Chapter 1242

Sure enough, before the commander could think for more than 3 minutes, Chief of Staff Tivington said: "But, in the final analysis, this is a kind of defeatist argument! Chief of Staff Yang, you said this is initiative, I think this is more like not Put all your eggs in one basket. But, why do you think that the officers and soldiers of the fleet who were invincible in the Battle of Dawn are eggs?"

Because it is the one called "Dawn Dragon" who is so powerful, and our main force has been trapped under this fortress for three months.Yang Xiyi thought so, but he didn't say it out loud.Being stuck in the throat of the devil, losing troops and losing generals is not only the community, but also the alliance.When he said that, maybe the lady chief of staff on the opposite side would be proud.

At this time, Admiral Connerys nodded again: "Indeed, this is where I am puzzled."

Yang Xiyi sighed.Compared with the commander-in-chief of the first army, Admiral Connors is actually more suitable to be a promising politician.This is not to say that he is better at civil affairs, but because he has a good public image and great achievements, and at the same time he is a person who is very good at listening to his assistants and professional advice from his team.By politician standards, this is already a very good type.

But it seems that such a person, at best, is good at listening to advice with an open mind, and at worst, is weak-willed, lacks assertiveness and is easily influenced by the people around him.

If he is the chief staff member on the Independence, Yang Xiyi is confident that the Commander can completely become the xing type (zhuang) he needs.However, he happened to be left behind at the Unity Fortress, while Chief of Staff Tivington was at the front.

... There is one thing to say, this female chief of staff and Your Excellency the Commander actually have many similarities, and they should be more comfortable getting along with each other.Thinking about it this way, it seemed reasonable for him to be left behind.

"Furthermore, if it is carried out according to your plan, don't you want the Ring of Miracles? The bases that have been developed in our Dawn Star Domain, and those marines who have completed stationing there, are really Don't you want all of them?" Chief of Staff Tivington asked again.

She looked at Yang Xiyi, with a hint of Chen Ken in her tone: "Yang, I understand your concerns, and I also understand that what you say is always right. However, metaphysical strategies of war are all correct nonsense, but they may not necessarily be correct. Solve real problems. We can't really give up the ring of miracles to each other. We can't bear such a responsibility. The earth, as well as the people, will not see the hardship and helplessness of our frontline generals in deploying troops. They Only to think in the worst possible way that we have given up on the greatest treasure of enlightenment in history."

Lieutenant General Picard, the deputy commander, said: "So, are we going to concentrate the entire fleet on the Ring of Miracles, and prepare for a desperate battle with the Empire?"

Admiral Connors said with a smile: "Hahaha, Lieutenant General Picard, there is no need to confess so much. Everyone can see that from all aspects, the current situation is still very stable. We only participated in the What about the friendship of the imperial army. I think that if the fleet is transferred to redeploy at this time, it may make the imperial fleet on the opposite side nervous. At that time, the sinners who break the peaceful situation will become us."

Is this a very important thing?Yang Xiyi thought.Well, from the point of view of Admiral Connors, this is indeed a very important thing.This is related to whether he can successfully get the marshal's scepter and become a commander in the future.

"Chief of Staff, please continue." Connors said again.

Chief of Staff Tivington once again took a covert glance at the silent Yang Xiyi, and then opened a light curtain, which was the star map of the Ring of Miracles galaxy.On the light curtain, that huge ring world orbits the star.Around the orbit, the blue dots represent the Community, and the red dots represent the Empire.It can be seen that, judging from the laid-out formation, the former has an advantage in both quantity and location.

"This is a double-headed dragon formation. If you attack the left wing, the right wing will be divided. If you attack the right wing, the left wing will attack sideways. If you attack the body, you will be surrounded by left and right sides." Chief of Staff Tivington said.

Then, most of the senior military officers headed by Admiral Connors let out a sigh of admiration.

Next time, you can actually use "Snake of Changshan" directly, at least it sounds simpler.Yang Xiyi thought.

"It is impossible for us to give up the circle of miracles, and it is impossible for our allies. In any case, if something unbearable happens, they will definitely gather all their forces to rush over. But at that time, we waited for work with ease, relying on miracles Ring, the advantage is beyond doubt."

"Why does this sound a bit like a wild boar stuck in front of the berries and baring its teeth at the tiger?" Lieutenant General Sayo sighed.

"What's so bad about being like a pig? In ancient and modern wars, people have successfully used the wild boar's tactics time and time again. Whenever there is an attack, they will lean their butt against the wall so that you can't catch the tail, and finally they can't do anything about it. Even A real tiger will inevitably be hit by a barrel of fangs." Chief of Staff Tivington spread his hands: "...No, often at this time, the tiger can only give up the wild boar and retreat on the spot. This, isn't it us target?"

Major General Azitha Malowin couldn't help but sighed, and couldn't help but whispered in Favre: "Strange talk, it's all nonsense."

As a psychic and a professional archaeologist, she doesn't have a deep understanding of military affairs, so she really doesn't know where to complain, but she just wants to complain.

Of course, she was the only psyker present, so all that could be heard was a dissonant hum.

"Azhisha, what are you talking about?" Commander Connors still glanced at the mystic consultant.

"I said that I really don't know much about military affairs because I haven't read too many official books, but I can also feel that your Excellency the Commander and Madam Chief of Staff are both wise!" Major General Marlowin wiped his fake eyes, and also Showing a tempered business smile.

Probably because more than half of the people on the scene are very good at expression management, Your Excellency the Commander didn't see any clues, so he just said: "No matter what, as long as we maintain the main force of the expedition fleet at the scene of the Ring of Miracles, we will be able to avoid war." But subduing the enemy is the highest state of the art of war. You see, Chief of Staff Yang, I also read Sun Tzu's art of war."

At this moment, what else could Yang Xiyi do other than respond with an awkward yet polite smile?

The commander said again: "I reiterate to you all again, our purpose is always to deter Xiao Xiao so as to ensure the development and construction of the Miracle Ring. When everything is on the right track, it is time to retire. Before that, Existence means victory, and victory means existence!"

"Even if you take a ten thousand step back and say something unbearable has happened, I have three times as many troops in hand, and I have the advantage!" Conneris waved his hand at the star map in the center of the conference table, as if the entire dawn The star field has already been firmly grasped in his hands.

"In the New World, our military strength is three times that of the empire. But in the Milky Way, the national power and military strength that the empire can mobilize may not only be three times that of the community." Major General Marlowin said quietly.

Regarding the pros and cons of Tivington's and Yang Xiyi's strategic plans, she was actually not too clear about the difference, but she just instinctively felt that something was wrong.

However, Admiral Connerys waved his hand: "Don't worry, the Alliance will take action! The Ring of Miracles and the Dawn Starfield here..."

"Oh?" Yang Xiyi's eyes lit up.

"Hahaha, it's all gossip, everyone, don't mind it. You just need to know that we have never lacked friends, and that's it."

At the same moment, in the Oval Office of the Presidential Palace in the Eternal City at the center of the Pacific Ocean, President Keith Nishita was on the phone: "Hey, Merson, there is something I want to tell you, the weather is getting hotter, almost Should it be possible to grant Commander Connerys the Marshal's scepter?"

On the other end of the phone was the Speaker of the House of Representatives, then Chairman of the Co-Prosperity Party, Merson Dunrant, who was once one of Mr. Nishita's powerful political opponents.He probably didn't expect Mr. President to be so direct, and there was a sudden silence.

Mr. President was not in a hurry, and reached for the wine glass next to him, but just as he raised his hand, he replaced it with a warm and smooth white porcelain cup, which contained just the right amount of green tea.

Although he was in an air-conditioned room, a warm feeling flashed in the president's heart, and he nodded slightly to express his gratitude to the young man at the desk.

This young man is Yang Mingzhao, President Nishita's political secretary and personal bodyguard.It wasn't long before he joined Mr. President's secretary team, but he had already gained the trust of the other party.

After all, who wouldn't like an assistant who is competent, humble, nice to speak, caring in daily work and life details, and even has a pleasing appearance?
In comparison, the dull, stubborn and greedy old politician on the opposite side is really disgusting.

"But, this is also my duty as the president! The head of the Blue Star Community, the leader of the earth's civilization, really needs the awareness to deal with all the filth!" The president thought to himself, and then took a sip of hot tea .

Well, the temperature and texture are just right, and it always feels very elegant, and it always feels more stylish than sipping wine with a glass.

It stands to reason that, as a president, it is impossible for a member of the opposition party to continue serving as the Speaker of the House of Representatives, even if it is just for the comfort of his own life.However, President Nishita has always been a strange figure in the political arena based on the ancient "sage king".

Anyway, until now, the coalition of the Friends Party, the People's Choice Party and the Newman Pioneer Party has controlled the majority of seats in Congress, so what if the speaker is given to someone from the Co-Prosperity Party?At best it would serve as a rubber stamp plus a conference coordinator and show the new president's open mind.

Of course, President Nishita himself felt that this might be able to exercise his control over the Congress, which in a sense also represented his control over the political world.

A great politician needs these qualities.

"I think about training myself all the time, it's so cool!" President Nishita just had this idea, and then he listened to Speaker Denglant behind the phone and said: "Understood, Your Excellency, actually, tomorrow's Congress will discuss At the meeting, there will be proposals for the promotion of the marshal. Of course, as you know, the marshal's scepter is also an important weapon in the country. In order to show solemnity, there should be at least two or three discussions before a vote."

"I understand. Thank you for your hard work." The president smiled with satisfaction.

"No, no, this is to commend the commander-in-chief who has made great contributions to the country. It's just our job." Just by the sound, I can feel that the old politician opposite must have a spring-like smile.

After hanging up the phone, the president sighed, and said to the secretary behind the desk: "Ming Zhao, awarding Commander Connerys the Marshal's Scepter is not only an encouragement to the frontline soldiers, but also represents the attitude and determination of the community. It is our signal to the Empire and the Alliance. So, I hope to implement it by July."

Yang Mingzhao smiled and nodded: "The marshal's award ceremony cannot be done online, and someone must send it to the Miracle Ring in person. I have already drafted a list for you, please have a look."

Nishita took a quick glance and found that almost every faction was covered, and he was immediately satisfied.However, he still said: "Pick it up and let me take a closer look."

Yang Mingzhao nodded.

"In addition, regarding the peace of a generation and the prosperity of a generation that I told the reporter a few days ago... Hahaha, this was my inspiration, but I personally feel very satisfied. The day after tomorrow is a trade conference, so I will use this Let's talk about the topic."

"I will hand over the first speech to you before 10 o'clock tonight."

The president was more than satisfied.He originally thought that if the other party took out the speech before noon tomorrow, it would be considered a pleasant surprise.

"Speaking of which, Ming Zhao, has the situation with Chairman Xiao Na settled down?"

Shona is naturally Mr. President's best friend, Chairman Edward Shona of the Public Relations and Safety Committee.Two months ago, the Community Gendarmerie Special Service, under his leadership, had just cracked a high-level espionage case.

Of course, during that operation, Yang Mingzhao also acted as the representative and supervisor of His Excellency the President, and "recorded" the whole process.

Yang Mingzhao then replied: "Currently, the review of the Internal Operations Bureau has been completed, and the acting director will start to preside over the daily affairs. From next week, the security of the presidential palace will be replaced by new members."

The acting director of the Internal Operations Bureau, of course, is also Nishita's loyal subordinate, but this kind of thing needn't be said in too much detail.In short, Mr. President was more satisfied, but he still asked very patiently: "So, have you found out the problem of Deputy Director Suggs Dylan?"

"Deputy Director Daelon is a spy of the vicious terrorist, the Worldwide Snake. His mistress, the art student named Wenna Shane, is also the former's upline."

"...It's just that, uh, the undercover agent of the mysterious association organization?"

"Yes, Your Excellency. They are the undercover agents of the World-Round Serpent."

The president showed a knowing expression: "Are there many such people in our key departments?"

"The review is still ongoing. However, Chairman Xiao Na said that after our two months of rectification, the Internal Affairs Bureau, the Security Department, the Garrison, and the National and Commission Central Committees are cleaner than ever. It's just... "

"As long as it is clean, I am very satisfied. No, the people will be very satisfied. As for whether it is powerful, it can give young people a chance to grow up." The chairman interrupted the other party, and then pondered: "Then, Ming Zhao , what is the international perspective on our actions?"

Yang Mingzhao said solemnly: "We have strictly investigated the actions of the World-Round Snake, and we have also been praised by the Empire and the Alliance."

This young man is really a talent among talents!President Nishita was amazed.

He felt that when the time was right, he should send Yang Mingzhao out to be the helm of some powerful departments, such as the national reunification, the commission reunification, etc. The police department and even the national tax bureau could not be considered.In this way, I have given enough face to the Lingyan Society, and I should be able to gain the loyalty of the "Dawn Dragon", right?

Isn't the world of politics all about the exchange of interests?In this regard, President Nishita considers himself a generous leader.

(End of this chapter)

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