Him and their stars

Chapter 1182 You are a group company

Chapter 1182 You are a group company
The leader of the Great Pirate Palace Aogong who ranked first on the reward list is indeed not easy!Obviously, as a protagonist, he shouldn't be hit by the same trick, but this is indeed the second time that Yu Lian has been overwhelmed by the opponent's words.

It took a full three seconds before he stretched out his finger and scratched his ear, and said seriously: "You mean... your tribe? Want to come to the community as refugees?"

"Yes, of course it's just the new Shenzhou star region. Of course, the status of refugees doesn't matter. I hope they will become citizens after a while. They are indeed a bit unruly, but they all have special skills, and they will be a good population. .According to the master of the alliance, what is it? By the way, absolutely high-quality population!"

"Are you going to let your people leave the Helix Cross Nebula and leave your shelter?"

"No, from today onwards, they should be your people." Gong Ao showed a face as bright as a rotten peach blossom. The face of the bulldog was full of joy, and even the rust-colored folds were full of joy. with joy.

But Yu Lian hurriedly put on a poker face with no emotions: "The king of the palace is really good at joking. I am just a mere soldier. To put it bluntly, it is an ordinary social tool that undertakes violent tasks, carrying politicians with conscience and wisdom. The fruit of deliberation. It is my duty to protect the people, but the people are not mine."

He paused again, and said in a bad mood: "Only the king is qualified to talk about his own people."

"Yeah, that's what I mean." Gong Ao patted his thigh hard, with a feeling of "you finally realized it".

"Gong Dawang is really a gentleman with a great sense of humor, but the next martial artist really lacks the wisdom to appreciate humor. It seems that we don't hit it off very well." Yu Lian smiled, and stretched out his hand to grab the communication.

"Don't, don't, uncle, my people sincerely rely on you, you can't really just ignore death!"

Seeing Yu Lian's "disgusting" expression undisguised, Gong Ao hurriedly said, "They really appreciate the ruling philosophy of you and the Pioneer Party, and they want to find a new home in the New China where the Pioneer Party is in power. , you should accept this, right?"

"That's a lot to hear." Yu Lian nodded: "Well, I can guess that you really wanted to run a Utopia in the Helix Nebula before. But now, the army of the Empire and the Alliance is overwhelming , the balance of the spiral cross nebula is also broken."

"That's right! The best result is to become a source of war in the entire galaxy like the Fermo Starfield." The Pirate King said with a mournful face: "The world says that our Spiral Cross Nebula is a pirate's paradise, a forbidden area for civilization, and an outlaw place. Let me tell you something, the law and order here is much better than that of Fermore. If you really become as virtuous as Fermore, everyone's life will not be too easy."

Yu Lian smiled and waved his hand: "No, no, Fermo's 'area' is smaller than yours, but it has more livable planets and populations, and the waterways are denser and extend in all directions. And at any rate, it used to be owned by the Eeros. In the core land, you can get rich just by picking up trash. So, don’t worry, no matter how chaotic you are here, you won’t become that ghost.”

The Great Pirate King didn't know for a while whether the other party was praising him or hurting himself, but no matter what time he smiled, he couldn't go wrong, so he kept nodding with a grin: "However, in this situation, I want to take over the occupied galaxy. The business plan is no longer feasible! Even if I finally found the habitable planet, I guess I have to sell it at a low price."

Yu Lian smiled and said: "Then, isn't your people allowed to join the alliance and the empire? As long as they obey the law and really have skills as you said, the issue of national treatment that can eat basic benefits in the empire or the alliance should be Not big."

However, Gong Ao shook his head and said: "But, general! It's because they don't want to be slaves to the masters of the empire that they ran into the spiral cross nebula to be with this villain like me."

"...Uh, the alliance is a republic."

"What's the difference between paying rent to the lord of the alliance and being a slave to the lord of the empire?"

Yu Lian had to admit that this guy was quite right in a sense, and this was an improvement in another sense.

But then again, you, a mere pirate, dare to mock the serious government of the country.To put it bluntly, no matter how reactionary the government is, it should be more orderly than the black (meow) way of outlaws, right?
"So, don't your followers need to pay rent to you?" Yu Lian asked curiously.

"I really don't need it." Gong Ao showed a complacent expression for the first time: "The treasury of our Ten Treasures Ship Group is shared."

He then explained that the Ten Treasures Ship Group had actually built its own rare mine and hydroponic farm in the depths of the Helix Nebula, and had good trade relations with various smuggling groups, and the income has always been good.Coupled with all kinds of "hunting" income, the savings are still quite a lot, and they have saved a considerable amount of savings.

Gong Ao is indeed a pirate king with a clear mind and restraint in his actions. He almost never attacks ordinary passenger ships and civilian ships, but he likes to rob armed merchant ships of large companies and even imperial tribute ships.He even likes to kidnap the children of great nobles for ransom.

In the pirate industry, the business formula of meat>gold>light>disposal was summed up by him.

In fact, this kind of thing is easy to say, but difficult to do.We all know that the larger the ship of a large company or noble, the tighter the guards, and the higher the risk of robbery.As for kidnapping the children of the powerful and powerful, it is easier for the radicals to fight against each other, and it is easy to lose their living space.

However, Gong Ao has survived so vigorously after his debut for more than [-] years, and his main business and side business are also thriving.The savings of the ship group are also increasing, and there is even a proper term for "ten treasure treasury".

Of course, Yu Lian had also heard of this name.In the future on another timeline, this huge pirate treasury has been turned into a mountain of gold and silver by various rumors.Therefore, the great pirate Wang Gongao was inexplicably ranked in the top ten of the Galaxy Monopoly list in some tabloids.

But even Gong Ao himself has to admit that the reason why he is the number one pirate king in the Helix Nebula and even in the entire galaxy is because he is the richest.

If there is money, there will be a crowd, there will be masters to vote, and there will be a good ship.

"Actually, it's not that exaggerated. However, money does easily bring strength. With strength, you can actually raise your bottom line a little bit." The big pirate king still smiled very complacently.Obviously, he is still very satisfied with his reputation as a thief and a Taoist.

"The first time I hunted, I took 200 brothers and hijacked an armed merchant ship that the Angman people paid tribute to the emperor. There were more than [-] million tons of silver ingots, [-] tons of gold bars, and [-] tons of gold bars on board. All kinds of zero-element coarse ore. Oh, and there is also a young son of the Marquis of Manns. Just for this order alone, my brothers and I have earned nearly one billion gold dragons. General, tell me, If it is to rob ordinary civilian ships, can we earn this money by robbing a hundred ships?"

"It's hard to grab a thousand ships." Yu Lian laughed.

"That's it. But, if it weren't for my more than 100 brothers, everyone has a new type of mecha, several leaders have heraldry machines, and there is a shadow blade assault ship, it is impossible to grab one Tribute boat?"

Yu Lian thought to himself that you still said that you have no PY relationship with the League?You must know that the Shadow Blade Assault Ship is a product of the Kagal Design Bureau. Although it is a failed product, it is not because of substandard performance, but because it is too powerful.The reason why she was not equipped with the Alliance Space Fleet is because this kind of ship has enhanced stealth, concealed navigation and maneuverability, but sacrificed protection to a certain extent.If you want to survive on the too intense frontal battlefield, you need to install new light memory fluid armor.

As a result, its cost will rise sharply, and the cost performance will plummet, which is naturally not acceptable to the regular army.

But if this kind of ship becomes a pirate ship to launch a sneak attack, it will be a different situation.

I heard that the Kagal Design Bureau built six test ships, three of which were destroyed during the test and transition, and the other three were sealed.Then the question arises, is the archived really archived?Is what is destroyed really destroyed?
Yu Lian gave the Pirate King a meaningful look, but the other party's eyes were wide open, his face was calm and innocent, and he could even see a bit of innocence that had not been polluted by knowledge.

Yu Lian smiled: "This equipment is almost comparable to the Knights... Some people say that you dug up the treasure of the dragon from the spiral cross nebula. Is that true?"

"At least part of it is true. I'm actually a lucky person who has been blessed by the spirit of the universe." He smiled, and then said: "Because the starting direction is not bad, the initial stage of our Ten Treasures Fleet The funds have accumulated quite quickly, and my reputation is also good. Therefore, the brothers on the road also recognize me, so I can do more things.”

The Great Pirate King probably really regarded Yu Lian as a relative, and then he unreservedly introduced the current situation of the Ten Treasures Fleet.Now, this group controls 87 large and small armed ships, twelve of which are warships obtained from various channels.

In addition, the group also has a dedicated people's livelihood management department, which manages three surface settlements, a medium-sized space orbital station, two mobile docks, an arsenal, a hundred deep space automatic mining plants, and a million-ton orbital Hydroponic farm.

Of course, there is also a naturally habitable planet to be developed.

In addition to continuing to engage in the promising main business of robbing the rich and helping the poor, the Ten Treasures Ship Group is also engaged in smuggling, intelligence transactions, mercenaries, etc., and will also provide ammunition, equipment, Food and ship repair business.They even opened secret accounts in the Libra Galaxy through allies in the gray zone to make legitimate financial investments.

"I want you to know, general, we have invested in the stocks of Red Maple Factory and Farcon Company. Hehe, thanks to you, we really made a lot of money." Said the king of pirates.

"I think it's a shame for you to be a pirate king." Yu Lian praised him sincerely.

"Hehehe, I think so too." Gong Ao seemed to be doing his part.He seems to prefer his management achievements to his achievements as a Pirate King.

In short, this prestigious "illegal group" of course also has semi-slavery laborers who do hard work, but they do not occupy the mainstream, with less than 5 people.The rest are 3 professional armed personnel and 42 non-professional armed personnel. They are all full members of the "Ten Treasures Ship Regiment", and of course they are also one of the owners of the "Ten Treasures Treasury".

"So, everyone is everyone?" Yu Lianqi asked.

"Yes! The Ten Treasures Ship Group belongs to everyone. We will pay everyone's salary through the treasury, and provide pension subsidies to children and the elderly. Oh, if there is a large harvest, there will be temporary dividends."

Yu Lian sucked in a breath of Bing Kuo Luo immediately, this time he was really surprised.

Of course he knew that, generally speaking, such gangs of thieves who gathered in the mountains and forests would always form a stage of "tribal communism" in the early stages of their business.But such a situation often does not last long.Once the people reach a certain stage, they will degenerate faster than the most reactionary regime.

However, due to the differences in the skills and determination of the leaders, some groups will survive this step and become organizations with certain political ideals, commonly known as "rebels".If you can go one step further, then...

Thinking of this, Yu Lian simply sucked in a breath of entropy, feeling unbelievable, and then looked at the opposite face facing the bulldog seriously, and felt that it didn't look like this type!

In another timeline, although Mr. Gong Xiao did a good job, but in his later years, he just evolved into a warlord stage of jumping left and right.I don't think it has evolved to the next step!
"My feeling is that you seem to have turned your ten-treasure fleet into a promising...well, a large collective enterprise?" Yu Lian said.

"Uh, this statement is very appropriate. Speaking of which, I also learned from you, basically imitating your Red Maple Factory model, and making some small modifications to adapt to the status quo of the industry." Gong Xiao scratched embarrassingly. Scratch your head.

He said it very briefly, but Yu Lian could guess that if this guy wanted to change the pirate group to such a style of painting, he must have gone through a bloody storm internally.

However, Yu Lian was not too surprised.Gong Datou can be regarded as a grand thief and a hero, but he has never been a soft-hearted master.

Yu Lian felt that this kind of positive butterfly effect was also good, but for a while, he still didn't know what expression to show.He pondered for a few seconds before he said: "I really didn't expect that you are quite well-informed. The Red Maple Factory has expanded its business fairly well in the past two years, but it hasn't crossed the Far Shore Nebula, let alone communicated with you. deal."

"This... the Engineers Guild, do you know about it?"

I know.The vest of the Omnic Brotherhood.Yu Lian thought.

"I know, a technology promotion organization full of the spirit of internationalism. They are very capable, they speak nicely, and their views are correct. I really like them." Yu Lian said.

"Well, I like them very much too. Our Ten Treasures Fleet Group, the current fourth master, is a teacher from the Engineer Guild Hall. Everyone respects him very much!"

Come on, those prosthetics always have a special contact method.Yu Lian even felt that they had even opened a branch of the Engineer's Guild Hall in the Spiral Cross Nebula, perhaps earlier than the branches of New Shenzhou and New Yumen.

The Pirate King's expression slowly became serious: "General, my old brothers, who have been this...well, the owners of collective enterprises, really have no way to go to the Empire and the Alliance to pay rent to the lords. .This kind of thing, the whole universe, you should be the only one who understands it? Now, after counting the whole universe, only Lumina, and the new Shenzhou are everyone's appetite."

In comparison, New China actually lacks more manpower, especially skilled immigrants with technical skills.As for the members of the "Ten Treasures Ship Regiment", except for the elderly and children who lack the ability to work, those who can go to the Spiral Cross Nebula to join Gong Xiao, isn't that one with special skills?

I don't know why, when the other party said these words, Yu Lian, who had only believed three or four points, immediately believed seven or eight points.

"All the bottles and jars in the Spiral Cross Nebula are gone?"

"Haha, my other subordinates are also communicating with the masters of the Imperial Alliance. Those can be discounted. If you are not willing, I will not force it."

"So, how are you going to go?"

"Hahaha, five years ago, I took my brothers to snatch a large workship from the predators, so I also took the mercenary bounty and medal from the covenant coordinating country opposite. It has been remodeled, and it can take away everyone who wants to leave. However, I have to ask for your help in coordinating the route."

"You can rest assured about this. I will do my best to smooth the traffic along the coast." Yu Lian pondered for a while, and then said: "It's just that an unarmed refugee boat is one thing. A fully armed group is another. It's over."

(End of this chapter)

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