Him and their stars

Chapter 1239 A Fox Is A Fox, A Dragon Is A Dragon

Giafiel, the count of Lamut, found his lord in the dome garden on the Dawn Angel.At this time, the owner of the empire's newest Titan was wearing a simple and youthful white dress, standing behind a flowerbed full of rare dragon heart orchids, holding a watering can, and was humming a song, cheering the crowd. The flowers are watered.

Most of the blond hair that was left to his waist like a golden waterfall was hidden under a large white sun hat.The gold thread dangling from the visor was tied into a rather homely braid.Therefore, the beautiful girl who seemed to be blessed by the sacred light of the dawn when she was born, full of divinity, now has a bit of the style of the girl next door.

But why wear this visor?The countess looked at the dome.There is a device that simulates blue light hanging on the top, but outside the transparent crystal structure, there is still starlight all over the sky.

Brunhilt had already poked his head out from behind the flowerbed, with a smile on his mouth, but a hint of mockery and coldness in his eyes: "Hehehe, Gilly, it doesn't look like good news. Otherwise, at this time The one who appeared here should not be you, but Ostana. Tsk, that witch with a paralyzed face likes to bully a kind person like you."

Giafiel nodded slightly: "Yes, Your Highness, at the request of King Weilund, the Privy Council has just completed this emergency meeting. Of course, since you said you were sick, it is indeed me and Ostana who will serve as your on behalf of bystanders."

The countess's tone was very relaxed, and it was a bit pretending to be relaxed.

"This is about the New World, the Ring of Miracles..."

"I don't really want to hear it. The decision of the Privy Council reached when I was not present is meaningless. If it was presided over by King Weilund, there would even be physical resentment." Brunhilt directly called Cut off the opponent, and then retracted his head to the back of the flowerbed.

Isn't this the fault of your "calling sick"?However, facing such a capricious attitude of the lord, Giafell just smiled and said: "Okay, the subordinate can report later. Anyway, you understand after all, if there is something, you should listen when it is time to listen .”

At this time, her eyes were still focused on the sun hat on the Lord's head.

Brunhilt seemed to be aware of the other party's thoughts, and couldn't help but said: "Sense of ritual. Gilly, this is a correct sense of ritual."

"The lords of the Privy Council and the Senate should hope that you can give them some sense of ritual."

"It shows that I love life and am proud of it." Brunhilt turned his attention to his watering can like a girlfriend.

But at this time, what was sprayed from the watering can was not ordinary water, but some kind of moist mist flowing with aura.When the mist covered the dragon heart orchid flowerbed, these bright flowers became brighter at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, as if each flower was a gemstone shining brightly under the starlight.

Even with the countess being well-informed, she couldn't help being amazed for a moment.This dragon heart orchid is a spiritual species that has been cultivated through alchemy. It has the function of purifying air, soil, and water. The mature petals and leaves can also be used as alchemy materials.However, its growth cycle often starts from ten years, and there are still many difficulties in cultivating it.

Giafiel still remembered that at the end of last year, when the Dawn Angel passed through the Gate of Glory and arrived in the New World, these flower beds had just been sown with seeds.

Needless to say, this is naturally a miracle of psionic energy in the field of life. This is not the power of the Noble Phantasm, but it is clearly the evolution of Brunhilt's own power.

Of course, Giafil could tell that this was an extremely delicate psionic technique comparable to the most sophisticated surgical instruments.Before the Battle of Snake Cave, her lord was still unable to do this.

"Hahaha, before I went to kill the snake, I was only good at protection and aura. After killing the snake, if I was only good at protection and aura, wouldn't the snake be killed for nothing?" Brunhilt made no secret of his pride.

"When the dragon heart orchids here are ripe, I will take out half of them to make flower cakes for everyone."

"I'm looking forward to it." Giafill expressed her thanks in a businesslike manner.

"The other half, let's send it to the earth. I know there is a place called Jincheng. It is a good place with beautiful scenery and rich products, and it is also one of the hometowns of food on the earth! Plant dragon heart orchids there, and you will be able to By nourishing the soil, maybe more and better ingredients can be cultivated." Brunhilt gave a thumbs up.

"Oh, is it really for the food?" Giafiel raised her tone.

"Oh heh heh, I'm planning to transplant my flower garden to the street park next to Fu Street after it matures. Of course it's for the food."

"...Then, for what reason? Aid in construction? Harmony of human destiny? Peace for a generation?"

Brunhilt showed a meaningful smile, but did not answer the other party's question, but just splashed the water in the watering can.All I saw was that the water mist infused with spiritual light suddenly seemed to have life, like an ice crystal elf floating to every corner of the dome garden, dancing gracefully and disappearing among all the colorful flowers.

The countess looked at this dreamlike scene in a fairy tale, but then remembered when she was still at the Royal Knights Academy.Those old-fashioned instructors would be furious if they saw any knight apprentice abuse psionic power like this.

Brunhilt seemed to see the other party's thoughts again, squinted at his friend with golden eyes, and smiled: "The Knights will use strict laws and trivial rules to restrain the behavior of the knights. I didn't think there was anything wrong with this. But now that I think about it, why isn't this a way of ruling? Our psykers, living outside the stable scientific common sense, are the most unstable factors. However, order requires stability, and stability requires rule. However, development requires genius, but rules always constrain the conception of genius. I thought, whether it is the laws of the empire or the rules of the Knights It should be for a genius like me."

"This is unscrupulously putting personal authority above the law, and even the most loyal elders and princes will be at a loss." Giafell said.

"Anyway, there are not many veterans and princes who are loyal to me." Brunhilt said.

"They are loyal to the empire. Also, I think what you want to express is actually the last sentence, right?"

"Oh heh heh heh, dear Gilly, I just realized that the boundary between genius and mediocrity is not that deep. The detachment of the former is temporary, but the greatness of the latter is indeed eternal."

Giafir showed a sad expression: "...so I tell you not to read these banned books, even his books should be cautious. You see, they are already a bit logically confused and schizophrenic. The subordinates have been It is believed that the more intelligent a person is, the easier it is to be led into a dead end by the metaphysical theories described in such banned books."

"But it is also possible to use the knowledge of banned books for my own use. If I can't even grasp the future of people's hearts and thoughts, how can I talk about other things? However, the current His Royal Highness Su Liuka has fought for too long and wants to Rest. Unless the elders of the Privy Council add a layer of insurance to the peace of a generation."

"Unfortunately, if nothing else, we will be at war again."

Brunhilt sneered three times, and hid his slender but light body behind the flowerbed.

Giafell took out a food box from behind: "This is the sponge alcohol cake I made after imitating Tianyu Jiufangzhai. Do you want to taste it?"

"Gili, I've said it a long time ago. I really don't like the idea that you can buy me with food." Brunhilt poked his head out from behind the flowerbed again.

"So, do you want to eat?" Giafiel turned around while talking.

Brunhilt put down the watering can and took off the sun hat: "I'm still planting peppers, peppers and rattan peppers here, and they will be cooked in 5 minutes. Do you want to eat hot pot later? No matter what you give me Good news or bad news, maybe we can talk while we eat?"

"Should we call Ostana and the others?"

"... Tsk, I can already guess what kind of mess it will be, what do you think? But give me the cake, I won't share it with others!"

"By the way, let's discuss how to transplant dragon heart orchids to Jincheng reasonably and legally?" Giafiel said with a smile: "I think, compared to the interest-free loan from the Hongqiangwei emergency meeting, you may need more money." constructive approach."

"Hehe, the fox has the way of the fox, but the dragon king has the way of the dragon king... Tsk, wait, Gilly, when did you become such a yin and yang character? You were taught by Ostana's paralyzed smile Is it? Or is it because you have read too many banned books and learned to provoke me? Gilly, smart people will become anti-system elements if they read too many banned books."

"I'm just following in your footsteps, Your Highness."

"...I really like your tough and unruly appearance. Yin and Yang are really not suitable for you."

"I'll try to change it."

It turns out that when you have an entire service team around you, life can never be more inconvenient.Only two or three minutes later, in the gazebo of the dome garden, there was really a pot exuding a strong fragrance, full of the fireworks that the working people love.In addition, a wide variety of dishes are being delivered continuously.

After Brunhilt wiped out the cake made by her best friend, her subordinates arrived one by one as if they had made an appointment.

Then, taking advantage of the chance that the hot pot hadn't boiled, Giafill also finished the so-called emergency resolution reached by the Privy Council.

"I was thinking, since the subsequent topics will be related to the Blue Star Community. And hot pot is a special delicacy on Earth, so we have to taste it. We can talk about the fate of the New World, and even the fate of the Milky Way. "

Nerhana gave her lord a sideways glance, and always felt that the words were familiar, and she should have heard them before.She has been shocked by the news just now, and she can only feel her body trembling, like a shock wave that makes her heartbroken, spreading to her whole body little by little.She knew it was a heartache.

So, my investment in Xinyumen is gone?I bought the shares of the New Yumen Agricultural Development Company, and I even acquired land from them to raise sandworms and open a spice processing factory.Now, all gone?
However, before she could express such pain, Olivier Rowentour, who had a pair of golden and silver monster eyes beside her, showed a weeping expression, and even cried a little: "After the Huaxu meeting, The Prime Minister's Office has come up with a bunch of proposals for business cooperation with people on Earth."

"This is natural. I believe that when Huaxu planned, the empire considered peaceful coexistence with the community." Ostana said.

"Then, I believed in the evil of those old guys, and bought all the dowry prepared by my father and brother for me in foreign trade stocks."

"I've heard that too. Your behavior almost constitutes part of a perfect strategic fraud. I would like to thank you on behalf of the Grand Marshal's Palace. In addition, you can ask the Marquis of Fernhe to make up for you. If the young lady of the Luo Wentuer family gets married, wouldn't the lack of dowry hurt the dignity of the Marquis's house?"

"Your Highness!" Olivier almost cried "Wow".

Miss Chief of Staff continued to add: "That is to say, four hours after the order of the Privy Council was issued, and one hour and 4 minutes before now, His Highness Brunhilt will become the commander of the New World Theater. From Glory From the gates to the Circle of Wonders, all fleets, space cities, marines, and planets, cities, and populace, will be fully under your command."

Brunhilt sneered: "That sounds really nice. How many fleets can there be?"

"One Titan, two dreadnoughts, eight battlecruisers, and six large aircraft carriers. There are a total of 420 warships of various types. Of course, they are all currently deployed on a two-thousand-light-year-long waterway."

"What about the other side?"

"Six Independence-class Dreadnoughts, and [-] warships. Thirty percent of them are also located on the [-]-light-year-long waterway, and the other [-]% are between the Ring of Miracles and the Unity Fortress. As for all the fearlessness, they are all arranged around the galaxy where the Ring of Miracles is located." Ostana said.

"Hehehe, I thought the Earthlings on the opposite side were also reducing their frontline troops."

"They are indeed decreasing. However, the existence of the Miracle Ring and the Unity Fortress are still very attractive to the people on Earth." Ostana said with a smile: "During the Huaxu meeting, the Earth side That is to say, when the Blue Star Community establishes the first immigration stronghold in the Ring of Miracles, their dreadnoughts will immediately withdraw from the front line."

"Hehehe, what a new experience! One day, we will have the opportunity to experience the feeling of being inferior to our opponents."

"I was wondering before." Wovna Maimidal couldn't help raising her hand and said, "With such a large fleet staying on the front line, can the military expenses of the people on Earth be maintained?"

"The alliance provided them with a low-interest loan, which was mortgaged by the ownership of the Lansa galaxy. Anyway, that galaxy was only discovered, and most people in the community didn't even know it existed." Ostana glanced at the lord : "Do you want to reveal this matter?"

"It's not our job," Brunhilt said.

"Understood. Your Highness."

"It's really a good business deal?" Wovna couldn't help but ask quietly.

"Who are you referring to?" Olivier Rowentour wiped away her tears and couldn't help asking.

"Naturally. Except you."

"In this context, you seem to be mocking me..."

"You can get rid of it. I told you before, don't speculate in stocks, don't play futures, just invest in cake shops and flower shops like me. Industry is king in any era."

What I do is industry!Why am I the one who gets hurt?Nairhana also wanted to cry a little bit.

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