Him and their stars

Chapter 1230 This emperor is too exquisite

Chapter 1230 This emperor is too exquisite

Yu Lian didn't care about his expression, and calculated again: "Of course, without special equipment, it is difficult to induce antimatter. In this environment, a vacuum warhead may be needed to induce it, and it is likely to cause huge accidental injuries to us. So it’s better to be on the safe side, how about changing to two tons of ionic salt? Add a little neuron poison gas. However, in order to prevent accidental injury, we need to expand the encirclement a little bit. It’s better to change the garrison troops in the first defense circle to Robot."

King Weilunt suddenly showed the horror visible to the naked eye, and then squeezed out a distressed expression: "Well, General Yu Lian doesn't need to be so extreme. Maybe there is still information we need in the headquarters. Moreover, This king believes that we are the pioneers of the galactic countries and civilizations, and we should play a role model, even for the most evil terrorists, we should maintain a purpose of learning from past mistakes and avoiding future ones."

how freshThe Galactic Empire, which has played terror and deterrence to artistic effect, still pays attention to learning from the past and avoiding the future?What is the difference between this and reading history, reading fruit powder, reading the Bible and reading Chengmei (meow) poison?
Who is coming back, these days there are many "historians" who are fans of Guoguo, and priests who don't like little boys must not be serious priests.It would be very offensive for any imperial person to say this, but it is inexplicably convincing when it is said by this guy.

"Besides, if we replace the frontline defenders with robots in order to avoid accidental injuries, will snakes catch them and break through? This terrorist organization has strong technical skills, especially in the small lanes of robots. "King Wei Lunte said again.

Yu Lian was startled for a moment, then showed an expression of admiration, and said impassionedly: "Your Highness is right, I didn't think carefully. I have little talent and learning, so I asked Your Highness to dispatch troops. After me, all soldiers in the community must Will obey your reasonable orders."

As soon as he became so generous, King Weilunte was not able to continue, so he could only comfort him in the tone of a loyal elder: "No matter how powerful the enemy is, it is just a dog that has been forced into the bellows now." You mouse, now you only need to fight steadily, and you will be able to do your best. General Yu, we don’t need to force you too much. We might as well wait until Ms. Berenkester arrives before considering the next move. Hmm... want some ice cream?"

It is natural to eat, after all, it is produced by the legendary Fleet Hotel.So, Yu Lian really brought a bucket of strawberry flavored ones, and scooped them up slowly.

In the next 10 minutes, everyone continued to follow His Royal Highness King Wei's instructions and maintained a siege of the main gate, waiting for the follow-up development.Of course, basic investigative work didn't stop there either.After the exploration of psykers and various instruments through the armored gate, and the secret sneak search of small scout robots through the ventilation ducts, everyone is basically sure that there should be about 200 armed personnel in this headquarters, plus That powerful psyker.

Of course, no enemy ran out and surrendered because of the ice cream, probably because it really didn't have much fragrance.

If it were me, I would definitely do it a little more extreme, and I must grill meat and steam buns outside.Just after Yu Lian finished a bucket of ice cream and ate two packs of barbecue-flavored biscuits produced by the Empire, he heard footsteps behind him.

Special Inspector Yamita Senge Berenkester, as the supreme commander of the alliance this time, has finally arrived.

Of course, Count Tatier, who arrived almost at the same time as her, came from another road.But at this time, as a double bonus red stick in the coalition army, it has no sense of existence.

Fortunately, Your Excellency the Knight Commander is a decent lord, and he is not going to steal the limelight here. He looks like labor and management have fought for so long, and now he is going to close his eyes and be a tool man beside him.

Princess Hong Qiangwei secretly cast a look at Yu Lian that she could only understand, and said to Wei Lunte kingly: "Your Highness, I have successfully opened the treasure house of the fort by asking the prisoners, although I have not found any particularly valuable treasures. , but there are at least 500 tons of gold in it, and 30.00 kilograms of various zero elements. There are countless other precious metals and military supplies. According to the usual regulations on the handling of spoils, the state administrative organs and front-line command should be responsible for these seizures Unified inventory and storage, and take out cash equivalent to [-]% of the total seized price, and distribute it to all frontline soldiers as spoils of war."

She didn't deliberately lower her volume. Many ordinary soldiers heard her words, and cheers suddenly appeared on the scene.

With such a calculation, the ice cream of the empire suddenly seemed a bit petty.

Of course, doing so by the alliance is very suspicious of borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.However, ordinary officers and soldiers only knew that Princess Hongqiangwei gave them great benefits of gold coins, so they didn't bother to care where these benefits came from.

"Your Highness is virtuous! I thank you for your generosity on behalf of the soldiers of the three armies." King Wei Lunte suddenly showed an appropriately moved expression, and naturally became a representative of all the imperial soldiers present.

"It's your fault. There is no His Royal Highness in the Alliance, and I'm just an ordinary social tool of the Alliance Government." Yani also skillfully avoided the other party's "praise", clearly smiling brightly, but her tone was not slippery An old official who keeps his hand.

Then, she also quickly found out the current situation from King Weilunt, and she just smiled: "Since it is such an evil and powerful snake head, and it is trying to resist in a corner, it must not be an ordinary snake head." .Be sure to punch hard!"

King Weilunte always felt as if he had heard these words somewhere.

"Besides, they're not prepared to surrender. Why don't we just pry open the door and throw an antimatter bomb in?"

King Wei Lunte couldn't help but glance at Yu Lian.

"Well, Your Excellency the Inspector..." Count Tatier was about to remind.

"Haha, of course I'm joking. It's difficult to detonate the anti-matter warhead in this place, and if it really explodes inside the fortress, there will be no living people left here. So, when the gate is broken, let's take the self-destruct robot as the vanguard. .”

Miss Bei said to King Wei again: "Now that the leaders of all the coalition forces are gathered here, it's time to end all of this. Your Highness, this is why you waited for us all to arrive?"

King Wei Lunte did not deny: "This king is ignorant of military affairs, so I have to do some auxiliary work within my ability. Forgive me, this operation is not only to wipe out the heinous terrorists who have caused disasters to the universe for thousands of years, but it is also for the people just now. The echo of the Huaxu meeting that ended. In addition to military value, it has more diplomatic value."

In fact, the diplomatic value is greater than the military value.Yu Lian thought.As for the poor snake, it happened to be soup to drink blood.

"Now, it is time for us to work together and use our actions to tell the world that the common destiny of mankind and the common civilization of the galaxy, such a glorious future, is at our feet. The peace of a generation requires mutual exchange of what is needed, and more importantly, Bloody side by side. Such a friendship is unbreakable!" King Wei Lunte stood proudly in his golden armor, his voice full of sense of mission.

In fact, his words are more suitable for appearing in Hua Xu's Galactic Civilization Council and answering reporters' questions.However, it must also be admitted that King Weilunte is actually a well-trained top speaker, and he can speak a lot of passion even with high-sounding formulas.

The ordinary soldiers at the scene were also full of glory, feeling that they had also become an important part of history.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the high-level commanders of the three parties, the two rushing cars that were ready to go began to attack.Accompanied by a disintegrating force field, the huge drill bit was installed on the thick armored door.

The first energy conflict with the disintegrating force field is the shield on the outside of the gate.The intertwined force fields strangled ferociously, forming a light curtain of indeterminate light and dark, constantly dancing along with the electric arc.

Obviously, the strength of this shield still exceeds the initial expectations of the alliance army.The attack efficiency of the charging car is really not excellent, and the car body even made an overwhelmed roar.

In fact, if a few psykers were to hold light spears or lightsabers and stab through the door forcefully, they might have melted the shield and the armor long ago.However, during this period, if there are some machine guns hidden on the gate, it is easy to be recruited.With the lofty status of psykers in the army, of course they would not take such a risk.

Looking at this scene, Yu Lian still thought of the scene of a car crashing into a city gate in the era of cold weapons. For a while, he really saw a bit of the charm of an ancient costume movie.The only pity is that there are no defenders pouring asphalt or even boiling gold juice from directly above, which is always a little bit meaningless.

As soon as he thought of this scene, he saw that the alloy lintel on the top of the armored gate had opened several holes, and a row of sentry guns popped out.

The bases of these turrets are spherical, so they can naturally attack in full range.Most of the muzzles started shooting at the formation of the coalition forces, spewing out dense blast energy arrows.A row of omnics who were on guard in the front row were caught off guard and were immediately dismantled into parts.The two omnic operators who stood too far ahead were also hit, but they were quickly dragged down by their comrades, and their lives should be restored.

The two unlucky ones hit were one from the Alliance Empire, and Yu Lian expressed that he was in a stable mood.

At the same time, two enemy sentry guns also lowered their muzzles and sprayed out blazing fire towards the two still roaring rush cars.

This is too ceremonial!Yu Lian was amazed.

However, before the rams were completely ignited, their disintegrating drills finally shattered the outer shield of the gate.

Of course, the soldiers of the coalition forces who were ready to go would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately began to fire their guns.

Of course, anti-matter bombs will definitely not be dropped, as long as they are not prepared to commit suicide, they will definitely not be dropped.However, there is no need to be stingy with all kinds of honeycomb missiles with excellent armor-piercing performance. They really bombarded the past like crazy wasps.They pierced into the gate like steel nails, constantly producing explosions.

Yu Lian stood where he was, continuing to play with the "dawn" in his hand like a walnut.

If ordinary weapons can't attack the gate, he is ready to make a proper move.

Yani, however, saw Yu Lian's intentions, and said directly in words: "Even if you can't hit it, you don't want to do it yourself. Let other psykers do it."

"...In order to save energy, are you going to deal with the psyker inside?"

"Because you are the commander of the Earth side, you must pay attention to your identity. You see, Earl Tatier over there has already sat down and started drinking tea. He knows how to handle his identity very well. You still have to learn in this regard! "

Yu Lian looked at the knight commander, and saw that he had even removed his armor.I don't know where I found a marching horse and sat down, holding a bottle of azure porcelain with an elegant posture, and began to drink tea.It has to be said that this kind of style, if it is an ordinary person, is called pretending to be X, it will only be annoying to others, but if it is a big man with such outstanding achievements as Count Tatier, it will not be called a mountain.

Yu Lian said, "I understand what you mean, and it makes sense, but I just don't like it."

"Is it a question of whether you like it or not?"

"Hmph, I've been fighting for so long. I've fought from the outer wall to the core, from the subspace to the main world, from the robot army to the past. I'm exhausted but I've gained nothing. I'm depressed now. Can't you let me be self-willed? "

"Oh, sure enough, I said that the orange cat looks so triumphant, it really is that old eredar monster that you helped her kill?"

"Is that the point?"

"Okay, okay, it's really not good, can I let the heroic spirits take action to smash the door open? This way, once we make a move, we can maintain a little dignity. I will call them out, and you can make them charge. Yes."

"This can also show the friendship between the two countries, isn't it?"

"You still understand quite well." Yani pursed her cherry lips and continued to speak with psychic power, with an inexplicable smile on her face: "Student Yu Lian, you should have known it a long time ago, even if it is Even if the peace of a generation is the unbreakable common friendship of mankind, there is still a difference between friendship and friendship."

"I only know four groups of three women, but I don't know that there are also four groups in three countries."

"The former is a stereotype of women. Teacher Yani was very unhappy to hear it. The latter is an objective truth. Teacher Yani is very satisfied with your improvement in cognition."

Now that a consensus was reached, Yani actually ordered the alliance soldiers to vacate an open space, and replaced them with two gorgeous and mighty Heroic Machines that could be the protagonists in machine combat cartoons or kill the bottom boss.

Yu Lian said that he had seen these two magical machines before, and they were two of the few who opened Wushuang who rushed into the robot army on the subspace battlefield before.

In fact, the one that satisfies his second childhood illness is the giant steel dragon called "Pana 141".It's a pity that it has already exploded, and this place really can't accommodate the huge body of that giant beast.

Yu Lian slowly took the light spear in his hand, and was about to make a movement of holding a sword and pointing forward, but at this moment, the armored gate, which had been bombarded by various missile shells and beam bullets for nearly a minute, issued a There was a desperate "Hang Chi" cry.Then, the solid door that could be directly removed to serve as the armor plate of a battleship by visual inspection, just fell into the interior of the cabin.

It was as if King Valente, the most perfect cosplay human emperor in history, stood out from the crowd and pulled out a golden sword with a blade that was nearly two meters long.A sacred flame burst out from the long blade that looked so imposing.

...Hey, it's really getting more and more similar.Yu Lian was delighted to see it, wishing to replace it.

At this time, King Weilunte also issued a high-spirited cry.

"Wan Sheng!" He shouted loudly, a gorgeous halo floated under his feet, and sprinkled the spiritual light on the surrounding soldiers like gold coins.

Yu Lian also felt the influence of the halo, and his spirit was immediately lifted up, and his whole body immediately stood up as if he had knocked a catty and a half of gold on the spot.

He really didn't expect that one day, he would be haloed by the emperor of the empire.

"Wan victorious!" The imperial grenadiers roared, and began to charge towards the gate, even faster than the robots in the front row.

(End of this chapter)

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