Him and their stars

Chapter 1208 Protoss Legion Practiced for Two and a Half Years

Chapter 1208 Protoss Legion Practiced for Two and a Half Years
On the edge of the horizon, the outline of steel forms a silver-gray boundary, completely dividing the cloudless blue sky and the emerald green field into two different wholes.When these steel lines began to advance step by step, the morning light in space seemed to have lost its color.In the windless air, the hot and oppressive feeling is constantly beating in it, as if it is possible to bring this vibrant grassland into the raging fire of disaster at any time.

At this moment, these steel dividing lines have been derived out of everyone's sight.What first appeared on the horizon was the giant tank carried by the most primitive wheel.

The unreasonable power system supports the upper turret with a height of three floors, just like supporting a steel castle.Four huge ion cannons were clamped on both sides of the castle, pointing straight ahead.

These dozens of armored fortresses constitute the altitude line of the mechanical army formation.Among them, there are various mechanical soldiers scattered.There are humanoid walkers with guns, like steel skeletons.There is a Vulcan cannon and honeycomb missile pod, and it moves on hydraulic feet, crawling armor like an octopus.There are also terrifying robots that are no bigger than mice, wandering in the gaps in the army formation, and killing people with cutters and self-explosions.

Yu Lian saw it very familiarly, and always felt that these types of combat robots seemed to have appeared in many places.

"So, Yani, you still say that the snake around the world is not your black glove?" He couldn't help but shouted.

However, Princess Rainbow Rose still sat on her silver mechanical unicorn.

Following her order, the mechanical giant with a height of [-] meters behind him began to change his figure.He jumped up, and the hundreds of millions of parts around him began to twist and reorganize continuously. In the blink of an eye, the [-]-meter-high robot giant had turned into a [-]-meter-high robot dragon, with vibrating wings hanging in the sky, Immediately there was a silent roar.

It, or in other words, he did open his huge mouth, but he really didn't make a sound at all, but the invisible force formed a storm, directly igniting all the flame factors in the air.

Immediately afterwards, in front of the slowly advancing mechanical army, raging flames shot up into the sky, also forming a wall of fire stretching beyond the horizon, completely blocking the opponent's way forward from all sides.

"It's really spectacular!" Yu Lian couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "But, what's the point of this?"

Indeed, a [-]-meter-long steel dragon flapping its wings and roaring, the scene is indeed very handsome.However, a robot suddenly transformed into a giant dragon. Does this have any practical significance?

Yani was only a dozen meters away from Yu Lian at this time, and it was impossible not to hear the latter's complaints, but she still acted as if she hadn't heard it at all, and said loudly: "Go, go and ravage them! Panar Heath 141!"

"It means there are 140 more ahead?" Yu Lian was shocked.

However, the giant steel dragon continued to climb, and then opened its mouth wide, breathing out the dragon's breath... Well, it actually sprayed out a series of ion cannonballs directly.After directly drilling into the firewall, countless explosions immediately set off.

Well, a [-]-meter steel giant with such a large frontal projection area is definitely a target on a real battlefield.If it turns into a giant steel dragon soaring in the sky, it seems to be a lot safer... No wonder!

A [-]-meter-long aircraft is nothing in the vast expanse of space, but once it enters the atmosphere, isn't it also a target?It is even easier to be set on fire than the former.

No, behind the wall of fire, dense firepower has blasted out, dyeing the blue sky red in an instant.

The steel dragon has two wings, a thick torso connected to a steel whip-like tail, and a slender swan-like neck. It looks quite mighty, but the overall shape is really against aerodynamics.If such a guy can do super maneuvers to avoid bullet screens, then the dying eredar elf next to him might be able to get up and tap dance.

Then, seeing that giant steel dragon really made a perfect U-turn.Even though the shadow formed by his body can cover an entire block, the turning radius is almost negligible. Just letting the dense fire net pass by his side is like a swift passing through a storm.

... Oh oh, what an exciting scene!Yu Lian thought, but what's the point?

The problem is, even if this guy is really as sensitive as a swift, but with his size, he will inevitably be hit by various shells.Then, all kinds of bright energy force fields bounced around him.That was naturally the force field reaction caused by the concentration of various shells.

It's just that this giant steel dragon may have a neutrino reactor hidden in its belly, and it's the kind of dreadnought ship.I saw the giant dragon spread out its thick shield, allowing those dense firepower to hit the energy field, rippling endless energy ripples, but its body didn't even tremble, it just spread its wings , and sprayed a series of ion beams towards the ground.

Really handsome!Yu Lian thought, but why do you have to use your mouth?Is it a sense of ritual?Anyway, it's also in a mechanical form. Isn't it delicious to have a row of magazines growing on the abdominal cavity of the torso?

Just as Yu Lian had this thought, the dragon's abdominal cavity really opened, and hundreds of hive missiles whizzed out in an instant, smashing into the mechanical army with a whistling sound.

... Well, looking at it this way, it is unlikely that this giant steel dragon named "Panersis No. 141" will be shot down by the enemy for a while.

However, although the iron dragon's firepower was ferocious, the enemy's army spread for more than ten miles, and it was impossible to be wiped out immediately.Since it is a robot, there is no problem of morale collapse and a white flag to escape.While continuing to fight back, they maintained their formation and pace, and continued to move forward.

Soon, those iron skeletons with guns came out from behind the flames, stern and stern, full of evil spirit.

Yu Lian felt that the scene was indeed very visual, and suddenly tapped his palm after pondering for half a second: "Oh, the Terminator!"

Of course, even if these robot armies have the aura of terminators, he still feels that the proper way these iron guys line up their troops is still the virtue of the cold weapon era.However, considering that the whole universe is now such a virtue, even the most elite armored grenadiers of the empire have not shown higher tactical qualities, so this scene is very reasonable.

Well, although such a scene is silly, it is also really handsome!

Yu Lian thought about it carefully, but really hoped that the Imperial Army in the New World would also maintain this tone.Let the little friends give the empire a subversive civil shock.

...However, the current situation is destined not to shock.Yu Lian only saw Yani who was riding on the white unicorn wave her hand and shouted, "Go, Protoss Legion!"

Behind her, dozens of huge robot bodies appeared.They are not as huge as the "Pa 141" in the sky, which is [-] meters long, but they are also more than ten meters high on average, and each machine body is full of mystical design, gorgeous and majestic, and what stands out is a kind of elegance combination with machinery.

If it is really placed in the radish cartoons of the alliance's ghost fights, it must be the protagonist machine, and it must be the protagonist machine in the later stage, or it must be the boss machine.

Then, these gorgeous war machines turned from phantoms into entities in an instant, and rushed towards the opposite army formation.

In front of them, although those densely packed terminators looked menacing, their style was indeed far worse.At that moment, Yu Lian felt as if he saw a titan wielding a thunderbolt sword attacking the formation of skeleton soldiers.

Yu Lian was delighted to see it, but he was also a little worried.

Of course he knew that the so-called "Protoss Legion" was also one of the family mysteries of the Berenkester family. It was said that through spiritual power and blood inheritance, they signed so-called contracts with certain imaginary gods.The patrons of Hong Qiangwei provide material support for the séance, and use the spiritual energy of the patrons to support the channel of trance. In this way, it is equivalent to owning a summoning army.

That's probably what Yani meant by "one man forms an army" just now.

Of course, it is said that in the ancient era of the alliance's home planet, the protoss summoned by Hong Qiangwei's psionic masters were knights in bright armor, like resurrected heroes in history.But in the current era of the big universe, the protoss has turned into a super robot, which is actually quite reasonable.

However, this trick still places a heavy burden on the psyker.Can Yani, a mere "listener" who has only been promoted for less than half a year, really be able to handle it?
With such doubts in mind, those magical machines have already rushed into the enemy's mechanical army, and each of them has played the effect of opening Wushuang.Yani on the opposite side seemed to see that the situation had stabilized, so she came over on a unicorn, glanced condescendingly at Yu Lian, and smiled: "Don't worry, I have also practiced the summoning of the Protoss Legion for two and a half years." And, if it’s not an innate psionic skill, there’s always room for improvement. The absolute psionic power you need is one thing, but optimization is another. Even crows can throw stones to drink water, but If after so many years, we can’t even improve the inheritance left by our ancestors, I’m afraid it’s not even as good as stones.”

Having said that, normal people also know that keeping dozens of protoss on the stage for a long time will consume a lot of Yani, and the time will not last long.

But Yani said: "We are still inside the space channel. As I said, within this stable space law, it is very difficult for the enemy to use illusions to manipulate."

"So, those robots are real?" Yu Lianqi said: "Then, with such a scale, why not deploy them in the fort outside?"

"Probably because I don't think it's necessary," Yani said.

"no need?"

"Yes, although there are a large number of mechanical soldiers here, it is only because of the relatively small space. If they are scattered in the passages of the Snake Cave Fortress, they are nothing more than slightly advanced defense robots, which will not bring any impact to the entire battle situation. What a fundamental change. However, if you put it here, maybe if you are lucky, you and I may be piled up to death, and this can be regarded as a record." Princess Hongqiang sneered.

Yu Lian felt that what she said was quite reasonable.

"It's impossible for us to use up all our physical strength with the miscellaneous soldiers here." Yu Lian said.

"Don't worry, Panarsis 141 will help us find the enemy's command point. As long as he is still in the sky!" Yani was full of confidence.

Yu Lian looked at the huge steel dragon in the sky that was being focused on fire, and always felt that it might be bombarded by random artillery at any time, but anyway, this is not his prop, so there is no need to feel sorry for the local tyrant opposite.

At this time, Yani, who was riding on the back of the unicorn, looked at the eredar elf who was still lying on the ground twitching, and then at the knight commander Tatier who was further away.After the "Master of the Past" was slapped and slapped away by the steel giant who suddenly appeared, the Knight Commander also withdrew his weapon and stood there silently, as if he was doubting his life.

"Guess what I saw just now?" Yani laughed.

"I deflected Earl Tatier's blow handsomely?" Yu Lian asked.

"You hurt the enemy eight hundred, and you hurt yourself a thousand, right?" Princess Red Rose glanced at Yu Lian angrily, and her eyes swept over the half of his body that was still in a virtual state: "Elemental body is not invincible. You Masters who have reached the pinnacle of fighting martial arts in this way, after a few more times, the body's nihilization will be irreversible. At that time, they may really become spirit ghosts and be expelled from the material world. Void Realm is the worst miscellaneous soldier."

"The miscellaneous soldiers are also working very hard. I developed wretchedly in it, and maybe I can evolve into a Void Lord."

"Well, it's like the setting in "Gaboa ol". As long as the abyss worm can survive, it will take hundreds of millions of years to evolve into an abyss lord one day, and maybe even challenge the king of disaster. Woolen cloth."

"A new DLC is coming out? The King of Calamity is about to be pushed?" Yu Lian's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, your full set of heavenly weapons will be retired soon, remember to take action quickly. However, this is not the point." Yani sneered and said: "When I came to the vicinity just now, I saw two snake heads , that is, the 'Past Lord' and the 'Lawbreaker' are beating you. You were beaten so badly that you could barely escape with heavy injuries."

"Then you rushed over to save me?"

"No, I saw that your escaping movements and angles are so smooth, so I simply asked Pa 141 to slap you."


"Look, I guessed right. After you got slapped, the person who fell on the ground became a 'past', and the original 'past' and 'lawbreaker' became you And Tatier Knight Commander." Yani smiled and said, "A person like you should not be so embarrassed even when you run away, and you won't lie on the ground and reach out to me for help."

"No, I just think you're just looking for an excuse to punch me in the head." Yu Lian couldn't help but said.

"Student Yu Lian, I think you have deeply misunderstood me. The person I like should be a world-class hero. Even if he is about to be beaten to death, he will not lose his prestige. Use your appearance to show that kind of submissiveness." It's a desecration of my aesthetics and true feelings!"

Well, Miss Ren has already talked about this point, even if Yu Lian doubted it, he couldn't say anything, so he made a gesture, then showed his sword, and pointed at Ai who was still lying on the ground with salted fish. Reda Elf went.

At this time, Count Tatier, who was still in a state of confusion in his life, also came to his senses, and also came over with a spear.Seeing that the other party was looking at him, he directly thrust the spear into the ground, showing no hostility.

"Young man, do you know what I saw just now?"

"I'm still a little interested." Yu Lian looked at the wound on his side.The body that was still in the elemental state finally began to condense back into a solid body, but it was more than a beat slower than usual.

"You decided to cooperate with the Snake Head and the Alliance, kill me first, and then set up an ambush to wipe out all the imperial troops who entered the fortress. It seems that the moment we met face to face, we have already fallen into the opponent's illusion!" the knight said.

(End of this chapter)

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