Him and their stars

Chapter 1229 The Last Battlefield?

Chapter 1229 The Last Battlefield?

If Colonel Walter and her entire team are used to calculate, even if the fallen "past" and other [-]-faced members are not counted, the executors and pre-executors who died in the snake's lair are definitely in the double digits.Even for a terrorist organization with a long history like the World-Round Snake, there is still a little bit of a lack of talent.

In addition, the Void Fortress, which took several centuries to build, was eventually captured by the coalition forces.It can be expected that the strongholds and industries operated by the snake in the spiral cross nebula will also be pulled out one by one.Even for this long-established mysterious association organization, it is definitely a serious blow to its vitality.

According to the behavior of this organization in the past, they should naturally switch themselves to a dormant state, waiting for a recovery in a hundred years.

"So, where are these guys snakes? They are obviously water bears." Yu Lian couldn't help but want to complain.

He was really thinking about the possibility of completely eradicating these guys once and for all, but thinking about it, it was unrealistic.As long as they still have the gray glove attributes of the Alliance and the Empire, there is naturally room for them to exist.Besides, even if the real rulers of the galaxy completely abandon them, the universe is so big, where can they not live?

To put it bluntly, the secret societies of cults and mysticism are like the flu virus of civilization, which is almost impossible to eliminate.For those in power, as long as the flu is not turned into a cancer, it will be considered a success.

Yu Lian just hoped that during this period of time, they would not come out to stir up trouble again.

However, my intuition told me that things should not be so simple.

However, in any case, the attack on the Snake Cave has indeed come to an end.The orange cat and the empire won the first victory in beheading the "past", the white-haired fox and the alliance subdued the chief master of the snake, the community also gained the honor and diplomatic prestige of being the first to ascend, and it also got a victory from the constant engine of the fortress. With a little leftovers, we all have a bright future.

...Well, I always feel that there seems to be something wrong.

While he was still thinking about this question, he vaguely heard cheers in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a communication from brigade commander Zuo Wanhu, who was still in command further ahead, also sent over: "Your Excellency, Commander, we have finally broken into the headquarters of the enemy's fortress."

Command?How many headquarters are there in this fortress?Although Yu Lian really wanted to say that, even if his EQ was low enough to penetrate the center of the earth, he would not hit his subordinates like this, so he blessed: "All credit goes to the frontline soldiers who fought bloody battles. The first batch to arrive at the headquarters Yes, which unit is it?"

"It's the 358th Armored Assault Battalion." Brigadier Zuo Wanhu said while sending over the target's coordinates and passage composition.

"Very well, are we the first to arrive?"

"...No, the Empire's 96th Panzergrenadier Company arrived 5 minutes earlier than us. His Royal Highness King Weilund is on-site to support the raiders."

Yu Lian finally realized what he had forgotten.

But then again, didn't the retainers brought by King Wei die before?He himself disappeared, and he thought he had died somewhere in the fortress, but he was still alive and kicking.

What a pity...ah no, what luck!
"He's still alive... Uh, is that His Highness still healthy?"

The brigade commander Zuo probably didn't hear the malice in Yu Lian's words, so he said, "Naturally, he is full of energy, and he even shared some of the grenadier's field supplies with us. Let's talk about it, the taste is really... er, out Due to the friendship between the two countries, I have already accepted it. Sorry, sir, because His Royal Highness King Wei is too friendly, I always feel that if I refuse, it will cause a diplomatic accident, so I didn't ask for your approval in advance."

"You don't need to ask for instructions on this kind of thing. And, you're right, the grenadier's field ration tastes better than ours."

Of course, the empire has a large number of field rations made of corpse starch and hormones, but they are all distributed to cannon fodder and servant troops.The panzergrenadier unit composed of citizens is of course another kind of treatment.In the mecha storage compartment of each Panzergrenadier, there will be rations that can guarantee the use of individual soldiers for at least three days, and the nutrition is balanced and the taste is quite rich.Of course, it is not a top-grade food, but at least by the standard of individual field rations, it is already quite good.

The brigade commander Zuo said again: "It's not just rations for individual soldiers, the logistics department of the empire also sent cold drinks and ice cream from the fleet."

"...Did the Imperial Marshal's Mansion sign a contract with an ice cream company recently?"

"This, I have seen it, there is no brand. It should be produced in the fleet kitchen."

"...Well, it is indeed the Imperial Space Fleet with the Titan Hotel. However, being able to deliver the ice cream at least shows that the Imperial Army is already very confident in the current battle situation."

"Well, sir, His Royal Highness King Valente is saying that if we drink cold drinks and eat ice cream outside the enemy's headquarters, it will definitely put pressure on the last defenders, and maybe they will surrender."

Although Yu Lian wanted to complain about it, he thought of the Huaihai Battle inexplicably, and immediately had to admit that King Weilunt's operation was still feasible to a certain extent.

In any case, at least he didn't bring up wine and barbecue, which shows that his mental structure is not incurable.

"Okay... you go ahead, remember to pout your mouth when you eat ice cream. Also, leave me a tub of vanilla."

"Understood, I will try my best to save some of each taste for you." Brigadier Zuo expressed his gratitude to Yu Lian for his enlightenment, and said: "But I don't know how much effect it will have. King Wei Lunte told us, There should be powerful psykers inside the enemy headquarters. This is why we are advised to temporarily stop attacking and wait for backup."

Well, since he is a high-ranking psyker and is hiding in the headquarters to resist, it is very likely that he is a member of the Thirteen Faces.This kind of master is forced to fight desperately, which will definitely cause huge casualties to ordinary soldiers.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian nodded slightly: "For the time being, you should follow His Royal Highness King Wei's reasonable arrangements and keep the enemy headquarters blocked. I'll be there right away."

At this time, the auxiliary troops from the rear also arrived and began to clean up the battlefield.Yu Lian led the troops of Colonel Walter and Major Daqi and began to advance towards the fortress headquarters located directly in front of the passage, less than 5 kilometers away in a straight line. More than 300 mobile soldiers with live ammunition, more than 100 evil-looking battle robots produced by Blue Label Company, plus four self-propelled fire support vehicles marched together, it is really a bit mighty The taste of the armed procession was gone.

Yu Lian suddenly felt that he had degenerated from a lion patrolling the territory to a hyena leading a pack of dogs on patrol.

Halfway through, the left brigade commander sent another notification: "The pioneer battalion of the alliance's 7th mobile brigade has also arrived, carrying a rush car to attack the stronghold. There are also a few guerrillas."

Is this really an appointment?Yu Lian just felt that this war situation was really full of human sophistication, and what they wanted was a great unity of human destiny and "peace for a generation", right?
"His Royal Highness still persuaded the alliance side, saying that it is best to wait for you and the inspector Berenkester from the alliance to arrive before launching a general attack."

After thinking for a while, Yu Lian understood the meaning of the other party, and had to admit that King Wei Lunte is really a high EQ ostentatious figure!Such a character, of course, will be regarded as hypocritical by some people because he is too exquisite, but as many people hate him, there will be more than ten times the people who appreciate him.

Then, everyone came to the end of the passage.

Yu Lian soon saw a space much larger than the cabin of the transportation hub just now.At the end of the space is a closed armored gate, with a width of more than five meters and a height of about three meters. There is still a light film of energy shield flowing on it, which seems to be an important facility indeed.

At this moment, outside the gate, the troops of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms had already set up a defense line of three layers inside and three layers outside, assuming a posture of long-term siege.The soldiers were taking turns to rest and entangle, and the field dry food was served with ice cream and cold drinks, which was considered a very luxurious scene on the battlefield.

In addition, a row of automatic sentinel guns surrounded the two wheeled vehicles, and they were standing next to the gate with themselves, warming up the vehicle's heavy hammer. The high-frequency disintegration force field can cause effective damage to armor plates and energy shields, and can be regarded as an effective weapon for street fighting and fortress battles.

Although the battlefield survivability of this thing is indeed doubtful, it can indeed be regarded as a special attack weapon for this kind of armor isolation facility in a space city.

Yu Lian saw Brigadier Zuo Wanhu in the army formation, but he only had time to salute each other with the latter.No way, at this moment, the most eye-catching thing in the audience is indeed the King Valente who is wearing a gorgeous coat of arms.

His coat of arms machine is probably custom-made, at least the shape is definitely custom-made.The main color is true red full of passion and blood. The golden lace outlines a border like a brilliant sun on each armor piece, forming a mysterious but dignified array of spiritual energy on the armor. Extending down, a dragon wing-like shape was formed on the upper arm.

Oh, the family treasure of the Valente royal family, "The Dragon of the Blazing Sun"!A knockoff of the Dragon of Dawn.

Because it is a priceless alchemy product, it cannot be regarded as a mass-produced psychic armor, but a powerful treasure.But because it is a counterfeit product, the appearance is even more gorgeous than the original version in non-combat state.

No, the aura flowed on the armor, even smearing a layer of divinity on King Weilunt's cheeks.

In fact, he is indeed a very masculine and typical imperial handsome man, his face and facial features are full of sculptural beauty like a knife-cut axe.When the armor is on, the original femininity and bookishness are weakened to the greatest extent, leaving only the majestic majesty and domineering.

At that moment, Yu Lian felt that he should have seen the cosplay of the most successful human emperor in the world. Of course, he hadn't been backstabbed by the first war commander and hadn't sat on the golden toilet.

I have to admit that some people just don't look like a gentleman.Some people just have a face that should be an emperor!

If King Valente was born in an "elected" society, he might be able to be the head of state until the end of the world.

...Uh, then again, the emperor of the empire seems to have been elected.

In short, this emperor who is well versed in the world and has a high EQ has already greeted Yu Lian. On the divine cheek that was set off by the aura of the heraldry machine, it seemed that it was about to shatter the void, but there was an enthusiastic yet dignified face. Yes, very humane smiley face.

"Yu Lianqing, I'm waiting for you to preside over the battle. There is a powerful snake head hidden in the headquarters. I can feel the evil, gloomy but powerful aura. However, this king is not a decisive and wise commander, nor is he brave. The heroes of the three armies do not know how to minimize the losses of the soldiers. Now that you are here, I am relieved."

He spoke really well, calm, sincere and infectious, as if he really was a benevolent sage who put the lives of ordinary soldiers first.

It is said that the Tirilo people are only willing to follow a talented overlord, but how can ordinary soldiers hate a good man who cherishes his life?No, it's not just about the alliance and the community, even the faces of many imperial officers were moved.

Yu Lian derived his perception, passed through the armored gate, and indeed felt the "evil and powerful" psionic aura that King Wei Lunte said, but "gloomy" is not really, it doesn't seem like a A snake is more like a wounded beast driven to a desperate situation, ferocious, ferocious, violent, and bloodthirsty.

The other party should have acted too much to want to act, and wantonly vented his sense of existence.Thanks to it, ordinary soldiers on our own side dare not even approach the gate 20 meters away, only those stupid omnic weapons are still sticking to their posts.

If the guy didn't use some tricks to bluff, he was indeed a formidable enemy.Even if I go in person, there are so many "friendly troops" in the formation, and there is inevitably a risk of overturning.

However, as the God's Chosen champion, he should take the lead at such a time, right?Thinking of this, Yu Lian immediately took a step back, and a look of sincerity and fear appeared on his professionally trained face.
"You are really downcast."

His eyes swept over an elderly knight, but it was Earl Hronchi.

This is a veteran who has served in the Knights for half a century, and his strength should also be in the sixth ring.Even if he is over [-] years old, he is definitely capable of supporting Xiao Dingding to pee with one hand, and chopping down a dozen King Wei Lunte with the other hand.

At this moment, this majestic old handsome guy is digging for ice cream... Well, aside from this, he does have the face of an old tough guy.

If you want to say a master, isn't this one?
Just as Yu Lian was about to say something, King Wei showed a guilty expression: "I was too aggressive and was ambushed by the elite troops of the World-Round Snake. My retainers Jobe and Hutar fought and died for me. Thankfully On the way to retreat, I encountered the troops led by Earl Horonchi, and only then did I save my life."

It's not an exaggeration for you to go directly to the throne with such a majestic appearance, it really doesn't look like you have been hunted down.Yu Lian thought.

"During the battle, Earl Horonki finally repelled the snake head, and we came here after chasing it all the way."

Yu Lian looked at the old knight, and saw that the other party stuffed the last big mouthful of ice cream in the bucket into his mouth, then he nodded vigorously to himself and said: "With the help of His Highness, the four of us barely gained the upper hand in the siege. .That heretic is the only master I have ever seen in my life. Although we drove him away, it was exhausting."

Thinking of this, the old earl pointed to the gap on the shoulder of his coat of arms, and said with lingering fear: "It's only half an inch away, and half of the old man's shoulder will come off."

Well, the wound looks real and new, and it looks like it was torn open by a master with an energy weapon.In addition, the old man's complexion is indeed not very good, that is, after eating a bucket of ice cream, he recovered a little bit of blood, either because his physical strength has not recovered or he has suffered some depression.

As for the few knights around him, they were all wounded.

...Well, in short, according to their book Buddha, King Weilunte passed by with his retainers and wanted to go to the front line, but he was separated from the large army in the chaos, and was ambushed by a powerful snake head .

All his loyal retainers were killed in the battle of the broken rear, and he was chased into the sky and fled in all directions. Just at this time, he met the Deputy Knight Commander Heronqi who rushed to support him from the rear, and was rescued.Even almost counter-killed.

Logically, it still seems to make sense, Yu Lian said that he might just believe it.However, what happened to the alliance guerrilla who died in the same place with his retainers, Viscount Job and Baron Huerta, Ai Suotu Burning Sword?
However, this kind of thing does not require me to "talk".

Thinking of this, Yu Lian hid his meaningful eyes under a dignified expression, and suggested: "Since such a fierce snake head is so fierce, it is very likely that it will be the most powerful 'law breaker' among the thirteen faces. , may even be a time master. Your Highness, such a snake head is no longer an ordinary snake head, and it must be punched hard. The officer thinks that we don't need to take risks, we just need to pry open the armored door, Just drop two taels of antimatter bombs in there."

(End of this chapter)

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