Him and their stars

Chapter 1192 You Are Finally A Mature Master

"Grand Past" raised his golden trident and slammed it on the ground.Then, behind him, the invisible energy became tangible, and at the same time, it condensed into four figures also wearing battle robes and armor, but they were all him.

If he hadn't been there all the time, the snakeheads here wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between his real body and his phantom.

"I can form an army by myself! This old man's big head is not something everyone can get. Let's see, what kind of quality these young people are now!" His voice was calm, his expression was quiet, like He looked like an ordinary and calm old man, but in his eyes, it seemed that a volcano was about to erupt.

"Spellbreaker" bowed slightly, and his voice was full of determination: "I will fight side by side with you. I will let the person who should appear appear in front of you."

Behind him, "Black General", "Jiangzuo" and "Mother Tree" all made the same move.They will be the members of the Thirteen Faces who stayed behind in the Snake Lair and fought with the "Master of the Past" to the end.

The projection of Miss "Magician" sighed faintly: "Master, if you have been showing today's domineering a few years ago, the relationship between 'now' eldest sister and you will never be as bad as it is today."

However, at such a critical moment full of a sense of ritual, the seat of Ms. "Now" is empty, and there is neither a person nor a "projection".

As for the "future man", it is nothingness as before.It's just that everyone is used to it.

"Miss Magician, the views of this old man and Ms. 'Now' are slightly different, but after all, she is an idealist with excess power. After that, the reconstruction of the organization may need to trouble you." Past Duke Wen said: "After this battle is over, you are the new 'past'."

"Can this kind of thing be appointed?" Miss Magician, who was the youngest among the people present, or at least seemed to be the youngest, was shocked immediately.She looked at the colleagues present again, and found that no one expressed any objection.

"You should also find a replacement." The lawbreaker said with a smile: "There are thugs like me."

"...Doesn't Madam have any objections now?"

"She's an idealist with excess power."

At this moment, in an unknown galaxy within the Spiral Cross Nebula, Ms. Now, who did not participate in the last meeting of the Snake Lair, has come to the sky above an earth-like planet.

Seen from a high altitude, this planet presents a palpitating scarlet yellow color, like incompletely fermented methane.In fact, the planet's atmosphere is indeed filled with highly toxic elements, covering the entire surface of the planet.It is hard to imagine that there will be life in such a place.

The "now" lady put on her nano-armor armor, spread out her wings of steel, descended from the sky like an angel, and soon penetrated the toxin-yellow atmosphere.The face frame window inside her mask constantly reminds the environment and ecology at this time, and all kinds of extreme data are constantly flashing red, just like the Nephi Stock Exchange after the speech of "Peace for a Generation" by the Secretary of State of the Union appeared. It's like the military stocks in the country.

However, she didn't realize it, she kept falling, and soon passed through the ominous yellow poisonous fog, and landed on a vast swamp like a vast ocean.

Without going through the mech's detector, she could already see countless shadows lurking in the swamp just by her eyesight.

"...Unexpectedly, it can really survive! The vitality is indeed amazingly tenacious. However, it is still weak."

She knew very well that with her current strength, she could detonate this swamp on the spot with a wave of her hand.Even if there are hundreds of millions of shadow creatures hidden in it, they can't hurt him at all.

"The future father, and the old father in the past, why do you have such high expectations for these things?" Now the lady still can't understand this truth.However, she wasn't ready to think about it.

Her current task is nothing more than cleaning and recycling.She needs to keep the recyclables in a safe place until the organization finds a new stronghold and testing ground.

Just like the current task of "Past Lord", it is to die willingly, let his head and snake cave together, to appease the anger of the dragon kings.

"Now" soon found an island surrounded by toxins in the middle of the vast swamp.However, when she stepped on the ground of this island, it seemed like she was stepping on nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, she had arrived in a strangely scattered space.Countless irregular clouds float in the dark space, their constantly expanding and compressing shapes are like a pile of fragmented but growing weird biological tissues.Those biological tissues are linked together by indescribable tentacles, like a huge labyrinth intertwined in this world dominated by the chaotic gray mist.

And within that dense net, something caught her attention.

It was a mind that swelled like a hill, or rather, a bug with a huge head.Yes, under the mountain of flesh covered with gullies and tiny nerves and blood vessels, like a huge organ, there is still a body composed of carapace, arthropods and countless arms and legs.

However, it is not so much that it is a part of the body, it is better to say that the part of this giant head

"It's so ugly... Since it's the so-called will of the swarm, shouldn't the appearance be diversified? Is this for a sense of ritual?" She shook her head and stretched out her hand towards the thing.

The invisible psionic laws seem to form an invisible but ubiquitous tide.Then, the brain-body spectacle as huge as that hill, like a sand sculpture built on the beach, quickly disintegrated under the washing of the tide.

Then, in the separated brain body, a chrysalis as tall as a person was exposed, which seemed to be made of clear and alluring amethyst.

"Ms. Now" pondered for a while, adjusted the device on her wrist, opened the interspatial bag and tried to suck in the crystal worm pupa, but it didn't move at all.

One of the most powerful psykers in the galaxy looked around with some confusion.Fortunately, there is no one around now, otherwise she must be able to experience the feeling of death.

She brushed off the non-existing soil on her body, and said to herself solemnly: "It turns out that this is the final matrix of the so-called Leviathan's Lair. She can store hundreds of millions of fighting individuals of the swarm, And it is possible to upload and transfer consciousness and even the body through the swarm neural command network. It does contain the fact that we cannot understand the laws of space for the time being, and naturally it is not something that our space operations can easily move."

There is one thing to say, Ms. "Now" is really not a self-talking snake psychic, she is actually recording and filming the whole process now.These audio-visual data have been transmitted to the rest of the snake heads in real time.

Of course, this galaxy, deep in the Spiral Cross Nebula, is surrounded by a dark, toxic atmosphere.In addition to containing a large number of toxins that are harmful to living things and can even corrode ordinary metals, the atmosphere also contains some special natural magnetic fields that will affect communication.

However, the ship of Ms. "Now" is parked in the sky above this planet. It is a light shuttle ship made by the Snake of the World using the black technology of the Enlightenment. The inconsistent battery life can also play the role of signal relay, which is almost equivalent to a small source wave mobile terminal.

"Now" Ms. used the camera that came with the nano-mecha to take pictures of the entire four sides of the large crystal worm pupa, and then used a new function of the mecha.Then, countless nanomachines rushed over, covering the whole crystal and the bewitching purple light.When they are closed, they form a very sci-fi metal cabinet.

However, the shape of the cuboid is a bit like a moving stretcher, and somewhat similar to a coffin.

The lady snorted in disgust, pulled the coffin with the tractor beam, and the driving mecha began to climb.Immediately afterwards, the gray chaotic world surrounding her receded silently.Thus, the hazy world full of toxins descended once again.

"Ms. Now" looked at the swamp below her.She knew that apart from the heraldry machine, even the most modern mech equipped by the elite stormtroopers of the Empire and the Alliance would not last long in such an environment.However, among the swamps and toxins, those insect-like figures live particularly freely.

"...It's a pity." She sighed in her heart.

After sending the Leviathan brood to the ship, he will detonate all the thermonuclear warheads buried on the surface.They ignite all the pyrogenic elements in the poisonous air, turning the whole planet into a hell of fire.The burning process will last for more than a month.

If the empire and the alliance were really lucky enough to get the star map from the snake lair, they should have arrived here after the burning process.At that time, they will only see a desolate planet that has been completely purified... Speaking of which, the toxins in the planet's soil and atmosphere may be evaporated by [-] to [-]%, and it will fully meet all the conditions for a habitable planet transformation .From this point of view, we can still be regarded as a whole universe that has done a good thing.

"Ms. Now" pondered this, dragging the motorized coffin behind her to continuously raise the height.However, when she got out of the atmosphere, she couldn't help but stop.

The light shuttle spaceship that she hovered in the orbit of the planet has been completely smashed to pieces.In the same position, there was a monster as big as a battlecruiser.It has a triangular shape, and its whole body is covered by insect carapaces. Its appearance is not smooth, but covered with uneven scales.The sharp horns stretched out from the giant worm's body, clearly showing the texture of the cuticle of a creature, but with a feeling of hard alloy.

Ms. "Now" has never doubted that that thing can easily tear apart the armor and shield of a capital ship with only those horn-like horn-like spikes, let alone her own small ship. A light shuttle the size of a cruise ship.

A man-made Leviathan of the Swarm...the space workhorse "battleship" of the Swarm.

"Now" looked at the airspace farther away, and saw three Leviathan battleships of the same size.These four majestic giants between monsters and battleships have already sealed off the orbit of this planet.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the intensive warning sounds of the mecha, a large group of swarms that could soar in space came out from the gap in the belly of the Leviathan bugship.

It was a large group of monsters like caterpillars with wings, each with a body of more than three meters, a wingspan of more than five meters, and an ugly and ferocious head.Of course, the head has the compound eyes of insects, but the mouth can have the characteristics of plants again, which can be opened like an overlord flower, and then protrude a daunting spike.

It's not so much a head, but a mouthpart specially designed for spraying and biting.

Tens of thousands of these monsters rushed out at once, surrounding Ms. "Now" three times inside and outside three times.

"Dragon worms? It has evolved to this level. Four years ago, dragon worms could never operate in outer space orbit." "Now" the lady is amazed: "But, I don't understand, since it can travel in outer space Why do you need to grow wings? Is this to expand the area of ​​the bomb? Or is it for the sense of ceremony? Xia Li?"

"Of course it's for the sense of ritual." A girl's voice passed through the space without sound transmission medium, passed through the lady's mecha, and rang in her ears.

Afterwards, the Lord, who was wearing a biological armor, with horned blades in his arms, octopus limbs in his back, and snake beards, stepped on a flying crab that was only more than ten meters wide, and came out of the crowd.

"Long time no see, long time greetings, ma'am..."

"Now" the lady folded her hands, sat on the metal coffin behind, and said with a smile, "Xia Li, I remember that we didn't have any personal grievances."

"Yes, compared to those in your organization who wanted to hunt me down, you at least helped me a lot. Especially after I met Tomiteri, after all, you facilitated our tripartite covenant. Although all this, It was all after I formed an alliance with Tomiteri." The master of the swarm showed a ferocious smile: "But, ma'am, Tomiteri's country collapsed, and her whereabouts are unknown. The snake around the world will be accompanied The Void City will fall together. The old man who wanted to hunt and kill me will also fall soon. Ma'am, it’s just a moment and a moment.”

"Ms. Now" slapped the table and laughed: "So, you put us, the empire, the alliance, and the community together. The one who has been sitting on the sidelines and watching the tigers fight with cold eyes is actually you! Xia Li, no, I My little master, you have finally matured, you are a mature camp leader."

"I'm just a mature escapee."

"So, tell me, Master, how did you find out here?"

Xia Li was not going to hide it, and said frankly: "I have my father's star map, and I have collected almost all the fragments of the Leviathan brood. As long as I get close to the nearby galaxies, I can always feel the fluctuations of the brood .Especially when you arrive at this planet, close to the land where the brood has taken root, and try to transfer it away, such fluctuations are particularly obvious."

"So, how did you get close to this distance without me noticing?"

As one of the most powerful psykers in the galaxy, her ability to perceive danger is beyond the imagination of ordinary psykers.Moreover, she has already set up automatic detectors in the gravity wells of the galaxy.

If there is really a massive object, whether it is an artificial aircraft or a space Leviathan, she should be warned and have enough time to escape.

However, these four huge Leviathan bugships and hundreds of thousands of bug swarm troops really touched the orbit of the planet without a sound, blocking all the ways to evacuate.

"I know you've maxed out the stealth and hiding abilities of the big guy." The lady glanced at the Leviathan bugship and the black dragon bugs with a sneering expression, and said with a smile: "But, after all, they have It should not be so easy to hide after it has grown to this state, right?"

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