Him and their stars

Chapter 1234 Time Is On Our Side

Chapter 1234 Time Is On Our Side
Miss Tyna Moon had to admit that she was completely convinced.However, she still said helplessly: "I always feel that you will be in bad luck. This is Neffi. The directors of Furnace Industry can only sit on the second floor for meetings here. Those murderous mercenaries and security guards , once we arrive at Nefe, they are more gentle and courteous than the Zongtan peasants on Red Saturn.”

"Uncle Gui Mo is not a stunned young man who has never fought. Of course he laughed a lot. But ah, we are on strike, not a terrorist attack. It is very convenient to retreat when things get up."

Arthur Stein also made a suggestion at this time: "How about..."Skull Squadron" where the earl's sister is over there. Uncle, if we really want to make things bigger, why not let him cooperate, let's directly Go and kidnap His Excellency the Commander, and speak clearly in front of him."

"How did you get the guerrilla license?" The reporter said angrily, "And, didn't you just say that? The commander-in-chief is not the emperor, so what's the point of kidnapping him?
"Because I was admitted to the guerrilla training camp by my own ability. After all, we are still good citizens and have no criminal record 6 at least there is no criminal record in China."

However, Mr. Guimo took a meaningful look at the young and handsome guerrilla: "Uncle, if I didn't know that you have no evil intentions, at most you have a lot of market habits, I would think that you are planning to harm us." However, I understand what you mean, you are actually advising me not to pin my hopes on big men, isn't that right?"

Yaxiu pondered for a while: "... Uncle, I can see that you already know me very well. People like me grew up in slums, and they all pay attention to a person who doesn't ask for anything."

"I also hope to be as philosophical as you, but uncle, I now have tens of thousands of brothers who are ready to follow me to smash the world. There are also several poor people who have contact with us and hope that the son of Luoha can bring them to the fore. Millions of people. The more people, the more responsibilities to bear." Mr. Gui Mo sighed.However, both Ash and Taina could see that although the leader of the rebel army put on a sad face that was overwhelmed, his fighting spirit was still very high.

"As for the countess, if she is willing to listen to us instead of killing us on the spot, she is worthy of our friendship and respect. She will definitely tell Miss Fina Lee about the situation here, and then she can tell General Yu Lian. That's enough, it's enough."

"Uh, Uncle Gui Mo, aren't you pinning your hopes on the big man?"

"So, I also want to see what kind of big man he is." The leader of the rebel army shrugged: "In the final analysis, what not to do, I have learned from the "Primary Theory", but what to do, I don't know, maybe the general and Mr. Qi don't know either, someone needs to do it first."

Therefore, Mr. Guimo, Bina, left most of the armed members of the rebel army with live ammunition in the mountains, leaving the most capable assistants to lead them.In this way, no matter what happens, the main force of the Sons of Loha can continue to fight against the private soldiers of Furnace Industry.

He himself sneaked back to Neffi with a few "diplomatic personnel".They didn't carry weapons, and with the cover of a reporter named Tyna Moon and a guerrilla named Ash Stein, they passed the customs inspection all the way without any risk, and finally arrived in Ice Valley City, and finally met with some workers' associations Got in touch.

Then, when the crew of "Skull Squadron" began to quietly produce film art, a large-scale strike action was launched in this scene 150 kilometers away from the local area.

There is one thing to say, "Sons of Loha" was indeed a radical organization that engaged in terrorist activities and indiscriminately killed civilians and civilian facilities in the past, but this was more than ten years ago.After Mr. Guimo's rectification, their activity space has been far away from densely populated big cities.As for him, the leader of the rebel army, because he is a psychic who is very good at stealth, the official has not really obtained his graphic data.

Therefore, the wanted criminal who offered a reward of tens of millions stood in the center of the station square majestically, loudly promoting his views.The security drone carrying anti-riot weapons had hovered nearby half an hour ago. Naturally, it had scanned Mr. Guimo several times, but did not initiate any action.

At least, judging from the current situation, they did not violate any law and order regulations.Before the upper management department comes up with a statement, the drone will only act according to the predetermined procedure, which is much more impartial than humans.

"Brothers of the workers, our situation has never been isolated. When we stand here for assembly today, in the steel flames, in the green locust tree, in the more distant Losar, Fulun, and the lonely people far away on the other side of the galaxy. Night City has already set an example for us. Our worker brothers just can’t tolerate the harsh treatment of the masters, and just hope to buy an extra book for the children and an extra piece of meat for the elderly. We deserve it! But even so, we will always be subjected to the cruelest repression. They want us to go back to their prison and be a slave waiting for them to raise. Is this really something we can tolerate?"

""They will stigmatize us who rose up as thugs.Our grievous wounds are bleeding, and we will always be in the most difficult circumstances.But please remember, what is the pain of fighting compared to the pain of living like an animal?The strength that belongs to us is advancing, developing and growing, but our struggle is also developing and growing!At the far end of the galaxy, the workers of the Red Maple Factory have proved this point.Now, we have to prove to those well-dressed financiers, those factory owners, and their vipers and eagle dogs that they are nothing without us! "

"Now, in the name of the North Continent Workers' Association, I announce to everyone that the general strike in Ice Valley City, Ice Valley City, is about to begin!"

Mr. Guimo's cry finally attracted cheers from more people.In this way, a strike of more than 10 people began.

"So, what is this Northern Continent Workers' Association?" Ashius couldn't help asking.

The lady reporter said: "Actually, it is the union of some workers' mutual aid organizations in the Northern Continent. In fact, after the spread of "The Captain at the Red Maple Factory", many such organizations have appeared in China, otherwise there would be no steel workers. The riot in Yan City and the parade in Luhuai City. Mr. Guimo established this organization after discussing with some local mutual aid organizations in Nefei, and he will be responsible for coordinating and organizing the workers' resistance movement in Nefei. Of course, it's a legal sport."

"Uncle's mobility is overwhelming!"

"That's right, it's in the Alliance. If it's in the Empire, the rebel army he's organizing now must be bigger than the Franmore Freedom Army."

Yaxiu thinks what the young lady said is quite right.The young guerrilla still felt that Uncle Gui Mo should not pin his hopes on the conscience of a higher figure, but he still admired the latter.He even felt that if it wasn't for this guerrilla status, he might really join the "Son of Loha" with a flash of his brain.

Then, the strike team of 10 people was divided into three groups, starting from the main station in the industrial area, the magnetic tower forest in the outer ring, and the residential area in Dongcheng, and meeting at the central square while marching.

During this period, representatives of the Workers' Union will also submit petitions to the city government.Their demands are very simple and very clear. They require these military giants in Ice Valley City to implement the previously promised "overtime pay" and "pensions", and the wages of all workers should increase by 15.00%.At the same time, it is also requested that the judiciary be involved in investigating the injury incidents caused by forced overtime in the past two years.

The company stated that these so-called injury incidents were accidents, but the workers believed that this was pure workplace bullying and malicious harm to low-level workers.

Perhaps it was because the workers showed more restraint this time, far from turning into street fighting in Lone Night City at the beginning of this year, or maybe it was because the bureaucrats and capitalists of the alliance were much smarter than their counterparts in the next-door community.Although Binggu City mobilized all the police forces and invited a reinforced regiment of "Xiangjun" from the military to cooperate in maintaining law and order, they never opened fire and did not cause bloodshed.

Of course, for the gentlemen, raising wages for the workers is more uncomfortable than digging their ancestral graves. What's more, many of these workers are so-called temporary workers, not even citizens of the Union.The only "legal identity" is the work card.

"They are just exporting labor from joining countries and foreign countries, which are equivalent to temporary workers." So the management representative said to the workers.

"Aren't temporary workers workers? Temporary workers are not workers, so the dog raised by the old man must not be a dog!"

This statement always seemed to be a bit logical, but since everyone regarded each other as enemies, they quickly broke up and did not continue to debate this issue.

So, at ten o'clock in the morning, the parade team walking through the block continued to grow, and soon exceeded 20 people.

At this level, even if there is a stampede incident, it may cause huge casualties.If it was changed to an outlying star area, local officials might sit back and watch all this happen.However, this is Nefe after all, the capital of the alliance.More importantly, the Grand Commander is on a plateau that is only 150 kilometers away from here.

Of course, the supreme head of state will not meddle in local governance at will.However, if a large-scale bloody accident happened under his nose, then the old man would definitely not be happy.The commander-in-chief was unhappy for a while, and these local officials probably couldn't be happy for the rest of their lives.

Ever since, they brought in more security forces and a large number of guard robots from the factory area—of course not for suppression, but for maintaining order.There is one thing to say, the police officers in Ice Valley City have always been very restrained.

In addition, the municipal government once again put pressure on major companies to start a second round of negotiations.However, the person in charge of the local arsenal said that the owners on our heads are all the names of Kagal, Polaris, Furnace, Thor, these Megatron Galaxy.In front of our boss, even the commander-in-chief himself has to speak politely.The city government is a fart!

... Uh, of course the representatives of the company wouldn't say that, but diplomatic rhetoric aside, that's what it means.

The situation suddenly stalemate.

The workers who had already gathered on the square learned that the negotiations had failed, and once again roared angrily, almost blowing up the Union flag flying in front of the city government building.

Fortunately, the strike and parade organizers showed more restraint than the security officers and kept persuading the workers, which did not lead to a bad situation.

"As long as we don't give the other party a reason to do something, time is on our side." Mr. Gui Mo explained.

At this time, several of them had followed the crowd to the square.

Only then did the reporter suddenly realize: "Because we chose to strike at this time, and the commander-in-chief is nearby, the Binggu City Government dare not use force to suppress it."

The leader of the rebel army nodded: "Lighting the fire directly in the center is actually a method. In addition, the arsenal in Ice Valley is only a small part of the alliance's military industry and will not affect the overall armament plan. However, as far as I know, here The thing to start is to supply the dreadnoughts for the Earthlings at the Taita Shipyard, but that is also related to the diplomatic layout of the alliance. If the shutdown continues for a few more days, the gentlemen should not be able to bear the pressure."

Tai Na sighed: "Mr. Guimo, you really should go see that person."

"When I made such a big deal, I brought everyone to speak out, and I also spoke to that person."

"No, the woman I'm talking about." The reporter's face was full of complex emotions: "If it were her, she should appreciate you very much."

The leader of the rebel army was slightly taken aback, unable to imagine who "that woman" was for a while.

At this time, Ashura also said: "So, we succeeded?"

"Yes, keep restraint and persevere. If everything goes well, it will go well." Mr. Gui Mo looked around.The gathered crowd was angry but not crazy, and they were impassioned but not hysterical. Generally speaking, they were indeed within a controllable range.

Yaxiu nodded, and began to think about where he should take everyone away after he succeeded.The members of the workers' mutual aid association and even the workers' representatives are negotiating with the management in a legal capacity, but Mr. Guimo, the biggest organizer, is a wanted criminal after all, and he must not fall into the hands of the other party.

In fact, after all, Yaxiu is a veteran ranger and sneaker. Long before everyone arrived in Ice Valley City, he was preparing for the escape route.For example, the subway station on the west wing of the square is one of the plans. There is a passage there that can connect to the abandoned freight track, and can go all the way to the closed ancient steel factory in the western suburbs of the city.The old factory area, which is as large and complex as a dense forest, can even cover an entire guerrilla, let alone a few of them.

The senior ranger looked in the direction of the subway station and found that there were also a lot of parade people coming from that direction, but they would not block everyone's retreat route, so he was a little relieved.Of course, a few interview vans and dining vans that had been parked there have disappeared, but that seems reasonable.

Such a situation is indeed very reasonable.After all, everyone is in the square to do business, but you can't risk your life for money.As a result, the traffic parked in the square can only leave against the crowd.

Fortunately, the parade was well organized. Although the main road was blocked, the rest of the small roads were not blocked.Vehicles and people who want to leave the square can leave safely, even if it is a little slower, but it is not difficult to move.

But in one of the unassuming news vans, a sombre conversation is going on in stealth.

"Plans changed. There were guerrillas and journalists in the crowd."

"Didn't the Guerrilla Association send people over yesterday? As for the reporters, they are always there."

"The guerrilla is Ash Stein, Yu Lian's boy. The reporter is Taina Moon, a reporter from the Herald, a member of the Moen family."

"Princess Hongqiangwei and the Dragon of Daybreak have their hands stretched out here? Have we been exposed?"

"It should not be there now, but if we act according to the original plan, there is such a risk. Moreover, this strike demonstration is indeed very restrained. If we mix in with the marching workers according to the original plan to smash and loot, it will not have much effect .Moreover, now that [-]% of the city's security forces have gathered, throwing dangerous weapons at the city government is also a reckless act."

"Understood. So, retreat here?"

"No, magic... Madam has sent new instructions in the past. The security force is gathering at the square, which means that the defense of the arsenal has been relaxed. At present, there is a gravitational traction unit that has just been assembled in Workshop 7 of Raytheon Heavy Industries Binggu Branch. , it was originally one of the auxiliary guns prepared for the Nuwa dreadnought ship."

"Target? Oh, I see, the film crew 150 kilometers away, right? We can only use gravitational ejection now, but we can't aim at it."

"It doesn't matter, there are our comrades in arms, and our comrades in arms are everywhere."

"All things are empty, and all spirits are real."

"It's all a circle!"

"Wow! Let's move!"

(End of this chapter)

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