Him and their stars

Chapter 1237 Rush to the sky

Chapter 1237 Rush to the sky
The commander-in-chief smiled and said: "Mr. Aisham, after retiring, I am indeed going to be a university teacher, and by the way, a part-time actor. At that time, there may be many things I can ask for advice. Hahaha, some things, in It’s not easy to do on stage, but offstage, there’s a lot of room for manipulation. Do you understand what I mean?”

Mr. Aisham was slightly taken aback, and then seemed to understand something.After thinking for a while, he showed a half-understanding expression.

"I really don't understand the world of politicians."

"Hahaha, the world of politicians seems very deep to outsiders, but when you come in, you find that it is only enough to raise slimes. So, do you want to join? In the history of the alliance, there have been many members of Congress who were born as actors. There are also many people who have made great contributions. After I leave office, I will be able to show my old face and let the party support some young and vigorous new blood. What kind of inequality is there, why not wipe him out personally?"

Aisham pondered for a moment, with a touch of emotion in his complicated eyes.

"Your Excellency, Commander, if you come here before breakfast, we might be able to find a lot of topics in advance."

"I want to, too, but I can't do it. Now Zi Xinhui is in charge of the working meals of "Skull Squadron". The small kitchen of the main creative staff is still in charge of the Ronghui Building, the genius chef girl with the tongue of God. I I have wanted to try it for a long time. Unfortunately, my current situation is not good. Even my favorite Dingdong cake has to be tested by the Secret Service. I hope you can understand. Haha, although it is called Free Galaxy Union, but I'm the least free person in the country."

Aisham nodded, with a hint of hope in his heavy expression.

He squeezed out another relaxed smile: "So, the role of the firefighter..."

"If it starts after two and a half years, the Secret Service and the General Office won't be able to control me. But at that time, it would be great if the cameo can be changed to a supporting role. The best one has a character arc and growth."

"That's when you have to audition."

"I hope there will be preferential treatment."

The two middle-aged uncles looked at each other and smiled.Because of the tacit understanding that some mature adults understand, the atmosphere at the scene became relaxed again.

Secreti, the security team leader who had already put his hand on his weapon, exchanged glances with Fboole, the chief of secret services, and felt that the tense atmosphere just now seemed to be an illusion.

They were about to say something, but they heard a little uproar from the crew. They turned their heads and found that the director finally came.

This Ms. Fina Li, even as an actress, is capable of acting as a young girl, and she can be said to be the biggest topic figure in the entertainment industry in the entire universe this year.

Although many people are honest about this young "Yagemi Best Director" and think that her award is a victory for behind-the-scenes operations and film themes, rather than a victory for director skills, but they have to admit that she He really showed talent beyond ordinary people and skills beyond grades.If there is no accident, she must be able to leave a name in the history of universe movies, as if she is the reincarnation of "Mother of Movies" Yagomi Heyet Berenkast.

At this moment, the young lady director, just wearing light jeans and a peaked cap, without makeup, looks more like a star than almost all the actresses who have been in and out of the crew.

... No, even the second female lead of "Skull Squadron", Ms. Gongsun Qing, who is considered by the staff to be responsible for the beauty of this work, followed closely behind, just like the director's little follower.

It's just that the two of them are talking about topics that have nothing to do with movies.

"Is something really wrong in Ice Valley City?"

"Yes, it's not a big deal. The seniors of the Guerrilla Association also went, saying that everyone is very restrained. It will not lead to bloody conflicts." Gongsun Qing said: "Yes, it will never change. Like Lonely Night City. Well, it’s impossible like Luhuai City.”

"Hehehe, if it was Yu Lian, he would definitely sneer at your weakness."

"How can this be called weakness? If you can express your attitude reasonably and legally in a peaceful way, it's better than in Lone Night City, right?"

"From a historical point of view, it's too early to say whether it's good or not." Feifei sneered, "So, the organizer is the current leader of the Son of Loha?"


"It seems that it is indeed. But, can it really come true? You see, there is only 150 kilometers away from us, but has anyone in the crew received the news?"

"... Well, the news has been blocked. However, it is impossible to block it forever."

"Your Excellency the Grand Commander is here too. His security team must have received the news, but they don't mind at all."

"Well, maybe Commander Tatos was also deceived by his subordinates? That's why the incident happened at this time."

"Heh, Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, you are a doctor anyway, why are you still full of purity that is not stained by knowledge?"

"Hmph, the world is indeed quite pure, it's different from a mature woman who releases pigeons because she can't wait to hug a man." Xiao Qing muttered.

"Hehehe, Gongsun, you've actually grown up? Dare to talk back? A mere female number two, I can notify the production team to change people now."

"...Yes, I'm sorry. People are just nervous, really just nervous, so I can't hold back my words."

Feifei gave the other party a white look: "You should be nervous. Essentially, this matter is an internal affairs issue of the alliance. But your name has already entered the directory of the Imperial Heraldry Institute. Have you ever thought that if you If your whereabouts are discovered, how will you deal with it? The identity of a foreign guerrilla will not protect you at this time, but will constitute a more sensitive situation."

"But, I have already gone, so I admit it."

"So, who asked you to join in the fun?"

"Isn't it you? You said that you hoped that I would go through more experiences, and only with a real life can I become a truly outstanding actor."

"I didn't say that. I just told you to pay attention to practical operations when you are mixing your education."

"~~~~~ Oh, that's what Yu Lian said."

"You listen to what he says, but you don't listen to what I say, right?"

"I listen, I listen. But, Fina, it's useless for you to accuse me now! They are not members of the Sons of Loha, and they broke up with them two months ago. What are they going to do now, I am too I only figured it out today. But, but, maybe at this time, the commander-in-chief and more big shots will be able to hear the voice of the people. It’s like that song.”

Feifei sighed: "So, I say you still don't understand! The big men won't hear the singing of the people, not even the screams and howls. The only thing they can hear is the Let them howl themselves."

Gongsun Qing shivered for a moment, raised his eyes to look at the back of his "best friend", and thought to himself that you are much more dangerous than me, what position do you have to blame me?
However, before she was ready to say anything, the director lady waved her hand, sat down behind the monitor with a golden sword, and said, "Turn on!"

At that moment, she was like a heroic queen.Hundreds of crew members, more than [-] secret service members, an actor and a commander in the camera are all her subjects.

Gongsun Qing pitifully found Maza to sit behind Feifei, as if he was an assistant to the director of the University of Feifei.Of course, her eyes never left Feifei's back.

The Countess suddenly felt that she should be able to learn a little aura from her best friend.In this way, it can be used when playing queen roles in the future.

And, speaking of it, that guy seems to like this kind of style.Those who have been rumored with him are also of this type.

Of course, Second General Hen Ha, who was in charge of the general's security, also inevitably focused his attention on Feifei's side.

"It's a pity. Madam Director should have written, directed, and acted herself." The security team leader Sekruti said regretfully.

"Indeed, Ms. Director is prettier than all the stars I've seen... Uh, you're her fan?" Secret Service Director Foberle felt that he had discovered Hua.

"Isn't it? "Leng Qiu" is still very good-looking. I am a very tasteful movie lover, and I have an eye for beauty. But, after all, Madam Director..."

"After all, what is it like here? She is a member of the Propaganda Department of the Community Defense Committee? A reporter from the military newspaper? Has a background in intelligence personnel?"

"She's a psyker."

"Everyone in the Secret Service knows."

"She was born in a famous martial arts family. Before she awakened, she participated in the youth group's Galaxy Free Fighting Conference at the age of 12 and reached the finals. If she hadn't retired, she might have won the championship."

"Oh? I did check the resume of Ms. Director's father, Mr. Wilt Lee. He is indeed a well-known martial artist, and even some psychics have been trained by him. However, it is a A law-abiding gentleman.

"But no matter what, Ms. Director is also a psychic with extensive fighting training experience. From a security point of view, isn't this a safety hazard?"

"Hahahaha, you should apply in advance for Ms. Director to withdraw. Also, our second female lead, the Countess, is even more of a hidden danger." Director Faberle said with a smile: "...Okay, okay Well, if you’re not kidding, isn’t the real hidden danger Mr. Aisham? My superiors, the seniors in the security department, think that he has certain anti-system tendencies.”

"Just because they helped those poor Lothar firefighters to sue? Fuck some big shots? Tsk tsk tsk, you guys are disgusting." Sekruti laughed.

"It's not me, it's the master of the Ministry of Security." Fubole said angrily.

"I'm a fan of Mr. Ashham! He's a good guy!"

"Me too... Ah bah, is this the point? In short, Mr. Aisham is a good person and a celebrity, but he still has a lot of weaknesses. The security department has notified him in advance, and it should be acceptable to use him, very In a polite way."

"...You guys are disgusting."

"It's not me, it's the Ministry of Security! I'm just the head of the guards, I don't know anything!"

"At the end of the day, our boss shouldn't have come to visit this class. Hey, having a wayward boss is so disgusting. I still want to resign and go back to continue the promising job of being a guerrilla!"

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, is already very reliable. There are not many willful moments, and they are all within the scope of common sense. I used to serve a senator who wanted to go to the war zone to make a show, and I almost lost my life there... ..."

"What about the MP?"

"It's broken... Ah bah, I have said that this is not the point! To be reasonable, you only act as a demon once a year on average, and every time you know how to cooperate with us, the boss of the guards, it is already a blessing. You, you should cherish your blessings." , be ashamed!"

Commander Tatos really likes the theme of "Skull Squadron", and really wants to show a little affinity with the people, but in the eyes of the security department, he is acting like a monster.However, with the alliance system, a leader who does not act like a monster is definitely a rubber stamp.How to balance me depends on the political skills of the parties involved.

Relatively speaking, this person who was born in an ordinary citizen's family can indeed be regarded as the leader who has the best grasp in this regard in recent decades.

The subsequent development can also fully prove that although His Excellency the Commander is very confident in his sideline acting as an actor, he has also made necessary and very serious preparations.However, interlacing like a mountain may really be an industry truth that is universally applicable. His performance was indeed a bit amateurish, and he was called "block" four times in a row by the unselfish director Filipino on the spot.

As a result, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became awkward and joyful.There were even a few single-cell staff members who couldn't help laughing, but then simply shut up.

There are many actors who are "stuck", but there is only one leader who is "stuck", which is still very fresh.

Team Leader Secreti wanted to laugh too, but for some reason, his eyebrows twitched suddenly, as if he had a very ominous premonition.

Your Excellency the Grand Commander doesn't mind being the butt of others.He is indeed a person who is very good at learning. After Mr. Aisham's guidance, he finally found his state in the fifth game and completed it smoothly.

As for the performance effect, anyway, there are only two lines in one scene, and it can be done without acting, which is enough for commercial films.

"Congratulations to the leader of the University of the Philippines for completing the project." The director of the University of the Philippines said.

The cast and crew applauded one after another, leading the secret service crew to do the same.The scene was immediately filled with joy and peace.

However, at this time, Director Fober received new news from the headset.His face suddenly sank, and he said to his partner in a read: "The parade in Binggu City has already gathered 30 people."

"The situation is out of control? Didn't you just say that it has become a party?"

"There was an explosion in the square, and a stampede occurred. In addition, a group of unknown thugs occupied the No. 7 workshop of Raytheon Industry, where there was an assembled gravity traction group. The command requested that we quickly evacuate with the commander."

Secreti didn't hesitate, and under the astonished eyes of everyone, he rushed towards the president with great strides.

And at this time, the warning from the headquarters reached the ears of everyone in the secret service team: "The unknown thugs have fired! Repeat, they have fired!"

Feifei and Gongsun Qing behind the monitor also stood up directly.The two of them were probably the first group of people who felt the crisis, and they looked in the direction of Ice Valley City almost at the same time.

"There, it's... 150 kilometers away from us, right? What's the matter with this evil spirit?" Gongsun Qing hesitated.

Feifei nodded: "I see, shelling, this is a blind spot I didn't think of."

However, Gongsun Qing gritted his teeth, ignited an invisible silver fire in his eyes, spread his five fingers, and the aura began to condense on the palm of his hand: "Fina, I'm going to chop the shells. Go and take refuge."

Of course, the security guards of the secret service team also saw the spiritual light blooming in Gongsun Qing's hands, but before these experienced security guards could pull out their pistols within 0.2 seconds, the Countess had already jumped up, as if she had overcome As if bound by gravity, he rushed up to Yun Xiao in an instant, almost invisible.

(End of this chapter)

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