Him and their stars

Chapter 1194 Extreme Bullfighting

Chapter 1194 Extreme Bullfighting
At this moment, Yu Lian who was on board the Fuxi suddenly felt a tingle in his head.

He frowned, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the porthole in the distance.His sight quickly passed through the distant porthole and touched the more distant starry sky, which was also the direction of the Spiral Cross Nebula.

However, very quickly, this little inaudible turmoil in his heart was calmed down by his own mental defense.

One's own mental defense mechanism is constructed through the principle of the silver dragon's breath after reaching the saint stage.Through the circulation function of the spiritual pulse that has reached the level of Dacheng, it can form an all-round 24-hour uninterrupted protection for one's soul and memory.

As a result, the small tingling pain that formed just now quickly disappeared without a trace, as if it was just a slight illusion.

However, all of this was enough to make Yu Lian vigilant.As a psyker, he said that he must not ignore all subtle changes in perception, which is common sense in the transcendental field.

However, the ebb and flow of this spiritual wave seemed too swift, as if he dropped a small stone in his vast ocean of consciousness, and then lost his voice.

If it was a peaceful time, he should spend some time meditating seriously to see what went wrong.But now, after all, the battle against the Snake Cave has reached the most critical moment, and it is not the time to be distracted at will.

Just 10 minutes ago, Fuxi had received a message from the alliance, saying that according to calculations, the shield response of the Snake Cave had been weakened to a very subtle level.If all goes well, the powerful firepower of those Praise-class arsenal ships should completely destroy the shield of Snake Cave in a very short time.

The meaning of the alliance is still very clear. No matter what attack plan the earthlings have, it is time to make preparations in advance.

"Your Excellency, the Qingqiu on the Alliance side sent another communication just now, and the shelling can last for another 5 minutes. After that, the fleet needs to be withdrawn for repairs." Brigadier General Tovey said.

Indeed, during the long-distance artillery battle that lasted for several hours, even if the alliance used the frigate to deploy the wide-area shield and extend the range, it would inevitably suffer some damage.In the process of the two sides shooting each other, after all, one of the Praise class was seriously injured by the deadly attack of the Snake Cave drone and withdrew from the battlefield.

As for the remaining eleven ships, after so many salvos, the state of the battleship itself has finally reached its limit.If we continue to maintain such a frequency of shelling, I am afraid that the hull machine itself will collapse.

Yu Lian diverted his attention from the small waves just now, and nodded towards Captain Tovey: "Get ready."

"I will carry out your instructions meticulously. It's just..." the captain hesitated to speak.

Chief of Staff Mkawa asked: "What about the rest of the warships? Are they still waiting outside the range as planned?"

"They can't stand the aftermath of the fort's artillery. However, in the subsequent process, the enemy will expose the position of the point defense formation. Let the captains judge according to the battle situation whether to use long-range missiles and fighter planes to bomb."

Chief of Staff Mkawa hesitated for a moment, but still bit the bullet and advised: "After all, our understanding of the snake lair is only based on the intelligence of the alliance and the data analysis of the 24 hours since the battle, and we cannot fully grasp its combat effectiveness. Launch a direct attack rashly. , maybe a little risky. We still have a slightly more secure battle plan.”

Before Yu Lian could speak, Colonel Singer said: "That's true. However, those safe plans are not active combat plans, but more like conservative plans to avoid war and save ships. Isn't that equivalent to giving honor to the empire and Allied. Chief of staff, our battle is to test the performance of the main god-class dreadnought ship on the one hand, and to fulfill our community's obligations as a major country. If we continue to act conservatively, won't we disappoint the fathers and folks in the country? ? Why bother to go to the front line in person?”

As a result, the two senior officers, who together were over a hundred years old, began to glare across the air.

At this time, Yu Lian had already walked to the balcony at the front end of the uppermost floor of the bridge.It was an altar full of mysticism, carved with carved beams and painted pillars and fine prints.This image should appear in a boss battle scene in a fantasy magical world, but it should not appear on a future mechanized interstellar warship.

However, the so-called sense of disobedience is, after all, a relative concept rather than an absolute concept.Anyway, none of the soldiers present felt that there was a problem, and they even watched Yu Lian step onto the altar with sincere and affectionate eyes filled with tears.

... As for Yu Lian himself, no matter how he violated the law, he was used to it anyway.

At present, the four completed main god-class dreadnought ships are all equipped with similar array altars that can strengthen spiritual perception.In fact, it is true that only large battleships above dreadnoughts have space to install this level of psionic equipment.

However, the spiritual arrays on the other three ships can be regarded as standardized operations. Only the ones on the Fuxi are specially made. It is built with the best materials.

The well-known master alchemist of the alliance is also the designer of the psionic array of the alliance's "Nurse Hero-class" dreadnought and "Covenant"-class titan.

Yu Lian stood inside the altar and activated the psionic array.A moment later, his perception was propelled by the abundant spiritual energy, and derived to the Fuxi as a whole.

Senior officers on the bridge watched nervously.After all, they are not psykers, so they can only watch from the sidelines.

"...Your Excellency, how is the status?" Captain Tovey asked.

Yu Lian smiled and said, "From now on, I am the navigator and you are the captain.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Captain Tovey smiled wryly: "This pressure is really not small. Just to live a few more years, the officer will apply to the headquarters for a full-time psionic navigator as soon as possible. "

Yu Lian laughed, and continued to allow his perception to resonate in an orderly manner with the psionic energy array and the hull.At this moment, he even had a feeling that the hull of the Fuxi, every heat dissipation and energy transmission line, and even every part, had unconsciously become a part of his own body.

At this time, Brigadier General Tovey corrected his military cap and shouted loudly: "Fuxi, advance 4! Turn on the active induction shield, and the gravitational source radar will spread!"

All the officers on the bridge also quickly concentrated their minds and entered a fighting state.

"The force field shield is normal!"

"The induction deflection shield is normal!"

"Orbital main guns 1 to 3 start charging!" The captain ordered again loudly.

At this time, the latest report from Qingqiu was also sent.

"Commander, Your Excellency! Come to Qingqiu, the shield of the snake cave has been torn! Repeat, the shield of the snake cave has been torn!"

In the distant starry sky, the eleven Praise-class arsenal ships that had reached their limits roared again.The crimson positron beams came one after another with flickering arcs.

The seven beams of light that fired first hit the energy shield of the fort one after another, forming dazzling ripples of light.However, this time, the ripples were particularly violent, and even formed a huge energy vortex.

Immediately afterwards, the boiling energy vortex fell apart on the spot accompanied by frantic electromagnetic waves.Immediately afterwards, those beams pierced fiercely on the outer wall of the "snake lair" like a divine sword.The perfect silver mirror surface was swept, a crack appeared, and a violent flame burst out immediately.

However, Snake Den's counterattack came immediately.Their fortress main guns also smashed the wide-area shields deployed by the frigates.The thick and ferocious light beams brushed against the scattered Alliance warships and rushed towards the empty distant sky. Although they missed a direct hit, they managed to ignite two frigates and a Tribute class.

Looking at the ferocious fire, it is estimated that these three warships will be difficult to rescue.However, as long as it is not destroyed on the spot, a considerable part of the crew can be rescued.

More importantly, compared to the snake whose shield was torn apart, all of the above are actually a price worth paying.

Yu Lian thought of what Yani had said before, she wanted to remove the tortoise shell for herself, and she did.

Captain Tovey's voice still resounded on the bridge: "After entering the effective range, don't stop, the main gun will fire immediately!"

The old captain himself also raised the spare steering wheel through the terminal, and by the way, took over the piloting priority from the first helmsman.Of course, the full-time helmsman on the Fuxi is also a very good officer, but the old man said that he is the most experienced person on the ship.When the old man was sailing, most of the boys on the boat were still wearing crotch pants.

As for the attack target, it has already been sent to each gunner's terminal, of course it is everyone's scheduled landing point, that is, the area where Chief Gong Ao and his old brothers are going to launch a desperate attack.

Of course, although the pirates were preparing to launch a death-defying attack, as a friendly army, Yu Lian couldn't really still have the opponent to charge the dense air defense formation. He was still obliged to help the opponent to cover fire and minimize the casualties of the pirates.

However, some people have said that only fools let the battleship and the fortress engage in artillery battles.

So, Yu Lian closed his eyes directly, allowing the perception brewing on the ship to spill out into the void in all directions.

As a psychic who has mastered "Super Intuition" and "Crisis Prediction", since he can predict the enemy's moves in battle.So, when the battleship becomes one's own "limb", can the enemy's bombardment be predicted?
But Yu Lian knew that someone could do it.

Now I don't know if I can do it, but theoretically, I can still give it a try.

The next moment, he clearly "saw" that the mirror-like outer armor of the snake's lair seemed to change from solid to liquid, and a metal island floated out from the bottom of the mercury-like ocean.

Where is the island, it is clearly a large mass accelerator.

"The orbital accelerator is about to launch, the trajectory of the ballistic is B25 to F117, and the deviation angle is 5 to 8." Yu Lian said loudly.

Brigadier General Tovey took a look at Yu Lian, and turned the steering wheel without the slightest hesitation: "Left rudder 17! Forward 5! Active deflection shield activated!"

The helmsman looked at the captain who took his job with some resentment, but he still repeated the order.

The Fuxi, with a hull length of tens of kilometers, was like an elegant cruiser, drawing an elegant arc within the range of the enemy's fortress guns.At the same time, the main guns on the bow of the ship fired at the same time.

Railgun shells from both sides staggered across the void.The difference is that the astonishingly powerful shells of Snake Cave are still quite far away from hitting, but the three bombardments of Fuxi all hit the fortress.

Yu Lian didn't expect to smash the outer fluid armor of the thing with these few blows, but as long as he could reduce the number of anti-aircraft turrets, it would be considered a success.And his intuition told himself that the results of this cannon can be described as gratifying.

"The enemy Yang electronic fortress gun is charging! Track B33 to F159, pay attention to avoid!" Yu Lian said again.

"Understood! Left rudder 25, enter the first charge speed! Gunner, don't wait for the bridge's order, shoot freely! Be good, this girl's deflection shield is really hard, and the engine performance is really good!" Tovey long way.

"Is this the performance of the neutrino engine? I thought there would be a reliability problem, but..." Chief of Staff Mkawa turned his awe-inspiring eyes to Yu Lian.

"It's truly the 'Dawn of the Dragon' of the Earth Warriors!" Colonel Singer's voice was almost cheering.

The guys seemed a little excited indeed.They are all connoisseurs, so they can naturally experience the performance of the Fuxi beyond common sense from the short moment just now.

Of course, Yu Lian was even more excited.He didn't feel like he was commanding a warship, but he was controlling a fragile but flexible body, fighting with a fierce and huge beast.The opponent's movements are clumsy and slow, and any blow may cause fatal injury to him.Although his actions were swift, they could only cause some scratches.

This kind of extreme combat really made Yu Lian linger, and his blood was racing.

Then, after another 10 minutes of extreme pulling, the Fuxi had already completed nearly [-] rounds of salvo towards the landing area marked by its own side, and then slowly and temporarily stopped the shelling.

It doesn't work if you don't stop.After twenty rounds of salvo, the capacitor of the main gun could not be discharged.What's more, as a psychic who led the whole ship to jump left and right under the enemy's artillery fire, Yu Lian himself was indeed reaching his limit.

Of course, during this process, Snake Cave's fortress artillery was also trying to fight back.

However, although the opponent's positron cannon is powerful, its rate of fire is limited, and the photon signal of the lead-up time is quite obvious, which gave Yu Lian enough time to make a prediction and warn the whole ship.

Eight new cloud giant engines give this giant ship amazing maneuverability and acceleration.Therefore, while the two sides kept a considerable distance, the Fuxi actually dodged the opponent's main artillery bombardment five times in a row, and continued to bombard the opponent's peripheral fluid metal.

That scene really looked like an assassin holding a rapier, using his extraordinary skills to continuously bleed a tyrannical and clumsy giant beast.

Therefore, except for the crew members on the Fuxi who were in a state of mental tension, the officers and soldiers of the other community warships on standby outside the range were all stunned.Even the friendly troops of the empire and the alliance next to them were shocked by this dancing like a bullfight.

Several desperate reporters have already put all their attention here.Although their ship was stopped at the edge of the battle cordon, they still controlled the small shooting drone to move forward as much as possible.

Practitioners in the media industry are very sensitive in this regard.They intuitively feel that they should be writing history.

This point can prove that even the hopelessly handicapped party loves extreme operations.Even if they can't do it by themselves, and they don't plan to learn to do it, they must be very willing to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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