Chapter 1178

The so-called dragon meat, of course, does not refer to those star dragon species such as titanium dragon, rainbow dragon, and red armored dragon that can be raised by star knights and can ride through the starry sky.Of course, it is even more impossible for the ether dragon and the void dragon to appear in legends, and it is not even certain that they really exist.

To put it bluntly, they are ordinary animals that look like dragons, but because of their sacred majesty on the outside, if combat power is not mentioned, if they are really thrown in front of people in primitive society, they might really get mixed up with one of them. Beast's evaluation.

Of course, thanks to the long-term careful cultivation of the empire's developed breeding industry, the meat of these "dragons" is tender and plump, and the protein is at least six times that of beef, and they can be digested by almost 90.00% of the currently known carbon-based intelligent organisms. Nature has become the top dream ingredient.

Since it is a top-quality food material, the way of storage and transportation is also very elegant.Theoretically, even high-ranking officials and rich merchants can only occasionally eat dragon meat delicacies in some prosperous galaxies in the mainland of the empire where there are "vegetable dragon" pastures.

However, when an entire efficient and powerful department revolves around the basic necessities of life of individuals, all difficulties are no longer difficult.This is one of the reasons why human nature always has the desire to oppress the same kind.

Yu Lian looked at the fried meat wings on the plate exuding a tempting aroma, and couldn't help but think so.

"So, you actually have dragon meat on the front line, but I can only eat boxed lunches in the crew?" Feifei, who was opposite the communication terminal, changed her expression from surprise, sorrow, regret, to an indescribable expression in just a few seconds. Grief, as if lamenting someone's betrayal of working people.

"Fish, when your soldiers are still eating field rations like bricks, but you are living in luxury here like a king, you are getting farther and farther away from them."

"I agree." Yu Lian put a piece of dragon meat into his mouth and chewed it earnestly: "I personally think that King Weilunte on the opposite side only gave me two catties of meat, which is clearly to drive a wedge between the officers and soldiers. "

"So, how did you solve it?" Feifei showed a listening expression very cooperatively.

"I put the fattest dragon tenderloin in the dining room of the Fuxi and fried it for everyone on the spot. Everyone queued up for a bite, first come, first served. Although most of the comrades did not get a share, everyone was sent downstairs to the 1500-year kitchen. Yichuan was impressed, and everyone was very happy. Therefore, everyone agreed that the remaining dragon wings should be mine."

Feifei smiled: "So, when grandpa and uncle asked you to learn cooking skills, they said that learning a skill would not hurt you."

"Yes, cooks can never die of hunger in any era. However, the more important issue is that the supply of the officers and soldiers of the fleet is actually in charge of the alliance, but it is the standard meal treatment of the space fleet. They eat more than those in China. It’s okay when it’s time, so I don’t mind their commander occasionally nibbling on the dragon’s wings.”

"Well, the reasons are convincing. However, what I'm more curious about is, where did the white fur fox go?"

"Her? She transferred [-] buckets of ice cream to the Imperial Army out of her own pocket. So the embarrassing situation became the opposite."

"Hahaha, it's really like what a white-haired fox did. But, what I'm curious about is, if there is dragon meat, shouldn't she invite you to dinner and steal an orangutan or something? Have you ever seen it without stealing it?" A fishy fox?"

"... She actually went to the weapon. However, I have always felt that everything is very boring now, and there is no necessary suspicion."

Although Yu Lian felt that the explanation was a cover-up, but at this time he really could only say so.

Fortunately, Feifei didn't take it seriously either.

"The Colossus of the Empire just shot into the spiral cross nebula, extinguishing an uninhabited star system. Of course, only the snake can tell clearly whether there are people or no one. Anyway, this week, there are The pirates came out crying and surrendered. We are becoming more and more aware of the Spiral Cross Nebula. If the Snake Lair does not show up in a few days, the second attack will start. The target is the base camp of the great pirate Gong Xiao, Vulture 56 where the Eagle Fort is located. galaxy."

"...Uh, I saw the news the day before yesterday, saying that Gong Xiao surrendered?"

"Only his flagship, the Red Pearl, showed up. His younger brother Gong Luo, who is also a shadow dancer, was leading the ship, and he also brought conditions. He said that if he surrendered to the empire, he hoped to have a title and territory. If you want to join the alliance, you have to create a new franchise kingdom for him."

"What about our community? The ancestors of the Gong family were from Earth." Feifei said.

"Could it be that I, a little major general, can decide this?" Yu Lian said with a smile: "But that Gong Luo gave me a natural fire crystal cluster as tall as a person. Tsk tsk tsk, at least it can be placed on the earth. Three to five hundred million yuan. He really gave too much, so I had no choice but to reject him, and then handed over."

"Communication? How do you communicate on the front line?"

"I sold 7 million crystal clusters to King Weilunt. It's easy to deal with cash."

Feifei smiled sweetly, very pleasantly.She finally didn't ask why she didn't sell it to the white-haired fox.

However, although Yu Lian here is discussing this kind of thing in a joke-like tone, he is actually a little embarrassed in his heart.You know, in another timeline, when it comes to the pirate Wang Gongxiao, he can definitely be regarded as a man of the hour.

After the Empire completed its terror deterrence against the Alliance with the Colossus weapon, which was completed first, the Galactic Empire also officially poured into the Fermo Nebula, which is the core focus of the interests of the two countries.The greedy Dragon of Dawn even passed its sharp claws through the star gorge of Tyrosa, and began to greedily look down on the entire expanse of the spiral Great Cross Nebula.

But we also know that a great empire can often conquer a bad land, but it cannot completely control a bad land.At least, the pirates of the Spiral Cross Nebula, under the leadership of the great pirate king, have always been gathering in the mountains and forests in the most extensive "high sea" in this galaxy.In the end, Gong Xiao himself really brought the wall-riding art of jumping left and right to the extreme.

Even after the Alliance mastered the Colossus weapon, the terrifying strategic balance returned to the universe, and the Blue Star Community was torn to pieces, the old Gong Xiao already had the Viscount Sword of the Empire, the Vice Admiral of the Space Fleet, the Spiral Governor of the Star Territory, Vice Chairman of the Alliance Political Council, Director of the Standard Shipping Association, and many other titles, there are so many titles that you can apply for the name of the dish.

As for himself, at that time, he was already a psychic with the seventh ring, and his brute force alone was enough to rule the roost.

Speaking of which, Yu Lian, who used to be a sea... ranger, also participated in the "group hunting activity" organized by the leader of Gong Da.It must be admitted that although that guy is a lawless person with all kinds of poisons, he can barely get the evaluation of "thieves are also good" in general, and the opponent's subordinates and temporary teammates can also be regarded as a round gas.

In that timeline, the master Gong Xiao and his disciples have completely become regular warlords.Everyone felt that before he died, he must be able to enjoy the addiction to the establishment of the dynasty.

But this time, at least from the analysis of the current international situation, the Pirate King should have lost all room to maneuver.What else could he do but surrender?

Thinking of this, Yu Lian once again had a deep understanding of the ruthlessness and impermanence of the wheel of history.

"In any case, the number one pirate king in the galaxy has more than a million followers and slaves under his command? If he was born in the center of the galaxy, he would be able to compete for the position of the Great Khan the Predator. Since he said he was going to surrender , there are naturally many intricate things to deal with, "

Speaking of this, Yu Lian showed a wicked smile: "So, Feifei, let's see whether the Snake Lair appeared first, or the big pirates from Cross Nebula ran over to lead the way first?"

"What, are you going to bet five yuan with me?" Feifei laughed.

"Uh... Do you want to bet on the advanced No.40 fifth hand after unlocking No.60 eighth hand?"

"...Are you holding the free source wave communication channel specially for senior officers, just to leave it here for me to drive? Fish, it has drifted too far recently, so are you going to let yourself fly with the white-haired fox?" Feifei gritted her teeth, a blush flashed across her face.

Yu Lian hurriedly coaxed a few words with a playful smile, and then asked, "How are you doing?"

"The exterior shots of Pearl Coast have been filmed. Everyone is in the studio now. Mr. Aisham entered the group last week, and the progress has been sped up a lot. You really deserve to be the actor! Oh, yes, Xiaoqing the day before yesterday She also joined the group. Tomorrow is the scene between her and Mr. Aisham." Feifei said.

"I hope I won't be crushed, and I will lose interest in acting from now on." Yu Lian's bad intentions suddenly began to bubble.It's a pity that he is not at the scene now, so he can't observe this possible situation on the spot.

"If the newcomer is really crushed in the opponent's play, it means that the actor's name is not worthy of his name, and his quality is very limited. But so far, Mr. Aisham is the best actor I have worked with."

Look at the tone of this senior director, as if he has made many movies and collaborated with many actors.Yu Lian chuckled.But for some reason, he always felt that Feifei seemed to be talking about something more than just an actor in the worldly sense.

...It must be an illusion.Yu Lian shook his head and asked, "So, when will the filming be over?"

"If it goes well, it should be finished by the end of August."

"Didn't you say the trilogy?"

"What I'm talking about is the whole of the trilogy. At most, when editing in the future, I will shoot a few more shots."

Yu Lian seemed genuine.He knew that his girl was a talented young woman in literature and art, and that's why "Leng Qiu" won the Yagomi Award, but he never expected that she would be a quick shooter when it comes to commercial films.

"Okay, if everything goes well, we will be able to come back with a bunch of snake heads at the end of August. Maybe I can catch up with your finale." Yu Lian laughed.

"Then you have to make your military medals more brilliant. I guess, the finale banquet and premiere may be more lively than the Yagomi Awards, and there must be more big shots. Your military exploits will be even better by then." Brilliant, if you talk and laugh with these people, maybe you can gain an advantage, and then you can cheat some benefits."

"This "Skull Squadron" is so topical?"

Feifei went on to say: "After all, it's not the same as the grass-roots team of "Cold Hills" back then. The total number of crew members from all walks of life is less than 2000 people, and the box lunch alone costs 30 to [-] yuan a day. It's definitely an annual big production. Moreover, this does reflect a certain spiritual outlook of that era. Commander Tatos said that he plans to visit the crew in a few days, and he also plans to play a guest role."

"He really has an uncle who served in the Skeleton Squadron?" Yu Lian asked curiously.

"Anyway, he himself said so, and no one questioned it." Feifei shrugged: "Commander Tatos will resign in more than a year. He is a good man. He has become the commander of the Three Realms, and the people love him. , and there are no irreconcilable political enemies. Now I am going to retire to take care of my life, and everyone is happy to have a good relationship with him. In the past two months since the start-up, three members of Congress have come to say that they are also Skeleton Squadron There are even more wealthy people who come to visit the set and sponsor them. Huanyu specially sent a producer to take care of these relationships."

"...Uh, I thought the commander-in-chief was about to retire, and it was time for tea." Yu Lian laughed.

"Your words sound like you're scolding the white-haired fox family, but next time it's best to say it face-to-face." Feifei said.

Of course Yu Lian was joking.Although Commander Tatos is set up as a civil rights faction and a people's livelihood faction from an ordinary family, and has a high status among ordinary citizens, he is indeed a college classmate with Yani and his father, and has a very close relationship with the Hongqiangwei family. Good personal friendship.In addition, he has been the supreme head of state for more than ten years, and has accumulated a large number of contacts and reputations in the political, business and military circles at home and abroad.For the upper class, these are the best resources.

This is the difference between a professional bureaucrat and a professional politician.Most of the former’s authority comes from institutions and systems, while the latter’s resources can be regarded as some kind of “private property” in a sense.

Well, in any case, although the pilots of the Skeleton Squadron have a lot of dark history, although they are mercenaries in the strict sense, they did make a lot of contributions in the War of Independence, and shed blood in the sky of the earth. It can be regarded as a proof of the unbreakable friendship forged with blood between the Blue Star Community and the Free Galaxy Alliance.

Therefore, this "Skull Squadron" has become a key focus project of the two countries since it was first launched.

"The people on Earth are also saying that I must make this movie well, and they have sent several people to me as producers. People from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the embassy, ​​the National Defense Commission, people in civilian clothes and uniforms, It really has everything you need. If you count military rank, I’m afraid I’d have to pay a 3-minute salute at a production meeting.”

Yu Lian said, "If it wasn't for the people from Huanyu to watch, would the leader have already changed the script on the spot?"

"Yeah, so I'm being self-respecting, right?" Feifei giggled, more like a fox than Miss Bei.

So, while eating, the two chatted endlessly across five or six thousand light-years.Of course, only the peaceful mainland of the galaxy has this condition.If it is in the New World, if there is a war, the years full of fireworks will probably only be felt after all the palpitating smoke dissipates.

However, since things have developed to this extent, everything should be moving in a good direction, right?

After eating, the two kissed each other crookedly across the terminal screen before saying goodbye.

After turning off the communication, Feifei quickly swallowed her dinner, a vegetable sandwich, and then opened the shooting schedule with great professionalism: "...Well, the day after tomorrow when the commander came to visit the team? The filming is the second Department, the 78th scene, are you going to play a guest role as a passer-by in the maintenance team? Is there a rivalry with Mr. Aisham?"

(End of this chapter)

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