Him and their stars

Chapter 1183 The Weakness Really Is the Ventilation Duct

Chapter 1183 The Weakness Really Is the Ventilation Duct
Yu Lian thought about it seriously, and felt that he should have a way to make the New Shenzhou Star District accept these "refugees".The princes of the earth should think that these people are the children of the pirate group, which is an inherently unstable factor. If they are to be placed in the Terra star area, or the hinterland of Atlantis, it must be Not very happy.However, it would be no problem to leave it in a backcountry like New China.In this way, the Blue Star Community can also establish itself as a responsible big country, and the princes of the earth will be very satisfied.

Of course, the Empire and the Alliance may have some doubts.Well, it depends on the attitude of the leader of the palace.

Sure enough, the pirate king said: "Yes! From here to New China, the fastest route is of course to pass through the Tyrosa star gorge, enter the border of the Kingdom of Circe from the Fermo star field, and enter the border of the Kingdom of Circe from New Atlantis. access to the Community. But the road is not safe."

"There is another one, which is to leave from the Alliance." Yu Lian said: "However, it is very difficult for the Alliance to allow your fleet to pass through. Unless you dismantle your battle fleet and disarm yourself. And, you will definitely A considerable number of MPs will demand that you be arrested and brought to Nefe for trial."

After all, the reward list for Chief Gong Da was issued by the Galactic Civilization Council, and it is applicable all over the world.He himself and some core leaders are also on the wanted list of the Guerrilla Association.

"At least, it is very difficult for you to escape trial. Even with the intervention of powerful figures in the alliance, you can escape death, but you can't escape prison. The back half of your body will also be monitored and placed under house arrest, and occasionally you will be pulled out as a prisoner. For the mascot. Can you accept it?" Yu Lian asked again.

"Impossible! So, this time you destroy the snake lair, I will take the [-] old battalion brothers under my command to fight in the vanguard." The Pirate King shrugged: "It's up to them who will die and who can live and make meritorious service. Good fortune. Then, I will take the remaining subordinates and surrender to the empire."

"...Many imperial nobles died at your hands." Yu Lian said.

"There are quite a few imperial nobles who died at your hands, and they were all celebrities." Gong Ao said with a smile.

Yu Lian gave the other party another meaningful look: "Well, you are human, and you are also a psychic. If you make great contributions in the battle of Snake Cave, it is in line with the taste of the empire. Not to mention His Majesty the Emperor, even if it is a general election The emperor has the right to bypass the royal council and the court to give you an amnesty."

"I don't dare to count on the emperor. How can a rough man like me go to Longlin Palace to face the saint?" Gong Ao hurriedly shook his head.

"Then we have to find a general election emperor. Uh, I heard that in addition to the pot of crystal coral you gave me last time, you also sent an ancient ether dragon skull fossil to King Weilunte opposite?"

"Uh, in fact, I gave gifts to all the emperors who were elected." Gong Ao grinned: "Actually, there are some local products that only the Helix Nebula can produce, and the lords of the empire just like these rare things. .”

He paused for a moment, and then said: "However, King Weilunte has always appreciated me very much, and even said that if I am willing to accept his offer, he will designate a place in his own territory for me to garrison troops. .”

"Then the establishment will become the trilogy of the princes of the vassal. However, the treatment of the tributaries of the princes is not necessarily worse than that of the imperial army. It depends solely on whether the lord has money. It is not generous. King Wei Lunte should not have such a thing. Problem. Moreover, his retainers lack generals who can lead the army. You can just make up for his shortcomings." Yu Lian nodded.

"That's why I feel the pressure is huge! I'm just a pirate, and I haven't led any large army..." Gong Aodang even showed a distressed expression.

"It doesn't count if you said it yourself." Yu Lian laughed.

"Huh? If I said it myself, it doesn't count?"

"Yeah! You attacked Toss's merchant ship eight years ago, sneaked all the way into the Nansen Interstellar Market Harbor, burned the transport ships of several countries, and looted Nansen's treasury record, but it was included in the textbook of the Royal Military Academy. Oh." Yu Lian said.

The so-called Nansen Interstellar Market Harbor refers to one of the largest space cities in the middle of the spiral nebula channel, and it is an autonomous trading port hosted by the Galactic Civilization Council.

Speaking of this, Yu Lian also has to admire the empire's mind in some aspects.In that Nansen attack, apart from the Toss Merchant Group, the biggest loss was the empire.The rest of the countries gritted their teeth with hatred for the leader of the palace who caused the instigator. In addition to gnashing their teeth with hatred for him, the empire magnificently included this battle example in military textbooks as a model for surprise attack operations at airports.

At that time, Marshal Dulunkao, the spear-holding minister of the Imperial Marshal's Mansion, even said in front of reporters: "He (Gong Ao) is a xxx villain, and he should hang his head on the highest space city in Tianyu to dry himself! But, that XXX stuff is really XX good!"

Yu Lian laughed and said, "Speaking of which, you also liberated [-] slave laborers who were transported to the Empire's Star Heroes, and distributed most of the cash in Nansen's treasury to the poor in the city?"

Gong Ao said helplessly: "Actually, our main purpose is to rob the bank. The slave laborers rebelled by themselves, uh... The poor people in the neighborhood come to pick up gold coins that we can't take away, and I can't take care of them."

"Look, great wisdom, great courage and great benevolence. This is not the posture of a famous general. What is it?" Yu Lian gave a thumbs up.

The Great Pirate King pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his chest: "Since my uncle said it, then I will accept it. Hahaha, I really deserve it!"

Yu Lian found that it was the first time he met an opponent who could be compared with himself in terms of integrity, and the intimacy really came to him.

"Furthermore, in this battle, he is the only one who is elected to the front line, so many things will be fine. As long as he makes the promise himself, it should still be fulfilled."

In general, although King Weilunt is a two-way plug, although he walks in a disgusting and handsome style that should be retired from the group, although he always likes to laugh, he often laughs very fake.However, regardless of personal emotions and differences in gender, King Wei Lunte can indeed be a "virtuous king" template for a virtuous corporal.He has always been very good to his own people, and he has never missed titles, honors, and treatment.

"...King Valente is indeed very sincere. However, in the past few days, there is a Lieutenant General Humelet on the side of the empire. I don't know where he got my private terminal code and sent it to me. A secret letter. Said to send me an invitation on behalf of his lord."

"Lieutenant General Hummer?" Yu Lian wanted to show his teeth.

"Yes. Lieutenant General Endric Hummerley, First Military Inspector of the Imperial Privy Council."

"That's a temporary position, and this position is actually the palace minister of King Suliuka."

What the hell, that orange cat is obviously still in the New World, why are the cat's paws so long?
"What about the conditions he offered?"

"All my subordinates must be dispersed, but all the soldiers of the old battalion have official military positions in the imperial army, and they can officially obtain citizenship within three years of service. All leaders have at least a third-class knight title. In my words, hold on Viscount Jian, a major general of the Imperial Guard, if he can make great contributions, he may obtain hereditary territory before retiring. Also, all psychic users have the opportunity to study in the knight order." Gong Ao pondered for a moment: "In addition, she also Having said that, she has designated some exclusive development zones in her own territory and implemented some new economic policies. My people can move there to live, and she guarantees safety and supplies along the way, and everyone has a settling allowance , and will definitely provide housing and work when we arrive.”

Yu Lian sighed with emotion: "She is very frank, but it is indeed her style."

"...Yeah, that His Highness didn't offer a frighteningly high price as if to buy people's hearts, but just offered a hope that seemed very solid." Gong Ao sighed.

"So, what about your own thoughts?" Yu Lian looked into the other's eyes.

The Pirate King said with a bitter face: "That's why I want to ask my little cousin! Is His Royal Highness King Suliuka a trustworthy person? Is he a lord worth following?"

"Why do you ask me?" Yu Lian's smile suddenly collapsed.

"This...uh, the whole universe knows it! Don't you know what jokes are popular in the empire recently?"

Yu Lian said with a stern poker face: "I haven't heard of it, and I don't care about it, and I don't want to hear it now. Of course, putting aside these insignificant rumors, she will be a saint, at least she has the ability to become a saint." The master's potential. Of course, if you don't have such great ambitions, you might feel very tired following such a master."

The Pirate King nodded in understanding, and also withdrew his smile, and changed his formal title: "Then, General Yu, let's talk about business. My fourth-in-command dear master..."

"The one from the Engineers' Guild Hall?"

"Yes, he led the engineering team to participate in the daily maintenance of the Snake Cave."

"...The more you get to know the snake around the world, the more you feel that their style is changing drastically. The majestic snake lair, the mysterious mobile fortress, and the maintenance work should be outsourced?"

"Of course their technical ability is very strong, and there are research rooms, laboratories, arsenals and even shipyards. But, in terms of engineering and maintenance level, who doesn't know the ten light-years and eight hundred stars of the Spiral Cross Nebula This is the skill of Master Baoxin."

The Pirate King gave Yu Lian a thumbs up on the spot.

This is still somewhat convincing.In the future of another timeline, Samos is the president and number one thug of the Omnic Brotherhood, but the number one mechanic is actually this heart-loving master.What he didn't know was that this old man actually sat in a top position on Gong Ao's mountain.

"Moreover, it's just the maintenance of some peripheral defense facilities. It doesn't involve the core of the fortress. Perhaps, in the eyes of the masters of the World-Round Serpent, this can still establish a good relationship with other forces in the nebula. In fact, Although the snake around the world is very secretive, it is not an extreme mystic, but it has done a lot of business with us. Those of us space moles hiding in the spiral cross nebula, there are not a thousand people who have been to the snake lair. There are always eight hundred." Gong Ao said.

Yu Lian said with emotion: "Sure enough, the world is not about fighting and killing, it's also about the ways of the world!"

Even snakes are not immune.

But, then again, isn't the rival of the Omnic Brotherhood, the Prosthetic Order born out of the Fourteenth Workshop, the rival of the Serpent of the World?
Yu Lian felt that the demonic aura in this was too great. If it was someone else, he would definitely feel that the other party was plotting against him.However, for the sake of his relatives, he asked directly.

Gong Ao showed a confused expression: "But, although Mr. Baoxin is a member of the Engineer Guild, he is not a prosthetic person! I have dealt with the masters of the Omnic Brotherhood and the Fourteenth Workshop. , The relationship between the two parties is indeed not good, but I have never heard of any irreconcilable conflicts! They occasionally collaborated on research projects."

...Come on, I was misled by the memory of another timeline again.So, what happened in just a few short decades?
Then, I saw that Gong Ao had opened a structure diagram of the fortress, of course, it was only the outer outline.In terms of detail, it is really far inferior to the one Yani took out.

"There is actually a weakness here." He pointed to a point on the periphery.

"Oh?" Yu Lian was a little surprised.When the battle meeting was held before, the siege experts of the Three Kingdoms pondered over the fortress structure diagram that Miss Bei had brought out, and they did come up with some battle plans, but they didn't include this one.

"In this area, I remember that there is a floating fortress gun, 120 eight groups of turbo laser groups, and a hangar exit hidden."

Of course, this is what Yani said on the blueprint. After so many years, I don't know what it has been changed to.

The leader of Gong Da nodded: "That's right. This A-11 area is equivalent to the artillery defense position of the Snake Cave, and the outer layer is also covered with fluid armor and force field shields. Leaving aside those secondary guns, just talk about this door. The floating fortress guns, including four high-power positron cannons, can swim above the fluid armor, forming a complete shield for the entire left side of the fortress.”

"There are eight such artillery positions in the entire snake den." Yu Lian said, "What a hedgehog."

Of course, the same sentence, after so many years, maybe one or two of the eight artillery formations will be scrapped.Otherwise, Snake Cave would not have invited foreign aid to maintain it.However, as a military officer, the basic quality is to be lenient in anticipation of the enemy.If you really expect the opponent to have some weapons that cannot be used, then that is definitely the way of thinking of the Showa staff.

Moreover, no matter how hard this snake lair is, it is impossible to compare with the original "Devil's Throat" fortress.But in the same way, it is impossible for the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms to attack a mighty fleet of one or two thousand ships in the Helix Nebula.

"So, where is the weakness you mentioned?" Yu Lian asked.

"The masters of the Snake around the world hope to improve the hangar so that it can command and maintain a large number of drones."

Yu Lian nodded.It would be strange if the snake around the world didn't have advanced drone technology.

"The other party is an expert in the construction of drone equipment. However, in terms of engineering transformation, it is Mr. Baoxin's forte. During the process of transforming the hangar, he discovered a design problem." Gong Ao said The structure diagram of the fortress was enlarged again, and then a key point was marked on a position: "This is it, there is a small energy outlet here."

Yu Lian shivered for a while, wondering why this scene sounded so familiar.

"Of course, this vent is protected by a force field shield. However, small combat aircraft can physically pass through the shield and approach here. If you drop bombs inside through this vent, you can..."

"It's possible to directly attack the main reactor and knock down the entire fortress boom, right?" Yu Lian said listlessly.

"How is it possible? Whose fortress is designed to be so mentally retarded! Even though I am a layman, I know it!" Gong Ao glanced at Yu Lian suspiciously, almost showing a mentally retarded expression.

Of course, considering that it was his uncle, he still explained: "Actually, this heat exhaust port is for the reactor of the fortress gun. However, the heat exhaust pipe is very close to the automatic ejection chain of the drone library next to it. We As long as the disintegration reaction warhead is used, it is possible to penetrate the pipeline and attack the opposite hangar."

Yu Lian suddenly realized that this was a more reasonable setting.

(End of this chapter)

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