Him and their stars

Chapter 1198 I still have to make a stronghold and fight dumbly

Chapter 1198 I still have to make a stronghold and fight dumbly
"All gone?" Yu Lian was taken aback.

"Yes, all are gone. The four star knights are led by Baron Lockhart, who is also a knight who has been famous for a long time." Yani said.

It is true that he has been famous for a long time, but his record is basically to suppress the uprising people, and his strength is only around the third ring... Well, this seems to be the highest achievement of most "core psykers" in their lifetime.

Yu Lian carefully looked at Yani's expression, and found that the girl's expression was very calm, but there was a deep mourning and sadness in her eyes, as if she was really mourning for the knights who died in battle.

He was immediately amazed, and could only feel that he was indeed a descendant of the "Mother of Movies" Yagomi Berenkast. This look alone beat most professional actors by several blocks.If there is a reliable director and a reliable script, the actress is probably in the bag.

In comparison, Yu Lian felt that the "expression management" that he was very proud of was completely inferior.So, he also imitated the other party, with a solemn poker face, and then tried his best to express deep sadness in his eyes.

Then, Yani described the battle situation in detail.In short, when the entire cannon fodder line filling division was almost wiped out, finally a group of very brave and intelligent Angman slave soldiers found a way to enter the fortress.

With this merit alone, this group of Angman slave soldiers will definitely be "free" citizens of the empire from now on.Under the empire's system, even slaves and criminals, as long as they are willing to risk their lives, it is possible to achieve class advancement.This is also the reason why the combat effectiveness of the imperial army has always been maintained well.

Then, the soldiers of the cannon fodder division were withdrawn in an orderly manner.Then they were replaced by elite armored grenadiers led by the star knights themselves.

Yu Lian suddenly understood.The reason why the division was withdrawn was really not because of the heavy losses, it was clearly because the more noble gentlemen wanted to grab the credit.

For the imperial army, the cannon fodder is obliged to fill up the moat with corpses and smash open the city gate with their heads.The limelight that can be won first, but there is and must be accepted by the grenadiers and stormtroopers of the regular army, and even the high-ranking knight master himself.

The "auxiliary soldiers" of the cannon fodder division may be aggrieved by the unfair practices above, but they can only hold their noses and endure the humiliation to accept it. However, after half an hour, they will definitely be grateful.

A regiment of elite armored grenadiers who entered the Snake Cave, and a group of four led by a standard psychic combat unit, the Astral Knights, encountered an ambush after entering the fortress.Everyone can only hear the discordant movement composed of gunfire and continuous explosions, occasionally mixed with the painful screams of flesh and blood being torn apart.

The last message from Baron Lockhart was only a very short video.In the video of less than three seconds, the stalwart body wearing golden armor, holding a double-headed beheading sword, split a knight connected to the heraldry machine into smooth sides along the Tianling Cap on the spot, then turned around and punched the camera. .

"The body of Baron Lockhart has been found in the corridor less than 3 km away from the empire's landing point in area B1. The heraldry machine looks like a squashed can, and the body has long been out of shape."

Yu Lian imagined the possible state of Baron Lockhart now, guessing that it would be difficult to have a tidy appearance even for a funeral, and immediately expressed deep sympathy.

However, the purple-skinned man who approved the golden armor soon reminded Yu Lian of the eredar elves.This is a well-known cosmic longevity race, and they are also born with spiritual sensitivity. The average life expectancy is more than five times that of human beings, and their physique and environmental adaptability are far superior to human beings.If it weren't for their limited reproductive capacity and population, and the overall values ​​of the race are mysticism and hermitism, it is really uncertain whether this universe will be dominated by humans.

...Of course, if it weren't for this, they might have been exterminated like the Favre dragons.

Yu Lian also "knows" an eredar elf, one of the great elders of the Ethereal Temple, an old monster who has lived for nearly nine hundred years.In another timeline, this old man has become the presiding elder of the Ethereal Temple, and will soon reach the side of the truth of the Nine Rings.If all goes well, four-figure longevity should be no problem.

In another timeline, Yu Lian had a good relationship with this "Old Eggplant", and he had also heard from him that a talented fellow of his family had gone astray, which made him heartbroken.

"Which snake head is it?" Yu Lian asked knowingly, with doubts and curiosity all over his face.

Yani didn't notice anything, or didn't bother to care about it at all, and said, "It looks like an eredar elf, so it's probably 'in the past'."

"... Yani, I heard that the 'past' is the most reclusive, and even most of the first-level executive officers don't know his identity. But you said it outright. You also said that the snake around the world is not your black Gloves?"

Miss Bei chuckled: "This kind of rumor has been circulating for thousands of years. But until now, most people still don't even know the existence of snakes."

Yu Lian admitted that the other party was right.However, this secret may no longer exist after today's battle.You know, the interview boats from the major media groups in the Galaxy are still sprinting outside the battlefield to shoot non-stop, and even started to broadcast the current battle situation to the whole Galaxy.

"I've always felt that, although the people from "Star Network Broadcasting" and "Nefei Times" have been moving very quickly, without your instruction, they should not casually participate in this kind of thing. Does this mean that, Starting today, are you going to give up snakes?" Yu Lian said.

Yani rolled her eyes: "This is really getting more and more serious. Yu Lian, you should also be a mature senior general now. In a sense, you can represent the diplomatic image of people on earth. How can you really How about treating rumors as a formal topic of discussion?"

"It really shouldn't be. But you also said that we are all ready to play shame, so can't we say something?" Yu Lian said with a good pronunciation of Mo De's emotion.

A gleam of rosyness flashed across Princess Hongqiangwei's fair cheeks, and she flung a charming hygienic eye over her.

Fortunately, the two of them turned on the sound-shielding force field when they were talking, so they shouldn't have to worry about their image being hit, and the officers and soldiers on the bridge don't have to worry about hearing what they shouldn't hear, and then being caught. Silenced.

Yani quickly regained her composure and said calmly: "Count Tatier is ready to go out. I heard that even King Valente is wearing a coat of arms."

Well, the supreme commander and first thug of the imperial army decided to go out in person, and what they wanted was such an attitude of lion fighting rabbit.Of course, the commander and the elected emperor will go to battle in person. No one will think that this is the end of the imperial army. After all, this is the military tradition of the empire, and it is also a pragmatic choice.

"However, I didn't hear any wind from my side. Why do you sound like you were at the scene and watched the whole process?" Yu Lian asked suspiciously.

Yani didn't answer, but just responded with a meaningful smile for the other party to experience.

Yu Lian immediately understood: "So, you know, the empire knows that you know, and you also know that the empire knows that you know, right?"

Miss Bei continued to maintain an inscrutable smile, and simply responded: "This is the essence of the intelligence battlefield."

In short, when the reinforcements led by Earl Tae arrived, the defenders of the Snake Cave began to shrink inward.The empire finally had a chance to rescue its allies.Then, in addition to the horrific deaths of the imperial knights, they also found the bodies of more than 1000 grenadiers.

Rescue is of course out of the question, at most it is just cleaning the battlefield.

"Then, here comes the problem. Who is the main enemy?" Yu Lian said, "It can't be that the old man killed it alone, right?"

"Battle robots beyond our intelligence control, and a few mercenaries." Yani paused: "Those mercenaries are basically prosthetics, well-equipped and rich in combat experience. In this narrow environment , they are much more agile than Imperial Grenadiers in power armor."

... Tsk, prosthetic terrorists from the Thirteenth Workshop!

Displeasure flashed through Yu Lian's heart, and he said solemnly: "Whoever is willing to live and die with the snake's lair is a simple mercenary? He is definitely a cultist. Yani, we must urge the empire to fight hard!" "

"This time, the high-end combat power dispatched by the Star Knights, in addition to Earl Taddier, there are two five-ringed, and a six-ringed 'saint'. They have already set off." Yani said .

Yu Lian said he knew.The "sage" of the sixth ring is Earl Hronki, an old knight in his seventies.Of course, since one is a psyker at this stage, old age is no longer a burden, but a wisdom that has been honed through thousands of years.

"However, it is the home field of Snake Lair after all. If that eredar purple potato essence really wants to fight a guerrilla attack, Earl Taddier and the others will not be able to stop him. Facing the narrow landing point, their strength cannot be deployed , and it is easy to be attacked by the mercenaries in the snake lair... well, the prosthetic cultists are fighting guerrilla attacks. I estimate that the progress of the empire's attack on the snake lair will not be fast." Yani said.

Yu Lian agreed.This girl has never fought in a war or attended a military academy, but with such a genius, if she just reads basic textbooks, she must have the analytical ability of an excellent staff officer.

"However, it should be different on your side. It occupied a big drone hangar as soon as it arrived, and the landing site suddenly became clear."

"Indeed, we have boarded more than half of the brigade now, with more than 4000 people. The battle is going well. However, from the current point of view, it should be that Snake doesn't pay much attention to the combat effectiveness of our small broken ships and pirates. The resistance encountered cannot be fierce. At least we have only encountered some robots and a small number of mediocre mercenaries so far, and there are no prosthetic human troops."

As for where the main resistance force of Snake Lair is, isn't that obvious?

The invincible Galactic Empire Army took more than three hours to attack the outer wall, and killed 5000 people.However, after breaking into the inside of the fortress, more than 10 lives were lost in just 1000 minutes.It is conceivable how angry and tormented the senior generals over there will be.

Even King Valente's bumbling guy has started to put on armor, at least it means that they have to express some attitude.

Although Yu Lian really hoped that the imperial army would suffer more, after all, we are all "friendly troops" now, and he still can't do such unscrupulous things as difficult as a mountain.

"I will tentatively attack the interior of the fortress. This may relieve the pressure on the empire." Yu Lian said.

Anyway, our own forces still have an overwhelming advantage. As long as we keep the other waves and stick to the mantra of "strengthen the stronghold and fight the war silently", we can always drive the snakes to the end.

"Well, I will also order the alliance troops to land in the area we are in charge of. And the brigade I transferred, please use their forces. In addition, there are those pirates, one thing to say, experienced old pirates In fact, they are better at fighting spaceport street battles than our elite marines."

"The chief of the Cai Palace showed great sincerity just now."

"Yeah! So I'm talking about the other two. If you want to recruit, you have to show sincerity. The bandits in the cold weapon era understand this truth." Yani laughed: "Let me talk about that. After all, I can represent the Red Rose Foundation and the Standard Shipping Association, and some exchanges can only be convincing if I say it."

After the communication with Yani was completed, Chief of Staff Mkawa hurried forward to explain the current situation.

"Brigadier Zuo Wanhu in front reported that [-]% of the brigade's combat troops have landed and have set up a defense line nearby. They have repelled the enemy's three counterattacks, and the landing field is still expanding."

He really deserves to be the famous Master Huben!And since the brigade commander is called Zuo Wanhu, he can still fight as soon as he hears it!Yu Lian said he was very pleased.

"The 8th Battalion led by Major John Repo and the 12th Battalion led by Major Arno Dudge have made tentative attacks on the inside of the fort from Gates B and D respectively. Now, the 8th Battalion is still advancing, but the 12th Battalion The 11th Battalion has already fought the enemy at the intersection of the corridor in the D-[-] cabin, and the current battle situation is anxious."

Well, before Yu Lian gave an order, the marines had already started to act, which was subjective initiative.

Then, Chief of Staff Mkawa had already turned on a projection, which was indeed a structural diagram stitched together based on the on-site information sent by the frontline soldiers.

He put red on an area table again, indicating that this is where the 12th Battalion had a fierce exchange of fire with the enemy.

"Where's the location of the armored support platform?"

"How is the direction of the corridor too narrow to pass through?" The chief of staff sighed, and said again: "Apply for support, Walter. Do you approve it?"

Yu Lian pondered for a while, always feeling a little ominous foreboding.

"Give me a landing craft," he said to Commodore Mkawa.

The chief of staff was silent for a few seconds, but he didn't say his objection after all: "Understood, Your Excellency."

(End of this chapter)

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