Him and their stars

Chapter 1209 Perfect clone test

Chapter 1209 Perfect clone test

"Blindfolding? That is to say, what you saw just now is different from me. Did you see that I joined the snake head?" Yu Lian blinked and looked at the other party with some doubts.

The knight commander nodded, walked up to the dying enemy who was still acting like a salted fish, and said with a smile: "Yes. He explained to me in great detail the process of your relationship with the snake, expressing how much they value you. Let me successfully think that they are you who really treat you as the next leader to train."

In a sense, it really can't be regarded as a lie, but I don't really appreciate it.Yu Lian thought.

"Besides, after all, the World-Rounding Snake originated from the Alliance, and we cannot rule out the possibility that the Alliance and the Snake jointly set up a plan to harm the interests of the Empire." The Knight Commander laughed: "At least, if you really do this, we The 10,000+ soldiers in the Spiral Cross Nebula will be very dangerous."

Yu Lian nodded in agreement: "I can understand. However, there is one thing to say. Although the snakes around the world originated from the alliance, it has been more than 3000 years since the era of great exploration in the universe, but they still exist to this day. To say that they are only It's just a black glove of the league, it's too impersonal."

The knight commander smiled slightly: "Young man, you might as well speak clearly."

"I have already said this just now... Oh, forget what we saw just now is different."

Yu Lian looked at the knight commander who was always a master with a reserved smile, and said with a smile: "Yani told me that the space channel here is very stable, and it stands to reason that it is impossible to tamper with the law of space. But, We still saw a different scene, does this mean that the illusion is actually operated by the snake head itself?"

"He is a strong man. The old man thinks that his opponent has some experience in kung fu, but this man really put me in a hard fight just now, but he never thought that this man is actually a master of illusion."

"This is the only possibility. The composition of a large-scale illusion is also an array. If it is directly relied on the environment, it can indeed save a lot of effort, but if you are really a master, it is also possible to use your own operation as the core." Yu Yu Lian pondered for a while: "But such a master, is it too disrespectful to pretend to be salted fish here?"

"It's very disgraceful. It's obvious that such a master can use illusion, but I still can't accept pretending to be dead here!" the knight said.

"Yes, it's like mocking us who were in a hard fight just now, it's really too careless about martial arts." Yu Lian said.

"Although you are young, you still know martial arts very well." Count Tatier once again showed a gratified expression.

"Let's see how long you can pretend." Yu Lian raised his light spear.

"Young man, just do it. The old man's martial arts make me unable to do it against an enemy who doesn't resist, but I will fight here." The knight commander said as he frowned and looked at the horizon not far away.

There, the mechanical protoss commanded by Yani were fighting the robot army inextricably.Although the scene looked like dozens of fierce generals playing unparalleled among miscellaneous soldiers, there was a decisive gap in the strength of the two sides after all.If this continues, no one knows whether these spirit-like gods will run out of energy, and will be completely overwhelmed by those robots that look like an army of undead.

"Our time is limited, so we should go over and help." He said so.

"Although you are old, you still know martial arts very well." Yu Lian laughed, and the dawn-colored flame made a dragon's chant.

At this moment, the eredar elf who was still a salted fish on the ground had already woken up, waving his hands that had lost their weapons helplessly: "We don't need to make trouble like this. All the mysteries in the snake's lair are ours. Yes, but in the final analysis, it is also yours. But if you kill me here, are you afraid that they will all be submerged in the deep space? Now we are no longer a threat to you!"

At this time, he is really a painful and tired old man, fear and helplessness are his only background.

"Count, and the young Dragon of Daybreak, you are all experts in the field of psychic energy, you should be able to feel my state at this time. Tell me, can I really pose a threat to you?"

Count Tatier held his head up, expressionless.On the other side, Yu Lian already had a ferocious expression on his face, and he raised his light blade and slashed towards him without hesitation.However, at the moment when he was about to hit the top of the opponent's head, his arm suddenly turned around, covering the trajectory of the light blade with the help of a misaligned perspective, and then, the bright dawn-colored energy flame bit towards the opponent like a treacherous poisonous snake. The side of Tatier's knight commander.

The latter was pierced first, and then, a cold light flowed through. The knight commander had two additional arms on his torso, and he was holding a phase force field sword that was almost unrecognizable. The neck was only inches away.

Obviously, if Yu Lian hadn't shot him first, he might have been stabbed in the head.

"This is really incomprehensible! You can see through it!" Although the knight commander was pierced, he still showed a surprised expression: "Why did you see through it?"

"Probably because of self-consciousness." Yu Lian said with a smile.Then, in his sight, the knight commander turned into the appearance of the eredar elf, and began to cough up blood.Unlike the one on the ground who was wearing golden armor, this "Past Duke" was wearing the same coat of arms as the knight commander.This is actually not surprising. Anyway, the emblem machine, like the light spear, is considered a mass-produced product. It is not too surprising that it flows into the black market and then into the hands of snakes.

Of course, self-consciousness is indeed only one aspect.The Knight Commander Tatier in Yu Lian's memory was indeed a flexible and diverse type who knew martial arts very well.Whether it was a sneak attack, siege or deceit, as long as he could win, he would carry it out without hesitation.However, according to the information from another timeline, Yu Lian also knew that the knight commander should be holding a treasure called "Blood Death Knell". and impatience state, but it can replenish vitality and physical strength by attacking enemies at close range.

The stronger the enemy, the more stamina and vitality will be replenished.

This is also the reason why Earl Tatier, who can be called a demigod psionic master, doesn't like long-range techniques, and is more keen on using martial arts to fight at close range.

At the beginning, ah no, thinking about the future, he really killed tens of thousands of insect swarms with one spear.The record is shocking, but what is even more shocking is the endurance, but this has to be attributed to the ability of "Blood Death Knell".

Of course, in this day and age, this treasure with the aura of a demon king is still a secret.

A veteran like him, of course, can overcome his own rage and mania. Similarly, it is impossible for a veteran like him to let Yu Lian make up for it.

Of course, this might just be Yu Lian's guess.But the question is, even if he really guessed wrong, what did he lose?

"Relying on self-consciousness will lead you to a dead end." An Ruida elf said so.Until this time, he has not forgotten his personality as a good teacher.In other words, it was precisely because he had been seen through that he restored his personality.

"You must have played the role of a good mentor in the snake around the world, right? At least you look more like a boss than that 'now' aunt." Yu Lian smiled and said, "It's just that I really don't understand, Why are you thinking so hard here?"

The "old man in the past" wearing a coat of arms coughed up another mouthful of blood, and showed a smile full of the demeanor of a riddleman.However, before he could open his mouth, a wisp of smoke curled up from his neck.Immediately afterwards, the smoke circled around the thick and muscular purple neck, and his head immediately rolled down to the ground.

The eredar elf in golden armor closed his eyes, seeming to empathize.

The headless corpse stood upright for a while, a soft sigh flowed out of the trachea, and then fell silent, just like that being supported by the heraldry machine, it lost its movement.

Yu Lian looked at the head of the eredar elf with a frozen smile, and visually judged that it had completely lost its luster.

"So that's it, it's a clone!" Yu Lian exclaimed, "However, the body of a psychic can't be restored by ordinary cloning techniques, unless Flores Wanda's life skills are used. Tsk , My beloved relatives and friends are really pitiful, they have made so many contributions to you, but they don’t even let him be thirteen faces, and they still bury the degenerate factor in their brains.”

"Young man, you are only half right. If nothing happens to Flores Wanda, once he enters the saint stage, he will definitely be able to become one of the thirteen faces step by step. We also have great expectations for him. But Aren't you the one who ruined his career hopes?"

This can be reversed, which I didn't expect.Yu Lian was once again amazed at the moral bottom line of the snakeheads.

"Also, one day you were wrong. The young Dragon of Dawn, even with Flores' lifelong research, the cloned body can only carry five rings, until a new companion joins us. This is a big step forward in this research.”

Yu Lian was slightly startled, then nodded and said: "I understand, the Thorn Witch, right? She is also good at playing with containers, and every cell is overflowing with the rancid feeling of cults. In comparison, although my dear relatives and friends also play cults , but in fact it is more like an MLM organization, and its own research is at least somewhat scientific.”

"Yes, turning around the Witch of Thorns needs to choose a carrier with excellent aptitude from infancy, and use psionic training and training (meow) from childhood. Even so, it is inevitable that a lot of power will be lost when turning around. Witch of Thorns The years of existence in the world can even be compared with the organization, but until now, there is always a huge gap between her and that realm. This may be because there will always be repulsion between the body and the soul, and it is difficult to completely overcome. However, Even if the cloned body is man-made, it is still his own body, and Flores Wanda should have achieved more than his mentor."

"Salute to the beloved relatives and friends of the pioneers of science." Yu Lian expressed his regret sincerely.

"Salute to him." Past Justice: "So, with the help of the Thorn Witch, I am paying tribute to him with actions."

"... In this fortress, apart from the clones made by external body techniques, biological mesons, alchemy dolls, and this new type of clone?" Yu Lian asked.

"You're smart," he admitted.

"Old sir, are you collecting stamps? And aren't you afraid of schizophrenia?"

"This old man has been training in this area for nearly two and a half centuries, and he can manage hundreds of clones at the same time," he said proudly.He is obviously a salted fish lying on the ground, but somehow he has the aura of a master.

"However, you used the techniques of your loved ones and the Witch of Thorns to create clones, but they didn't reach the strength of the main body!"

"There is always a test. In actual combat, when facing a genius like you and a master like Earl Tatier, the test is meaningful. At least, it has been proved that using clones can create six rings. The avatar can skillfully use all my martial arts, illusions and techniques."

Yu Lian sighed, with a bit of genuine sadness and admiration: "If you people are not terrorists, you will definitely become pioneers in exploring the frontiers of truth in the universe."

"We are. The young Dragon of Dawn, we are the pioneers. It's just that the method is different from the public's perception." The former public also showed a sad expression: "But, at least in this field, we are not only for Exploration is also for self-protection! It is also to reach the side of the real truth!"

Seeing that Yu Lian really showed doubts and curiosity, his tone suddenly became more urgent: "This is the biggest secret we know. Young Dragon of Daybreak, do you want to know? Join us, let's unite, We will reveal all the secrets of hidden history, and then we will seek the truth together. Together, we will bring a new order to this universe, an order of progress."

"..." Yu Lian remained expressionless.

"..." The eredar elf was full of kindness and hope, as if he was really a sincere old comrade.

"I've never heard of someone who can poach people in front of a third party." Yu Lian sighed: "Although Princess Hongqiangwei over there is fighting with your companions, she hasn't forgotten to pay attention to this side."

"I understand." The eredar elf said solemnly, "but aren't we the black gloves of the alliance? If that's the case, Princess Rainbow Rose won't mind."

Yu Lian looked at Yani over there, and the latter was just sitting on the unicorn, smiling and giving a thumbs up.

Yu Lian also responded with a thumbs up, pointing casually.A space blade shot out by Dawn immediately pierced the forehead of the Eredar Elf.His purple face was frozen in astonishment, and a small smooth hole appeared in the middle of his forehead, but there was not even a trace of smoke.

"It's like this again..." He let out a final sigh, fell forward to the ground, twitched twice, and finally stopped moving.

"It's a pity, it's another one. It's said to be a clone, but it's clear that every cell has been nourished by spiritual energy, so it must not be cheap." Yani said.

Obviously, she was indeed directing the battle just now, but the conversation between Yu Lian and the "past" was not lost at all.

"But, at least it shows that his experiment is still a success?" Yu Lian laughed.

"It's really amazing. The mere body can perfectly carry all the personality and power of the main body, and even use it as a basis to open a wide-area illusion. Except that there is still a gap in the strength of psychic power from the mainland, it is already considered perfect. However, I'm actually not interested in his perfect experiment. If these clones of his are to be cultivated in the way of the Witch of Thorns and Flores Wanda, what is the difference from making treasures? Can't be used The things made on the factory's assembly line are not technical." Yani sneered.

Well, at least on this point, Yu Lian still agrees with Miss Bei.However, he felt that the intentions of the "Grand Past" and the snake should not be as simple as creating clones with stronger fighting power.

(End of this chapter)

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