Him and their stars

Chapter 1195 The Pirates' Bloodbath

However, still the same sentence, Yu Lian still has a limit after all.Although he is already a "sage" of the sixth ring, although he can rely on the circulation of spiritual veins to increase his strength, he is still a human being after all, and he still feels tired.Although he enjoys this kind of extreme operation of jumping left and right, he has to admit that using psychic power to predict artillery fire hundreds of thousands of kilometers away is much more difficult than predicting the opponent's moves, which affects physical strength and spirit The burden of strength is by no means the same.

What's more, it's not just me who is tired, every soldier on the ship is working at full capacity.If they can't keep up with energy and make mistakes in operation, even if they predict success, it will be difficult to operate successfully.

No, for an avoidance 60 seconds ago, the Fuxi's movements seemed to be a little slower.A positron beam shot out from the snake hole passed by less than a hundred meters away from the battleship's shield, and even triggered a chain reaction between the reaction shield and the armor. The outer fluid armor was burned by high temperature, causing damage.

As a result, the inside of the entire ship's hull even shook like an earthquake.Although only one unlucky guy bit his tongue as a result of the casualties, it was indeed a bad sign.

Everyone on the Fuxi felt that they should end this bullfight-like artillery battle, so they drove the battleship back a little bit, and put a safe distance away from their opponents, and decided to give the stage to the pirates of the Ten Treasures Fleet Fighters.

At this time, the battleships of the Ten Treasures Grand Fleet had also arrived, and stopped at a distance of about 5 kilometers from the Earth battleship headed by the Teutonic Forest, which was quite distinct.

Naturally, the pirates were also dumbfounded by the extreme operation of the Fuxi, but they were inevitably full of excitement and high morale.

They keenly discovered that after these rounds of bombardment, burning scars appeared around the planned attack area, and the anti-aircraft artillery fire in Snake Cave was also obviously sparse.They are all "old bandits" who have experienced many battles. In a sense, they have more combat experience than most of the soldiers present. Of course, it is impossible to let go of such a good opportunity.

"Boys, General Yu has helped us clear the way! Now, it's our turn!"

"Oh oh oh, Dragon of Daybreak is a good master!"

"Hahaha! It's our moment of honor!"

"It's all pirates, what a waste of glory!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! In short, charge with me! Glory is right in front of us!" The big leader Gong Ao shrank his big belly and jumped onto the "Zhao Ye" painted black. In the cockpit of the Jade Lion.The narrow cockpit and various instruments made his stomach ache, but he still pushed the joystick with steady movements, and drove the fighter plane out of the hangar of the battleship.

Behind him, a large group of pirate fighter planes followed behind.

The Fuxi dreadnought was still retreating swiftly and decisively.At the same moment, the fast and decisive pirate fighter jet flew past her side and rushed towards the blazing snake lair.

At that moment, Yu Lian seemed to hear the cheers of the pirates, like a group of wild and unruly cowboys.

"...They actually have the alliance's Pengniao fighter plane?" Yu Lian watched in amazement as a fighter plane with a Y-shaped wing and a crowned skull logo flew past the window.

"After all, they are alliance profiteers. Your Excellency, let me tell you, the big pirates in the Spiral Cross Nebula and the Abyss Nebula not only have fighter planes, but also alliance warships and stormtrooper mechs." Colonel Singer said .

"There are blade birds from the empire?" Yu Lian was even more surprised to see a dagger-like fighter plane passing by, and of course, there was also a crowned skull with an exaggerated shape on his body.

"There are too many blade birds. At least thirty countries have equipped this kind of multi-purpose fighter jets. It is not too strange that some of them end up in the hands of pirates." Colonel Singer said solemnly, then raised his fist and gritted his teeth. Said: "Sure enough, the empire and the alliance are indeed the source of all wars!"

"...But, they even have ghost fighters." Yu Lian looked at the triangular fighters that flashed by on the terminal, and didn't even bother to be surprised this time.

As for how the Ten Treasures Fleet will deal with maintenance and logistics issues, Yu Lian said that he doesn't want to mind.However, a mere pirate group can gather so many combat aircraft with superior performance, and the head of the Shibao Ship Group responsible for purchasing is qualified to become the Minister of Commerce of the Community.

"Your Excellency, someone must be smuggling military products, and maybe it is also involved in the systemic corruption within our glorious Community Defense Force. After this battle is over, I will definitely apply to the National Defense Commission after accompanying you to send the Lord Gods back to China. Launch an all-round investigation!" Colonel Singer said, his face full of hatred and hatred.

What a talent this guy is!Yu Lian had to look at the other party with some appreciation, because of his adaptability and language (ghost) language (word) organization ability, he was qualified to be the director of the committee.

At this time, all the fighter planes of the pirates had passed through the portholes of the Fuxi, and the total number exceeded 400, which can indeed be regarded as having a considerable force.With Yu Lian's eyesight, he even saw a purple Dianlong fighter plane painted in black.Although there was no evidence, Yu Lian always felt that the person sitting there must be the leader of Gong Da himself.

When the pirates' fleet passed by, and the few unmanned fighter planes left in Snake Cave began to fight, nearly a hundred fighter planes passed by the side of Fuxi.

This time, the appearance of these fighters is much more normal, at least the shape is still very uniform.

Those were four squadrons of ghosts and two squadrons of white devils that had taken off from the Teutonic Forest.In order to ensure the success of the mission, they will serve as the second wave of attack aircraft.

The flight captain who led the team was Colonel Konif. When he led his fleet over the Fuxi, he reported this way: "Your Excellency, we have already discussed with the friendly forces of the Ten Treasures Ship Regiment. We will cooperate with them Sweeping enemy aircraft trying to intercept. If their first attack wave fails, the White Devils will activate their light wings and bomb the target."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Yu Lian saluted and thanked the brave pilots, and then returned to his commander's seat and sat down.He only now feels that the 10-minute extreme artillery battle consumes more physical and mental energy than when he was fighting 1v50 at the God of War Festival.Even if it is myself, it will take an hour or two to get back.

Fortunately, at this time, the Fuxi had retreated out of the safe area, so he could finally take a breather.

He had just sat down when Colonel Singer licked his smiling face and handed him a huge draft beer mug.This guy is obviously a high-ranking officer, but it seems that he really doesn't have any psychological pressure to do this kind of orderly job.

"This is a functional herbal tea from Xiaguan's hometown, which can restore physical strength and spirit," he said.

"Your official's hometown?" Yu Lian looked at the other person's brown-black face full of the style of the South Asian subcontinent, inexplicably flustered, and even had a stomachache.

"Don't worry, Commander, my ancestors are Sikhs. There is absolutely no water from the Ganges River, and there is absolutely no cow dung."

Yu Lian looked at the cup and felt that the thing was relatively harmless purely from the outside, so he poured it down immediately.As soon as he drank a large cup of herbal tea, he felt a rather refreshing warmth, and he felt much better immediately.

"Thank you very much!" Yu Lian expressed his gratitude, showing his shyness to the convenience again, and even with a flattering smile, he rubbed his hands together to express his request to the Commander, and just ordered him to do so. Back off.

Looking at this guy's back, Yu Lian always felt that with his emotional intelligence, it was really a shame to serve in the internal guards, otherwise he should have been able to sneak into the office of the National Defense Committee.

Colonel Xinda had just walked away, and Chief of Staff Mkawa, who had been leading his subordinates to discuss the details of the landing battle in the conference room behind the bridge, also ended the meeting, greeted him, and approached: "Your Excellency, this is our Please review the finalized landing batches and schedule. Colonel Walter believes that her team should be on the first landing craft to help the follow-up friendly forces open up landing sites. The left brigade commander rejected her proposal and is still preparing Let D Regiment and the Omnic Special Battalion be the vanguard."

"Tell Brigadier Zuo, he's doing the right thing." Yu Lian quickly glanced at the form, no problem, then nodded and said: "Just follow this plan. I'm very relieved when you do things."

The chief of staff, who was twice as old as Yu Lian, stood at attention and saluted as if he had received the highest instruction.However, when he was about to leave, he said with some hesitation: "During the battle just now, the Qingqiu has been calling. It's just that the matter is urgent, and we dare not disturb you."

Yu Lian raised his head and said proudly: "You are doing the right thing! The mere Qingqiu is a famous ship, how can you disturb the capital ship in battle at will."

Chief of Staff Mkawa showed an unembarrassed smile: "Qingqiu sent another communication request, do you want to pick it up?"

Yu Lian poker-faced with Mo De's emotion, and pronounced with Mo De's emotion: "However, maybe the alliance has some important matters to discuss, so let's take it in."

Then, in the window, a cold face of Miss Amida Berenkast appeared.

She let out three laughs without ups and downs: "Heh, heh, heh, I didn't expect that you have already worn the general star, but you still have the dream of becoming a gladiator. Now there are still people in the Dongming franchise country. In the snow rhino fighting show, all the snow rhino matadors are local big stars, and after a game, as long as they are alive, they can earn at least 200 million yuan, and even if they die, it will be even higher."

"The one with a dagger, without armor? The snow rhinoceros seems to be a phantom beast, right? However, with such a high income, there will always be brave men."

"Do you think there is any difference between your behavior just now and this?" Yani fiddled with her hands.

Yu Lian shrugged: "Hey, don't you think I don't know? Shouldn't the snow rhinoceros matadors be young girls with good figure and well-balanced body? Not only do they not have protective gear, but even the fabric of their clothes is very economical." .It’s nothing, it’s obviously an adult show.”

"That's right! So, is there any difference between what you did just now and an adult show?" Yani continued to respond with a good pronunciation.

"Because it's the most showy? And didn't you ask me to show off?" Yu Lian said with his hands on his hips, "But then again, the snow rhino bullfighting in such cool clothes seems more decadent than the War God Festival."

"We didn't force it, it's all market-oriented anyway."

"The empire didn't force it either. Tsk tsk, market orientation? How capitalistic!"

Chief of Staff Mkawa, who had walked away for a while, felt that it was not good for ordinary officers and soldiers to hear the conversation, so he quickly turned back and turned on the sound-shielding force field.

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