Him and their stars

Chapter 1210 Where is King Weilunte

Chapter 1210 Where is King Weilunte
So, why is this clone considered by the "Past Lord" as a basis for exploring the "side of truth"?Yu Lian said he couldn't understand.

"Hehe, so, no matter how long the history of associations is, they are still shady associations. The truth is there, everyone can find their own way, and everyone is destined to have a different way of seeking Tao. Does it still exist? Can’t a constant greatest common divisor work? In comparison, I’m still more interested in the real head of the ‘past’. His experiment can at least prove that his body is still in this fortress.” Yani’s tone remained the same With a heart full of chills.

"Indeed, since it has been agreed that snakes will be used to worship the heavens, how can it be only half-baked?" Yu Lian laughed.

"That's right, we mobilized people to attack the Snake Lair. If you can't even see the head of a leader, even if you win the Snake Lair, you are a half-assed. Teacher Yani hates doing half-assed things the most."

She looked at the wall of fire at the end of the wilderness, her eyes gleaming with a mysterious mist: "Go and find him. I'll go help here when I'm done."

Yu Lian really wanted to ask the other party how she planned to deal with her, but she saw a smile on the corner of her mouth, but there seemed to be a knife hidden in her smile.

"Aha, I see it." She said, then waved her hand.On top of her head, the huge steel dragon seemed to have finally found its target, and suddenly spread its steel wings, spitting out another attack in the direction Princess Rainbow Rose was pointing at.

This time, what spewed out from the dragon's mouth was not blue ion cannonballs, but a scarlet beam of light flickering with magnetic field waves, but it was clearly the gathering speed of the positron cannon.

Then again, if the positron cannon is used in the atmosphere, isn't it afraid of causing an ecological disaster?Is it too careless?
As soon as Yu Lian had this thought, he suddenly remembered that this place is actually in the gap of the space channel, so naturally there is no so-called atmosphere.He is not so much breathing now, but rather using spiritual energy to simulate the air environment, forcing the respiratory system to keep functioning normally.

Immediately afterwards, after the crimson beam of light had swept into the wall of fire, it plowed a shocking scratch on the field.The trajectory swept by the beam of light formed a large area of ​​death that spread continuously. All the enemy robots included in this area were directly induced to lose control of all the internal energy systems, and exploded on the spot, turning into a burning steel corpse.

"Go, Panarsis 141!" Yani said loudly.

Then, the giant iron dragon just headed towards the end of the trajectory after the bombardment of your own positron cannon, and rushed over.

Yu Lian only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and was almost blinded by the dog's eyes again, and then he felt a deafening roar.But in the next moment, he saw a large mushroom with a full posture and bright color rising from the end of the horizon.

"Oh, it's done! Planting the sun is successful!" Yu Lian cheered loudly: "What is this? Is it burning and exploding? Why does the dragon have such an unscrupulous skill like Balrog!"

"In these days, a robot that can't use self-destruct is definitely not a good robot." Yani replied.

"Robot? Didn't you agree that it belongs to the protoss?"

"The protoss is the spirit body, the carrier of the robot. Does this theory still need teacher Yani to give you a popular science? Now, the carrier has completed the task, and the spirit body returns to the void. Isn't this the best result? I feel that this body has been used for too long, and I want a little freshness."

"...The co-authorship has already exploded, and you will have to take it out to work in the future! You really deserve to be the number one capitalist in the universe." Yu Lian couldn't help being a tactical retreat.

"Hehehe, Teacher Yani thinks you are praising others." She laughed like this.

"So, it has to be Panarsis 142 soon?"

"It's 150. 142 to 149 have already been used."

"What a luxury, what an explanation for hell!"

However, even though it was such an extravagant attack, it did have a huge effect.Then, on the wilderness, many robots that were still fighting against the Protoss God Machines started to shut down piece by piece, just like the fearless undead army lost the necromancer.

"Little trick, do you show your chicken feet?" Yani laughed loudly, patted the sitting mechanical unicorn, and added a phase disintegration cannon and a blaster machine gun in her left and right hands, and rode towards the distant place. The mushroom cloud rushed over.

Of course, before leaving, she didn't forget to give Yu Lian a wink, and pointed to the direction of nine o'clock with her beautiful chin.

Yu Lian waved to the girl's back, and then ran towards nine o'clock.Over there, he had caught a fleeting ripple in the force field.

If it were someone else, the fluctuation formed by the energy force field would be considered fleeting, but it was enough for Yu Lian.He rushed over there with a flicker of the force field, and then really captured a high-latitude entrance.When Yu Lian came out of this space, he suddenly found that he had returned to a wide corridor again.

He can be sure that this should be in the inner space of the snake lair, but he can't immediately determine his specific location.Fortunately, as a "sage", when he returned to his material world, he quickly opened up his spiritual perception to the maximum range.

He soon heard the sound of explosions and guns, and walked in that direction. Within a few minutes, he came to a huge overpass through the corridor under his feet.The sky bridge passes through a huge tower-like central axis in the fortress, and connects to the other side of the fortress.

Yu Lian soon discovered the source of the gunfire, but it was another flyover on the floor below him.There, dozens of soldiers wearing community hussar mechs were shooting at the enemy directly in front of them across the passage of the overpass.Their enemies were a dozen mercenaries in powered anti-G suits.

It stands to reason that there are armors versus no armors, many people versus few people, and the battle has already become one-sided.However, those snake mercenaries also brought an equal number of robots to cooperate, and they were exactly the group that Yu Lian had seen in the space passage just now.

...Heh, they didn't crash together.It seems that Snakehead is always smarter than most movie villains to put all the control terminals together.

Without further ado, Yu Lian condescendingly bombarded the entire wheel with grenades, and after confirming that most of the enemies had been killed by the explosion connected with eight rings, he made a big comparison to his bewildered subordinates. Thumb, and then rushed towards the next battlefield.At this time, he had already felt the fluctuation of the energy force field where the psykers clashed, not far in front of him.

The soldiers of the community really didn't expect to encounter such reinforcements that could be called god-like, so they were naturally stunned for a while.When they reacted, they could no longer see the true master.

"FD-12 channel, clear!" Naturally, they could only report to their superiors through the command channel.

"Understood, well done. Continue to move forward as planned."

"Also, I seem to have seen Your Excellency the Commander just now..."

"I should have seen it too."

"The old man seems to have greeted us."

"Hehe, we have been known by Your Excellency the Commander!"

Major Daqi finally couldn't help cursing in the channel: "You all wear helmets that have been thickened by three or five layers, and even your own mother can't recognize it. Find the right direction for me and move on!"

At this time, Yu Lian had already passed through the central axis structure, passed through an aisle from the overpass, and then arrived at the side of an aisle.One side of his aisle is a transparent wall, and the other side of the wall is a rather wide interior space.The length extends beyond his field of vision, the depth is at least [-] meters, and the height should be more than [-] meters. It looks like a large activity room or training room.

There, though, a team of four wearing heraldry machines was battling a giant in a strange armor.

The coat of arms machine is the unified warrior class of the alliance, and the giant wearing armor is a three-meter-tall Legg giant.This warrior race, known throughout the galaxy, is a born warrior and weapon master, but not particularly psychically sensitive.If they really awaken their psionic powers, they will basically only be "Bloodway" or "Sura".There was a faint red light under the feet of this giant Laige, it should be the latter.

However, if you take a closer look, the armor on this giant's body is transparent, like wearing a glass armor. It looks fragile, thin and nondescript, but its defense seems to be quite high.Even if it is directly slashed by a lightsaber, these hot flames that can melt alloys can be directly bounced away.

Hmm, is the median crystal?Silver obsidian?Or shadow iron alloy?Yu Lian began to think.However, no matter which one it is, it is an amazing alchemy skill to be able to make armor.

The giant's weapons are a disintegrating chainsaw that is as tall as a person and a melting battle ax as big as a windmill. Ease of flavor.

It can be seen that this giant Laige is not only a very rare psychic in his family, but also a top martial arts master.It is clear that one is against four, but it has never been seen as a disadvantage.

I don't know if it's these alliance psykers, the inspectors of the Extraordinary Administration, or the guerrillas of the association, but they really have no spirit!Yu Lian old-fashionedly expressed his disappointment with Miss Bei's subordinates, and without further hesitation, he pulled out the light blade and blasted the transparent wall next to it into pieces.Immediately, he heard the staggered roar of spirit sons rushing towards his face, besides, there were all kinds of more intensive gunshots and shouts of killing.

Yes, this room is still very spacious as a battlefield.It can accommodate the confrontation of psykers, and it can also accommodate ordinary soldiers and various combat robots serving as the atmosphere group nearby.

Yu Lian was too lazy to observe the battle situation of ordinary people, and just threw a storm of spiritual particles at the psyker of the giant Laige without hesitation.With his current spiritual power, while releasing a large-scale barrage of spiritual energy, it can also guarantee its attack trajectory to a considerable extent.

No, hundreds of spiritual bullets bypassed the alliance's psykers, and all of them hit the giant Laige, covering half of its body in the burning colorless flames.

The giant growled in pain.He had just been watched a dozen times by the lightsaber, and was bombarded hundreds of times with various bullets and shells, but he did not show such painful emotions.

What was even more frightening was that the glass armor on his body began to crack.

It can be confirmed that this kind of transparent armor has a strong absorption of energy and kinetic energy, but in the face of pure spiritual bombardment, it can't last longer than Fan Tie.

The soldiers of the alliance looked at each other in blank dismay, and were also stunned by the pie from the sky that occasionally passed by. They didn't react until Yu Lian disappeared from their sight, and rushed forward to face the enemy who had lost their protection. Hacking.

Yu Lian did not stop and continued to move forward.He felt that he was worthy of his allies after fighting a round of spirit storm.

In the process of advancing, he has passed through several forks, but he still cannot determine which route leads to the inside of the fortress.At times like this, though, he decided to trust his self-awareness.

... Well, it's completely intuition is not sure, at least I can feel the smell of blood there, where there are traces left by the confrontation of masters.

No, when Yu Lian went through a few more aisles, killed more than a dozen robots and mercenaries blocking the way, smashed a magnetic field device, and kicked open a heavy-duty door, the bloody smell in his nose had already made him feel sick. It's a bit busy.The focus of his vision immediately focused on a pile of messy corpses in the cabin in front of him.

That should be a central control room of an agency, maybe a central control command room in a certain area of ​​the fortress.

It's just that there are already hundreds of corpses lying in the command room. Judging from the attire, most of them are members of the Snake Organization. There are mercenaries with live ammunition and civilian technicians in civilian clothes.

Among these piles of corpses, the presence of three corpses wearing coat of arms is very conspicuous.One of them is the crystal control of the alliance, and the other two are the crimson of the empire.

Those two crimsons were still wearing visors, and their fatal injuries were all on their torsos, both of which were lacerations caused by energy blades.However, from their armor numbers and coat of arms, Yu Lian recognized that these two were Viscount Job and Baron Hutal, both of whom were Knights of the Star Realm, but they were also retainers of King Valente.

If I remember correctly, it seems that King Valente also brought his retainers into the fortress.So what about others?
Yu Lian looked at the Alliance's Crystal Pilot again, but it was just a headless corpse.Yu Lian soon saw his head on the table next to him. It was the head of an Okui named Aisuotu Burning Sword.Facing up, his dark brown complexion turned dilapidated gray, and his fortitude wrinkles also loosened, like dead snakes with their bellies exposed.Naturally, the lidless eyes had already lost their sharp focus, and were just staring blankly at the ceiling.

This is an A-level guerrilla who belongs to the association. He also has the status of a lieutenant general in the reserve of the alliance. He also has a relationship with Yu Lian.

Yu Lian still remembered the skills of this veteran psyker.When he was attacking Emerald Fan in the Void Realm, he stood side by side with Senior Brother Hyuga Souji, facing waves of attacks from the Lord of Desolate Mist, but remained motionless like a mountain.His face was always as resolute as a mountain, even in the battle with the Void Lord, he remained unmoved.

But now, his head was hung with consternation.

...So, the master of the alliance died, and the retainers of King Weilunt also died.Where is he himself?

Yu Lian lit up the golden light blade, did not go through the door, directly avoided the wall, and rushed in through the gap.

He flashed his force field across the anti-gravity barrier, through the narrow passage, and across the blindingly bright doorway.Then, he stopped.

In a conference room that looked like an amphitheater, Count Tatier, the Knight Commander of the Astral World, was fighting against the eredar elves in golden armor.

Yu Lian had seen this scene many times today, and he just found it boring.

So, where the hell is King Valente?
(End of this chapter)

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