Him and their stars

Chapter 1227 They still have to beg me

Chapter 1227 They still have to beg me
Yu Lian walked in the corridor of the inner building of the Snake Lair wearing a half-open coat of arms.The helmet has been taken off, and it is directly hung on the magnetic buckle around the waist, together with the weapon.In this way, he freed his upper body from the thick armor and stamped anti-G equipment, and immediately felt a sense of comfort after returning home and throwing away the bulky overcoat, shirtless and facing the wind and waves.

At this time, Yu Lian has naturally been completely released from the fighting state.If Feifei were here, she would definitely laugh at him for getting carried away with his tail raised up as a flagpole.

However, he felt that although he was happy, his mood was still stable.The only pity is that there is no way to share this kind of joy with other relatives and friends, so they can only harass the "Golden Whistle".

"That is to say, the core of the power source of the void fortress is on the side of the technological equipment, which is more difficult to reproduce."

"The constant engine of the void fortress uses the XXX power source engine, which is produced by XXX. Its main principle is XXX. The star curtain on the upper layer will transfer the star trajectory of the XXX courtyard star area to provide the operation of the psionic energy array. The energy is then input into the fixed engine." Jin Whistle said.

Well, compared to Xiaohui, Golden Whistle, the powerful Enlightenment AI, is still not that intelligent. A series of autonomous silence words are so coherent, the style of the whole paragraph suddenly becomes less serious.

"The above silence is because there is no reason in the database." It added another sentence.

Yu Lian said that I believed it, and then said: "So, where is the problem with the engine?"

"The single mass jumps, and the air shock, heat, and magnetic field generated need to be neutralized by the engine itself. The XXX material used by the constant engine in the fortress far exceeds the performance of materials known to civilization in this era, even if it finds the right direction , It will take at least a few decades to tackle the problem from the most basic level.”

Oh, materials science.Yu Lian sighed with a headache.As a tiankeng in a tiankeng, this thing is indeed the most difficult to trick.However, as an excellent engineer, he still found some merits in the other party's words.

"Tackling problems at the most basic level? In other words, all our current research and development of high-temperature resistant materials are actually approaching a dead end? At least the upper limit is not high?"

If it is Xiao Hui, maybe he will play some word games to fool people, but if it is Golden Whistle, what stands out is the rigor that a robot should have.

Therefore, as a rigorous robot, Jin Whistle replied sternly: "The resistant material used by the constant engine is indeed different from the research direction of this civilization era. For specific situations, XXXX and XXXX should be considered. More specific There is indeed no process in the database."

Yu Lian smiled.Speaking of this step, many problems can already be explained.

"Then, besides the design configuration, is there any material requirement for the huge psionic energy array on the upper floor?" Yu Lian asked.

"I am an intelligent special sergeant auxiliary robot, good at special records, secret lock cracking and terminal intrusion, and occasionally perform some auxiliary computing and research assistant work. However, the database does not contain occult knowledge." Golden Whistle replied.

This is the same as what Yu Lian knows so far.

"You can help me complete the configuration of the entire array and the energy flow within 3 minutes. I am very grateful."

"180 seconds is still too short. I can't guarantee the completeness of the data on energy flow and intensity changes."

A complete psychic array is of course more than just the drawing configuration of the appearance-you must know that as the psyker's realm soars, the spirit and brain can be equally strengthened, and the memory is almost always a standard feature. up.Besides, in such an era, who would not be a serious psyker with some terminals and automatic cameras?

No matter how complicated the array configuration is, as long as it is displayed in front of people, it is not a secret.The real secret also includes the energy that flows through those complex array configurations that look like underground water.The properties, intensity, and wavelength changes of energy will all determine the final effect of the array.

Even if it is a golden whistle, there is no way to record all the data within 180 seconds.

Yu Lian really only has so much time.Although he has seen the 100-year-old structural diagram of the snake lair given by Yani, he also has memories of another timeline, and has read the dismantling and research materials of the snake lair by the Alliance, but it took a little time to find it in practice. Goal.There were a few times when I was playing "Force Flash", I almost got myself stuck in the wall.

There is no way, the snake around the world is indeed a group of anti-system elements who like to toss around, they always like to tear down their bases and rebuild them, and then tear them down after they are built.Its internal cabin structure changes almost every year.

But no matter what, after overcoming all difficulties, he still went one step ahead of the Alliance and the Empire, and arrived at the most important core organ room of the Snake Lair, the indoor square that looked like an altar in the classical era.

The most precious "treasure" in the snake's lair is not a magic weapon or a treasure with strange functions, not even the snake's head, but the source of power that can drag 100 megatons to play the leap.

The white-haired fox and the orange cat understand this theory, and of course Yu Lian also understands it.

He even knew earlier than those two that the engine of the entire snake lair was actually an independent relic of the Enlightened One.Including the mysterious side of the upper level and the technological side of the lower level.

These are the research results of the alliance on another timeline.

However, if such a treasure falls into the hands of the empire and the alliance, it can be regarded as peace in the world.But if it falls into the hands of the community, it will not be a good thing.

He only had 3 minutes to complete the recording work, and then he sensed the breath of Yani and Brunhilt.He knew that even if he jumped with a force field at this time, he would definitely be noticed.Fortunately, I still carry the "Sacred Jade of the Sky" on my body, and I have kept the skill of this escape artifact until the end, and I don't even need it when surrounded by the clone troops of "Daxing Past Gong", isn't it for this reason? a moment?

He even had time to use the "Dawn" sword to smooth out the center of the square, that is, the core of the array.

If it weren't for the fact that the "stone" of the square was too strong, he even thought about destroying the entire array, leaving nothing to the orange cat and the white-haired fox.However, after considering that such an operation would indeed be suspected of destroying cultural relics and cultural heritage, it was not what the real man said, so he gave up.

In short, Yu Lian is very optimistic, much more optimistic than his own intelligent AI assistant:
"At least the configuration has been completely recorded. Moreover, I have also dug out the core of the innermost ring." Yu Lian smiled and said: "I just asked you to use most of the functions to analyze this part. How is the result? "

"The core area that you conveniently destroyed belongs to the entire column of spiritual vein flow nodes, and the energy changes very frequently. I can only confirm the accuracy of 45.86% at present." As a rigorous robot, Golden Whistle never reveals emotions other than defeatism.

"At least, these energy changes are regular."

"There are regularities, but it takes some time to analyze." Jin Whistle said.

"If I ask Xiao Hui...that great expert to help, will it increase the success rate?" Yu Lian asked.

"The following is only an auxiliary robot, and its authority is under the civilization-guided smart array Gray, so it cannot analyze and estimate its behavior probability. However, the civilization-guided smart array Gray does have a lot of mystical knowledge, including many parts that are inconvenient to display. "

"Because it's too advanced?" Yu Lian laughed.

Jin Whistle said: "As a civilization guiding array, it has its own code of conduct. My authority does not include the corresponding evaluation mechanism."

"However, General, as your intelligent assistant AI, although my database lacks mystic knowledge, I must remind you again that destroying a complete psionic array is a high-risk behavior. In my database, It has the fourth highest rate of casualties among high-risk behaviors."

"I'm actually curious about what the three higher ones are. However, Xiao Jinzi, you are right to remind me. If there are similar situations in the future, please remind me."

Indeed, in the field of mysticism, it is not difficult to destroy a permanent psionic energy array, but what is difficult is that if it is destroyed, it will not trigger a spiritual riot and induce a natural disaster.

It is even more difficult to destroy only one part, but still ensure the normal operation of other areas and some functions.

Yu Lian knew that he was definitely not a master in the field of arrays, and generally speaking, he should be regarded as an excellent psyker with correct three views, common sense, prudence and love of life. Generally speaking, he still didn't like to die.

If he hadn't read the analysis report of the constant engine by the Extraordinary Administration and the Ethereal Temple in another timeline, he would definitely not have played this kind of show operation.

The psionic energy array that provides almost unlimited extraordinary kinetic energy to the constant engine of the Snake Lair is actually a very exquisite multi-purpose combination array.These include stargazing, wide-area reconnaissance, space recognition, astrological analysis, physical recovery and healing, and almost all the functions required for interstellar voyages.

Of course, it may be because this array is prepared for interstellar travel, performance aside, but the security is indeed very high.

The alchemists and array masters on the other timeline carefully disassembled the array bit by bit, but there was not a single safety accident.

The negative consequence of this incident is that the top psykers of various countries have been hit hard.Before that, they always felt that they may still have a huge gap from the enlightened ones in terms of technology, but the field of mysticism should be approaching.At least some top psykers have been able to create miracles comparable to ancient civilizations.

However, when they saw the psychic energy array with a high safety factor that even children could operate, they didn't even know where the reason for the safety came from, and they once again experienced the humble feeling of being crushed by civilization, as if they discovered the expansion One hundred million times is a 1 to 4 to 9 stone tablet.

However, this kind of philosophical consideration in the dimension of civilization is not what Yu Lian wants to care about for the time being.He just knew that in the future on another timeline, Yani and the others' research on the fortress-level constant engine was indeed progressing steadily, but there was still a long way to go before it could be restored.However, through all-round inverse research, several new arrays with high practicability have been developed, including the energy-guiding array derived from the innermost core array.

Engraving it on the emblem machine can increase the resonance efficiency between the body and the psychic driver by more than [-]%, and even barely simulate some six-ring techniques.

It can be said that in that era, the shackles of the five rings that had plagued the emblem machine technology for thousands of years were about to be broken.

In another timeline, Miss Bei, who has become the Grand Commander, calls this new type of array the "Grey Rose Energy Guide Array", and the highlight is the contribution made by the Rainbow Rose family.However, this time...it should be changed to a more popular name.

According to the analysis report of Miss Bei in that timeline, this giant array is of course a combined type.A thorough understanding of any combination is enough to advance the existing mystic research for half a century.But the most research value among them is really located between the square inches of the innermost ring.

This circle with a radius of less than one meter is indeed inconspicuous compared to the vast array covering the entire huge square, but it is the core that powers the fortress' engines.If we can continue to study it, what we get will definitely not be leftovers for an emblem machine. One day, maybe we can really open up the world line between the occult and the technological side.

In short, compared with scientific and technological research that requires more basic accumulation, mysticism still often has the phenomenon of overtaking on curves.Isn't it reasonable for the Blue Star Community to come up with a new energy guide array before the Empire and the Alliance?Anyway, even if the other side is suspicious, they can't come up with any evidence...

At that time, the alliance and the empire will be stuck in a bottleneck on the engine of the fortress, and they may have to ask themselves to join.

Yu Lian was really relieved, and decided to finish the battle and sort out what he got today, so that everyone from the Red Star Institute and the Spiritual Research Association could follow up.As a result, the current battle situation is even more boring.

In fact, the current battle situation did not require him to continue fighting.

At this moment, more than [-]% of the area within the fortress has been captured by the landing forces of the coalition forces, and almost all important targets have also been controlled.At this time, there are only certain scale battles in some corner areas, but they are far away from themselves, and they have no effect on the overall situation.

In the headset, the march and battle situation of various departments were sent to his ears in a timely manner.Overall, the situation is not a small one, but a great one.

"So, what do I need to do now?" Yu Lian said in the command channel.

After a brief silence, Captain Tovey said: "Under your unified dispatch, everything is on track, and the enemy's last resistance is no longer organized."

Yu Lian was a little embarrassed.In the first few hours of the battle, he was still fulfilling his duties as a commander, and he was confident that he was doing well.However, when he led his team to the fortress and was forced to engage in a high-level extraordinary battle with the snake heads, he had to break away from the role of commander.

Fortunately, there is Captain Tovey in command of the fleet, Brigadier Zuo Wanhu and Colonel Walter in the street fighting inside the fortress, and Chief of Staff Mkawa in dispatch coordination.As a commander, as long as you make arrangements in advance, you don't have to worry about losing the rules of the army in a short period of time.

The current battle situation has shown this point.

Chief of Staff Mkawa also said: "Your Excellency, what everyone needs most is actually to see your immovable stalwart figure. So..."

"Understood. I will go to the front line of the fortress to patrol and let everyone see me as soon as possible."

I mean, get you back on the bridge and make a generous victory declaration over the comms or something!The chief of staff's cheeks twitched, and just as he was about to say a few more tactful words, the communication was cut off.

Well, under such circumstances, as the Supreme Commander, I couldn't find anything to do for a while.This should be a gratifying thing, right?

But at this time, he received a message from Jin Whistle again.

"General, Miss Fina Li has sent you a video message, do you want to connect?"

(End of this chapter)

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