Him and their stars

Chapter 1197 Breakthrough and Destruction

Chapter 1197 Breakthrough and Destruction

The whole body is painted black, the whole body is completely non-reflective, and even the bright ion beams cannot reflect the Zhaoye Jade Lion. Jump out.

This pitch-black fighter plane, with unrecognizable steps, suddenly passed by the ultra-low altitude only 30 meters away from the silver arc mirror.Immediately afterwards, two glowing proton torpedoes escaped from the fighter plane's magazine, and rushed towards the heat exhaust port, which was so narrow that it was almost unrealistic. The sound and shadow are gone.

"Wahhahaha, this is the bombing of victory! Although I can't get in, my shells can!" Although it is not yet possible to prove that the attack has been successful, the leader of Gong Aogong has already taken the lead in sending out a big wave of enthusiasm. Laughter, and then he pulled his fighter plane and started to rise.

Behind him, two strangely shaped enemy planes with two battery panels hanging on the whole were chasing after them. While frantically pouring energy shells, they were all avoided by the black fighters with coquettish moves.

However, it must be admitted that although the shape of this spherical fighter is peculiar, its performance is quite excellent.The absolute speed is not fast, but the maneuverability is quite good, and the firepower is extremely fierce.

Even with Gong Ao's driving level, if this kind of tail-biting pursuit continues for a few more minutes, I'm afraid it will be unavoidable.

Fortunately, such a dangerous situation did not last long.Ten seconds later, the strange circular fighter was intercepted by the white devil fighter that rushed from behind him.This new type of fighter plane on Earth has already deployed its light wings, circled to the tail of the enemy plane at a speed beyond common sense, and launched a short-range missile.

Snake Den's fighter plane was torn apart by the volley.Gong Ao breathed a sigh of relief just now, and was about to express his gratitude to the pilots on Earth, when he saw a scene that made him ecstatic.

The fire ignited from under the mirror, as if a volcano had been suddenly triggered.Immediately afterwards, the fiery shock wave completely tore apart the silver-white mirror armor of the snake lair from the inside to the outside, and then turned into continuous explosions.

The point defense turret floating on the mirror was quickly involved in the explosion.The fragments of the mirror blocked the shooting range of the turret, and the fluid metal layer that lost its magnetic field attachment began to overflow, and the support of the turret was also removed.

At this moment, the already sparse anti-aircraft firepower suddenly seemed even more fragmented.

Even the Positron main gun and mass accelerator, which had been firing against Fuxi for more than ten minutes, were surrounded by flames.The main body of the gun body suddenly went silent.

"Oh ho ho ho! No one can stop the anger of a free people in the starry sky! A cult that destroys the ecology of the industry must accept the punishment of the wings of freedom!" Gong Ao let out a crazy laugh, obviously throwing himself The evil fire that had been suppressed for a long time all vented out.

Obviously, his subordinates also have the same idea.

"Go eat XX, crawling things! You only deserve to eat XX!"

"This is the pirate XXX of the Helix Nebula who dropped your XXX! Are you happy?"

Vulgar words like this echoed in the communication frequency.

They must want to vent like this, especially when they learned that among the more than 400 pirate fighter planes that attacked this time, only half of them survived, and there were even a few leaders among them.

"...Hey, everyone has already tied their heads around their waists when they come out to play in the rivers and lakes. Do you still expect to die well in this life? After this battle, we will at least leave a positive image in history, which is already It's an unexpected harvest." The mature and prudent third master comforted everyone in this way.

The second leader asked: "And then? Big boss, what should we do next?"

"Of course it's time to return to the voyage to rest. It's time to drink and drink, and it's time to sleep. We have done our best, and the ones behind belong to the master." Gong Ao said.

Thus, the pirate fleet, which lost half of its manpower, headed towards its own mothership, and once again passed by the community's fleet.It's just that this time it's not the Fuxi, but dozens of assault landing craft.

The leading assault landing craft even sent a light signal expressing blessings and thanks.

Gong Ao has to admit that compared to the masters of the alliance and the empire, the army on the earth side is still more humane.Of course, this may also have something to do with the chief officer's style of work.

At this time, he also received a communication request, but it was sent from the Fuxi number.

Now, the pirate fleet has left the line of fire and arrived at a safe position.Gong Ao handed over the fighter plane to the terminal for hosting, connected to the communication, and then saw Yu Lian who was smiling.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The young general smiled.

"Cousin, it is my duty to recast the glory of our warriors on Earth! I fought bloody battles and left at least three liters of blood, but I am lucky enough to live up to my fate!" The Pirate King wiped away tears that did not exist, and his tone was even more It was a bit solemn.

Yu Lian's goosebumps immediately came up again, but considering that he is a hero after all, it's not good to pour cold water on him, so he smiled again: "Anyway, I want some good news here. Just now, King Weilunte from the empire sent me a letter." , Said that all the pilots of the Ten Treasures Ship Regiment who participated in the war will be awarded medals, and the brothers who died in the battle will be given pensions according to the standards of imperial pilots. Oh, yes, I am also going to award you the title of Honorary Knight. Knights of the Empire Among the titles of Marquis, this is already the second class."

"Noble, noble title? Is it so fast?" Gong Ao was a little surprised.This has indeed greatly exceeded his own expectations.

"Anyway, it is a lifelong noble who cannot be hereditary. The emperor is eligible to be awarded directly without going through the Academy of Arms. Of course, if you go to the empire now, you can be called a lord." Yu Lian laughed.

Gong Ao's happy expression flashed, and then turned into a distressed expression: "But... little cousin, I will tell you, I have discussed it with my brothers, and I am going to take refuge in your old... Those who take refuge in His Highness King Suliuka."

Yu Lian decided to ignore the other party's slip of the tongue just now: "It won't delay you from receiving the medal and title of King Valente by taking refuge in King Suliu. He just has the right to bypass the Academy of Arms and canonize imperial nobles, but it doesn't mean you will become his." retainer."

"But, doesn't this mean that you don't pay much attention to the rules of the world?"

"You have to believe that the lord you choose is a generous and noble person, and you also have to believe that even King Valente must set himself up as an open-minded and generous person who respects warriors. Now that you have decided to join the empire, don't Absolutely accept the other party's advance kindness." Yu Lian said with a smile: "In this regard, you can definitely learn from the attitude of the parachutist Li Guang."

"Oh, parachutist?" Although the leader Gong Ao has no culture, he has heard the name of parachutist.

"Yes, he has also received the seal and reward from King Xiao Xiao of Liang, and it will not delay him from continuing to get lost... Ah no, continue to overcome obstacles for the Hanting Central Committee."

"Little cousin, I understand what you mean. Only by frankly accepting King Wei's reward can I show my integrity, right?"

"That's what it means." Yu Lian nodded.

"Besides, we and our brothers are pirates. Pirates should happily wag their tails when they see rewards. Dogs who like to wag their tails are the ones who will relax their vigilance."

"Congratulations, you are capable of divergent thinking." Yu Lian nodded vigorously.However, he still told the other party with a solemn attitude: "Well, I know that you free people in the starry sky don't like to have a master, but if you have to choose a master, King Suluka is the best chosen."

Gong Ao nodded slightly, but suddenly said: "General, our family was heading towards New China yesterday."

Yu Lian said he knew.Moreover, the shipping safety along the way is the responsibility of the alliance and the community, so safety should still be guaranteed.

"My two sons who are about to grow up will go to the empire with me. After all, if there are no family members around, the empire will always have doubts. But the rest of the children will go to New China. When they grow up, will there be a master? "

Yu Lian really did not expect that the other party would ask such a question. After a moment of silence, he nodded and said, "Don't wait."

"Hahahaha, I know, this is a big social issue, and we can't make it clear by rambling here." The leader of the palace laughed: "I just hope that even if it is the master, it has to be Su. A master like Wang, otherwise our brothers would divide their bets, wouldn’t we be villains in vain?”

Oh, you just said you split the bets, right?Is it a split bet?

At this time, Gong Ao had already made an inexperienced military salute to Yu Lian: "Then, I'll go back to repair. In addition to these 400 pilots, there are nearly 1 old brothers who can chew hard bones on board, and they all have power armor." If you need it, you can just say hello at any time, and I can come with you too. It’s not that I’m talking, playing fighter jets is just my hobby, but carrying a knife and chopping people is a professional skill since I was a child.”

"If necessary, I won't be polite." Yu Lian smiled.

By the time the pirates' scarred fighter planes returned to their mothership, Yu Lian also received battle reports from all over the place.

In fact, before Brigadier Zuo Wanhu and his troops set sail in the landing craft, the Empire had already landed.After paying the price of six warships being sunk and more than ten warships being injured, they finally threw a whole division of stormtroopers onto the opponent's outer armor.

However, even though these fighters with hang glider and wearing mechas for space boarded the mirror armor on the surface of the snake cave, they couldn't find the entrance to enter the space for a while, but they fought with the unmanned people who rushed out. hard fight.

In just 5 minutes, the empire had already suffered more than 2000 casualties.

Looking at this reckless move, looking at the casualty rate, one knows that this division must be a thread-filling cannon fodder division composed of non-human and slave soldiers, and one looks at the four-digit number and knows that it is indeed the case.

Well... by the value of the empire, the second-class stormtroopers composed of non-human non-citizens and the slaves provided by the slave owners are not considered casualties.Then, letting them log in in advance to test the other party's defense measures is nothing foolish.

The alliance on the other side seems to be more particular about things than the empire.According to Miss Bei's disclosure, the Alliance also dispatched two Marine Corps divisions, eight Authority inspectors, and four guerrillas.However, the first to land on the shell of the snake lair were actually mercenaries.

... Well, the casualties of the mercenaries are actually not considered casualties, and they don't even make the news.Yu Lian reckoned that the alliance government and the mercenaries must have signed a task contracting system. As long as the battle is over, no matter how many people die, the price will be the same.

At this time, the chain explosion caused by the two torpedoes of Chief Gong finally came to a calm time.However, it was like a volcano that stopped erupting would bring subversive changes in the surrounding environment, and a huge gap was formed on the surface of the snake cave.The fighter planes that were still wandering around the snake lair flew over and sent back a fairly wide internal space on the spot.

This should be the drone hangar that Gong Ao mentioned, and it is indeed a good place for a large army to land.

In this way, the two assault landing craft opened their shields and disintegrated drills, and smashed to the floor of the hangar.What rushed out of the open hatch was not the marines with live ammunition, but the octopus robot with shields and Vulcan cannons.They jumped onto the wide hangar with a babble, and then were torn into pieces by the intensive firepower.

Well, if the first batch of landings were marines, even with full armor on their bodies, blood and blood would inevitably be scattered.

In this way, compared with the Alliance Empire next to it, it is already very humane for the special battalion commanding the battle omnics to land first on the Earth side.

The first batch of robots that jumped out of the cabin were naturally torn apart, but soon, the second batch of robots propped up their shields under the cover of their companions' wreckage, and began to counterattack towards the source of the enemy's firepower.

Chief of Staff Mkava has been worried about whether his own omnic will be hacked by the World-Round Serpent after it lands.After all, this is a top terrorist with a long history. Even Snake Cave, a mobile fortress that can jump and cruise at sub-light speed, has black technology beyond common sense.

However, he was relieved when the "blue light omnics" of his own side were intercepted by intensive firepower immediately after landing.

Isn't it just firing at each other?It's not that I haven't seen it.As long as it is a conventional combat method that does not exceed his understanding, it will not be out of control.

Obviously, the two torpedoes fired by Chief Gong just now that passed through the heat vent not only tore apart the armor of the fortress, but also caused considerable damage to the defenders in this area.After less than 3 minutes of firepower suppression and counter-suppression, the Blu-ray robots on Earth gained the upper hand and began to push the front line forward.

Subsequently, the Marines also began to land one after another.This reinforced brigade from the [-]st Huben Division began to pretend to be a heavy firepower point and a communication station.A simple steel plate trestle was even built on the gap in the fortress, which should be to increase the efficiency of backup.

By the time Colonel Walter arrived at the battlefield with the psykers and the heraldic machine, nearly 2000 people from the Community army had landed on the fortress, and the casualties had just reached three digits.

Well, compared to the empires and alliances on the opposite side, the community side is not only humane, but also has gratifying results!

However, before Yu Lian could be complacent for too long, he received another message from Qingqiu.

"Everything is going well here. If your country is interested, we can also share some beachheads with you." Yu Lian said with a smile.

"Thank you so much. I have assigned a brigade to the 6th Division. Of course, the command right belongs directly to you." Yani smiled and said, "However, something happened to the Empire."

"An accident? That line filling... Well, the 1233 Division is all wiped out?"

"Eighty percent of the fighters have been lost, so we have no choice but to retreat. However, they finally rushed into the fortress." Princess Hongqiangwei showed a sad expression: "However, the two teams of star knights who entered the fortress It's really gone."

(End of this chapter)

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