to meet Tomiteri Khan. If the task is successfully completed, I agree that he has a top spot here."

"But, we have already lost his information." Sui Huo said.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." came the sound of crying.

Everyone heard the reputation and looked, and found that it was Miss "Lingyu", so they didn't feel any sympathy at all, but only felt that it was very noisy.

However, Sui Huo and Hei Snake are friends after all, so he couldn't help asking nervously: "How is he...?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. And very healthy. Queen Tomiteli is also alive.

"Then, then you..."

"But I just want to cry. I always feel that the child has suffered a lot. Woohoo, I also watched the child grow up! My feeling tells me that after this time, he will grow a lot But, wouldn't it be good for everyone to be safe? Why do you have to suffer?"

Although Miss "Lingyu" cried very sadly, it should be good news, right?So everyone decided to let go of their hearts for the time being.

"But, the Black Snake has lost contact, and the last information channel in the New World is gone!" Miss Magician said, "Father General, you should have gone to New Yumen to open a factory earlier. In this way, The guests of the new Yumen government will be you, not your deadly enemies."

"Little girl said it lightly. Trende from the Brotherhood hooked up with the God's Chosen champion a year ago. I have already lost the upper hand! Going at this time, isn't it self-inflicted?" Codenamed "Jianzuo" The old man pinched his cheek with his mechanical arm, but accidentally tore off the bionic skin, revealing half of his mechanical face.

"The fraternity is just a bunch of cautious small farmers, and I represent the future of omnics. But alas, the times always treat progress as heresy."

"Ms. Now" sneered: "To put it bluntly, isn't it because you are cowardly? At that time, King Suliuka of the empire sealed up your workshop and research room. If it was me, I would transfer all the technical backbone and equipment to the alliance, and even Community go."

Miss Magician said: "Indeed, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. The dark behind-the-scenes lords of the alliance may not understand, but the god-chosen champion on Earth must understand. Look at him, he is a very sunny person." will definitely allow healthy competition among his subordinates."

"He is not yet the ruler of the earth." Masaku said helplessly.

"You can let him be. Isn't this our style?" Now the lady said.

The flickering electronic light quickly flashed across Masaku's face, but he himself had to use half of his face covered with bionic skin to grin at the magician with a troubled smile.

The "past" prince sitting on the main seat still let out a heavy sigh: "...Everyone, you have worked hard. The past two years have been the most difficult period in our five centuries, but even In this way, everyone has always fulfilled their duties, and the lords have also fulfilled their duties."

Now the lady suddenly burst out laughing.Seeing that all eyes had turned to her, she simply put her long legs on the table, changed into a very comfortable posture, and then said: "...Okay, it's already this time, old man, there is no need to stop Let’s get to the point. Our World-Round Snake, I think it’s going to be finished! At least this fortress must be finished!”

She waved at will, and a light curtain was raised in front of her.Above the light curtain, the colossus weapon, which looks like a god's sword, has opened its front end like a petal.

Pale yellow rays of light flowed on the petals, continuously converging towards the central tip, as if countless surging rivers of light poured into a bottomless vortex.

"This thing may fire at any time. Where will it hit?" Now the lady smiled and said, "Will it hit here?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" The snake head called "Flintfire" kept waving its hands: "There are millions of stars in the Spiral Cross Nebula. It is impossible for the Empire to know where we are. Could it be that the Empire really wants to Is it possible to completely dismantle this nebula?"

Of course it is impossible to dismantle it.Even if this colossus weapon known as the "Emperor's Rod" can be fired once a day, it will take hundreds of years to tear down the most extensive "high sea" in the entire galaxy.

However, as long as it exists, it is enough to bring a huge deterrent to the entire galaxy.

The projection of "Zigong" said: "I have contacted our friends just now... They said that although this operation was led by Princess Hongqiangwei, the alliance government has made great determination. They can no longer I have exerted my influence. However, some friends promised that if they can change the whole to zero, they can find a way to protect the individual, but they need to remain anonymous."

"Break it into pieces..." Past Gong repeated.

"Yes, break it up into parts." Zi Gong also repeated.

"Now" the lady sneered: "It's not surprising at all. So, old man, admit it. We have a long history, we have masters like clouds, and we have the Qiming that even the Dragon of Dawn and Hong Qiangwei covet. However, in the final analysis, we are always a shady association. When the real ruler of the universe does not want to see us, we actually have no room for resistance."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." A burst of crying spread throughout the meeting room again.

Needless to say, it was naturally the emotional "Ling Healing", and this time everyone didn't even bother to take a look.

The projection of "Linghealing" cried and said, "I have always regarded the Void Fortress as my home. Are we going to give up this home like this?"

"If you really can't leave here, why don't you come back?" Among the snakeheads present, the only "magician" who looked like an underage girl showed an expression of great interest: "The 'lawbreaker' who is always dealing with all kinds of opportunities Uncle has rushed back, why didn't you come? Is it too late?"


"Aren't I going to go to school? I'm going to go to university in one year!" The projection of the girlish "magician" raised her head high and said in a natural tone.She tilted her head and thought about it seriously, and showed a somewhat sad expression: "This may be the last time I come here for a meeting, right? When will the next meeting be held? Although we The Snakes are such a loose club at the end of the day, but I'll miss everyone if I don't get in touch again."

"It's not confirmed that it will really end. Maybe this time we can still land safely." Suihuo said loudly: "Otherwise, how could Uncle Lawbreaker rush back? The most cowardly general will be the old man all the time. Haven't escaped yet."

The old man known as "Jian Zuo", who is also the number one master under the banner of Huan Shi Snake, raised his head, and a dissatisfied electronic light flashed on half of his mechanized face: "Little girl, I admit that I have really done this in my life. Very good at strategic transfer. This fortress borrowed the power of the alliance, but I was the one who transformed and maintained it 200 years ago. This is like my child. I am different from you young people who have no spirit , will definitely witness him to the end."

The snake heads present all felt that something was wrong, but they were indeed at the scene now, and the rest of the people who could only appear on the stage with "projections" could only pinch their noses and believe it a little bit.

"I'm here to welcome the newcomers. I should be there when all the new thirteen sides are born. This is my duty." The lawbreaker said.This is a middle-aged human man with a medium build, elegant temperament, but still dignified.From the point of view of style, if you go the white way, you must be at least a mayor or a director of a large company. If you go the black (meow) way, you must be an underground godfather-level giant, which is enough to play in the commercial blockbuster of the alliance. A talented and bold final villain.

Compared to the snake spirits that filled the conference room, this one seemed the most normal one.

However, perhaps because he was so normal, he was out of tune with the atmosphere of the scene.

He himself scanned the mysterious meeting room with a nostalgic expression, and sighed: "I haven't been back for a while!"

"You'd better take a good look at it now." Now the lady said with a smile: "If you don't look enough now, it will be gone soon."

The magician smiled and said: "Look at what you said, this kind of anti-monitoring cross-space studio is not difficult. As long as the general is not dead, it can be made in the future. And it can be changed to a different skin, which can be completely replaced next time Pink fairytale style…”


"I have no objection."

"Ladies' requests take precedence."

"Indeed, everyone is tired of seeing this classical mysterious mythological style of gray mist bronze. Changing to a relaxed style may ease our pain of losing the Void Fortress a little bit."

Surprisingly, the proposal to change the next meeting room into a pink fairytale style was quickly approved by everyone.

...well, maybe it wasn't that surprising.

This is also the first proposal passed at the Snake Head meeting.

The lawbreaker said again: "I really didn't expect that we would lose three colleagues in just one year? There is always a need for new people to sit in empty seats."

He looked at the seat opposite him, and there was an ordinary-looking woman sitting there.

"Welcome, my lord 'Witch of Thorns'. Judging from the current situation, it is actually we who need you, not you who need us."

The Witch of Thorns showed an unexpected expression: "Uh, it's really interesting. To be honest, I never thought that the legendary snake around the world would have such a frank style."

"Ahaha, grandma, I was also very uncomfortable when I first joined. But it's just like this, which makes it interesting! Students like me don't have any pressure." Miss Magician said.

The Thorn Witch pursed her lips and smiled: "Okay, then I will do as the Romans do. I joined the World-Round Snake this time to serve as an undercover agent for Princess Hongqiangwei. Everyone knows, right?"

The snakeheads looked at each other in blank dismay, their reactions were unusually calm.Even Miss "Lingyu" who was still crying nodded, then took out a handkerchief and began to wipe away her tears.

However, after a few seconds, "Sui Huo" suddenly jumped up: "What, what? Undercover!"

He had already flashed out his lightsaber, but realized that he was a "projection", so he had no choice but to put the weapon back angrily.

"Yeah, after finishing this, I will repay the favor I owe Princess Hongqiangwei, and I will be able to become a very promising snake head." The Thorn Witch took it for granted.

"It's justified." The lawbreaker nodded in agreement, and said to the "Witch of Thorns" on the opposite side: "You are welcome to join. Ma'am, what is your code name?"

"Also calling her the Witch of Thorns seems to cause misunderstanding, why not call her 'Mother Tree'?"

"Domineering!" The lawbreaker gave the opponent two thumbs up.

"But, but..." Suihuo was still incomprehensible.His brain capacity cannot handle so much information at present.

In the past, the Duke was still sitting on his seat, motionless, and said in a god-like tone without ups and downs: "This is part of the past plan. When Queen Tomiteri's empire was strangled in the cradle, we needed Another way."

(End of this chapter)

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