Him and their stars

Chapter 1191 The Last Journey

Reasonably speaking, the Imperial Fleet was almost the last one to arrive among the main force to encircle and suppress Snake, but perhaps because their warships had the most gorgeous and exaggerated paint job, their sense of presence was indeed very strong when they appeared on the stage.As a result, everyone forgot to laugh at them for a while, and each of them was overwhelmed, thinking that the strongest should really be the finale.Now that our strongest teammates are on the scene, it's time for the climax (meow) stage of a full-scale counterattack.

Yani commented: "Sure enough, as the old people say, when fighting, the one who comes up last is the one who screams the loudest."

"Your alliance does not do this kind of thing less." Yu Lian felt that it is really important to have self-knowledge.

"Yeah, so can't you hear that I'm actually laughing at myself?"

Since she said so, Yu Lian had no choice but to believe it.Anyway, as long as people abandon their integrity, they will not have any weaknesses.

At this time, the communication between King Valente and Count Tatier also came over.Thus, a simple tripartite high-level military meeting began.

Of course, the matters that should be discussed were basically discussed in several on-site meetings in the previous month.

What's more, the snake hole on the opposite side jumped directly to the Canchuan galaxy, which really surprised everyone, but other than that, it didn't show a fighting power beyond everyone's imagination.

Just like Miss Bei said in the report on the fortress, the only thing about this fortress that overturns common sense is that it can move like A Piao.But other than that, the deterrent power shown so far is even far inferior to those of the Empire's Sky Fortress, let alone the "Throat of Hell" that swallowed millions of lives of the coalition forces in a few months last year.

Now that everything is under control, this meeting can immediately get down to business.

Therefore, Yani explained: "Our tentative shooting just now did not trigger the opponent's counterattack, so at least we can be sure that the fortress guns in Snake Cave did not exceed our estimate and should be within the controllable range."

"How can this be seen?" asked Count Taddier.

"Because our Praise-class arsenal ship has actually brought the opponent into the effective range. The three rounds of positron cannon salvo just now are only 70.00% of the limit output."

Earl Taddier was slightly taken aback, then quickly straightened out the other party's logic, showing an expression of admiration, and said with a smile: "Then, according to the original plan, your praise level will destroy the overall shield of the snake lair. Our army will Clear out all escort aircraft, as well as warships. If there are any."

"Let the special warships deploy gravitational disruptors to block the space point where the snake cave jumps to." Yu Lian felt that although he was a little transparent here, he must be reminded of the things that should be reminded.

Earl Taddier said: "Our mine-laying fleet has already been dispatched. During this process, the fleet of Snake Cave should intercept it. In this way, the formation of these fleets will inevitably be pulled apart. This is our chance to wipe out the enemy. .”

"Annihilate the enemy in a place that must be saved? The boys of the empire are already hungry and thirsty for their spears!" King Weilunt's face was full of admiration, and his voice was full of emotion. He was a qualified flatterer.

"Then, it's the follow-up attack! The request of the Grand Marshal's Mansion is for us to capture the fortress and try to capture the snake's head as much as possible. If we can capture any one of the three alliance leaders, it will be called a great achievement for destroying the country." ” said the earl.

"The commander-in-chief also has a similar meaning. To be honest, if you don't send someone to go up to see it, who can prove our achievements? Maybe that fortress is a fully automatic weapon, and there is actually no one on it." Yani laughed.

"If that's the case, we will be the biggest laughing stock in the universe this century. However, this is indeed a blasphemy that those evildoers will do." Wei Lunte kingly said.

The count said to Yu Lian: "...Then, let's choose the area to attack according to our last discussion."

Yu Lian smiled and said: "Yes, each is responsible for a certain area, and it is best to join forces in the fortress. If you need the cooperation and cover of friendly forces, you can communicate in advance."

Those present were all sensible people, so they naturally knew that the joint action of the three countries was actually a political show for the whole universe. After all, there were too many problems left over from history among everyone, and there was no precondition for unified command.

That being the case, it is better for everyone to take care of each other.

Anyway, our own troops have an overwhelming advantage, and our fault tolerance is much higher, so we don't have to worry about being defeated by the World-Round Serpent one by one.

"As for those unscheduled helpers... Hehe, of course they are not unscheduled. They will play their due role, right? They won't make trouble at critical times, right?" Yu Lian added.

King Wei Lunte immediately showed an admiring smile: "Although Yu Lianqing is young, he has such a steady and careful side, and this statement is also mature and prudent! However, I still want you to rest assured now, this king guarantees it with the coat of arms of the Dragon of Dawn , they must be reliable helpers.”

King Valente is indeed a social master who is very good at making friends, and also very good at making friends.Yu Lian really wanted to respond in this way, but considering the meaning of ridicule, he gave up.

Yu Lian hid his scrutiny eyes under a sincere smile, and saluted: "Your Highness looks like a gentleman at first glance. Since you have spoken, I can rest easy."

"This king is not good at military affairs. To put it bluntly, I just came here to gain military merits. Please leave the on-site command to the gentlemen." Speaking of this, King Wei Lunte raised his fist vigorously, and shouted passionately: " However, this king is a psychic no matter what, at least he can act as a small soldier who charges into the battle, if necessary, please commander just use my power."

... To tell the truth, if the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms were forced to the point where an elected emperor had to charge himself, there would be no need to fight this battle, and the so-called generals should kill themselves to thank the world.However, people talk about this, at least this attitude is very admirable.

What's more, as long as such words spread to ordinary soldiers, at least it will be a huge boost to the morale of the entire army.

So, after the military discussion was over, everyone began to implement it vigorously. In 5 minutes, under the cover of eight protective ships carrying wide-area shields, the twelve Praise-class ships began to accelerate and started salvoing again.

Miss Bei did not blow her mouth.The crimson beams of light whizzing out from the warhammer bow of the arsenal ship were brighter than before, and this time, they lost their momentum when they hit the shield of the snake lair.The energy shield turned from transparent to tangible, and turned into ripples that kept rippling, but it was still spreading, as if it was about to turn into cracks.

At the same time, the six Lion Shepherd-class light cruisers of the Imperial Army also began to maneuver towards the airspace on the edge of Canchuan, which is also the point where the snake cave entered just now.

These ships carried proton torpedoes and mines, as well as several gravitational jamming generators.As long as this thing is placed around the gravity well, it can cause the gravitational data disorder within a certain range. Although it is impossible to cause the gravity well to collapse or even die, it will definitely disrupt the resonance between the engine and the gravity well. The jamming craft left the system.

The attitude of the empire is very clear, since everyone has come, there is no need to leave in a hurry.

But at this time, the leader of the Ten Treasures Ship Group, Gong Ao, turned his head and said to everyone: "Everyone, it's time for us to play! The future of the brothers depends on this fight!"

He lowered his eyelids slightly, and then looked at his big belly, which he saw for the first time. He immediately showed a disgusted expression, and hurriedly tightened the bulging fat, then pulled out his sword, and shouted: " Cho Lang Lang draws out his sword! Hurrah, stepping on the joint battalion! I will personally drive my Zhaoye Jade Lion into battle! Are you willing to follow me?"

"You have already painted your fighter plane black, what kind of Zhaoye? What kind of Yu?" The second master said angrily.

"It's called a temperature-resistant synthetic black phosphorus coating, and it has a certain radar absorption effect! Well, hunting and snake hunting are not the same thing! We are participating in a serious battle for hegemony, so be serious!" Gong Aoda The leader said.

"War for hegemony? So from now on, we are really the imperial army?" The third master waved his cattail fan and smiled.

"It's not only the imperial army, but also a retainer of the Dragon King." The second master sneered.

"Then dare to ask brother, who is it? King Wei, or King Su?" Wu Dangjia clasped his fists and said.

"...Well, at least so far, we have agreed to King Wei to accept the imperial offer, but for this battle, we can obey the command of Earl Taddier. But when it comes to the critical moment, we still have to accept the dispatch of General Yu Lian. "Gong Ao said.

"I understand, big brother really chose King Su!" The third master clapped his hands and laughed.

The Fifth Master was quite satisfied, even a little excited: "Being servants to such a goddess-like queen, won't we really become noble white knights?"

"That's fine. The fourth master and the sixth younger brother took our family members to vote for the community, which is equivalent to voting for that one. We also voted for King Su. Rounding up, it is still considered a part-time job for the whole family, but we can't It’s heaven and man forever.” The second leader also nodded in agreement: “I just don’t know if it will go well, and that person is not the head of the community. Will the earth government lock us out of the border?”

The third master shook his cattail fan and continued: "Second brother, don't worry, it will be smooth. The community will definitely let us enter the country, and will definitely send us to New China. However, General Yu Lian's position is... ..."

"Isn't that troublesome? That general sounds like a good official!" Wu Dangjia was a little worried.

"That's actually a good thing. Xiao Wu is a good boy, as long as he knows he's a child." The third master laughed.

Gong Ao finally couldn't listen anymore, and slapped the table hard: "Okay, listen up, this is a war, please be more serious! It's also the first time that our brothers from the Ten Treasures Fleet Regiment fought against Yang Wei in the universe. ! I will go out in person and lead the way into the abyss! Do you want to follow?"

"I have no choice but to follow." The second master said.

"I want to sit on the boat and fight with you to the end." San Dangjia said.

"Oh, I'm a knight, follow my brother into the abyss!" Fifth Master began to lie.

"Remember, there are no snakes!" Gong Ao said again.

"Oh! No snakes!"

"Pass down the order, this time it's not hunting, and the seized things must be handed over to the police!"

"To surrender!"

"Do not fire black guns at friendly troops!"

"Don't do it to friendly troops... Uh, what if it's that murloc and Strawbeard's subordinates?"

"It's okay... No, it's not allowed! Really, after this battle, we will be the serious masters of the imperial guards, so we must be decent!"

On the Fuxi, Yu Lian, who had concluded the military meeting, also turned off the shading force field, and said to the senior officers on the bridge: "We will still attack the standard No. 3 area of ​​Snake Cave according to the original plan. Go to the tactical position first. Stand by, wait for the bombardment of the alliance to destroy, and the fighter jets of the Ten Treasures Fleet to launch an attack, and then prepare to jump to the gang and land."

Brigadier General Tovey nodded, and said again: "Do you want the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry to dispatch?"

Brigadier General Mkawa couldn't help casting a curious look.As the chief of staff, he naturally knew that the four new assault ships that looked like light shuttles were parked in the hangar of the Fuxi, and they were said to have adopted new designs and new equipment.

As a soldier, even if he lay down again, he would definitely be interested in the new equipment.

"But, I'm not going to use it here." Yu Lian decided to tell the truth.

Brigadier General Tovey hesitated to speak.He seemed to be trying to figure something out, and with a serious expression on his head, he said in a deep voice, "Isn't it used here? The officer understands what you mean."

The chief of staff, Brigadier General Mkawa, probably guessed something, and a blue color flashed across his face, but it seemed that he was going to say nothing on this issue, as if he wanted to completely forget about it.

"If there is a landing battle, brigade commander Zuo Wanhu will be in command of the front enemy, and Colonel Walter will be the deputy. Is that so?" the old captain said again.

"It's natural." Yu Lian looked at the other party suspiciously.Don't understand such a matter of course, why does he have to repeat it again.

"It is my hope that the commander should remain in command at critical times," he said.

The co-author is for me?Yu Lian was immediately amused, and said with a smile: "Captain, if the commander is the highest-ranking psychic, what should happen in the past military regulations?"

"Since the establishment of the Commonwealth, there has not been such an example." Brigadier General Mkawa also put on a remonstrance.

"Okay. Let's start from scratch and create new regulations." Yu Lian waved his hand: "Don't worry, I'm not a brave fighter after all. If the situation goes well, I'm certainly happy Sit firmly on the Diaoyutai."

On the other side, in the snake lair, the mysterious meeting room that seemed to be above the gray mist and under the starry sky had returned to its original appearance.When the environmental projection in the room established by mysticism dissipated, a very modern meeting room was revealed.

The steel ceiling and walls, and a large row of various terminals in the center flicker with continuous data and projection images, which are all the real-time battles in this galaxy.

The scene here is no different from almost all previous military command headquarters.

The "past" man who was still sitting on his seat looked at his colleagues in the room and their projections, and said softly, "Everyone, this is the end. Our beacon has been buried. Now, it is It's time to say goodbye for the last time."

The real bodies of the snake heads and the projections got up one after another, and said loudly with unprecedented solemnity: "Everything is empty, and all spirits are real!"

"It's all a circle!"

Then, the old man suddenly stood up and dropped the robe that was wrapped around his body.Everyone suddenly discovered that this mysterious and gloomy old man was actually much taller than imagined.

At this time, he was wearing a silver battle armor and holding a golden halberd, tall and mighty like a descending god.The purple skin exposed outside the armor is covered with wrinkles, but it doesn't look old at this time, it seems that there is lightning in every cell.

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