Him and their stars

Chapter 1226 The Owl Is Still Making Movies

Chapter 1226 The Owl Is Still Making Movies
Even with Brunhilt's speculative ability, it is inevitable to be surprised for a moment.She thought about it seriously, and said solemnly: "Wait, let me sort out my thoughts first. Who am I?"

"King Brunhilt of Suluka, Minister of the Privy Council, Chief Supervisor of the Star Knights, Admiral of the Imperial Navy, Commander of the Imperial New World Expeditionary Fleet." Yani said.

"Well. Then who are you... No, you are Yamita Berencaster, director of the Standard Shipping Association, executive director of the Red Rose Foundation, standing member of the Guerrilla Association, and special inspector of the Extraordinary Administration. What an ordinary citizen of the Union!"

"I'm also an honorary member of the Film Academic Research Association, and a visiting professor at Ocean University. One thing to say, as an ordinary citizen of the alliance, I still value these two titles."

"I don't care which title you value... Wait, what about the owl?"

"The owl is making a movie!"

Brunhilt thought about it seriously, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch: "I always feel that you have already told a joke like this."

"Just tell me if it's funny or not," Yani said.

At this time, there was a burst of bright and hearty laughter from behind her, like a hero.She didn't even have to turn her head to feel everyone's happy emotions.However, she still turned around, only to see that Olivia and Wovna were smiling particularly happily, and Nirhana looked like she wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.Ostana, as a face paralyzed, still maintains the same business smile.Giafiel had already turned her head away, unable to see her expression, her shoulders were trembling slightly.

"Gili, why are you like this!"

Of course, Brunhilt didn't understand the logic of this joke at all, but since everyone laughed so happily, it might be his own problem.

She spread her hands frankly: "It's a pity, I'm a boring person with no sense of humor. However, thanks to Miss Fei Na who is not here, I actually have a bit of an ominous premonition because of her."

Yani nodded: "The defense of this door is too ordinary, so ordinary that people feel pervasive."

The two looked at each other, took a step back at the same time, and soon each recruited an engineering robot.The robot with crawlers pressed the heavy hammer on the quaint gate, and at the same time pushed the thick gate open a crack.

A group of people, including the heroic spirit machine and the mechanical unicorn holding the "Human Head Meteor Hammer", took another step back, waiting for the door to open.

However, when the door was completely opened, nothing happened.

However, for everyone at the scene, nothing happened, which means something bad happened.

Giafiel crossed the spear, smearing fire on the crystal-clear long blade.Then, he passed the lord and Princess Rainbow Rose of the alliance, and rushed into the room immediately.

This "scarlet comet" is not the type of reckless and reckless, but the reason for doing so is the function of a sense of responsibility - she is still very confident in her own skills, and in this case, she is also obliged to open the way for the lord.

Immediately afterwards, what caught her eyes was indeed a large circular space that suddenly opened up.After pushing the door open, you will find that you are on the edge of the circle, and the distance between the gate and the circle is more than 100 meters.Basically, the central squares of some cities are of this size.

What is really amazing is the change after entering this square.The aisle outside the gate is still the typical minimalist, halo, advanced style with a sense of technology and industry in space facilities.But after passing through this very contemporary bronze door, it seems to have passed through the shackles of time and came to a classical era full of charm.

They all clearly knew that they should be located in the innermost space of this fortress, surrounded by densely packed space cabins that looked like bees.However, the first thing everyone saw was the sky full of stars.

This large-scale circular square, as if made of marble, is full of the vicissitudes and charm of the classical era.It's like the ancient kings finally began to look up at the mystery and magnificence of the stars, so they exhausted their money and labor, and finally built a spectacle on the mountain closest to the starry sky.

Every night, this spectacle-like altar will be bathed in stars.

When everyone stepped into this building, what they saw was such a magnificent and sacred scene.However, none of them were in the mood to appreciate the magnificent scenery.

"This starry sky is simulated..." Ostana reminded.

You must know that at this moment, the starry sky around this fortress must be shuttled by crazy artillery fire, so there will be such a quiet and sacred picture.

"Even if the starry sky is simulated, the spirituality brought by the galaxy is indeed real." Giafell said: "The Knights' observatory at the Mithril Fortress is nothing more than that."

"At least our feeling at the beginning was not wrong." Ostana said: "It is true that physical strength and spiritual energy can be recovered quickly here."

Facing them, there is indeed an endless starry sky.On the deep and quiet black curtain, the most gorgeous gemstones in countless universes are dotted.In this way, the light and power they brought spilled into the circular square, which seemed to be carved out of marble by ancient craftsmen, and fell into the undulating ravines and protrusions on the square.

Then, the light flowed slowly in the gap like a river, and finally extended to the high wall on the other side of the square, which is the direction everyone entered.

Outside the bronze gate, there is still the corridor of the space station visible to the naked eye. The wall is only seven or eight meters high, which is naturally considered spacious for normal people, but once heavy equipment is used, or even just covered with a coat of arms, it will be visible to the naked eye. The ground felt cramped.

However, the side of the gate turned into a wall with a height of 30 meters, hanging between the starry sky and the circular square, and there was no man-made zenith.The wall and the square are originally integrated, and it seems that the ancient craftsmen exhausted their efforts and carved them with knives and axes.The walls are covered with the same patterns and carvings, but they are not narrative mural stories, but elegant and abstract patterns, but full of layered carving beauty.

Therefore, as the spirituality contained in these starlights flows in the space, everyone feels that their hearts are filled with a sense of joy that cannot be described in words, which is refreshing but warm.

If there are game terms to explain, in this space, the recovery speed of the red, blue and green bars has increased by 30.00% to [-], and the mental power and perception have also increased by at least [-] points.

The cooling time of the equipment's built-in skills has also been greatly reduced.

Ostana even waved off her starlight banner, observed it carefully, and then nodded with satisfaction: "It is indeed recovering quickly. If everything goes well, we can reopen the subspace channel in at most 10 minutes. It must be possible to catch up." For today's military meeting."

Brunhilt did not answer with a sullen face, watching Yani walk to the center of the square, and listening to the other party say loudly:
"The simulated starry sky can bring the power of the starry sky. It doesn't matter whether it is a simulated mighty power or a copy, or it is even more likely to be a mirror image, projecting a certain sky in the universe here. But no matter which one it is, this itself is a kind of miracle that we can't do at present."

Then, she stopped and her tone was full of regret, as if she saw a perfect statue, but her arm was artificially cut off.

"This place is destroyed," she said.

The entire square is covered with complicated ravines and bumps, forming a large-scale figure.And the spiritual power of the starlight flows in it, just like the huge and vast water system on a continent full of vitality.

However, only in the center of the square, which should be the most important spiritual node, left a bare plane.It seems that where the water veins flow, instead of forming lakes and oceans, a desert with no grass appears, which is full of sense of disobedience.

Yamida explained: "Starlight flowing in this space naturally forms a huge array of psionic energy, which has produced many effects. Among them are nourishing treasures and our star ring, which can also restore physical energy and strengthen perception. .I estimate that the effect of spatial identification operations here will definitely be better than that of our most advanced pilot array."

"So they're able to jump over this at least 100-megaton thing?"

"Finding the gravitational traction point that can make a mass jump of 100 megatons is very difficult. But it is even more difficult to make 100 megatons move. Only a small part of the psionic energy in this space lingers around us, constituting It is an array that nourishes our spirit. However, more spiritual energy passes through this..." Yani stepped on the "stone" square under her feet: "This is made of Mingyan, Liuliyan, fused with Haishi and Austrian Iron The special material made of it has a texture like stone, and its hardness actually exceeds that of most armor steels."

"Anything that is fused into Haishi and Austrian Iron will be stronger than armor steel. Even the empire is not rich enough to use this kind of thing as battleship armor." Brunhilt squatted down and touched the stone slab. a handful.

"There should be other zero elements infiltrated into the interior, which should be biased towards spirituality. These can completely infiltrate the spiritual power generated by the starlight flow into the lower space. I am [-]% sure that this is what we have been looking for. The power source facility of the Snake Lair."

"If these slabs are lifted, will you see an instrument with a beautiful structure but no idea how it works?"

"This possibility is not ruled out." Yani laughed.

Brunhilt glanced around: "Well, I should have guessed it a long time ago. This kind of solemn and grand classicism style, there will be no one but enlightened people."

"Isn't there still your empire?"

"The empire is a pseudo-classical religious mysticism. Now, the aesthetic views of the Tiriro people are becoming more and more like a pretentious ascetic villain." Brunhilt explained solemnly.

Giafill coughed loudly.

"Abstinence? I've always thought that you guys are quite happy. At least the court rituals and music are quite... happy." Yani also showed the expression of "I have never seen such a brazen person", her last one The pause is very subtle, and the original intention should be to prepare to say more aggressive adjectives.

"Well, it's probably because the Tiriello people are hopelessly bloodthirsty war lunatics, so they have been effectively neutralized." King Suliuka shrugged.

This time, the female knights didn't bother to remind them.Anyway, this kind of remark is said by others to attack and slander the sacred and lofty Galactic Empire and the great and glorious Tiriello people, but for the emperor to choose, it is a self-deprecating full of wisdom and sense of humor.

They also understood that the reason why the lord started to talk such bad words was obviously that the fire had already started.

No, Brunhilt, who has a great sense of humor, didn't smile, and said with a cold face: "However, although the array is still operating, it's hard to say whether the power source can continue to propel the entire fortress."

Yani nodded: "Such an exquisite instrument must have both mysterious and technological aspects, and both are indispensable. We are skipping these slates now, maybe the core of the equipment that can find the power source. We record these lines in the square It can also have a decisive impact on the development of array science. However, without the middle piece, it is difficult to recover. I don’t even know how long the progress will be delayed.”

"I understand, this is mysticism, and it cannot be estimated in a normal way." Brunhilt said.

"Yes, even if there are hundreds of laboratories, tens of thousands of enterprises and factories, as well as the full cooperation of the administrative department and the army, it will not increase our progress." Yani said.

"It's already this time, don't disgust me."

"It's not you who disgust me, but the person who destroyed the center of the square!"

"So, it was made of snakes? Just to disgust us?" Brunhilt sneered: "Then, why not destroy everything here?"

"Perhaps it's too late?" Ostana analyzed: "The composite material of Haishi and Austrian iron is so hard that you can imagine. If there is still an orderly flow of spiritual energy in it, if it is destroyed rashly, it may cause energy out of control. Causing disaster."

"...Hmph, just how the opponent only destroys the central array node is already a question that needs to be verified." Giafell said.

Yani was pensive with a sullen face, always feeling that this was not the style of a snake.Because doing so is pointless and not fun.Thinking of this, her eyes quickly swept over the "Human Head Shaped Meteor Hammer" that Heroic Spirit was holding in his hand.

Dr. Zhumoke, who was only half-turning his head, put on the meteor hammer very vividly, and there was no movement at all.Of course, he still sent a message to Yani through the communication chip: "The organization has no plan to destroy the core of the power source of Snake Cave, at least I don't know."

"I understand. If you really want to do tricks, it makes the most sense to plant anti-matter bombs in the core compartment of the fortress."

"...We, although we are a secret society, we are not crazy cult terrorists, who have no tendency to self-destruct, and will never do so. Moreover, my mistress, the organization does have the technology to refine antimatter materials, but we There is no large-scale supporting department in hand, and the output is very limited.”

In any case, even if the center of the square was erased, the girls gained a lot this time.But they still feel uneasy, as if they had a whole feast of prostitutes for nothing, only to find that the most important honey bear paw was made of the head of a groundhog.

"It's okay, the owl is still making movies anyway." Yani gave Brunhilt a thumbs up.

"...So, why bring this up again?"

"Because the things here are not happy, you need to find something else to be happy!" Yani said: "Don't tell me that you have never used this trick before."

Brunhilt pondered for a few seconds, and then he really laughed heartily like a hero.His Royal Highness King Suliuka, who is very self-deprecating and has a sense of humor, seems to have finally gotten a laugh this time.

(End of this chapter)

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