Him and their stars

Chapter 1236 Hurry up and tell Babaru that there are traitors

Chapter 1236 Hurry up and tell Babaru that there are traitors

By 9:15, in Binggu City, not to mention the parades in other blocks of the city, the crowd gathered around the municipal square had already exceeded 10 people.You must know that Ice Valley City is just an industrial city located on the edge of the plateau of the northern continent, not a large commercial and trade metropolis with a small population.Even this year's New Year's gathering did not gather such a large number of people.

Ms. Taina Moon looked around, whether it was her own sight or the footage taken by the drone, she could only see a crowd of people singing, dancing and laughing.

Some optimistic people even bought coffee and snacks and distributed them to police officers on duty at major intersections.

These armed policemen carrying explosion-proof shields, stun weapons and explosion-proof weapons on their bodies, after a short hesitation, actually accepted the other party's kindness.As a result, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became particularly joyful.

"...I've always felt that the so-called sports should be more intense." Ash Stein appeared in front of her holding two huge marshmallows.

"Would you like to eat it?" the young guerrilla said, "The boss said it was made of industrial sugar substitute produced by the factory, and it is completely a feature of Binggu."

Looking at the bright red and green cotton candy, Tai Na always felt that the color was too bright, like a product of nuclear radiation, which was really unappetizing, but she still managed to get the green one: "... this, just Like the kerosene fruit of Luhuai City?"

"Well, kerosene fruit and sugar substitute marshmallows may become the representative delicacies of the workers in the future." The guerrilla shrugged and took a big bite of the red marshmallow: "...well, I I feel that all sugar substitutes are soulless, but one thing to say, this one is not bad. And you don’t have to worry about getting fat.”

Tina smiled and took a sip too.

At this time, both of them actually realized that the sense of tension and crisis that had arisen before the parade had all disappeared.

"So, are we really successful?"

"Mr. Guimo told me that as long as the strike starts, it will be partly successful. In fact, all the factories are unable to start work today. All countries will notice this scene, and the allies will be surprised. The system of the alliance determines that he is very If you save face, the old men of major companies will naturally have a hard time. Moreover, as long as it does not turn into a bloody conflict like the steel flame and the green locust tree, it will be a big success."

Yaxiu said indifferently: "I still feel that things are not that simple, and it is even more difficult to imagine such a struggle."

The conversation between the two stopped there.At this time, they suddenly saw that Mr. Gui Mo, who had undergone simple makeup, was wearing a serious and solemn expression on his face, which could even be regarded as a somewhat evil expression, pushing through the crowd and walking towards the two of them.

The relaxation of Taina and Ashura disappeared immediately.After the guerrilla fighting in the mountains, when Mr. Gui Mo was preparing to deal with the radical faction of the son of Luoha, he did not show such nervousness.

"Uncle, you were very calm when the two of us were scared. Now, when we all start to relax, why do you start playing heavy again? Jumping side to side like this is not very good for our normal heart "Asu asked pretending to be relaxed, he had already slightly adjusted the armed belt hidden behind the coat, and adjusted the special pistol and lightsaber to the most pleasing place.

He responded with an ugly smile, lowered his voice and said, "Taina, please contact the leaders of various workers' industries, as well as Edek, who came to support from Haidu Overseas Students Association."

Edek, a student of Leysin University of Technology, is also the director of the International Student Association of the Blue Star Community, and he is also a person with great organizational skills.Mr. Guimo was able to establish contact with the workers' guilds in Binggu City, and he also made a lot of contributions.

In addition, this Edek's immediate leader is naturally Babaru.He was even a member of the YMCA himself.

The reporter was slightly taken aback, and looked at the terminal in her hand.

"This thing is no longer safe." Mr. Gui Mo said: "Use your drone to contact and tell everyone that you are preparing to evacuate the square. Also, especially tell Edek to make sure he Mr. Babaru must be notified that there are traitors in the parade crowd! The student parade he wants to hold in Haidu must be suspended."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a violent explosion, which instantly swallowed up the happy atmosphere gathered by tens of thousands of people like a black hole.

Everyone can only see that the gate of the city government has already ignited a raging fire.

At this moment, it was hard for anyone to notice that a fierce gun battle was erupting in the factory area behind them.

At this moment, 150 kilometers away from Ice Valley City, in a vast wilderness on the Yariel Plateau, the preparations for the 64th game of "Skull Squadron" are still in progress.

There is one thing to say, this is not the kind of big scene scene that requires a large number of extras, nor is it a long shot that particularly tests scheduling, but a close-up one-man show of the leading actor Mr. Aisham, which requires his psychological transformation and Will grow.

In this kind of play, the difficulty lies in the actors.However, everyone is full of confidence in Mr. Aisham, who has won the Yagomi Award twice and has been the box office champion for three times.

What, you mean Grand Commander?The Grand Commander is just a background board with two lines.Otherwise, how can it be called "guest appearance"?

But, after all, the one who is about to make his screen debut is, after all, the head of state of the Free Galaxy Alliance.It's completely understandable to be a little nervous at this point.As a result, almost every equipment and prop that needs to be used has been unpacked and checked again on the spot.The preparation for a simple one-man show is often comparable to a battlefield scene that requires thousands of extras.

The staff of the crew will inevitably complain, and even have some small quarrels with the security personnel.The director of the University of the Philippines is a talented artist. He must not like this feeling, so he left the scene to the producer, and it has not yet appeared.

Of course, generally speaking, the security guards of the producer and the general are very professional, even more professional than the police officers and city government of Ice Valley City.The ordinary crew members are still very restrained, just like the parade 150 kilometers away.This little unpleasantness, of course, will not turn into a conflict.

Ever since, the preparations for the site were proceeding in an orderly manner.

Everyone is so serious, so it is even more necessary for Grand Commander Tatos to express seriousness.He obviously only has two lines, and he feels even more serious than when he went to the State of Congress and the National Security Meeting.

"So, can I stop laughing after a while?" The Commander asked very modestly, like a cute new elementary school student who is serious and eager to learn but full of curiosity about everything.

"A rich expression is a weapon for acting, but it is also a double-edged sword." Mr. Aisham said while reciting his lines silently.

Is this mocking me for not understanding expression management?The commander-in-chief glanced at the other party meaningfully, his handsome smile was still steady, and he asked with a smile, "Can I squat on the wing?"

"This will indeed make your posture more layered. Of course, more importantly, it will not expose the shortcomings of the body." Mr. Aisham explained patiently.

"...Physical shortcomings? These words still hurt me a bit. At this age, I have to have an hour of fitness and half an hour of posture training every day." The commander suddenly had a bitter face. , showing a sad expression.

Grand Commander Tytos Tatos is not a tall and burly man, but a middle-aged man of average height and average appearance. If it is only about appearance, he is indeed much worse than Chairman Nishita of the opposite community .

It was true that he was born in an ordinary civilian family. His father was a small civil servant and his mother was an elementary school teacher.Naturally, he can't compare to those famous children who have pretended to be X in their bones since they were young, but he is the supreme head of state of the alliance after all. The ability to manage body shape, posture, facial expression and speech effectively.

Commander Tatos is still very confident in his abilities. He always feels that he should be able to become an excellent actor after he has been a member of parliament for 15 years.

However, in Aisham's eyes, the commander-in-chief is just a newcomer who hasn't even done the novice mission. His innocence is full of stupidity, but because of his stupidity, he is also full of confidence that makes people unable to rest.

"Unfortunately, you are not the commander-in-chief now, but an old mechanic. The physical ability of a qualified actor is not to make you stand like green pines and cypresses at any time, but to show the right posture at the right time .”

Having said that, Mr. Film King bowed slightly, moved his shoulders slightly outward, and squatted down.As a result, the image of a laboring life bearing the burden of life suddenly appeared vividly in front of everyone.

The commander showed a surprised expression.Sure enough, the professional ability of professionals can only be experienced more deeply at close range.He sighed in admiration: "All walks of life are educated! I am such a self-righteous fool."

"Hahaha, I can't talk about a university question. Your Excellency, my profession requires me to observe all walks of life. I just know that most people are just working hard. They believe that hard work can be rewarded, but only Believe in this, and we have everything we have now." Mr. Aisham's voice was very calm, as if he was reading news in a newspaper.

"Yes, there is civilization, there is life, and then there are artists like you. I understand what you mean, art is born in the daily life." The voice of the commander is also very calm, as calm as It is to participate in a certain cultural and artistic promotional activities.

The two seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, with relaxed expressions and gestures.From the point of view of the producer and assistant director who had already arrived at the scene, this was naturally a great thing.The more relaxed the actors, the easier it is to get into the mood and the smoother the shoot will be.

Of course, this is also a good thing for security personnel.The more relaxed and fun the boss is, the better off they are - Grand Commander Tatos isn't the moody and irrational "worst boss", but he's not the amiable "best boss" either .

"So, the lines are spoken slower than usual, and faster than the speeches?"

"The important thing is to make it clear. But it doesn't matter, anyway, we can still dub." The actor said.

"Didn't it mean that you can't get an acting award if you dub it?"

Mr. Aisham looked at Mr. Datong, but he didn't deliberately hide the helplessness on his expression.Your boss has only two lines that add up to less than thirty characters. What gave you such an illusion?

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding." Commander Tatos laughed three times, and then changed into a nervous and expectant expression: "However, Mr. Aisham, what do you think of my talent? How? After resigning, can you be a good actor?"


"It will be two and a half years before I step down. If I have more guest appearances in this period, then I can be regarded as a veteran actor who has practiced for two and a half years, not a newcomer."

"...Your Excellency is really humorous." Aisham laughed.

"Well, Mr. Aisham, I know it's not funny, but as a non-professional actor, I need to change my thinking occasionally."

Mr. Aisham did not end the topic, and said directly: "Speaking of which, my next movie will still be directed by Ms. Fina Li, and I will act as the protagonist and producer. It is about a business owner who was born as a worker. , a period drama of ups and downs in life."

"Oh, the script written by General Yu Lian?"

"Everything can't be hidden from you. I personally feel that this is a movie about the big era with small characters. It has an epic temperament. There is a firefighter in it. From the image point of view, it is quite suitable for you. I don't know if you still want to Set aside some more time?"

The Grand Commander was still smiling, but there seemed to be no smile in his eyes.He looked at the other party meaningfully, and his eyes swept over the hideous wound on Aisham's face-it was the effect of makeup, but the other party asked to ensure the existence of this wound during the crew, saying that it could be more Get to know the characters well.

"This wound hurts even when I look at it." He said, "Don't you feel any inconvenience?"

Aisham couldn't tell whether the other party's eyes were disgusted or curious.He still raised one hand tentatively, touched the deformed scar that was stuck upside down by the rail bullet, and said with a smile: "It's just a semi-fixed makeup effect, but it won't affect my usual life. Hahaha , if I don't go through special treatment, I'm afraid this wound will really grow on my face, and I can't get rid of it no matter what."

The commander-in-chief sighed, and seemed a little sad: "The mask of the past has made the face of today. Mr. Aisham, with the current medical technology, such a scar can be completely healed in a maximum of three to five hours in the medical cabin." .On the contrary, your current makeup effect requires three or four makeup artists to fiddle with for a long time. Isn't this a place where art transcends life?"

Mr. Aisham was speechless for a while, and could only use his honed acting skills to maintain a decent smile.

The crew couldn't hear the conversation between the two, but still felt that they had a good chat.However, it is not that no one has noticed this.

In a place that the camera couldn't capture, Team Leader Sekruti and Director Faberle had already looked at this place at the same time.The two were still standing outside the circle, without much movement, but their faces had already sunk down, like two cheetahs ready to go.

They didn't even give any clear instructions, and the thirty or so special service members who were mixed with the staff at the scene also reacted on alert.

Although these well-trained secret service members are not security immortals, they cannot quickly knock down ten armed men in two seconds, nor can they draw their guns and shoot within 0.2 seconds.However, it has the ability to surround the general with water within two seconds, escort him into the bulletproof vehicle in half a minute, and send him to the bunker within 5 minutes.Not to mention playing cardiopulmonary resuscitation when the subject of protection is opened.

Ordinary crew members may not be aware of the emotional changes around them, but the commander has already developed a conditioned reflex to this feeling.He turned around, and his handsome smile disappeared immediately, and he directly cast a look at the secret service leader and security chief to make them understand.

Hehe Second General also felt that he seemed to be overreacting a bit, and his face was sullen, telling his subordinates to be calm.

Of course the Grand Commander had already guessed that Mr. Aisham had something to say to himself.He could even guess what the other party wanted to say.

This well-known performance artist is a good man with a chivalrous heart, but he is by no means a ruthless man who can make up his mind.This may be a common problem of most artists.

Commander Tatos has been the head of the alliance for more than ten years, and he still has some experience in judging people.

However, is it a loss to have a good relationship with a good person?
(End of this chapter)

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