Him and their stars

Chapter 1240 One generation of peace, and one generation of prosperity

Chapter 1240 A generation of peace, and a generation of prosperity

Giafell looked at the two colleagues who had fallen into depression, and said solemnly: "If you think about it this way, in comparison, the Prime Minister's Mansion, which has signed a package development plan with the Commonwealth government, is the one that has lost the most."

"Gili, has anyone ever told you that your way of comforting people is actually quite amateurish." Olivier said, wiping her tears.

"It's not just one person who said that. However, you can think about it this way. Since the one that the Prime Minister's Office took out was part of deceiving the enemy, then your investment might also count. In the future, the Privy Council should reimburse you."

"...Really, really?"

Wolfna interjected, "Of course it's impossible. But Gilly's words might make you feel better."

"Ostana is right. The so-called legal Lolita is a creature that is against nature. No matter what it looks like, it will be black if you cut it open." Olivier withdrew her tears , gritted his teeth.I wondered whether to put the hot pot on my friend's head.

Even so, she still looked at him suspiciously.You must know that although Wovna Maimidal is a petite and exquisite "legal loli", she is a very upright and good person, and she rarely has such a strong attack power.

It is conceivable that the decision of the Privy Council has an impact on everyone.

"So, is everything a plan? The business cooperation project of the Prime Minister's Office, the reduction of troops on the front line of the New World, and even the three-party joint anti-snake operation in the past two months. Are they all plans of the Privy Council?" Nairhana said quietly.

Miss Chief of Staff said: "According to what His Royal Highness King Wei said at the meeting of the Privy Council, the withdrawal of troops is real, peace is also real, and the suppression of snakes is also real. If there is nothing wrong in the world, peace for a generation may really become a reality for us. A legacy of civilization left by one generation to future generations and to the universe.”

Brunhilt sneered: "Well, this is indeed something that King Weilund would say."

"It's just that because we are the great Holy Galactic Empire, whether it's sincere cooperation or decisive conquest, it's all just a matter of thought." Ostana said.

"This is indeed what he would say." Brunhilt put his finger on the table: "So, what is the target of our New Continental Command?"

"Maximize the destruction of the main fleet of the Blue Star Community. Seize the control of the Ring of Miracles and the Unity Fortress, and ensure the smooth passage between the Gate of Glory and the Dawn Star Domain. Among them, the control of the Ring of Miracles is the highest priority .King Valente has obtained the information found in the snake lair at the meeting of the Privy Council, which is a set of equipment left by the Enlightened One."

Miss Chief of Staff brought up a picture, which was a simple utensil, at first glance, it looked like a bronze tree-shaped sacrificial utensil from the ancient city-state era.However, no rust can be seen on the vigorous and ancient bronze-colored metal tree, and the smooth and smooth branches are even filled with a mysterious sense of technology.

"This..." Nairhana, who had participated in the exploration of the Ring of Miracles, was startled.

Ostana nodded and said: "Yes. From the appearance of this artifact and the energy fluctuation analysis we have obtained so far, it is indeed similar to the central tower on the continent 006 of the Miracle Ring under our control. Tiangongyuan is working overtime. research, but if there is no accident, through this artifact, it is possible to obtain all the gems on the Miracle Ring in the shortest time."

Nairhana couldn't help but inhaled the aroma of the hot pot, and almost coughed herself up.Of course, in comparison, she was still calm, and Wovna next to her had already started coughing.Olivier lowered her voice and muttered, "Well, isn't this reimbursement?"

You know, so far, the coalition forces of the two countries have worked overtime to explore that huge ring world, and they have only passed through more than a dozen "continents", which is only one ten-thousandth of the entire miracle ring.

More importantly, most of the "continents" are firmly covered by domes of unknown material, and they don't know how to enter.It's not even possible to see the interior from a high altitude.

Now, the coalition forces are guarding the Miracle Ring, as if guarding the gate of a huge treasure house.Just a little bit of treasure leaking out from the crack of the door is enough to make one's blood pump.However, everyone has still been unable to open the door of the treasure house.Under such circumstances, it is naturally the wisest thing for the explorers to work together to find a way to crack the mechanism.

However, if one of the adventurers got the mechanism to crack the gate, that would be another matter.

However, Brunhilt sneered: "How much time is the shortest time?"

"I can't be sure. Tiangongyuan thinks that on-site analysis is needed. The preliminary divination results of Xingjian Pavilion are all positive. This is actually enough for the Privy Council to make a decision." Ostana said: "The Grand Marshal's House guesses that this may also be the case. One of the reasons why the Snake Organization urged the predators to launch the Great Expedition to the New World. It's a pity that although we killed the 'Time Lord' in the Snake Lair, we did get a lot of spoils, but we missed this one."

Brunhilt pondered for a while: "Well, we rushed forward, but we didn't get this secret treasure. King Wei Lunte shrank to the end, but he happened to encounter such a good thing. Isn't it full of strange things?"

"Your Highness, the direction you are leading is a bit too straightforward." Giafiel said helplessly.The upright female knight felt that her lord was a bit unreasonable.You know, King Weilunte has lost several of his retainers, and he himself has been fighting in the snake's lair all the time.What everyone can get, isn't it all based on their ability and chance?

However, the Miss Chief of Staff nodded her head and said: "Understood. His Royal Highness King Wei Lunte may have colluded with the snake for a long time, and I will instruct the Black Tree Agency to guide public opinion in this direction."

"You don't need to do it too deliberately. Just find some tabloids to bring the rhythm. Anyway, the snake must be the gray glove of the fourteen alliances. Then, it is not surprising that there is another emperor. We just need to do this step. " Brunhilt said casually.

"Understood. King Weilunte colluded with the snake, and the snake is the gray glove of the alliance. After rounding up, King Weilunte actually colluded with the alliance." Ostana said seriously.

Brunhilt glared at the other party with vigour, and after a few seconds of silence, he squeezed out a smile: "Ostana, I just like your divergent thinking."

The countess shook her head with a wry smile, but she showed a dispirited expression on her face: "Only 24 hours ago, we fought side by side with the people on Earth in the Canchuan Galaxy. At that time, the people of the whole galaxy, Even we ourselves really believe that an era of peaceful development seems to have really come. But now, we are here wondering how to backstab our allies, just because of a holy relic and some idealized guesses? "

Wovna put her hands on the table and said in a low voice, "The Holy Galactic Empire was never built on a moral high ground, but can we really do this?"

Brunhilt hadn't spoken yet, but Ostana was ahead of the lord, and said in a serious voice: "Of course we can. The world of the Galactic Empire was established step by step under the leadership of the Dragon King. The nature of the dragon So what is the nature of the Tirilo people. Don't you all have awakened today?"

"Well said!" King Suliuka clapped his hands vigorously, with a faint smile, not knowing whether it was sarcasm or approval: "The universe was robbed, planets and lands were robbed, money was robbed, enlightened people The inheritance can be snatched even more. Of course, you can be a little more tactful next time."

Miss Chief of Staff said again: "However, the Privy Council has also said that before we must choose to take drastic actions, there must be sufficient and necessary legal reasons. The empire will definitely not bear the shackles of morality. Of course, This is something they consider. But it is not a matter of the newly established New Continental Command."

"Hehehe, is it something Wei Lunte is considering?" Brunhilt sneered.

"As you said just now, the territory of the empire is not built on its moral high ground. Since you want to be a conqueror, but you can't even get your hands dirty, you are really a worthless guy." Walter scoffed.

It's a bit of a personal attack.

Although the female knights present were all the core members of Brunhilt's closest and most trusted "girlfriend" knights, most of them really didn't know why she was so disgusted with King Suliuka.Giafill, who was the only one who knew something about the situation, had always been tight-lipped about such matters.

So, the girls just looked at each other in blank dismay, but couldn't say much.

"Then, there is only one last question left. The attitude of the alliance..." Giafil said.

"The alliance will have its own problems, and there will definitely be enough strategic space. The Privy Council stated that within 72 hours, we will definitely get the latest notification. The New World Theater Command can act cheaply according to its own judgment." Staff Miss Zhang paused for a moment, and then said: "In addition, Admiral Farrell will command the Vulcan Aran and the Sixth Fleet of the Imperial Guard, and will always be on standby at the Gate of Glory. If you need them, they will be at your disposal at any time. "

There is one thing to say, regardless of the initial reasons, at this point, the Privy Council and the Grand Marshal's Office have provided Brunhilt with the greatest support.

Brunhilt waved his hand: "Don't bother, I'm ready to backstab my allies anyway, why not sneak around until the end? Starting tomorrow, the Dawn Angel will set sail and return to the Circle of Miracles. We should be able to do so before the end of August. Hehe, when our coalition forces with the Earthlings launched a general attack on the Devil's Throat Fortress, it was around this time last year, right? Is this the first anniversary?"

She immediately said: "Tell Admiral Farrell that it would be meaningless for him and his fleet to stay at the Gate of Glory. It would be better to go to Kaitai Big Cat's chassis for a joint exercise or something. Grand Marshal's Mansion will understand that."

Giafell said: "In this way, the main fleet deployed on the Ring of Miracles on Earth will be three times our size. Do you want to find a way to separate them?"

Brunhilt glanced at his friend: "Why should they be separated? Gilly, I don't like to slap mosquitoes, I only like to chop up tigers with one knife. Anyway, if there is a decisive battle, it will be 300 vs. 1000, and the advantage is I!"

Ostana asked: "So, how about the Fortress of Unity?"

"Leave him alone." Brunhilt said indifferently, as if it was not a fortress left by an enlightened person, but a small soil enclosure without any strategic value.

On the other side, the Unity Fortress belongs to this half of the earth, and the clear news broadcast sound from the Milky Way is resounding in the meeting room.

"In the two months since the Huaxu Peace Conference and the New World Development Conference were held, in order to implement the spirit of the conference, the Blue Star Community has been actively promoting the implementation of the Cosmic Development Initiative and implemented a number of development projects. Keith Ni, President of the Blue Star Community His Excellency Sita said in an interview today that development is the eternal theme of a civilized society in the universe. Since the Huaxu Conference was held, the initiative of peaceful development has been supported by more than 100 countries and international organizations. In the past two months, the With the joint efforts of our country and the Holy Galactic Empire, the "New World Development Conference" listed 32 cooperation projects, half of which are ready to be implemented or have already begun to be implemented."

Immediately afterwards, the screen flashed, but it was changed to the front of the Capitol Building in the Eternal City of the Earth.President Nishita's face was flushed with joy, as if he could float when he walked. When he was interviewed by reporters, he even said in a hearty voice: "Yes, we not only want to bring a generation of Peace! Bring a generation of prosperity!"

This is really an excellent leader!He is very much like an elite entrepreneur who has just successfully brought the company to the public market and is preparing to pay dividends to shareholders and employees. He is full of energy and courage, as if the world is under his control.

Then, the screen switched back to GNN's studio again. The most famous news anchor in the community continued to narrate the following words in a clear, powerful but routine tone.

"The Prime Minister of the Holy Galactic Empire Valpolis highly praised my country's practical actions for the development of the New World. He said that in the process of cooperation and development, the two countries will continue to improve the joint mechanism, advance key projects in an orderly manner, and launch new ones one after another. The project brings tangible development opportunities to all countries. Now, please connect with the GNN reporter stationed in Tianyu..."

This is the right time, this news screen automatically disappears from the projection of the terminal, and directly switches to a voice reminder: "Chief of Staff Yang! A message from the Independence Dreadnought! There are still 3 minutes left for the special meeting of the New World Expeditionary Force Headquarters." It's about to start, so get ready."

The deputy chief of staff of the New World Expedition Fleet of the Community, and (only half) the garrison commander of the Unity Fortress, Rear Admiral Yang Xiyi sighed somewhat disappointedly, brushed his messy black hair with his hands, and put the cognac on the table. He drank the black tea in one gulp, put on his general hat, and waited for the meeting to start.

Speaking of which, what should we have for dinner today?Or, ask the kitchen to make noodles with scallion oil and fried sandworms?

By the time he started to think about what to eat for snacks and supper, the terminal on the conference table was already lit.Immediately afterwards, a holographic projection floated up on the empty seat on the long table, but it was all the command layers of the expedition fleet.Except for Lieutenant General Carter, who was still at the end of Fangxin Yumen's logistics department, everyone gathered in this conference room with smiles and faces.

Of course, it can be seen that the communication conditions are actually not stable.

The silhouette of the projection was trembling constantly, the face appeared blurred, and even a little mosaic flashed from time to time, which immediately added a very unserious tone to this serious high-end military meeting.

In addition, not all the high-ranking officers appeared in the conference room, there was also a technical officer with the rank of captain: "Audit! Audition! The No. 078 source mass wave communication device was activated, and the New Continent Expeditionary Command's first meeting was held. An immediate high-level meeting. Chief of Staff Yang, can you hear the voice of the lower officer?"

(End of this chapter)

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