Him and their stars

Chapter 1177 Snake Slough Project

"We tried to bring balance to the universe, so we pinned our hopes on Queen Tomiteri. However, the dream empire of the Eero people collapsed faster than imagined. And helping Queen Tomiteri In the process, we suffered heavy losses, and we were completely on the opposite side of the Dragon of Dawn and Hong Qiangwei." Speaking of this, Gong Gong's voice finally showed some ups and downs:
"My gentlemen, this is indeed the worst case. However, even the worst case is within our expectations. The organization must pay the price, and the universe has our future."

There was a brief pause again at the scene.A few minutes later, "Ms. Now" said in a flattering tone: "But, what does the future of the organization, the future of the universe, have to do with our present?"

"Now we are going to sacrifice this Void City, 4 mercenaries and 100 million combat robots in this fortress. Of course, there is also the large amount of money we have accumulated after nearly a thousand years after the demise of the Errow Empire. Part of the wealth and knowledge. The empire and the alliance need these to get enough returns for this battle. They can use our flesh and blood to appease their followers."

Miss Magician sighed old-fashionedly, as if her own values ​​had been greatly impacted, she covered her delicate face: "There are gossip outside saying that our world-circling snake is just Hong Qiangwei's black gloves. .I originally thought it was just a rumor, but unexpectedly, the so-called rumor has really become a far ahead rumor!"

"You have to think like this, little girl. People, they always grow up in this type of blow. You have to recognize the truth of life and at the same time, continue to love life." Now the lady said in the same tone as an intimate big sister .

"But, big sister, can I continue to love the organization when I recognize the truth about the organization?" the magician asked.

"Magician, we are not anyone's black gloves, and we are always fulfilling our responsibilities to this universe." Past Gong still said in a tepid tone: "However, there are indeed some tacit understandings among them." , is also the factor that has allowed us to exist until now. Again, gentlemen, this is also in the past plan."

"I don't care. As long as the knowledge is in my mind, it is my own." Miss Magician smiled and said: "As for other things, whether you bring it with you in life or not, you have to be more relaxed when things have developed to the point."

The thirteen people present all said: Miss Magician is right!As the youngest member of Thirteen Faces, she says what we say.

Indeed, since this situation is already in place, there is really nothing else that can be done other than to be more chic.The snake heads present, no matter whether they are snake spirits or not, they are all heroes after all, which is refreshing.

So, the "now" lady sneered, and looked at a direction under the long table: "What do you think? Red King?"

This seat had been empty just now.But now, he didn't know when there was an extra "projection". He said sadly: "Thank you very much for your understanding and support. I always feel sorry for everyone."

"True hypocrisy!" Now the lady pointed at him and said, "Everyone is a frank and extravagant figure, but you are the one who is the most unhappy."

Scarlet King wiped the cold sweat off his forehead embarrassingly, and changed his voice as a matter of course: "Okay, okay, after the matter is done, I will not forget everyone's contribution."

"Can you become the emperor?" Now the lady squinted her eyes.

"At least it will become a very important weight, and it is also possible that our current plan is a joke in front of the immortal Holy Emperor. However, now that the organization has lost all room for activity in the empire, it is indeed the opposite. It's done." The Red King shrugged: "Take a step back and say, I can be the Lord Seal of the Privy Council for at least ten years, and Valpolis should not be the Prime Minister for another ten years. We can change one way revived."

"Yes, success or failure is part of the plan." Fair past.

"Yes, this is part of the plan." Now the lady put down the long legs on the long bronze table, and a pair of beautiful eyes swept over the still vacant seat belonging to the "future princess".She lowered her eyelids, shielding her sharp, even dangerous gaze with her long lashes.

Past Justice: "Then, on behalf of our 'Future Lord' and the ancestors of the World-Round Snake, I officially announce that the Snake Slough Project is officially launched!"

"Can you stop being so ceremonial every time!" Now the lady said helplessly, "The place where we have meetings is already enough for gods and gods to talk about."

"That's why I said to change the conference room into a pink fairy tale style." The magician said with a smile.

In the past, the public pretended not to hear it, and continued: "But, in order to give the snake around the world a new life, we must pay a huge price! I will stay in the void city and wait for the arrival of the coalition forces!"

This was somewhat beyond everyone's expectations, and now the lady frowned and said, "Let me explain, old man, I don't like you. Our respective executive officers even broke up with each other and even directly fought each other, but I didn't expect you to be here Hang up here."

"Don't mind, whether it's demolition or internal fighting, my comrades-in-arms, this is actually part of the past plan." Pastor Gong's tone was still neither sad nor happy, but he still squeezed a smile on his face: "Hong Qiangwei and Chen Xi The dragon kings are rarely willing to unite, not just to see a destroyed void fortress, but also to see the head of a heavyweight snake."

He pondered for a while, and then said: "I hope that I am the one who made the layout of the empire, I was the one who said that everyone started the third country plan, and I was the one who tried to support Queen Tomiteri..."

"Don't don't, I'm the one who carried it out. What you said sounds like you're slapping me in the face." Now the lady said.

"Isn't that because you had doubts about my layout, so you decided to operate it yourself?" Past justice: "However, while supporting the Eero people, I was also the one who wanted to turn them into vassals of the organization. I was also the one who tried to make some moves behind the scenes. The sacrifices that resulted were also my responsibility. I pushed myself to this point because of my darkness and stupidity, and I should pay the price.”

Now the lady sighed: "Although I really want to say that you asked for this. However, even a bad woman like me, who has no blood or tears, will still feel a little bit sad about your current attitude. "

The lawbreaker also said sincerely: "Master Future, all of us need to be responsible for today."

"It's none of my business, I'm just a JK." Miss Magician whispered.

"Actually, it's none of my business. I just joined." The Thorn Witch also whispered.

"All, the future organization, please leave it to you." Past justice: "Since this is all part of the past plan, it means that I know that all of this is possible. However, I still think that it is important for our From the perspective of the universe, that is necessary. Then, you need to pay the price. I will meet my own destiny here. But the lawbreaker, you are the strongest among the thirteen faces. You need In the days to come, perform your duties."

The lawbreaker sighed: "...Understood. I will continue to stand by for a while, but I will save myself after necessary."

Jiang Zuo said: "I've been through it, the city of the void is my work...well, at least half of it is my work. I have the obligation to witness to the end. My subordinates have assassinated the emperor, and they need my head .so……"

"You want to stay? Dad, it's not like you!" Miss Magician looked admiringly.

"I'm a prosthetic person, except for the brain, everything is a prosthetic body."

"I think your brain is almost full of prosthetic bodies." Miss Magician sneered, "If the chip dug out of the grave hadn't stabilized the circuit, would you still dare to say that you are human?"

Lingyu was also very worried and said: "You should come to my place to have a look when you have time. I also want to help you adjust your body."

"Understood, thank you... Uh, in short, I will also witness the last scene of my Void City. Without me, the combat effectiveness of the robots in the city will be greatly reduced." Jiang Zuo said: "In the past , we can give those two behemoths an explanation, but they must also pay a sufficient price. This is the balance we understand."

"Understood, thank you for your hard work." The past was fair.

Masaku said again: "Of course, I will retreat in the end. Anyway, I am a prosthetic person, just pinch a body. The brain or something has already been cloned in a petri dish. At least from the genetic test, it is not obvious What's wrong."

"However, using psychic power will find out the clues." The magician said.

"But it's just a clue." Jiang Zuo said with a very solemn attitude: "I am a scientist, and I only respect science."

At this time, General Hei also said: "Then, I will stay too. In the final analysis, I am a warrior after all. I trained the combat troops in the fortress by myself, and I cannot abandon them. Moreover, I will be guilty of treason against the empire after all. The universe is so big, there is actually no place for me to hide. Why don’t you bring a few star knights to back you up? One thing to say, Chi Wang, be me a non-human, I am full of resentment towards those knights who came from human aristocrats .”

"You..." Chi Wang felt the deep resentment, and couldn't help shivering, but considering that the "Ms. Now" was still dissing herself, he said in a very sharp tone: "Understood. I will take it with you." A group of people personally attacked your line."

General Hei took a deep look at the other party: "Although he is a colleague, he has too little contact with him before. I hope it is not too late."

"Ms. Now" glanced at the scene and clapped with a smile: "Because of these things, the future route will be very tortuous, but a bright future will always come. So, everyone, take care of yourself. I hope there will be another time During the meeting, you can see that everyone is healthy."

In this way, with the sound of the bronze bell echoing from ancient times to the future, everyone stood up in the conference room built on the gray mist and under the starry sky, which looked like a courtyard of gods.

"All spirits are real! All things are empty!"

"It's all a circle!"


"Okay, okay, I know what you're going to say, but at this time, the sense of ritual is still very important. Sense of ritual! Do you understand?"

"This sentence is the one that ruins the sense of ritual the most! Even the lair is gone, so why don't you change the lines?"

Then, at this moment, someone who didn't know shouted: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

When King Weilunt walked out of his room, the adjutant of the Chiyan people who had been on standby in the office hurried over to greet him: "Your Highness, the emperor's staff has finished firing 25 minutes ago. You said that it is just to follow the It is enough to shoot according to the established steps, and there is no need to disturb your rest."

"You did the right thing." King Wei Lunte showed a springy smile: "Colonel Yanji, I'm a little hungry."

"A supper has been prepared for you. Are you going to the officers' mess, or are you dining in your room?"

"Let's go to the officer's restaurant. The war will start soon, and I hope to see everyone's mental outlook."

The colonel nodded and began to lead the way.

Just like that, the vigorous election emperor walked into the officer's dining room with brisk steps as if he were a young man.However, his plan to be close to the people is doomed to fail.Since the Colossus weapon had just finished shooting half an hour ago, almost all the officers on the ship were at their posts.

After all, it is the imperial army with abundant martial arts, and it is also the most elite imperial guard fleet in the imperial army, so of course it is still very dedicated.

Now, the only one who was dining in the dining room was Count Taddier, the knight commander.This warrior who looks like a steel statue is also eating with meticulous movements. Whether it is cutting the meal or sending the food to his mouth, the range of motion is as precise as a robot.King Valent hesitated for a moment, but he still sat at the dining table across the aisle from the knight commander.

Then, the two of them nodded their heads across the aisle more than one meter wide.

"Sorry, I was too noisy during my meal."

"Your Highness is too polite. The officials don't eat very well either."


The two of them let out a burst of laughter of unknown meaning but didn't laugh and didn't know how to end it like ordinary people in the workplace. The knight commander continued to eat meticulously.The meal in front of him was actually very rich, with meat, soup, vegetables, fruit and even ice cream, enough for a family of four or five to have a very comfortable meal.But even so, this is nothing more than a standard meal for senior officers of the empire.

As for His Royal Highness who was elected on the other side, the table in front of him was quickly filled with an assortment of palace delicacies, with more than [-] dishes in total.Of course, each plate is not big, about enough for an adult to eat one or two bites, but just looking at the gorgeous and colorful colors, it is already very impactful.

In this way, one person eats standard work meals meticulously, and one person eats extravagant palace meals. It stands to reason that there will always be someone who can't bear it and reacts first.However, across this aisle, everyone is clearly separated, as if the well water does not interfere with the river water.Or rather, none of them seemed to be able to see each other at all.

When King Valente finished his two appetizers and Earl Taddier began to dig out ice cream slowly, His Royal Highness Yanji, the former adjutant, quickly entered the dining room.

He looked at the two of them, stood at attention in the aisle and gave a military salute, and said in a deep voice, "Your Highness, Your Excellency, the Sky Survey Eye of the Alliance has reported that the champion galaxy B187, which Snake Cave passed 488 days ago, is confirmed to be extinguished!"

"Thank you." Earl Taddier's tone was calm, and there was no wave in his mind.

"It's well done." King Wei Lunte also looked at the grilled dragon wings in front of him as calmly as water, and said in a gentle voice: "I ordered yesterday to send some fresh dragon wings to Ms. Belen Kester and General Yu Lian Over there. Has it been delivered?"

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