Him and their stars

Chapter 1231 Is it over?

Chapter 1231 Is it over?
The psychic skills of the halo system originated from the star knights of the empire, and it is a system of psychic skills that can be learned and passed down.There is one thing to say, this is indeed a major mystical achievement left by the empire to this generation of civilization.

It can be seen that although King Wei Lunte claims to be not good at military affairs, at least he is quite good in halo.Even Yu Lian, a saint, felt that his spirit had been strengthened to a certain extent, and his blood was inevitably aroused.He is already like this, and it is conceivable what state ordinary soldiers will enter.

He guessed that this should be some kind of halo of the will to fight on a large scale.The difficulty is actually not high.All astral knights who have served as middle- and lower-level officers should be able to master this combat skill, even pure mts like the most "bloody road" should be no exception.The real difficulty is actually in the scope of action.

From the current point of view, both height and breadth can indeed be worthy of a perfect evaluation.

The soldiers of the empire were obviously already prepared, and before King Weilund, who was holding a golden sword, gave a high-spirited cry, they were all ready to charge.

Of course, although the soldiers affected by the halo of the will to war showed robot-like bravery, they also retained the fighting qualities that elite panzergrenadiers should have.The firemen at the top drove the special armor, and under the cover of the automatic support platform, they stepped across the overturned gate.

The explosive cannons carried by the special mechs roared immediately, and the dense rain of energy bombs covered all the looming enemies under fierce firepower.Immediately afterwards, the grenadiers who had already revealed their shock hammers and crystal battle axes rushed in with shouts.

Each of them stepped on the spiritual light under their feet, and they probably had the illusion that they were psykers. Naturally, everyone was brave.

Of course, although these imperial soldiers are very brave, they are not a group of savages who have lost their minds.Those soldiers with cold weapons will always advance under the cover of the firepower of their comrades and the support platform with the shield already deployed.As soon as he stepped through the gate, he walked along the wall to outflank the two wings of the room. On the one hand, it was to avoid crowding and being surrounded by enemy firepower, and on the other hand, it was also to outflank the enemy.

Everyone knows, because the civilization level of this generation has been ripened.It took only three to five centuries to evolve from the cold weapon era to the cosmic era. In terms of land warfare, it was not nourished by the lives of billions of people in the atmosphere. Infantry tactics have always been difficult to describe.

However, at this moment, within an inch of the fortress, the armored grenadiers of the empire actually fired a bit of a barrage Xu Jin outflanked and interspersed... Yu Lian believed that this was not the result of tactical training, but the result of the empire The quality of individual soldiers is bursting, and it is a wonderful flower that occasionally grows out.Quite literally.

However, didn't they agree to protect the internal facilities of the headquarters?After so many rounds of firepower plowed past, how many numbers of terminals, databases, array cabinets, etc. are left?

At this time, the soldiers of the alliance and the community also hurriedly followed.They are also affected by the halo of will, and every step they step on the ground seems to have aura.

Just looking at this scene, the aura of will to fight activated by King Weilunt buffed thousands of people, including double-digit psykers.Such an operation is indeed magnificent.In the cognition of most ordinary people, the so-called gods are nothing more than that.

Ever since, the most perfect human emperor cosplayer in history suddenly became the most beautiful boy in the audience.

Even the soldiers of the alliance and the community couldn't help casting admiring glances when they passed King Valente, who was holding the golden giant sword high.Then, the coalition soldiers whose morale also started to boil also shouted and joined the charge.

Of course, it is still somewhat late to act now.

Prior to this, all star knights in the empire, except for one emperor elector and two earls, activated the heraldry machine and rushed in with the large army, as if they were going to take off the clothes of the enemy generals.

Yu Lian himself expressed that he was emotionally stable.To put it bluntly, when the top commanders of the three coalition forces arrive at the gate of the headquarters, the sense of ceremony in the concept of diplomacy will be achieved.The subsequent military operations are all details. As for who rushes in first and who kills people first, that is the last part of the last part.

Yes, unless it's for a show of force.Just as Yu Lian passed this unfriendly thought, he heard the voice of the strongest emperor cosplayer in history: "General Yu, look, the soldiers of the empire are quite majestic, aren't they?"

This seems to have been heard somewhere.The corner of Yu Lian's mouth twitched, and he said solemnly: "A true teacher of bears and tigers."

But Yamida, who was standing next to him, interjected: "The soldiers of the coalition army are all masters of bears and tigers."

King Wei Lunte smiled: "Your words are correct, ma'am. This king is being stingy."

Is this guy floating?However, in the previous timeline, this guy became the Minister of the Privy Council of the Empire, almost the number two figure in the military and political system of the Galactic Empire. Conspirator, shouldn't be so easy to float, right?

He looked in the corner again, only to see that the two old men, Count Tatier and Count Horonchi, were already sitting together, and they had already started drinking one by one, and even took out their cigars.If it weren't for the inner space of this space fortress, there really wouldn't be any creeks or rivers. Yu Lian always felt that these two might even take out fishing rods.

Of course, the same sentence, the same behavior is done by different people, the effect will always be different.If it were someone else, this kind of behavior would probably make the frontline officers and soldiers feel a huge imbalance, and it might be devastating to everyone's morale.However, if it were these two "sages", everyone would only feel that everything was under control, and their fighting spirit could be imagined.

In any case, the situation of the battle has developed to this point, and everyone feels that even if there is another "Master of the Past" hidden in the headquarters of the opponent, it is impossible to turn the situation around.

Thus, King Weilunt put the golden giant sword across his chest, and nodded to Yu Lian and Yamida: "It's time to end everything about this criminal organization."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the gate, still firmly grasping the C position's style.

Then, by the time the Allied commanders entered the broad headquarters, the fighting was largely over.The ordinary members of the World-Round Snake who put down their weapons and surrendered were driven into a corner, kneeling and covering their heads.The diehards who were killed were pushed to the other side of the hall like incombustible garbage, watched by the robot.

At present, the only person who is still stubbornly resisting, or who has not completely surrendered, is standing on the observatory at the front of the command hall.His back was facing the huge star map and the screen showing images of outer space, and he was facing the direction of the gate, which was the direction from which the coalition forces came.

At this moment, he had already been targeted by countless guns, but he showed a warm smile to everyone.

This is a young human with a medium build and a moderate physique. He has the appearance of a Gaiboan in the Alliance, and his facial features are ordinary.Wearing a non-existent plaid shirt and jeans, with a warm smile, but a bit of refined shyness and reserve.He was at odds with this battlefield that was still exuding a strong smell of blood and scorching. He was more like a lecturer for a newcomer who had just graduated, and he was the kind of mother who went to the monk class of engineering school alone.Or a young programmer who has just entered a big factory and is full of confidence and enthusiasm for the world and the future.

It's just that no matter what kind of person, when he avoids facing the army alone, he already has the momentum of a mountain.

The star knights of the empire and the guerrillas of the alliance stood at the bottom of the steps of the observatory, looking up at the only enemy, but they didn't dare to attack immediately.

It wasn't until Yu Lian and his group passed through the crowd that the man uttered a gentle voice.

"I am the 'Lawbreaker', the head of the thirteen-faced Serpent of the World. I choose to submit to my destiny here, everyone. The Serpent of the World is a vicious terrorist who controls cults, gangs and Various extrajudicial organizations even tried to subvert the existing order. The Galactic Empire and the Galactic Freedom Alliance, as responsible powers and leaders of the Galactic civilization, saved the galaxy from their brewing venom before it turned into a deadly plague. right?"

"That's very good, I've already learned how to answer quickly. But I really didn't know you were such a big danger before." Yu Lian laughed.The other party deliberately ignored the Blue Star Community, but it should not be such a superficial intention to belittle the people on Earth.

King Weilunt said straightly: "You use lies to confuse people, use violence to control minions, and want to corrupt our universe. Now, it's time to end all this evil."

The young man who claimed to be the "law breaker" looked at King Weilunte: "Your Highness, we are free people outside the law. We do not live in lies. We do not fear power, nor do we fear the truth."

He looked at Yani again, and there was a hint of sadness in his voice: "You all know the real universe, but you chose to forget it in the end. But, my lady, the years without civilization are meaningless, and there will always be times without real civilization. Enter the end. One day, the world will no longer trust you. At that time, we will still be here."

Yu Lian felt that these words were very elegant, so he decided to write them down in a small notebook.But at this time, he shifted his gaze a little bit again.

Because after all, it was a distance away, and no one knew where this guy's eyes drifted.But Yu Lian was almost certain that he was looking at him.

"What a precious quality is truth. My young friend, after wearing the mask of the past for a long time, he thought it was the face of today. You will understand sooner or later."

Yu Lian looked away from the star map behind him, followed the gentle and lively voice, and looked at the owner of the voice.His gaze swept over the other's plain face, and he was in direct contact with the other's gaze.

He felt that his breathing was slightly heavy and slowed down, just like a normal physiological reaction to encountering the enemy of life and death.

That "law breaker" has a pair of ordinary human eyes.

However, that look was inhuman.

There was a cold but distant look in the ordinary dark brown eyes, and a black hole without emotion was hidden under the shimmering pupils.Looking into the depths of those eyes, it seems that the soul and will will be taken to the indescribable other side.

Then, in this dark vision, Yu Lian could not see the future.

"Ha, ha, ha." He laughed three times with a good pronunciation, making no effort to hide his disgust.

"Fate will come in unexpected ways." The "lawbreaker" said, as if it was the black hole saying so.

Immediately afterwards, he loudly said in a bright tone: "Everything is empty, and all spirits are real. It's all a circle!"

At that moment, the gentle but indifferent smile on his face was full of jokes and sarcasm in an instant.

The whole audience was silent, and the scene suddenly became absurd.

"Is this a very stylish line from a period drama? Or is there some classic stalk?" Yu Lian asked Yani.

"Who knows... Wait, why are you asking me?" Princess Hong Qiangwei showed an offended expression of displeasure.

As for King Weilunt, he stood there, motionless.A person like him who pays great attention to the sense of ritual and even cosplay is very decent, must be happy to tolerate the unfolding of this destructive atmosphere.

But even such lines full of absurdity still resonate quite well.Immediately afterwards, among the group of captives who had been escorted to the corner, seven or eight people really jumped up and shouted: "It's all in a circle!"

"Bah ah!"

The Imperial Grenadiers, who have no feelings, will not be used to them.No matter how absurd the picture is now, as long as they judge that there is a threat, they will shoot without hesitation.

The captives who yelled "circle" were torn to pieces.Their flesh and blood fell on the bodies of their companions, causing a commotion immediately.

Fortunately, the defenders and prisoners present were actually high-quality talents, and the brief commotion subsided quickly.

At the same moment, the "Spellbreaker" suddenly pulled out a lightsaber under the eyes of everyone.

His movements were indeed too fast.Before the soldiers around him reacted and pulled the trigger, the red light blade was already displayed.

As for the psyker who was able to keep up with the opponent's movements, he didn't feel any compelling murderous aura, so he just kept a basic vigilance, but didn't launch an attack immediately.

Then, I saw the "lawbreaker" holding a sword flower that seemed to be dancing in full view.This action may not have any practical value, but it is still very stretched and beautiful.

Then, he turned back the sword, pierced the light blade directly into his throat, and made a slight sweep with the inertia of his arm, but successfully brought the entire neck into the melting range of the light flame.

The head of the "lawbreaker" just fell down, facing the direction of the army, with that mocking sneer.Perhaps for him, even death itself is worthy of ridicule.

Of course, as for the reaction of the coalition command, it is beyond his control as a dead man.Anyway, Yu Lian could see that many young astral knights and guerrillas looked very unhappy, probably because they felt that they were being ridiculed by this snake head.

"Suddenly I feel that... I won, but I didn't win that much." Yu Lian said to Yani with words.

"Hey, do you think it's a pity now? Yu Lian, don't you keep saying, black gloves, the shadow of civilization, words that are difficult to understand when read as a snake and written as a tardigrade. You are right, the snake has already It has existed for many years, and we should not have the luxury of once and for all. Clean up, we share a bowl of snake soup, and their remaining cells will roll into the shadows and continue to lie dormant for 100 years, and they will all have a bright future." Ya Ni cast a sideways glance.

"Really? Did it really go dormant? In our generation, snakes are considered to have withdrawn from the stage of history?" Yu Lian looked directly at the mocking head of the other party, and watched the zero-element gleam when the psyker fell. fusion.

(End of this chapter)

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