Him and their stars

Chapter 1241 The "Backup Plan" of Defeatism

Chapter 1241 The "Backup Plan" of Defeatism

Of course I heard it, I can even hear your panic now, I really want to sing a song to help you calm down.Yang Xiyi straightened his military cap, and said solemnly: "The voice is very clear. It's been a long time, you officers and colleagues. The subordinate officials are in the Unity Fort, and the communication is unimpeded. Everything inside the fort is also normal."

"Yeah, it's been a long time. General Yang, I feel that you are getting a little fatter. Unexpectedly, Xiaomi in the Unity Fortress is also very supportive." Lieutenant General Tivington, the chief of staff of the fleet, teased with a smile.

"It's Xiaomi from Xinlushun." Yang Xiyi said with a smile, "I thought about sending my subordinates to farm on a nearby asteroid, but I was scolded by the inspector generals of the committee. Thinking about it, I'm really a bit out of business." .”

Hehe, is this mocking our frontline army for staying in the circle of miracles for too long, wasting food and money?Chief of Staff Tivington looked at Yang Xiyi with a little more respect.It's really hard for her to imagine how such a eccentric guy with low EQ managed to get to where he is today.

Sure enough, people with real skills are good!Even if you offend your colleagues and superiors, they still need you.Unlike ordinary mortals like us, who always need to consider the ways of the world, it is not so easy to live.

The chief of staff glanced calmly at Commander Connerys on his right, and sure enough, he saw a little resentment on the latter's majestic face.

Because of the quality of the communication, she has hidden her malicious gaze under a business smile, and she still looks like a well-trained white-collar elite who is good at office politics.

As for the commander, Admiral Connerys, he had a serious face, with a somewhat calm and prestige.If we say that this person was more like a civilian bureaucrat a year ago, but now he has the dignity of a senior general.

This is actually understandable, the so-called raising him in his position, after so many victories, even tethering a dog in the command position can raise a bit of the aura of a famous general.Don't worry about how you fight, anyway, jurisprudentially, militaryly, and even historically, all the victories and gains achieved by the Earth Expeditionary Fleet in the New World were obtained under the command of Admiral Connerys.

There are even some news about key affairs circulating, and there are already discussions on the other side of the earth, whether to grant the marshal's scepter to this general who has just passed his [-]s but has made great achievements.

Admiral Connors said: "Very well, smooth communication is enough. Then, the meeting started, mainly to discuss the follow-up plan of the expedition fleet... and some suggestions sent by Chief of Staff Yang yesterday. This is indeed the first time this year The high-level military meeting is a rare opportunity, I hope you can speak freely."

This is indeed the first high-level immediate military meeting held by the expeditionary fleet after breaking through the Devil's Throat Fortress.

After all, this is a new continent, and there is no source wave communication network covering the entire galaxy.In fact, before the official launch of the Battle of the Dawn Star Field, the only source wave terminal obtained by the countries in the New World was obtained by the No.13 fleet from the lair of a certain great pirate who was completely wiped out.It was still a small terminal that could only cover part of the starry sky, and at most it could only guarantee smooth communication between New Yumen and New Lushun.

Therefore, even in the Milky Way, the nobles of Tianyu can also watch Nefei's live entertainment programs in due course, but when they arrive in the New World, they can only communicate by roaring.

Even through the gravitational wave beacon that has been built, the communication between the Ring of Miracles and the Fortress of Unity can only be by letter.

However, the exploration work of the United Earth Fleet on the Ring of Miracles has achieved considerable results.Colonel Long Yuan led the advance team and successfully found the second source wave terminal on the continental plate currently numbered 114.Although it is also a small one, it can barely form a communication channel between the core of the Dawn Star Domain and the Unity Fort in the pass.

The traffic is limited, and the communication effect is not too stable. Naturally, it is impossible to watch high-definition movies or play large-scale online games, but it should not be a big problem to hold a meeting.

Of course, due to some very realistic national security considerations, the Expeditionary Force Command did not report this matter, at least the empire on the opposite side probably did not know about it.

In Yang Xiyi's view, this is probably the most reliable thing the frontline fleet has done during this period.

At this time, Commander Connerys said to Yang Xiyi with a straight face, "Chief of Staff Yang, I have read the battle plan you proposed."

He paused for a moment, and then squeezed out a blunt smile: "Sorry, it's not a battle plan, it's just a backup strategy."

How can you laugh so hard?Regardless of ability, I remember that the former Commander was a person who was very good at interpersonal communication, and his business smile has been cultivated to the state of spring breeze.Yang Xiyi was thinking, then cupped his fists and said:

"Yes, that's exactly the backup strategy. That's what our staff does."

Commander Connors sized Yang up, without any turmoil on his expression: "The plan is very detailed and highly executable, thank you very much. However, even if it is a strategic plan as a backup, it is not a little bit... um... "

He found that he, a talented student with a Ph.D., couldn't find a reliable adjective for a while.Let's say it's conservative, but the mobilization of troops is really against common sense.However, if you say it is radical, it is really difficult to hide the atmosphere of defeatism.

Fortunately, Chief of Staff Tivington has already spoken for him: "Actually, your strategy is a bit beyond my common sense. I need you to explain it carefully."

"is it?"

Yang Xiyi's tone was as gentle as ever, as gentle as if he was teaching elementary school students.But if it is heard by those who are interested, it still seems not very polite to the boss.

Of course, Lieutenant Admiral Tivington should be such a caring person, but she just looked up at Yang Xiyi again, and said: "As you said in the plan, we should disperse the fleet concentrated in the Miracle Ring Come on. With the dreadnought ship as the core, divide it into three to four strategic clusters and deploy defenses in the Dawn Star Domain, right?"

Yang Xiyi nodded and smiled: "You summed it up well."

These two are not acting anymore, are they?The contradiction is going to be made public, right?Except for the commander, all the generals present were a little restless.

Chief of Staff Tivington continued as if he could not feel any yin and yang aura at all, "But, the Ring of Miracles should be the most valuable target in the Dawn Star Field... However, it should be after we humans set foot on the galaxy, The most valuable target discovered, even surpassing those star gates. This is also where the greatest conflict of interests between us and the empire lies. With the help of your Excellency the President, the diplomatic department, and the alliance..."

While speaking, the chief of staff clasped his fists in one direction and saluted twice.Yang Xiyi felt that it should be the direction of the earth and Nefei, but after all, they were all on the side of the Milky Way, so they had to walk in the same direction twice.However, the latter clearly outnumbers the former.

"The empire began to withdraw its fleet due to our diplomatic victory and the awe of the alliance. This is the biggest strategic opportunity since our founding. Now, we have three times the strength of the imperial fleet in the circle of miracles. Why give up such a rare opportunity? What strategic opportunities do you see?"

"That's a good word! However, Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, when are we going to wait for such an advantage? Next year, the year after, or forever? The expeditionary fleet is equivalent to more than [-]% of the country's mobile strategic force, how can it be maintained for a long time? What about abroad? Can we really maintain this state for a long time?"

Chief of Staff Tivington scowled.Of course, due to the quality of the communication, Yang Xiyi did not see the other party's expression, and continued: "...As far as I know, the maintenance fee of the fleet is not a small expense. The earth side has already applied to the alliance for the third time. It’s a special loan, this time the mortgage is from the Lansa Galaxy.”

Major General Azitha Malowin said quietly: "If there was no opening of the Dawn Star Domain, the Lansa Galaxy would be the richest galaxy that we have discovered in the past 50 years of exploration in the New World. This was discovered by Lan Zhenren and General Yu .”

Her main job is a mysticism consultant, her position is very detached, and the angle of her speech is even more detached.Of course, just because of detachment, it feels very depressing to a certain extent.

Admiral Connors squeezed out a smile again: "Is this the news Chief of Staff Yang heard from his wife?"

Yang Xiyi didn't deny it, it was a fact, and there was really nothing to deny.

"After the completion of the gravitational wave signal project from the New Continent Highway to the fortress, the communication between the officer and his wife will only be delayed for 48 hours."

Commander Connors said again: "Chief of Staff Yang, this is not something our soldiers need to consider... However, since it is a meeting of this level, I can also disclose some information. According to the agreement signed by the Commonwealth Government and the Imperial Chancellor's Office The agreement, one of the 32 first-phase cooperation projects, is to establish an autonomous immigration stronghold in the Ring of Miracles galaxy. When the government of the settlement point is officially established, we can evacuate. To be honest, this kind of allies are regarded as thieves. It feels very bad, but I hope everyone can persist for a while. The earth has paid a lot for our frontline, and now is the time to test the loyalty of the soldiers of the community."

There is some truth to what he said.But I always feel like I am telling everyone that not only Chief of Staff Yang has a wife who is a minister, but this commander also has a very strong relationship on Earth.

"...Where is it? On which plate? Sovereignty?" Lieutenant General Sayo asked.

"Not on the ring, but to build a space city. Its functions are customs inspection, trade distribution, and route management within the galaxy." Connerys said: "For sovereignty, follow the example of the ring and most of the galaxies in the Dawn Star Domain, and put it on hold for now. However, the construction of the space city and the subsequent municipal management will be jointly constructed by both of us. We and the empire will set up a joint company to be responsible for all this, and the construction and assembly of various equipment in the space city will be carried out nearby. Settlement development that has already occurred in the area. Waiting for the completion of the space city, the company management will directly transfer to the municipal management.”

The people present were slightly startled, but Yang Xiyi seemed to understand something.

If you want to talk about the colonial strongholds that already exist nearby, isn't there only Marshal Li Gele on the Yaochi galaxy?The marauder slave labor camp that was originally liberated by the Earth Fleet has been directly transformed into a community city, and the vast majority of residents have obtained the citizenship of the community.Ships carrying cargo to that system even delivered hundreds of thousands of newly printed passports last month.

"Yes. Marshal Li Gele's factory can take on many responsibilities in the construction of our space city. In this way, we can also gain more say in this new autonomous government." Connors on Will reveal a smug smile:
"In the final analysis, the sovereignty of the galaxy can be put on hold, but the development should continue. The peace of a generation is hard-won. We don't have to rush for a while. We just need to leave the opportunity and foundation for future generations. Everyone, we still You have to believe in the wisdom of future generations.”

As long as the military is not mentioned, Admiral Conneris' words are full of order, confidence and appeal.Now it seems that the old man is indeed more suitable to be a politician.

Yang Xiyi thought so too.And he also felt that such a politician's thinking, which is impeccable but always one-on-one, is indeed very suitable for the time when the world is peaceful.

He sighed: "Your Excellency, Commander, is naturally far-sighted, able to live at the height of the temple, and think about the great affairs of the world. However, as a staff member, I can only consider it from the military point of view, and the most extreme point of view."

Chief of Staff Tivington almost laughed out loud, thinking that you now know that you are a soldier?Who was it that used the key government news from the other side of the earth to suppress people just now?Just as she was about to say a few words of sarcasm, she suddenly felt her heart tremble, and she looked at the opposite side, only to see that Major General Azitha Mallowan had already picked up her fake eye, and began to tidy it up slowly, as if it was real. It's like repairing equipment.

...Just, you psykers are noble, right?The corner of Ms. Chief of Staff's mouth twitched, but she finally stopped talking.

Yang Xiyi said again: "I must point out to you that the Ring of Miracles galaxy is located inside the Dawn Star Domain. Currently, there is only one gravity well connected to the MA3 route. If anything happens, the fleet gathered there will become a turtle in the urn. Based on this The place of decisive battle is the place of death."

"... Chief of Staff, the strength of our army is three times that of the Imperial fleet. This is the situation where they gathered all the fleets scattered in the Dawn Star Domain."

"Your Excellency, if you see the emptiness, you will advance, and if you see the truth, you will stop. Don't underestimate the enemy because of the three armies, and don't take orders as the most important thing and die!"

Admiral Conneris almost didn't know his temper. He actually didn't like Yang Xiyi's use of classical tactics to point him. Isn't it a good opportunity for the enemy to attack one by one?"

"The transportation network within the Dawn Star Domain extends in all directions. The only pass is the Unity Fortress where the lower officials are located, and the Devil's Eye that General Yulian pierced through. If there is a real war, the fleets scattered in various places can freely attack the empire. The route and supply node of the Ring of Miracles. Of course, you can also go to the Unity Fortress to join forces with the defenders here, and work together to capture the other half of the fortress. It is completely possible to seal the fleet of King Suliuka in the Dawn Star Domain. Arrived At that time, we can even burn the flames of war to the Gate of Glory. At that time, the initiative of the war is in our hands."

It wasn't until this time that Yang Xiyi's voice finally had a bit of chill.

"Your Excellency, Commander, that's why the victorious soldiers win first and then seek war!" Yang Xiyi persuaded earnestly.

Admiral Connors nodded and remained silent.

Yang Xiyi looked at the commander who was caught in the long exam, but he still could only see a blurry light and shadow, and he couldn't even see the expression and changes in the eyes of the other party.He still had a confident smile on his face, but his heart turned cold, and he finally stopped talking and didn't speak anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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