Him and their stars

Chapter 1184 Please lead us to drink snake blood

But even so, so what? " Yu Lian said: "Destroyed the hangar.Well, well, even if you are lucky enough to cause a short stoppage of the fort's artillery, it is impossible to cause a fatal blow to the defensive skills of the entire fortress, right? "

"Yes, but once the hangar is destroyed, the balance of the fluid armor and shields in this area will be out of control, and it will form loopholes for a long time. To this extent, your country can use firepower to focus on this area and destroy it as much as possible. These anti-aircraft guns. It would be even better if we can directly destroy the guns of the Positron Fortress." He showed a row of teeth that seemed to be shining in the sun: "Then, we can start large-scale airborne missions!"

Yu Lian was immediately amused: "Boss Gong, you still say you don't know how to fight?"

"I'm a pirate. I'm not talking about it. In terms of the experience of jumping gangs, the imperial guardsmen of the empire will not be more experienced than us." The great pirate king once again showed an embarrassing smile like a bulldog: "Except Besides, I really don't know anything about military affairs."

Yu Lian smiled and said, "Anyway, your battle plan is still back to jumping on the gang, isn't it?"

"I've said that I don't know anything about military affairs. I really can't help you with battle plans or anything. I just came up with an immature, small idea." Gong Ao showed a sly smile: "I think, the lords of the empire and the alliance are not going to use that terrifying colossus weapon to knock out the snake's lair, are they?"

The preview smiled: "Probably not. For the masters of the empire and the alliance, the snake lair is in the final analysis another relic treasure of the Enlightened One. They put on such a ostentation, not only because they want to see the snake head Our leaders should also take into account the benefits in the secular sense."

"So, once we complete the gang jumping and build the vanguard, reinforcements from the Alliance and the Empire will always follow. However, the strength of our earthlings can't be compared with those two sides."

Yu Lian looked at the other person's rust-colored skin again, thinking that you just say you are from the earth, anyway, this kind of thing is also about cultural identity.

"That's natural. If it wasn't for the dreadnought ship that happened to be built in the alliance, if it wasn't for the Fuxi ship to come to do actual combat tests, I guess there wouldn't even be a friendly stand on the street this time." Yu Lian said that he couldn't agree more .

"Once the army rushes to the snake's lair, we can't compete with those two sides for the spoils. Then, at least we have to take the honor and honor of being the first to ascend."

"I got it, so what?" Yu Lian said quietly.

"Once you get it, you have more room for bargaining. Isn't there room for the gentlemen of the earth to engage in diplomacy? Don't the gentlemen of the earth like this tune the most?" Gong Ao said.

Obviously, although the leader of Gong Da is in the Spiral Cross Nebula, he is no stranger to the way the community government behaves.In other words, all gentlemen should be like this.

Gong Ao grinned, and repeated what he said before: "As for the job of bombing the vents, I will take the brothers from the old camp to do the starting job."

Yu Lian knew that if this battle plan was really carried out, the casualty rate of the troops bombing the vent would be the highest, so he frowned slightly: "Is it necessary to do this?"

"If you don't reach this level, don't you suspect that this is a trap that I colluded with the snake? If it wasn't for the sake of your relatives, you would already be suspicious of me now?" He licked his face and smiled.

"No... don't say that you are just a cousin who has been around for three thousand light years. Even if you are a real nephew, I would doubt it." Yu Lian felt a little regretful as soon as he finished speaking.

Sure enough, the other party immediately climbed up the pole: "Yes! Uncle. If you make a suggestion, you have to implement it. Otherwise, why should people believe you? We walk in the rivers and lakes, and we need such a situation to be able to do it." of."

Yu Lian nodded slightly: "Well, a responsible man is so embarrassed. But, what do your subordinates say?"

He asked technical and operational questions.After all, tasks similar to this death squad, although attractive, although the credit is great, but the risk is also great, even the regular army, can only be carried out by the most elite troops.Although King Gong's Ten Treasures Fleet is the most powerful pirate in the galaxy, and perhaps the most organized pirate, they are pirates after all.

"I understand what you mean. That's why I will fly the plane in person." Chief Gong said loudly.

He gave another thumbs up: "It's not that I blow my mouth, the whole spiral cross nebula, I'm the pilot of the No. [-] Tianzi!"

The record that the big boss Gong Ao got in the textbook was that he took the opportunity to fight in person.

Yu Lian always felt a little unrealistic.After all, the King Gong in the previous timeline had given him too much impression.At that time, he was already old and had been a pampered warlord for many years. He had completely grown from a bulldog to a chow chow, and he didn't look like he could get into the cockpit of a fighter jet.

However, this guy said it in a playful and smiling tone, but Yu Lian could really feel this person's determination, and he couldn't help but feel awe.

Anyway, when the critical moment comes, this guy can really spare it!

Yu Lian sighed: "Your Majesty Gong, you still say you are a pirate? With such courage and determination, if the world is in chaos, you will be able to be a straw king."

"Cousin, tell me, can this troubled world come?" The other party opened his mouth wide, still smiling like a bulldog who has gnawed a bone.

Yu Lian didn't answer, but poured himself a glass of ice cream slowly.

But the other party didn't bother: "Princess Hong Qiangwei, and the dragon kings of the empire should be considered decent masters. If my brothers and I can succeed, at least the credit should not be overwhelmed. Those who survive will always have a future and a family." Karma, don’t complain about the dead.”

He repeated what he said before, with a look of insight and fate.

However, Yu Lian knew that the other party actually had another meaning.After all, the Ten Treasures Fleet Group is an independent armed group. Even if it is about to be "recruited", it is also an element of instability. The casualties of the pirates are also heavy, and the big shots above are more at ease.

Of course, Gong Ao can count on the lord he relies on to be a magnanimous and trustworthy holy king, but a mature leader cannot think in this way.

Now that such a consensus has been reached with the Pirate King, Yu Lian did not waste any more time, but immediately took stock of the forces available to his own fleet, and then summoned the fleet's command for a meeting.

At this time, all the affiliated fleets sent from China have arrived.Light cruisers and destroyers for escort and reconnaissance, aircraft carriers and heavy cruisers for support operations have all arrived, and there is even a nano-repair ship just introduced from the Iron Army Complex.Compared with the mighty fleet of the Alliance and the Empire, the people on Earth are indeed a bit shabby, but overall they are still fully functional.

Speaking of which, when Marshal Paris was mobilizing the fleet, he planned to send a few arsenal ships with heavy firepower, but Yu Lian refused.

"The lower officials have always felt that in an era when defense is far stronger than offense, doesn't this kind of thin-skinned arsenal ship seem particularly unsuitable?"

"It is precisely because the defense capability of the current battleship is stronger than the attack, there is such a design to enhance the vitality of the limit! In a sense, this is also an idea drawn from the design of the Marauder's battleship." The marshal said.

"They are stacking cannons, but we are stacking high-power ammunition." Yu Lian shook his head and said, "Moreover, in order to ensure the safety of such ammunition storage, we even changed the ship's power supply circuit, making the entire ship's Mobility is affected."

"According to what you said, this kind of arsenal ship should be eliminated?" The marshal was not too surprised: "Yang Xiyi also told me what you said before."

Yu Lian said: "Your Excellency, if the fleet is to be opened up for a decisive battle, the arsenal ship may be necessary. But in this situation, I am not willing to sacrifice the mobility of the entire fleet."

"The mobility of the fleet?" Marshal Paris repeated Yu Lian's words. After thinking about it for a while, he didn't ask any more questions. He just said, "You are the frontline commander, and I will fully consider your opinion."

Speaking of this, Yu Lian was naturally not sleepy, so he licked his face and said: "Since this is the case, how about assigning a few more heavy cruisers to the lower official? The dignified fearless is a fierce tiger, how can there be no minions around him? There is no need for battle patrols anymore, our copycat version of the Clear Sky class... oh, yes, the Xiaguang is very good. I don’t want much, twelve or three ships will do. There are also Unicorn class aircraft carriers, we also copycat Has it succeeded? Has it been put into production? Has it been officially named the Saratoga class? Another five or six ships will be added, and the scene here will be spectacular!"

"Do you think I have anything to release the treasure vase of the fleet?" The old marshal squinted at him and said angrily, "There is not a single one. All the fleets of good ships are waiting in line, why should I give it to you first? To be honest, a lot of people have already said strange things about allocating the fleet to go abroad to fight this time and handing it over to you, a junior, to command it.”

Yu Lian didn't need to ask, he already guessed what it would be about.It's nothing more than wasting military expenditures for armed parades, wasting people's money and swollen faces to make people fat.

The old marshal said again: "However, I will try my best to assign you the elite crew and marines. However, as for the psykers... all the combatants of the Azure Guard who can drive the emblem machine to battle are only 489 people. Leaving aside the trainee guards who only have one ring, those who are stationed on the front lines of the New World, and those who need to guard the mainland, my manpower here is really limited. If you can find a way to hire some psykers, I can reimburse you here."

Well, it is actually a tradition to have mercenaries in war.Moreover, in this idealistic world, all countries have a huge demand for psykers, so they will naturally turn their attention to the group of wild psykers.After hiring a few times, everyone will get to know each other well, and maybe they can recruit these wild psykers.

However, Yu Lian himself was not prepared to do so.If you really need a psychic, the worst thing is to ask the teacher for help.However, he didn't think it was necessary at all.

In the final analysis, it is the empire and the alliance that are leading this snake suppression operation, and the community is here to stand in the street for friendship, so there is really no need to deliberately exaggerate their sense of existence.

Marshal Paris said with emotion: "You have gradually matured. This is always a good thing."

Yu Lian didn't quite understand what the old marshal meant, so he could only respond with a specially trained, impeccable business smile.

Although Marshal Paris pretended to have no ships, but he had one, he still transferred four Xiaguang-class ships and one Saratoga-class Teutonic Forest to Yu Lian.The unicorn-class large aircraft carriers of this copycat empire will all be named after major battles in the history of the earth people, hence the name.

The old marshal did not fool himself. There was also a brigade of marines in the fleet, who was called from the first division of the marines stationed on Earth, the "Hu Ben Division".

You know, for the front line of the New World, the community has used 80.00% of its active marine divisions.Two of the three elite troops with division numbers were sent to the front line of the New World, and the "Hu Ben Division" was the only one left in the country.

Marshal Paris actually mobilized the Earth's defense forces for himself. It is conceivable that he should bear a lot of pressure, and Yu Lian was immediately moved.

Of course, we also need to know that "Hu Ben Division" is the community's number one ace-strengthening division, with a total of five brigades...

The brigade commander of the 4th Brigade of Huben Division is Brigadier General Zuo Wanhu, 41 years old this year.Like this domineering name, I am also a domineering macho. He looks even taller and stronger than Marine Corps Director Lieutenant General Seyo. At first glance, he even thought it was a castle made of steel and granite.

Yu Lian could feel that this person's vitality was quite surging, and he might be able to kill one or two low-ring psykers with little combat experience with brute force.

Of course, although Brigadier Zuo looked like a humanoid monster, his attitude in front of Yu Lian was still very upright.

In addition, although the strength of the Blue Guards of the public body is said to be stretched, the marshal finally squeezed out a little manpower for Yu Lian, which happened to be a four-man team of a standard combat unit.The captain is Colonel Mina Walter, a "ranger" of the three rings.

This is a silver-haired, red-eyed, tall and glamorous ice beauty. She is just 30 years old this year, and she is just at the most attractive stage for women.Of course, red eyes are not a characteristic of people on Earth, which means that she, like a certain sniper lady who is addicted to the vulgar tastes of dead houses, should have the blood of Tirilo people in her ancestors.

However, to say the same thing, even Gong Ao who grew up like that said that he is an Earthling, and of course Colonel Walter is also an Earthling through and through.

Commodore Zuo Wanhu, Colonel Walter, and Commodore Tovey, the captain of the Fuxi and the deputy commander of the fleet, constituted the entire leadership of this small community fleet.

Of course, theoretically there is also a staff team, but since it was formed temporarily and they are not familiar with each other, there is no way to talk about the staff.So far, they have been doing office work at Fleet Command rather than staff.

This department is headed by Brigadier General Mkawa, who has no distinctive appearance and no personality.

It was a pity that Yu Lian was not with Luo Zeshi, otherwise he should have had a capable adjutant and staff officer by his side.

In addition, there is also a supervisory department sent by the National Defense Commission.The leader is the diminutive, dour Colonel Sindar.Everyone knows that this guy is actually an imperial envoy sent by the princes of the earth, and everyone respects him at a distance.He himself knew his place, and had always enjoyed being invisible.

But no matter what, even if they are invisible people, they can be regarded as high-level fleet officers, and they always have to participate in combat meetings.

However, what Yu Lian never expected was that when he said the preliminary battle plan, the gloomy Colonel Xinda immediately stood up and said loudly: "Understood! Your Excellency Commander, please lead us Go drink the blood of the snake!"

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