Him and their stars

Chapter 1233 Act First

Chapter 1233 Act First

The reason why annual big productions like "Skull Squadron" are filmed here is because Coldstream City, located on the highland coast, is one of Neffi's most important film and television shooting bases.Surrounding the city are also the sets of all historical periods of the Alliance from the era of the interstellar republic to the era of the mother planet's kingship, and it is considered a very important base for costume film shooting.

In addition, it is more than 3000 kilometers away from the coast of the Falling Star Sea. The low price is not too high, but it is still on the parent planet after all.As a result, the Huanyu Group built a large area in Cold Creek City and built the largest studio in the galaxy. The scale could be regarded as an architectural wonder in the industrial era.

It's just that the crew of "Skull Squadron" is not in a studio in the city, but in a beautiful place fifty kilometers away from the city.

At this time, it was late spring in the Northern Continent of Nefe, and it was cool, densely covered with grass, and the air was fresh. It was a resort with beautiful scenery.

For a well-trained photographer, almost every frame here can be photographed as a wallpaper.And for a well-trained director, it is naturally a good place to take outdoor scenes.An excellent film artist will never think that the post-production synthesis in the studio can completely replace the real shooting on location.

Of course, although Colonel Fina Lee, the director of "Skull Squadron", is a well-trained and excellent director, and even won the Yagomi Award at a young age, he is a very pragmatic person.She felt that for a crew of thousands of people, it would be a huge expense even if they traveled tens of kilometers out of the city.Why do you have to go to the mountains in the suburbs for things that can be solved in a studio?
However, the producer sent by Huanyu waved his hand, saying that this was part of the filming budget.How can the unpredictable beauty of natural scenery be fully restored by the post-production synthesis of the studio?

What's more, since the leader of Datong wanted to come to visit the set, he would condescendingly come to make a guest appearance in person, why must he choose to be in a dark studio with turbid air?Isn't it too rude?
Feifei felt that these words were not like lines that the executives of Huanyu Group could say.You know, the interior space of that studio is as wide as a sky court, and the ventilation effect is also very good. The main thing is "living".The sky is dark and the air is cloudy, but where do we start?
"Besides, didn't you also say that this scene is very important? Our captain Falk rekindled his fighting spirit when he watched the plane pass between the sky and the grassland. Such an important scene, Be sure to use the real sky!"

Actually...it's not that important. I also heard that the Grand Commander wanted to make a guest appearance, so I added it specially.Feifei thought.

In any case, this is not out of pocket.Moreover, in the previous two months of filming, the producer was very frank, so he didn't strongly object.

As for the security department of the Grand Commander's Mansion, they are also very satisfied with the arrangement of the producer.The main reason is that these experienced bodyguards feel that it is actually more suitable to arrange security and guards in the wilderness in the suburbs than in the city.

After all, in Lengxi City, there are [-] or [-] production crews every day, and there are hundreds of thousands of staff members and group performers who go in and out of the city and scenic spots.Who knows if there will be some anti-establishment elements mixed in.

The same security measures are much easier to put in the wilderness.Now, the wilderness with a radius of five kilometers around the crew is actually completely blocked, with drones patrolling and even satellites in orbit to guard.Not to mention the malicious intentions, even if a cockroach approached the security circle, it would probably be discovered.

At this moment, more than a thousand staff members of the whole crew are nervously preparing for the work before filming.

For most of them, even last year's large-scale expedition to the New World was nothing more than talk, let alone a mere "anti-terrorism operation"-this terrorist organization called the World-Round Snake claims to be a historical A long-standing behind-the-scenes villain, but the vast majority of people say they have never even heard of it. It always feels like the big shots set up a random target to defraud taxpayers of their hard-earned money.

Again, the attack on the fortress in the Canchuan galaxy may be considered a major event for the Spiral Cross Nebula, but it is really nothing to the universe, and it will not affect the work of these crews thousands of light years away. the mood of the person.

Unbeknownst to them, of course, three generations of their own grandparents and grandchildren have been scoured to ensure that no one has dangerous anti-establishment tendencies.Various shooting equipment and props were also checked three times inside and outside to ensure that there were no harmful weapons.

Fortunately, perhaps because "Skull Squadron" is the main project of Huanyu Group, almost all the staff are regular employees, and they are also full-fledged citizens of the alliance with stable jobs and harmonious families. Overall, they are trustworthy.

This is the good thing about the regular big crews of big studios, and everyone knows the basics.

...What, you said Director Fina Lee is a psychic?Miss Gongsunqing, who is the second female number and has been following the team, is a stronger psychic, and she also has a companion treasure that can't be detected by inspection equipment?

Hey, one of them is a senior military officer of a close friendly community of the alliance, and the other is a foreign guerrilla of the association, both of whom can be regarded as members of the system.After all, this is the era.Psykers who know the basics are often more trustworthy than ordinary people who know the basics.

As for the little disturbance in Ice Valley City, which is 150 kilometers south of the filming location, it has nothing to do with the "Skull Squadron" crew.In theory, it has nothing to do with the Grand Commander.

Ice Valley City is located at the southernmost foot of the picturesque Ariel Highlands, nestled between a large valley and hills.There are a large number of open-pit iron mines hidden here. In the era of the alliance's home planet, it used to be the largest metallurgical base and industrial area in the northern continent of Nephi, and later evolved into a complete military industrial base.

In the current cosmic era, although this ancient industrial city has eliminated relatively extensive labor-intensive industries, it has moved a large amount of surface metallurgical work to space orbits.However, the city's high-end military industry has been preserved and has become the city's pillar industry.

Speaking of which, Cold Creek City and Ice Valley City, one on the western coast and the other on the southernmost tip, are both the most famous big cities on this plateau. The distance between the two cities is no more than [-] kilometers. It's an hour's drive away, but one is a film and television base and a tourist attraction, and the other is a high-end military industrial base, but it's also quite interesting.

The so-called high-end military industry refers to the design, development and construction of (relatively) small but relatively high-tech weapons and military equipment.

For example, the Taita shipyard has a dock in the orbit of Nefe's space city, and it also undertook the construction of the main hull and large-scale equipment of the main god-class dreadnought ship ordered by the Commonwealth.However, some equipment, such as the 480-type deflection shields required on battleships, all [-] sensing crystal planes of the active gravitational source radar, the core generator of the neutrino engine and the confinement field, are all located in this city. Built in the arsenal.

These pieces of equipment are very important, and can be said to be the source of the main god-level combat power, but the weight does not exceed 100 tons, and the small ones only weigh about ten tons.It is built here and then transported to the shipyard on the outer space orbit by an orbital elevator for installation. The cost is still within an acceptable range.

In addition, most of these are semi-experimental products that have just been designed, and need to be manufactured and debugged at the same time.It just so happens that the well-known Polaris and Kagal Design Bureaus both have branches here, and some of them are top engineers and military experts.

Due to the war in the New World last year and the expansion of the alliance fleet, the alliance government placed large orders for major arsenals. In addition, the construction of the main god-class dreadnought ship was also very urgent. Even the high-end arsenal in Binggu City had to Entered the 996 process of working overtime.

Many factories have even opened many new production lines and hired a considerable number of temporary workers.

The bigwigs aren't worried about leaking weapons secrets.After all, the most important processes are completed by engineers, and the temporary workers only need to do relatively low-end basic operations.

Of course, there is no need to worry about temporary workers being unable to do the job.Here is Neffi, some skilled workers who have actually lost their jobs.Although the citizenship of the alliance is not like the "quasi-noble" status of the empire, it still has a high threshold.They need a job to maintain a steady income in their bank accounts.

But this morning, the workers in Ice Valley City did not go to their workplaces as usual.

Gathered on the station square, where the residential area leads to the industrial area, they watched a man standing on top of a large lorry, who was shouting at them.

"The fruits of our labor have been stolen! We were only ever told that we would go to work in silence, suffer in pain and sickness, and die in silence! We obeyed, but we were betrayed again! When we were When we are forced to work 12 hours a day, where is the 'overtime pay' promised to us by the big shots? When we risk our lives to manufacture more advanced but more unstable experimental equipment, our workers are swallowed by out-of-control electric ions Where is the 'pension' they promised? What do you have?"

They really have nothing.As a result, anger began to gather in the crowd.Even most honest people who just want to barely survive are inevitably affected by such emotions.

As a result, the number of citizens and workers gathered in the square gradually increased.

"The space battleship traveling through the sky smashed the martial arts of an ancient cult in just 24 hours. What does it have to do with you?"

The man who gave the speech paused for a moment, but then showed a narrow smile: "Oh, by the way, it actually has something to do with it. Obviously you made those battleships."

There was some sparse laughter from the crowd, but most couldn't laugh at all.

"You all already know what happened in Steel Flame City and Green Locust Tree City. Because our workers could no longer bear the harsh treatment, they made reasonable demands to the masters above. However, the pioneers who led them to fight against Silently disappeared into the prison, until now, the stigma of criminals, thugs, and lunatics are still held on their heads. This kind of despicable behavior is exactly the characteristic of the big men above. Remember Ice Valley City How was the guild of mechanics banned 20 years ago? Do you still remember how Mr. Nemos, the chairman of the guild at the time, was brought to court?"

Many older workers have gradually become emotional, and began to tell the stories of the past to the younger workers.

Two young people hidden in the crowd were secretly observing the surrounding situation and discussing the content of the speech by the way.

"So, who is Mr. Nemos?" The young man who was wearing a gray-black travel coat and covered most of his face with goggles asked his companions in a low voice.

"Didn't the boss of Morda say it? The president of the mechanic guild is a very prestigious old mechanic. He also brought the workers of Ice Valley City to make a fuss 20 years ago, forcing Furnace Castle and Thor They raised their salary by 15.00%." ​​said the young woman wearing a travel sweater with a hood covering her head and face.She is also holding a small dashboard-like prop in her hand, which is actually a drone terminal that can operate six drones at the same time.

"He was killed?"

"No. It was discovered by the procuratorate that the funds from the guild had been misappropriated to buy farms and shops in the countryside for my brother-in-law, and he even introduced his mistress to work as a clerk in the guild."

"...This, isn't this similar to the last time in Luhuai City?"

"It's just a means."

"Hey, big shots are dirty."

"However, the indictment of Mr. Nemos is true. The prosecutor's office did not wrong him."

"I see……"

"Of course, the real estate agency that connected with Mr. Nemos is a small peripheral company of Furnace Industry. His mistress is also a small [-]th-line idol signed by a small economic company."

"...The big man is really dirty!"

Yes, these two are of course Ash Stein and Tyna Moon.One of them is a guerrilla, the other is a reporter from the "Pioneer" and the eldest lady of a family, but they have almost become the core members of the alliance rebel organization "Sons of Loja".

Of course, according to Miss Taina Moon, they were not rebels, but were performing the duties of a reporter plus a reporter's bodyguard.As a reporter for the "Pioneer", of course she cannot completely stand on the side of Furnace Industry and the mouthpiece it supports.Of course, it is necessary to interview the other side at close range to find out what the "son of Loha" is saying, in order to get the truth of the matter.

This is what a good journalist, and a left-wing newspaper like the Herald should be responsible for.

... Well, this is actually very reasonable.At least if he is really caught by the authorities, he has something to say.

As for the person on the stage who is speaking, it is naturally the current leader of the "Son of Loha", Mr. Guimo, who was once a lieutenant colonel of the Alliance Marine Corps.Although he is a human being, he is now leading a large group of non-human warriors to resist the tyranny of the human masters.

However, after he had finished reading "Theory", he said to the lady reporter: "What we want to resist is not human beings, but the master. Therefore, ordinary human beings other than the master should be our allies."

"So, your action is to launch an action in Ice Valley City?" The reporter shook her head and said, "It's Nefe, the capital of the alliance. It's not Steel Flame City and Luhuai City in outer space, and it's not other planets. .We're going to have a crackdown soon."

She didn't even realize that she was talking about "we" now.

"However, if they are not in Nefei, and they are not under the eyes of the big shots, they will not make any moves."

"...Is it for the commander to see? But, the commander of the alliance is not the emperor of the empire!"

Mr. Gui Mo smiled: "If it's the emperor, I'll take my brothers to charge over there. Maybe the emperor will think we are warriors and look at us with admiration."

"Like the ancient Means?"

"It's like the ancient American people. However, doing this, in the final analysis, is the same as wild cats acting cute to people, seeking to be pampered and raised." Mr. Gui Mo sighed.

...Ugh, that's too rude of Agnes.Miss Reporter thought.

When she was in Xinyumen, she met twice, interviewed the ancient Meiya pioneer once, and exchanged communication codes with each other.The two would occasionally say hello to each other and exchange some information, so they could be regarded as ordinary friends with a little friendship.

"I just want to let the big shots of the alliance know that ants can also make sounds very close to them. You know, the son of Lohar can no longer be a crazy avenger, and he can't rely on killing civilians and destroying civilians. Those who want to gain a sense of presence through facilities need to use legitimate means.” Speaking of this, Mr. Gui Mo showed a cautious, even solemn expression for the first time.

"I think it is most legitimate for workers to strike for their legitimate rights and interests. Miss reporter, don't you think so?"

The reporter was speechless for a moment.

"More importantly, I also want to see what the attitude of ordinary union laborers is towards the current situation. This kind of thing can only be seen clearly if you take action first." Mr. Guimo said.

(End of this chapter)

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