Him and their stars

Chapter 1207 Go, Destroy them

Chapter 1207 Go, Destroy them

"Wait, you're a God's Chosen champion after all, aren't you? Could it be this kind of non-martial ethics?" Earl Tatier raised his head and expressed this meaning with his eyes.However, since he didn't lift his helmet, he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Yu Lian felt that since the other party did not raise any direct objection, they should have agreed.As a result, the movement of his hand did not show the slightest hesitation. The morning light blade directly stabbed at the eredar elf who had no room to fight back. He had no way to dodge, but moved with difficulty After a short step, phantoms appeared from the ankles that were firmly on the ground all the way to the back.

The sweep of the atomic light spear really just hit a phantom of nothingness.If it was replaced by an ordinary star knight, this blow might only be regarded as ineffective.However, the energy waves coated on the atomic light spear suddenly exploded, forming a rather violent force field bombardment.On the spot, the figure of "Master Past" swayed obviously.

At this time, Earl Tatier, who was still wrestling with his opponent, was not going to let go of this opportunity.He freed one hand without hesitation, and punched the chest of "Grand Past".On the knight commander's fist, the flash of intense light almost directly deprived Yu Lian of his vision.

He reckoned that if he hadn't been vigilant and avoided his sight, his eyes might have been burned blind.He obviously couldn't feel the slightest warmth from the strong light, but the psyker's sixth sense clearly felt a huge sense of crisis.

The Shenyi Fist of the Holy Galaxy Empire is a kind of spiritual martial art that has been widely spread. There are dojos and training classes all over the universe. People can also strengthen their bodies with superficial learning.However, this kind of boxing, which is about to become a physical education class for elementary school students, has the most profound training book, but it belongs to one of the strategic secrets of the empire, and only the best star knights and judges are qualified to study it.

It is said that at the highest level, the explosive power and lethality formed at only one point are comparable to a nuclear explosion, but at the same time, there will be no energy leakage at all.It can be described as the mastery of power and control.

Yu Lian didn't think Earl Tatier couldn't do this.This knight commander may be the best martial arts master in the Knights of the Star Realm. In terms of his attainments in psionic martial arts alone, he is even higher than the Duke of Sadulan.In another timeline, he saw this guy riding a dragon and smashing down the bow of the dreadnought ship with a fist as big as a vinegar bowl.

...Uh, to be honest, this might be much more powerful than a nuclear explosion.After all, ordinary thermonuclear missiles really can't penetrate the shield and armor of the dreadnought ship.

Yu Lian felt a little threatening, so he flicked his backhand immediately, retracted the atomic light spear, and pushed away a few steps.Then, the knight commander's fist, which seemed to gather a small sun, had slammed hard on the chest of the eredar elf.

The latter flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.He staggered for a few steps, and finally managed to stabilize his figure. There were obvious pupils on his purple face, and he even coughed up a trace of blood.

... Well, if it really is the mysterious art of Shenyiquan that claims to be able to hit a nuclear explosion, the other psykers should have been smashed to pieces, no, or evaporated on the spot.However, the "patriarch of the past" is still alive and well.

However, he was indeed vomiting blood, and it looked like he was seriously injured.

Since he is vomiting blood, it means that this should be the main body.

...well, maybe.Yu Lian looked suspiciously at the eredar elf who had been bombarded with old age, and then said to Count Tatier next to him: "You are really a man of martial arts!"

If it weren't for his successful sneak attack just now, Knight Commander Tatier would not have found an opportunity to attack so easily.

"I've said it before, this is my prey. If you don't listen to me, then it's my problem." The knight commander shrugged his shoulders, his tone full of calmness.

"Yes, so I'm really complimenting you." Yu Lian said with a smile: "Besides, there is no need to talk about morals in this kind of evil heretics."

Count Tatier nodded slightly, with a look of relief: "Although you are young, you still understand the morals of the world."

After finishing speaking, he took up his posture again, and pressed the spiral impact spear like an electric drill on his armor, as if he was bending a bow and nodding an arrow.

This is of course a type of "Aurora Piercing" in the champion knight's submachine gun technique.It is very powerful, but it is still a heavy burden on the body, especially the auxiliary arm that acts as a gun tool, which is more difficult than the main arm that holds the gun.

But at this time, the armor of the emblem machine could no longer withstand the impact of the nuclear explosion of the Shenyiquan just now, and obvious damage occurred.But, again, for a knight commander, the heraldic machine is nothing more than a uniform, and the armor made of zero-element alloy and psionic array is far less powerful than his own body.

"This time, I'll stab your throat!" Earl Tatier laughed, showing his arrogance.

Yu Lian nodded, stood on the other side, and pointed his atomic light spear at the back of the eredar elf: "This time, I will go in with the yellow knife and come out with the green knife. I will be ashamed!"

But I don't know if the eredar elves have any guts, but the latter glanced back at Yu Lian and sighed: "Young Dragon of Daybreak, you never want to believe that we have never been your enemy Is it? There is actually no one around here, if I fall here, wait a while, will the tip of his spear be hungry and thirsty, and continue to tear yours?"

Yu Lian frowned slightly, and sighed: "Isn't it too disrespectful to gossip at this time?"

The knight commander nodded: "It's really ugly! In comparison, the old man's sneak attack just now seems to be a bit of a model of a knight."

Co-author, you also know that what you did just now is not decent!Yu Lian couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"So, what about you? Knight Commander Tatier, the god-chosen champion of the earthlings, stepped on the future of the empire's hopeful stars at the God of War Festival and reached the top. He has never concealed his love for the empire. Hostility. Now, you can really cooperate to attack me, a poor and helpless old man, don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

The Eredar elf sighed, coughed up two more mouthfuls of blood, and said quietly: "Facing the hegemony that dominates the universe, we are ultimately just a group of associations living in the cracks. We are really valuable and worthy of letting you Let go of all hostility?"

Yu Lian looked at this "past man" who had changed his persona again.He was just an old fritter lacking in moral bottom line and integrity, but now he has become a lame provocateur.To be honest, this kind of provocative performance can only play a little role in third-rate house fighting dramas, right?
But for some reason, he still sensed a little danger.Immediately afterwards, he suddenly heard Earl Tatier sigh heavily: "You are right, Snakehead. Your existence is not dangerous enough for us to let go of all grudges for you."

"It's empty here." Past justice.

"Yes, there is no one here. It is very reasonable for a star of hope on earth to fall under the siege of the snake's head." The knight commander's voice became extremely dangerous for a moment, and he suddenly shifted his sight.His gaze passed through the window of the emblem machine like this, and fixed on Yu Lian, like two extremely sharp knives.

The majestic Knights of the Star Realm, the Grand Knight Commander and the chief martial arts instructor of the Empire's 800 million Imperial Guards, the most popular candidate for the future Grand Commander, seems to be so easily instigated by a bunch of lines that would seem lame in a house fight up?
What kind of magic realism is this?Yu Lian really wanted to curse, but the opponent's spear had already pierced him.The attack looked ordinary, and there was no so-called earth-shattering wind and thunder, but he was still a few meters away from Yu Lian, and he already felt very obvious pain, as if his chest and shoulders were pierced, and his soul was also pierced. about to be torn apart
At this moment, he only felt like a little mouse, standing in front of the mountain that was about to collapse, small and weak, with nowhere to escape.

But Yu Lian was actually aroused to be fierce!
Isn't it the star knight's spear charge?Think back then, ah no, think of another timeline, thirty or so knights rushed at me at the same time with the same trick, didn’t they do nothing to me?A mere astral knight leader... Uh, well, although the thirty or so young knights combined were not as sharp as him, isn't the trick still the "piercing" trick?

Yu Lian bared his teeth, turned sideways, and let the opponent's attack penetrate the armor of the emblem machine.However, the moment the spear tip peeled off the armor and touched his body, his body had already begun to enter the energy of nothingness.

The biggest benefit brought to him by the "body of ether" is not that he can better adapt to the mysterious environment of the virtual world, but that his body's conversion efficiency between entity and elementalization has been qualitatively improved.In this regard, the "balance" of his mere bucket has actually surpassed the "control" and "communion" of those who think they are masters of elements.

Of course, for a master like Knight Commander Tatier, even the most common physical slash has its own shock to the spirit and soul.

Even if his attack cannot cause physical damage to the body that has already entered the elemental state, it can also convince the opponent that he has indeed suffered a fatal injury.At that time, the devastation received by the spirit will be unreservedly fed back to the body.

This is where the psyker's hopelessly idealistic idiot comes in.

However, Yu Lian firmly believes that he will never be defeated by the coercion of the strong... Well, he is not sure that the route he chose to carry rice is correct, and he will definitely be able to go on in this universe.However, he is unwavering in his will and courage as a soldier.

Isn't he just a Tatier knight commander?On another timeline, I have never shown any timidity to enemies who are much older and tougher than you.

The coercion and pain from the spirit disappeared in a flash, and in an instant, his elemental body had been pierced, but in fact it did not cause direct damage to his internal organs.However, in this spiritual state, he was obviously clumsy in handling the weapon.However, this did not delay his ability to control spiritual energy, or in other words, it made him a little more agile.

The barrage formed by the spiritual storm took shape in an instant.And because the two were really standing very close, these violent spiritual bullets had already continuously hit the knight commander's face.

Then, there was only a "boom", and the two were bounced back by the impact of the spiritual energy field.

Your Excellency the Knight Commander was relatively calm.A large piece of his faceplate and breastplate were blown away, revealing a chillingly cold face, with no other emotion in his eyes, only boiling evil spirit.He is worthy of being a big brother whose seventh ring peak may become the eighth ring at any time. Even if he was bombed by the spirit storm at close range, he only took a few steps back in an understatement, and then regained his stability.

However, Yu Lian seemed much more embarrassed, and flew upside down.Of course, although it looks embarrassing, half of it is intentional.As he continued to fly backwards to relieve the turbulent spiritual factor, he turned his head to look at the "Past Man", and saw that the eredar elf had shown a wicked smile that was completely inconsistent with his personality.

He waved to the two of them, turned his head and wanted to leave.However, just a few steps away, he saw a wave of air rising from the field in front of him.Immediately afterwards, a huge mechanical iron fist drilled out from behind the ripples, and slapped heavily on the face of the Eredar Elf.

The three-meter-tall purple-faced man in golden armor flew upside down, spun several times in the air like a top, and then hit the ground hard with a slap, setting off a lot of flowers and plants.He wanted to stand up tremblingly, but his body was still like a stupid fish being dragged out of the river, and he slapped the ground for a while, and then there was no movement.

Until this time, Yu Lian, who was fluttering in the air like catkins, landed on his back.When he got up, he saw the voice of Amida Berenkast.

This Princess Hongqiangwei did not wear her snow-white coat of arms anymore, but sat on the back of a snow-white mechanical war horse, or in other words, a mechanical unicorn with both mechanical beauty and mystical charm.

Behind her, there is a majestic mechanical giant with a height of [-] meters, which has opened up a daunting mechanical iron wall. It is the one who blasted the "Master of the Past" into a salted fish just now.

And directly in front of her, the silver-gray steel spread out on the horizon of the wilderness, forming a chilling outline, completely separating the green wilderness from the blue sky.

It was a huge army of robots, densely packed out of everyone's sight.

"This is decent. This is a bit of a boss battle style!" Princess Hongqiangwei stood up on the snow-white mechanical unicorn: "Go! Ravage them!"

She obviously has only one person, one cavalry, and one big robot, but it seems that she is the one with the absolute advantage in strength.

(End of this chapter)

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