Him and their stars

Chapter 1235 is that we join them

Chapter 1235 is that we join them

The people gathered in the square of Ice Valley City didn't know that they passed by a bloody accident.They also didn't know that behind them, thirty experienced armed men, carrying advanced special equipment, had already started a textbook-like special stealth and stronghold capture operation.

The people who are joining the march in the urban area are already approaching the 30 mark, and the protesting workers gathered in the municipal square have also exceeded 5.They have always maintained a considerable degree of restraint and patience, shouted generously and fervently, and occasionally threw rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes at the city government. The ultimate weapon may be "little stones".In terms of the six-figure strike and protest movement, it can indeed be regarded as gentle, courteous and harmonious.

They are waiting for the third round of negotiations between workers' representatives and management.During this period, some worker leaders jumped on the roof of the car to give a loud speech, and some even performed stage plays directly in the square, whether it was the revised version of "Green Star Princess", the simplified "Leng Qiu", or even the The interstellar version of "Thunderstorm" is already pointing the nose of the management representative and cursing.

The workers were very happy to watch, and they laughed loudly from time to time, and some laughed and almost cried.

Although the actors on the stage performed very amateurishly, they were their co-workers after all.Moreover, because of amateurism, it is easier for ordinary workers to empathize.

The small vendors in the city center probably saw that the old neighbors in today's parade were harmless, and even drove the food truck past, and started selling kerosene fruit and French fries and fritters ice cream.

By this time, this large-scale workers' strike movement already has a little taste of joyful temple fair activities.

Standing in the crowd, Tyna Moen used her terminal and her own psychic power to operate more than a dozen flying cameras, faithfully recording all of this.She now feels that such gatherings with singing, dancing and laughing and cursing may cause more embarrassment to the big shots than direct violence.

Not to mention the big shots, there are also many dedicated employees in the factory who expressed great dissatisfaction with this scene.

"Don't you know how much trouble these guys with hammers have caused? Don't you know that the bonus will be deducted if the construction deadline is missed?"

"Yes, yes! They can't afford a house and a car if they don't work hard, but they don't know that we still have to pay the mortgage? Do we still have to pay the car loan?"

"There are also those temporary workers. Alien beggars have come to Nefy to beg for food! Don't you know how to be grateful? There is no shame at all! I knew that aliens are shameless!"

Most of these "dutiful" employees are regular employees of local enterprises and factories. Most of them are white-collar workers engaged in financial, personnel and administrative work, and there are also a considerable number of senior technicians and even engineers with union citizenship.

They, the elite class of workers, don't know what the strike will bring, but they know that the strike may delay the construction period, affect the evaluation of themselves by the superiors, and affect their income and future.

Of course, some of the more sensitive middle class even drove out of the city directly, and soon formed a long queue.

In fact, they should be grateful for the restraint in the strike activity.Although the fleeing traffic formed a long queue, at least it didn't form an immovable jam.

And in the leaving traffic, in a very unassuming Thunderbird off-road station wagon, a typical meeting of behind-the-scenes villains was in progress.

Like a lazy blue cat, the girl who leans her whole body on the sofa is the JK beautiful girl who just lost the title of "Magician" and can now be called "Miss Past".

The rest of the people are all famous snake heads, they are not the real body, but remote projections.However, fortunately, although the snake lair and the bronze room full of mystical aura and charm have been lost, the black technology mastered by the snake around the world has not been lost, and it will not affect their cross-galactic journey. Confidential meeting.

"In my impression, larger-scale riots and uprisings are common, but such a large-scale and restrained protest has never been seen in history." A teenager's projection said.This delicate and handsome young man looked as if he was the same age as Miss "Past".

However, everyone knows that this is actually just the new appearance of the "lawbreaker" who is the head of the thirteen faces.

"Yes, Mr. Gui Mo is indeed a rare talent. Our snake around the world is in need of new blood." The projection of a young woman said, her temperament is gentle and gentle, and she looks like a healing line beauty.It is the "Linghealing" in the thirteen aspects.

"It's not the time yet." Miss Past: "Also, it might not be him."

The lawbreaker smiled and said, "So, after this resistance?"

The girl didn't answer right away, but said with a smile: "Our world was originally a deformed world, and we became deformed too. But now, the world is changing, and I have already felt the wind of the new era. Regardless of whether you seniors want to pass the boring years, seek your own way, or hope that the world will move, there is always a need for a different approach.”

The snake heads present were thoughtful.

The girl said again: "We have raised cults, gangsters and warlords, and our tentacles have penetrated into the temples occupied by princes, nobles and rich people. But, until now, we are just Hong Qiangwei's gray gloves , is the toilet of the Dragon of Dawn."

"We are not Hong Qiangwei's gray gloves." Now the lady said seriously.

"And the toilet is too much... Dear Miss Past, you are still an underage lady, you have to be elegant." Chi Wang said helplessly: "This is the last time I will attend the meeting before I withdraw. You Can't you give me some good memories?"

"Release X because I'm underage, and the only way to blow it out is now." The past lady said, "Do you understand? Chi Wang, oh no, Your Highness. It's because you will no longer be our companion. I have to take the time to say it now. We are the toilet, the dog X, the flow X, the XX, and the amoeba lives more real than us.”

The snakeheads were speechless by Miss "Past"'s continuous output, and even seniors like the lawbreaker had nothing to say for a while and could only apologize.

The smile of the "Red King" became even stiffer than that visible to the naked eye.He always felt that this crazy beautiful girl seemed to be laughing at herself, but it was more like scolding herself.

Only Ms. "Now", who is also the master of time, let out a bright laugh.

"That's right, the leader of our World-Round Snake has to be this kind of model to be correct! The so-called don't criticize madly, don't ring snake..."

"No, no, senior, people are very calm now. In the past, we were either cooperating with the ruling class, or supporting criminal organizations that were not visible. We really made our style more and more low-end." Miss Past He looked at the screen next to him.On the screen, the workers gathered in the municipal government, led by the organizers, were singing loudly.

The chorus of tens of thousands of people is a powerful force.Even these powerful psykers present could feel such power across the Milky Way.

"... These workers' organizations were led by Mr. Gui Mo. He himself is still wanted by the alliance government." Ling Yu said quietly: "But, after today, he will not have a place in the alliance. Yes Yes, because of our design behind it, he is doomed to fail... Woohoo, we are really the worst evil party."

Speaking of this, the snake-headed sister of the healing department let out a cry again: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"You're doing it the wrong way." The girl looked at the projection of "Linghealing", her eyes were as dark as a bottomless abyss: "We joined him. Among the cadres of the son of Luoha, there are already executors under your direct control ?"

Facing the girl who was probably only half his grade, "Lingyu" stopped crying: "I...I understand what you mean."

"You'd better really. But that's all right, sooner or later you'll understand, and everyone will understand."

The girl said so.She looked at another screen, which showed a geometric structure diagram of the factory area.Dozens of red light spots representing armed personnel are passing through the fence and the outer security line in a steady posture, and are heading towards the target workshop in the center of the factory area.

Miss "Past" clapped her hands with satisfaction, and said old-fashionedly: "Very good. We can see that 'Moonlight Butterfly' and 'Sui Ying' have led the team into Thor's core factory area, but they still haven't attracted the attention of the security guards. Power. They have already demonstrated their strength and execution ability with their actions. They are now proposing that Moonlight Butterfly and Seam Shadow be promoted to level 2 executive officers, who agrees? Who opposes?"

"You are the new time master, so naturally you have the final say." The lawbreaker laughed.

"I also hope that I have the final say. But, isn't there a 'present' senior here?"

"Of course you have the final say on this kind of thing. I'm very busy. I guess I will keep silent for a long time, and the organization is afraid that you will have the final say in the future." Now the lady's shadow is very vague, and she still twitches from time to time one time.It can be seen that she may be the one with the worst communication conditions among the snakeheads present.

"Well, you are now fully responsible for the Zerg Project. What's going on now? I'll just ask you a random question, and you don't need to answer." Miss Past asked a little nervously.

"...I can only say that light and shadow, male and female, are actually a question of metaphysics. Spirit or body, who represents the truth of life may not even be able to answer the question. To me, being able to watch until the end It is also a practice. Of course, I can only watch until the end."

The girl nodded: "Then I can only say, good luck. The coalition fleet hasn't evacuated the Spiral Cross Nebula yet."

"...Oh hehehehe, only the ability to escape is the only thing I have the most confidence in. On your side, although Princess Hongqiangwei has left Nefei, there are strong men in the capital of the alliance. Any trouble in Nefei will be punished. The opponent touched the horse's feet."

"There are some masters in Nefei, but Mr. Guimo entered Ice Valley City at such an opportune time. This is the most interesting place." Miss Past let out a bright laugh.

"This time, although I kicked the alliance government's ass, I kicked Princess Rainbow Rose in the face. How she will react can help us figure out the attitude of the Belen Kester family and help us next steps."

The young man incarnated as the "lawbreaker" sighed: "...Going to the past first made many mistakes in decision-making in his later years, but it is completely correct to let you take his place!"

"Hey, is my position appointed by the old man?" The girl showed a puzzled expression.

The lawbreaker laughed, and continued: "Then, as the agent of the 'Future Lord', I will pass on his edict. He has already studied and decided that after the snake sloughing plan, you will be in charge of all the daily work of the organization. Coordinated with follow-up plans."

The Red King glanced at the "lawbreaker" calmly, and then at the young... even the young new "past", showing a business-like smile that has been honed and almost applauded.

In the past, the lady continued to speak in an old-fashioned tone: "Then, as the new agent of the organization, I announce to you that the 'Snake Slough Project' has been declared a success. Although some unforgettable sacrifices were made, it was still a successful plan overall. , A smooth plan. Then, please follow the original plan and start to steadily promote the arrival of the era of the Great Crazy Batch."

"...Is this your name?" Chi Wang asked helplessly.

"This is a naming that fits the style of the organization." She shrugged: "Anyway, I'm just an ordinary JK, and I still expect to be admitted to Ocean University next year. I really don't have any taste. So, see you, seniors."

She just turned off the communication without any explanation, ending the meeting.

So, in a certain room in the Canchuan Galaxy [-] light-years away from Nefer, King Weilunt looked at the secret communication terminal that had been directly shut down, and was speechless for a while.

He tried to re-enter the meeting room, but he found that even the terminal had been completely burned.As a result, this black-tech device that can avoid all source wave monitoring suddenly became a scrap iron that can only be sold by the catty.

King Weilunte remained silent for nearly half a minute before he sighed heavily: "This is my last meeting? She...she didn't even read the slogan! The snake around the world is really fine in the future." ?"

Of course, as a vigorous activist, he still knows what he should do.He opened his official terminal and answered another account, which was the secretariat of the Privy Council of the Galactic Empire.

"Good morning, sir. Please help me inform the Grand Duke Inota and all the lords of the Privy Council. I hope to convene a meeting of the Privy Council in three hours."

"... Please tell everyone, we have been waiting for that time, and it has arrived. The reason we need is already there. Thank you, the Serpent of the World for your generosity!"

"Yes, please be sure to inform His Royal Highness Su Liuka to attend, she is the key. I understand that she is in the New World now. However, I really need to start the meeting of the Privy Council in three hours."

(End of this chapter)

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