Him and their stars

Chapter 1232 The Commander is Ready to Debut

Chapter 1232 The Commander is Ready to Debut
Under Yu Lian's puzzled eyes, several drones climbed up like loyal hounds and headed towards the top of the observatory. They circled the corpse of the "Spellbreaker" several times, and the fuselage began to flicker. A green light was emitted, and a cheerful electronic talisman was emitted.

"This dirty snake is dead!"

King Weilunt raised his golden sword high and echoed to all the soldiers present: "Cheer, soldiers of the coalition army! You are qualified to celebrate the victory again! Your achievements will last forever!"

So, after a brief pause, the sense of absurdity just now was replaced by a surging sense of accomplishment and mission, and all the soldiers present from the coalition cheered.Although the spiritual light under their feet has disappeared, everyone's blood seems to be overflowing with glory and joy.

Yu Lian has to admit that this kind of guy who is good at creating characters and likes to play cosplay is indeed the best speaker and provocateur.

And amidst the cheers of the crowd, Yani's voice reached Yu Lian's ears again: "Yes, Yu Lian, the battle here is indeed over. However, for you and me, 'end' is a relative concept. Like the so-called 'truth'."

Yu Lian looked at Princess Hongqiangwei, but only saw the girl's overly calm eyes.At that moment, he even felt that the girl's eyes at this time already had a bit of the charm of the "lawbreaker" at the last moment.

Yes, it was like hiding a black hole under the clear blue eyes like the clear sky.

...It's just that the difference is that this black hole has a sense of rhythm inexplicably, and immediately has a bit more vitality than that "lawbreaker".

"I've said it before, I won't lie to you. So, that's all I can say. You can check the rest in your own way." At this time, the blue pupils gradually floated. There was a hint of a smile: "So, let's discuss, after this battle, where should we go for vacation. I built a beach in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and I am building a holiday villa..."

In this way, on June 833, 6 in the common calendar, at 17:17 galactic standard time, the "snake-killing battle" in the Canchuan galaxy located in the spiral cross nebula officially ended.

If calculated by the Snake Cave's jump into the Canchuan galaxy, the battle lasted as long as 38 hours.If the Fuxi launched an artillery attack on Snake Cave, the continuous fighting time would be less than 30 hours.

Judging from the standards of a large-scale fortress battle, everyone's movements can indeed be regarded as swift.

Of course, if the Galactic Empire uses the super-colossus weapon of the "Emperor's Rod" to launch an indiscriminate cross-galactic strike on the Spiral Cross Nebula, the market for this special military operation will be pulled to nearly two months at once.

But anyway, the battle is finally over.

According to the statistics afterwards, the pirates of the "Ten Treasures Fleet" who launched the fatal charge at the beginning... Ah no, not to mention the rebels, a total of 574 people were killed in the Blue Star Community and more than 1000 were injured.More than [-]% of the casualties occurred in the landing and street fighting in the fortress.

As for the equipment, [-] fighter planes and three assault landing craft were shot down, all of which were lost when they cooperated with the death squad of Chief Gong to attack Snake Cave.In addition, all of the Commonwealth ships suffered minor damage, but none of the problems were serious.Even the local shipyard in Chancheon can be properly repaired, and the longest construction period will not exceed a week.

For example, the abrasions on the outer armor of Fuxi will heal automatically within 100 hours.These third-generation fluid reactive armors produced by Xiandano Heavy Industries are a kind of memory alloy containing nanomachines, and they do have some kind of "self-healing" biological properties.

All in all, with this battle alone, the performance of the main god-class dreadnought ship is already worth the money.

In addition, casualties are still controlled within a completely tolerable range.

In fact, it was Yu Lian himself who expressed the most distress for the sacrificed soldiers.The rest of the senior officers, including Chief of Staff Mkawa, who talked about being a housekeeper, and Brigadier Zuo Wanhu, who was always on the front line of the battlefield, were much calmer than him.

Therefore, the chief of staff with the attributes of a housekeeper said: "You are right to cherish the lives of soldiers. But how can there be no casualties in war? Now, the war dead have been controlled to this extent, it is all thanks to you, Commander. But if you Therefore, it is still sad, and it is suspected of being picky. How will our subordinates deal with themselves? For the frontline soldiers, it is really difficult to talk about respect. The words of the subordinate officer can be expressed day by day."

The brigade commander Zuo also said: "Actually, when we landed, the lower officials were already prepared for half of the casualties. But today's battle went very smoothly, which is comparable to those classic fortress battles in military history. We have accomplished a part of military history, so what can we be dissatisfied with?"

"Besides, everyone is responsible for an area. Our casualties are much smaller than those of the two, but the results are not inferior at all. When will the community's illustrious military service be known to the universe? Today, Your Excellency. Just today!" As " Colonel Singer, who supervised the army," added another sentence, which immediately made Yu Lian feel much better.

It's not because the community's martial arts began to bloom today, but because the losses of one's own side were less than that of the allies.Yu Lian was indeed [-]% sure of this.

More importantly, at least five star knights from the empire died, and one of the two "sages" Tatier and Hronki was almost trapped to death by the subspace and the other was injured.The lost psykers on the Alliance side seemed to be blocked, but at least the "Holy One" Aisotu Burning Sword died, which Yu Lian saw with his own eyes.

On the community side, there were no casualties among the psykers.

Well, sometimes, whether you are lucky or not is really a comparison.

Around 3 terrorists and mercenaries were killed and captured.If we only look at the ratio of casualties, I really don't know who took advantage.

But in any case, this huge void fortress, the largest aircraft that can jump in history, has become a trophy after all.Based on this alone, even if the coalition loses ten times more, it will definitely be worth the fare.

...Of course, a mobile fortress cannot be cut into three pieces like a cake and given away, so who it belongs to is a very important question.However, this is a matter for the highest rulers and diplomats of various countries. I believe that with the wisdom of these great figures, they will be able to come up with a proper solution.

As for these soldiers, they just need to accept the cheers.

In short, according to the statement of the press office of the Allied Forces Command: With the efforts of the soldiers of the Three Kingdoms, the secret terrorist organization that "has been a disaster for the universe for centuries" will no longer threaten the well-being of ordinary people.At the God of War Festival the year before last, the soldiers and civilians of the imperial capital who died in terrorist activities, as well as the people who died in all the evil activities secretly manipulated by snakes, their spirits in heaven were comforted, and may they rest in peace with the spirit of the universe.

The spokesperson of the alliance military revealed a happy expression on every fold, and it was transmitted to the terminal screens of thousands of households in the entire galaxy through the source wave communication network.

We must acknowledge the courage and professionalism of the interview teams of super-large media such as "Nefe Star Network", "Freedom Star News", "Empire Daily", "Tianyu Times", and "Pioneer".Almost half a day after the start of the war, they rushed to the Canchuan galaxy one after another, even much faster than the last main fleet of the empire to arrive.

Although the reporters have been hiding outside the line of fire, they are in the warring galaxy after all, and may be affected by the battle at any time.Such courage is certainly worth a ton of medals by the standards of non-professional combatants.

Of course, thanks to their hard work, the entire galaxy can enjoy a real actual battle as if it were a war god festival.

...Well, it's as if there is no actual combat in the God of War Festival.

Now that the battle is over, it's time for a concluding statement, just like after the World Cup, the host and guests in the studio still have to chat for a few words.Of course they know that not many people will watch their awkward chats now, but if they don't do this, they will definitely lack the sense of ceremony.

"Coalition Commander Spokesperson Colonel Meirenger pointed out that there are still sporadic resistance inside the fortress. In addition, all the space cities in the Canchuan galaxy may have internal responses and escape rooms for snakes. To completely restore the law and order of the Cross Nebula Channel, it will take A period of time. However, the headquarters still believes that the joint military suppression of bandits has won the victory. The main fleet of the three-nation coalition will gradually withdraw from the Spiral Cross Nebula within a week. Among them, the fleet of the Blue Star Community will Still using our country to return to Nefe, and then back to our country. It is now June 833, 6 Galactic Standard Time, 17:22 Standard Time. I am Corvin, the frontline reporter of "Freedom Galaxy". Regarding special military operations For follow-up reports, please continue to lock in the Xinghe TV news channel.”

The well-known war reporter with a fleshy face and a burly body, who looked more like a marine, ended today's report with a happy ending with a smile on his face.

The man raised his head from the terminal screen, looked at the blue sky and lazy clouds, and confirmed that it was morning.This is not surprising.The so-called galactic standard time refers to the unified time in space and space facilities, but after all, planet representatives have their own sunshine hours and naturally have their own time zones.

Now, Galactic Standard Time has reached the evening of the 17th.However, in the valley time zone of the northern continent of Nefe, it was still nine o'clock in the morning of that day.

The man turned off the news client on the terminal, and said to the opposite human: "Is this the end of the war?"

The person opposite said helplessly: "Then what do you want? Like the predators in the New World, fight for a whole year?"

"...Uh, I didn't think about it. If this kind of war at our doorstep drags on for a while, the Cross Nebula channel might be shortened by another two months. Can't I sell those quilt futures? "

"...You are still playing with futures! Be careful of the investigation by the disciplinary committee. The old man will not protect you when the time comes, and will definitely send you to surrender yourself."

"At that time, I will resign and go back to continue working as a guerrilla. Anyway, it is easy for a psychic with public office to get a parole number. Then it will be delayed for a few years. After the old man resigns from his position as the commander-in-chief, he will just become my defense lawyer." The man haha Laughed out loud.

Then, he smiled and couldn't help wiping away the tears that didn't exist: "Tsk, the snake around the world is making hype, but it's really useless. I still have to lose at least a hundred thousand dollars this time." ah!"

The two people in the conversation are Secreti and Fobole, both are human male psykers in their prime of life, they are the leader of the security team of the Grand Commander, that is, the first bodyguard, and the Azure Palace (Grand Commander's Mansion) ) Chief of the Secret Service.

To put it bluntly, these two are responsible for the security work of the Supreme Head of State of the Free Galaxy Alliance.The place where they are is naturally the seat of the Grand Commander.

"So, how long will the commander-in-chief stay here?"

"If everything goes well, it should be over before twelve o'clock in the morning. He has to go to the Gem Coast to discuss with the vice chairman of the Standard Shipping Association at two o'clock. It is estimated that lunch will have to be eaten on the flight."

"Then you still have to spend a whole morning here? And you come here to make a guest appearance?"

"Isn't this right? It shows that Your Excellency the Commander is very relaxed. In this way, killing snakes is really not a big deal? You still dare to play futures..."

"Gee... No, the salary of a secret service civil servant is too low. I still want to do a promising job as a guerrilla."

"Are you planning to use your guerrilla license to serve as a bodyguard for a grand lord from a franchise country?"

"Then what's the matter? If you can find a bumpkin king in a fringe star region's franchise country, then you can write as a bodyguard and read as a grand master."

"Hehehe, let's do the work here first. I heard that there seems to be something wrong with Binggu City in the south."

"That's a matter for the magistrate, what does it have to do with us?"

"Isn't this the matter of the Grand Commander?"

"How do I know? I'm just a bodyguard."

Although these two experienced psykers were chatting, and even snatched news from their busy schedule, their attention never left the object they were protecting—50 meters away from them, the supreme head of the Free Galaxy Alliance, Grand Commander Tytos Tatos has already put on the work clothes of a particularly simple and special working people. He looks like a factory owner who runs a garage in a fringe city.

And next to him is Mr. Aisham in a pilot suit, a well-known actor with both virtue and skill.

Yes, this is the filming location of the annual big production "Skull Squadron" of the Universal Group. It is located on the Ariel Highland in the northwest of the Northern Neferi Continent close to the Sunset Ocean. Scene 63 of the first part of "Skull Squadron" is being prepared to shoot here.

The current supreme head of the alliance is officially preparing to debut as an actor.What a joy!

(End of this chapter)

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