Him and their stars

Chapter 1190 In order to maintain the peace of the universe

Yu Lian knew that these warships were actually the famous "Praise" class arsenal ships.It is said to be an arsenal ship, but in fact the size and quality are already close to the slightly smaller Battlecruiser.It adopts a very extreme design, its speed, battery life, and protection are not satisfactory, and it is very prone to failure. It belongs to the inherently deficient type of maintenance and service for half a year.However, she is equipped with a huge fortress cannon.

This kind of ship doesn't even have a secondary gun or an anti-aircraft gun, but it is equipped with such a powerful fortress main gun.

It is said that some designers of the alliance military think that this configuration is still somewhat problematic, and they should install some secondary guns, otherwise they always feel that there is no sense of security.However, some smart people at a higher level said that it was originally an extreme design, and it would not even be able to survive without the protection of the subsidiary ships, so there is no sense of security here.It's better to strengthen the advantage to the extreme.

In short, every gram of the "Praise Class" arsenal ship is prepared for that powerful fortress gun.

It is conceivable that if this kind of ship is alone, even if it encounters an armed merchant ship, it may be difficult to survive.However, it can still have miraculous effects in fleet decisive battles or fortress assaults.

Now, the Tribute class has been in service for ten years, and it is said that it was specially designed by the Alliance to deal with the Sky Forts of the Empire.With the mentality that I want what the enemy doesn't have, and I want what the enemy has, the empire is also working hard to design a similar type of arsenal ship, known as the "Wuwei" class, and it is said that it has already begun to equip it.

The crimson positron beams released by the twelve Praise-class large arsenal ships pierced the dark starry sky like the blade of a god, and stabbed at the silver-white hemisphere in the distance.

However, to bombard at this distance, even the Positron Fortress Cannon, it is almost difficult to guarantee the hit and power.Sure enough, after the beam of positrons crossed the standard range, it obviously spread.After a distance from the huge fortress, it completely lost its power and dissipated into the space.

Of course, Yu Lian knew that the coalition's bombardment should not be just for simple deterrence.

On the opposite side, Miss Bei smiled and said, "I'm not a fleet commander, so I have to trust professionals."

Then, I saw the twelve Praise-class ships get closer and fired another round of salvo.

Speaking of which, installing fortress guns on the hull is still an anti-human design after all, and firing a few more guns is bound to cause a certain burden on the hull.This is why the "Praise Level" is on duty for half a year and maintains for half a year.

"What an expensive firework!" Yu Lian said with a smile: "You don't mean to force the opponent's main gun to fire?"

Yani shrugged: "I'm not a commander. But I do know that no matter how much black technology the World-Round Snake dug out and how many peripheral organizations it has, it's just a mysterious association that doesn't see the light. It's absolutely impossible to talk about technical reserves. It may be compared with a great country. No matter how powerful the fortress guns on the Snake Cave are, they must be outdated. However, these Praise-class ships are actually equipped with MK27 Shining Blade-class positron main guns. The new equipment completed by the future laboratory this year. In the test last month, the effective range can reach 0.85 astronomical units."

"Are you actually telling them that even in terms of firepower and range, we have an absolute advantage, so the enemy's morale is chilled?"

"No, I'm a scientist anyway, and I need to test new weapons through actual combat." Yani showed a bright smile: "Besides, Yu Lian, the Colossus of the Empire threw several strong shots into the spiral cross nebula. It's hard to bounce. We have to show a little bit."

The so-called response, shouldn't they be at the same level?Yu Lian sneered in his heart.

Yani continued to be serious: "The so-called praise level, even if it is a mobile fortress cannon, its power and range will exceed all current fortress weapons."

"Including those on the Imperial Sky Fortress?"

"Including those." Yani said with a smile: "That's enough. If we also use the colossus, it will have an obvious confrontational nature. This is actually not in line with the basic principle of the tripartite cooperation to fight for snakes."

"The Union is really a peace-loving country. I really cried to death." Yu Lian wiped the tears on his cheeks in a resemblance.

"Oh, the tone of the whole galaxy is about to be peaceful. If we don't get in tune, the world will be under great pressure." Miss Bei acted like I was carrying a heavy burden.

The senior officers on the Fuxi bridge looked at each other.They are all smart people, so they can naturally hear the yin and yang in the conversation between the two, and they always feel that they can't hear these words without paying.Some people think that the commander should be reminded to turn off the sound-shielding force field, but they dare not speak for a while.

Looking at the snake den over there.After pausing for a few seconds, it seemed to have finally sensed some real danger, and then began to accelerate again, continuing to drift towards the inner circle of the galaxy.

"I always feel... It's going to take those space cities as hostages. If he leans against those space cities, our fleet's firepower will fall into the trap." Yu Lian laughed.

"This is indeed a problem. Maybe it can also explain why Snake put the battlefield here. But, Yu Lian, the hostages can only be effective if they are truly regarded as human beings." Yani said calmly.

Yu Lian gasped again from the scorching hot breath in the bridge, bared his teeth and said, "So you're not going to treat them as human beings?"

"Our complex has been smashed by you, and we have nothing to fear."

"...That was done by Colonel Xorla on the opposite side. I was just offering an idea. He also smashed the villa area of ​​the empire."

"Yeah, so the Empire has nothing to fear. We can wait for them to come and be the bad guys."


"Okay, I'm just joking." Yani laughed: "Looking at your appearance, you should have some guesses, right?"

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, then looked at the surrounding officers.Everyone understood that this was a confidential and important discussion between His Excellency the Commander and Princess Hong Qiangwei who was opposite, and they breathed a long sigh of relief, expressing their understanding.

"The current situation has stabilized. Although the officer is stupid, he can temporarily act as the commander." Brigadier General Tovey said.

"After the arrival of the two Norda-class ships of the alliance, can they be included in the unified formation?" Brigadier General Mkawa said.

Yu Lian nodded in approval and returned to his commander's seat.As soon as he sat down, Colonel Singer brought over the coffee and ashtray, then stepped back a few steps, and activated the sound-shielding force field.

...Well, in a sense, this is also a talent!

Yu Lian sighed with emotion, and then said to Yani: "The snake's behavior is very abnormal."

"It's really abnormal. I have predicted their actions many times, but I didn't expect to come to Canchuan at all. This is indeed a very abnormal behavior." Miss Bei said.

It's not normal to co-author what you didn't guess.Yu Lian chuckled in his heart: "The shots that Snake Cave fired at the space city cluster on the fifth planet just now are a bit strange."

"Oh?" Yani couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"The alliance's bombardment will not be indiscriminate, so the snake around the world probably will not." Yu Lian said in a deep voice: "Yani, as far as you know, the most profound mystic operation can derive the distance of the space jump. How far?"

This seems to be too jumpy.However, the person she was talking to was after all the extremely intelligent Princess Hongqiangwei.After thinking for a while, she asked: "...Do you mean that the reason why the other party chose this galaxy as a battlefield is because they considered the way out? Once the situation is not good, the snakeheads may travel through space How to escape to those space cities?"

"The big hermit hides in the city. Sometimes, the best way to escape is not to build a hole to hide, but to blend in with the bustling crowd. Our military operations have indeed affected the commercial road trade during this period. But there are still 500 billion people in this galaxy."

Yani nodded slightly: "So, that's why you asked Colonel Kesola to blockade the orbital space cities on Planet 4?"

Yu Lian shrugged his shoulders: "Although this may be whimsical, maybe those few shots from Snake Cave were blasted out of some space beacons or transit nodes."

"...This is beyond my understanding of mysticism. If we don't consider the existence of the virtual world, our current limit jump is about 1000 million kilometers. The mysticism reserve empire is slightly better than us, but in terms of space applications , the alliance is more than a little stronger. Don't you know this?"

What Yani was referring to was the work that the two of them did in Tianyu, the imperial capital, and Yu Lian had certainly seen it before.

"However, in the field of mysticism, all possibilities cannot be ruled out." Yani looked at the moving direction of the snake cave: "The fortress is now 4 million kilometers away from the orbital metropolitan area of ​​planet 1500.... It is 5 million kilometers away from planet 4000, It is at [-] million kilometers, and it is still shortening..."

She finally understood: "Hahaha, so that's the case. If the orbit is taken into account. These two planets are at the closest distance these days. If the snake is really what you think, they will choose two planets. In this way, all the space cities in Chancheon may be their escape routes.”

"However, this requires a space jump distance of nearly 3000 million kilometers, as well as extremely precise positioning." Yu Lian said: "That's why I guess whether the other party is setting up space nodes in a way we don't know."

Before he finished speaking, Colonel Singer waved to himself outside the sound-shielding force field, jumping up and down like a big horse monkey.After connecting to the external communication, Yu Lian heard Brigadier General Tovey's report: "Your Excellency, Snake Cave is bombarding Planet 5."

"4000 kilometers away?"

"Yes, so the ion beam dissipated halfway." The old captain added: "There is a defense satellite over planet 5, and the wide-area shield is being deployed, and the current state is stable."

"Understood, continue to monitor."

"Understood." Brigadier General Tovey said again: "In addition, the 'Glutton Fleet' of 'Strawbeard' Marshall Munch has also arrived! They are on standby near the halo of planet 7, and there is no communication for the time being. However, their ships The main engine has been turned off, and the bow gun port and active radar are also turned off."

I haven't made up my mind yet!But as long as you come, it's an attitude.In this way, the four pirate kings of the Spiral Cross Nebula, except for the unlucky guy who was shot, are all here.It's still quite interesting.

After the communication was cut off, Yu Lian looked at Yani behind the window.Obviously, she should have also learned the same information from her subordinates, and she immediately showed a genuine expression.

"A wise man cannot underestimate people's imagination. Whether it is the boundary of science or the boundary of mystical energy, it should be unlimited." Yani looked Yu Lian up and down, and there was even an undisguised expression in her eyes besides admiration. affectionate.

"It's really admirable, classmate Yu Lian, you actually guessed the tricks of those snake spirits one step ahead of me..."

"This is just some wild speculation." Yu Lian waved his hand very modestly.

The ultimate jumping distance of the Holy Sky Jade he (robbed from Xia Li) will be extended according to his own strength. A little guesswork, it should be able to reach more than 1000 million kilometers.

Moreover, in the future of another timeline, when countries were studying the snake lair, they made some detailed academic reports, pointing out that some of the cannons on the snake lair were modified by alchemy.As for the direction of the transformation, there are still different opinions.However, some space arrays engraved on those guns can explain some problems.Some people think that it should be to enhance the range of weapons through space arrays, but some people think that it should not be so simple.

But no matter what, without the above information, Yu Lian might really not be able to guess this place.
"This is the Dragon of Daybreak! Isn't that what it means to move above the nine heavens, move clouds and spread rain, and be mysterious?" Yani smiled sweetly, with a green face.

Yu Lian already had goosebumps when he heard it: "Are you playing with me?"

"Shame play? You're so good at this?" Yani suddenly showed a look of astonishment, but she seemed to be a little eager to try again: "Then we have to finish this battle."

The fox really deserves to be a fox!
Fortunately, she didn't linger on this issue for too long, and sighed: "Actually, if the snakeheads really want to slip, they can also choose to go through the void. Fortunately, this is not the norm."

Yu Lian knew that even though he went to the Void Realm, he was about to return home.But in fact, that vast gray space is always an unnatural realm located in the shadow of the physical universe, which is far more dangerous than the most dangerous cosmic environment.

Even if there is a snake head who has a way to escape through the void, it can only be the top expert.The "Ms. Now" I met last time is fine, as are the "Future" and "Past", but it's hard to say at the level of Thirteen Faces, let alone the rest of the executive officers.

However, this also shows that, for a master of psychic abilities who can be called a god, the army really cannot trap them to death.

The alliance and the empire themselves don't expect to be able to really destroy the snake around the world, right?
At this time, Yani said again: "Tell me, if I disclosed the news just now to the empire, would they just demolish the space city of Canchuan?"

"Even if the empire is not a human being, it shouldn't be able to reach this point, right?"

"Who knows, you can try anyway. Anyway, they are the only ones who do bad things."

Then, with Miss White-haired Fox's undisguised malicious speculation, the Imperial Fleet, whose total strength was one and a half times that of the Alliance and three times that of the Community, finally arrived at the battlefield mightily.

The leading imperial dreadnought "General Lovegate", covered in gorgeous golden light, descended into this galaxy like an arrogant queen.It has just appeared on the stage, and it has already sent a wide-area gravitational wave communication to the entire galaxy.

"In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, and to maintain the peace of the universe, in the name of the Holy Galactic Empire, I urge the terrorists whose fortresses are unknown to surrender immediately! I repeat, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!"

At this time, it was already the sixth hour of the battle in the Canchuan Galaxy.

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