Him and their stars

Chapter 1243 Aroma Channel Plan

In the following ten minutes, the president asked about the daily work again, and Yang Mingzhao naturally responded fluently and handled it with ease.Not only did he arrange Mr. President's work process very well, but he also gave reliable data and case support for some decrees that are still under discussion, and he also put forward some opinions with the encouragement of Nishita.

Of course, even when he put forward some persuasive opinions, Yang Mingzhao adopted a very tactful way, giving President Nishita enough face.

Again, as long as they are not hopelessly stupid, any serious leader will especially appreciate this kind of assistant.President Nishita thought that he should be a great man by nature, so he naturally appreciated Yang Mingzhao even more.

After finishing the work process, Mr. President couldn't help but half-jokingly and half-seriously said: "Ming Zhao, if you had come to be my secretary ten years earlier, I might have become the President five years ago."

"...Mr. President, my subordinate was still in high school at that time!"

"Hahaha, luckily it's not too late. Ming Zhao, you're 27 years old, right?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"Well, I still need you to help me in the presidential palace for a few more years. When you are 30 years old, you will be the director of the National Bureau of Census and Statistics, or the director of the Internal Revenue Service's inspection department, just choose one."

Yang Mingzhao was startled for a moment, and then said sincerely and fearfully: "Your Excellency, this kind of position is not easy to be appointed by the imperial court."

"Hahahaha, that's why I want you to think about career planning now. Young talents have a bright future, and we old guys are obliged to give you advice. I said the same to your uncle." The president's smile was frank and hearty. Although it was a little bit preachy, it was not offensive at all.

"After this snake suppression operation, oh, and the completion of the military purchase case, your uncle will lead our new dreadnought back to China. At that time, you may work together a lot."

Of course Yang Mingzhao understood what the other party meant, but the smile on his face was still simple and sincere.

Mr. President said again: "By the way, Ming Zhao, do you usually make some investments?"

For the first time, Yang Mingzhao felt that he could not keep up with the boss's train of thought.

"This... this subordinate has only officially joined the presidential palace for more than half a year, and there is really no savings."

Tsk, you are a psychic, and you are the third-generation core disciple of the Spiritual Research Association. If you say you have no money, who will believe it?Although Mr. President thought so, he still lowered his voice and said: "It's okay, it's okay, national civil servants have a quota for low-interest loans to buy houses. You don't need to buy a house after you approve the loan. I was thinking, some planetary development and The stocks in the agricultural reclamation sector should be very promising, you can think about it."

He didn't pay attention to the secretary's expression anymore, but said with a rather contented expression: "Everyone joins together to make money, and the world will be peaceful! The world is peaceful, and the world where all things thrive will come. This should also be regarded as my contribution to our universe, right?"

Yang Mingzhao's cheek twitched inaudibly, and at this moment, he had no choice but to express his gratitude sincerely.

But in fact, as one of the most trusted secretary groups of His Excellency the President, what the President knows, he must know.He had already guessed that the source of income that President Nishita pointed out to him was nothing more than one of the 32 cooperative development plans signed by the Imperial Prime Minister's Office and the Commonwealth government after the Huaxu Conference of "A Generation of Peace".

Of course, the most executable commercial reclamation plan among them is the one called "New World Fragrant Waterway".

To put it bluntly, the empire provided the young species of the beggar’s version of the Arakis sandworm after improvement, and the community provided the land and labor to cultivate a huge spice field in the sandy sea of ​​Xinyumen.

As we all know, this cosmic spice is an extremely valuable economic crop. In addition to being the raw material for precious medicines, luxury flavors and top-level seasonings, some leftovers can also be processed into fertilizers and feed.

After the spice harvesting in New Yumen is completed, it can be packaged on a ship after some rough processing, and then sent back to the Dawn Star Domain along the Xindalu Highway for further processing.

The fine processing technology of this kind of spice can only be found in the empire.Therefore, they have already started to build a complete and huge processing factory on a certain earth-like planet between the Dawn Star Domain and the New World Channel.

After the spices are refined, luxury goods, medicines, and seasonings with high added value will be sent from the Gate of Glory and the South Gate to the mainland of the galaxy respectively.Fertilizer and fodder are sent to settlements and reclamation farms in the Dawn Star Domain to support the initial planning of planetary development.

Of course, this large-scale spice processing base is also jointly owned by the two countries.The technology and management are provided by the empire, and part of the funds are provided by the community, and both parties have considerable dividend rights.

The above is the so-called "Fragrant Waterway Project".

Yes, the main conflict between the empire and the community is in the Dawn Star Domain, and even now the sovereignty of the galaxy and even the ownership of the waterway are in a mess.However, once this plan is completed, at least economically there will be an opportunity for co-prosperity and co-existence, and it can also lay a solid foundation for "peace for a generation" and "prosperity for a generation".

At least, the high-level government of President Nishita really believes so firmly.

...Well, the empire on the other side also believes in the same way, right?After all, this plan was proposed by Prime Minister Valpolis.

The league should be happy too.They also urged the two countries to jointly establish an agricultural development company and list it on the Interstellar Stock Exchange.

So, what President Nishita means is that the "Fragrant Channel Plan" has been passed and should be ready for implementation?Yang Mingzhao was thinking about it.

Indeed, if this plan is really launched, it will definitely drive the overall rise of the agricultural sector and the land reclamation sector, and it is indeed a direction for investment.But, as a secretary, how can I not know about this kind of thing?Even you must be clearer than you in terms of implementation details and procedures. Do you need to remind me?
However, as Mr. President said just now, if the plan can be steadily advanced, it will indeed become evidence of peace in the world.

Yang Mingzhao himself did not have any savings, but as the third generation elder brother of the Lingyan Association, he also managed the family seriously.So, as a high-quality young man with a strong sense of responsibility and good at living, he began to really think about whether to apply for a sum of money from the teacher's school and earn some extra money.

However, when he walked out of the presidential palace, he had already dismissed this idea.

Again, things that Mr. President knows, of course, can never be regarded as secrets.Why is it the turn of ordinary people to earn this kind of quick money?
This is indeed the case, not to mention that it is on the earth.Even in Baiyujing, which is more than 1000 light-years away from the Earth, in the New Shenzhou star region, there are already well-connected people from the old society who got the news early.

"So, Bernard, your old colleague in the Ministry of Agriculture said that because this "Fragrant Waterway Project" is the priority that the central government is going to implement. Therefore, the equipment and technical personnel that the earth originally planned to support our new China must all It's been postponed, is that so?" asked Mr. Qi Bingwen, the governor of the new Shenzhou star area.

Bernard Woolley, Chief Political Secretary of the Star Region Government, showed a helpless expression: "That's it. The 360 ​​TF3 multifunctional terrain leveling machines we requested can only allocate [-] units. One hundred automatic purification instruments There are only ten. Fifteen weather adjustment satellites are not even a single one. This is already the result of our hard work, as well as the old chief Bai Yantang. We also hope that there will be [-] technicians and [-] experienced pioneers. , In fact, they have already boarded the boat and set off. But the target is not the new Shenzhou, but the Nantianmen."

He shook his head, feeling somewhat suspicious of life.

"Sir, the so-called 32 cooperation plans, we all thought it was just a big cake drawn by President Nishita for votes, but we didn't expect it to actually start to be implemented. And when it was launched, it was a big deal like "Aromatic Waterway". "

"...Haha, after all, this is an international cooperation project. In addition to commercial value, it also has diplomatic value. This can at least show that after President Nishita came to power, the work efficiency of the earth government has improved a lot." Mr. Qi smiled and comforted Said: "Bernard, the labor efficiency of the civil service system is also much higher!"

Bernard wanted to sneer, but out of politeness, he just pronounced with no ups and downs: "I really hope to think so. However, sir, the Galactic Empire-style bureaucracy is always efficient when it is profitable." It will be higher. If the "Aromatic Waterway" plan is implemented first, whether it is spice farms, rough processing factories, supply points on the waterway, or even the coordination department with the joint venture factory of the empire, many bureaucratic positions will be needed. However, Our New China already has a complete administrative unit, so there is no benefit for them."

Speaking of this, even Mr. Bernard Woolley, a calm and calm old bureaucrat, has a hint of resentment in his words: "The empire has established the earliest and most complete bureaucratic system in the world. However, behind the scenes However, the power of the empire has always been in the hands of the nobles of Tirero. We imitated the empire... No, we were once a part of the empire, and we inherited many things from the empire. However, when we founded the country, we After imitating the coalition's elected politician system, it has become the stitch-like community we are now."

Mr. Qi glanced at the other party and said with a smile: "Boner...you are also a member of the bureaucracy."

"Yes. But sir, I am now a pioneer party member, the first batch of old party members. The introducer is still you." Mr. Bernard Wood raised his head. He was almost 60 years old, but his face was full of The glorious and proud sense of mission of the 20-year-old young man looks like I will not be with those insects.

Mr. Qi laughed, and said again: "I thought, we made such an achievement in the Tianshu galaxy, and the new Shenzhou star region could make the headlines of the Milky Way."

The Secretary-General smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, New China has always been a remote place. If it were in normal times, killing an ancient cosmic Leviathan and reviving a galaxy would not only make the headlines of the community, but maybe the headlines of the whole galaxy." Fight for it. But this time, before Tianshu's celebration banquet started, the expedition fleet over there discovered the Miracle Ring."

Mr. Qi laughed: "This reminds me of a singer I liked very much when I was young. Every time I release an album, I will be taken away by other things. Hahaha, in fact, regardless of the gentleman's reputation, the song is still very good Yes, very inspirational, and also inspired me when I was confused."

Bernard's eyes lit up: "Sir, are you also a fan of 'Dashan' Vargas?"

"Yes! Unexpectedly, there are like-minded people here."

"Sir, we should have known each other long ago."

"It's never too late for a man's friendship. It's never too late even before death."

The combined age of the two senior men was over 120 years old, but they were still teenagers in their bones. They both felt that they had found their youth.

Bernard said again: "However, sir, if you release a new work, it will be easier to hit the headlines than the new Shenzhou. I'm not talking about the literary edition, but the front page."

Mr. Qi gave the other side a sideways look, and he had to admit that speaking well is already a passive skill for senior civil servants who are doing well.But he also had to admit that even if he was as wise and intelligent as himself, it was very useful to listen to.

"Hahaha, my artistic life is over long ago. Do you still remember the essay I wrote some time ago to sell the villas on Mingxia Island? What do you think?"

"...This is still the masterpiece of Famous Galaxy." Mr. Bernard flattered subconsciously.

Although he felt that he was no longer a part of those insects, it still took some time to adjust to some conditioned reflexes caused by long hours of work.

"You are a top student in the Department of Classical Literature. You should have good taste, so you don't have to force yourself to flatter me. It's a soft essay. It's already mastered in terms of technique, but it's not as good as the diary I wrote when I was in elementary school. When I wrote it, people interpreted it with many connotations that I didn’t know myself. Hehehe, now, even if I write a dirty joke, someone will interpret it as critical realism.” Qi Mr. shook his head and sneered.

Bernard felt that the other party was in Versailles, but he could not point it out, and he had to agree with it with a heartfelt sympathy.

And, one thing to say, he really agrees with this.

Mr. Qi said frankly: "My artistic life is over long ago. Fortunately, I have changed careers and become a politician, and I am doing well so far."

You are so humble.Bernard was about to add a few more words of flattery, but he heard Mr. Qi say again: "Anyway, the people of New China have created such a home from scratch in this remote star area. Now, The revived Tianshu galaxy is the most affluent one even if it is placed in the universe, so what is there to be dissatisfied with? It doesn’t matter if there is no support from the earth, at least it works fairly cleanly.”

Mr. Bernard agreed. Looking at his [-]-year-old smile, which still looks like a teenager, he couldn't help being extremely encouraged.

He half-jokingly and half-seriously said: "Yes, even without the support of the earth, we still have foreign aid. The 520 billion low-interest loans from the Hongqiangwei Foundation have all arrived yesterday."

Mr. Qi was slightly taken aback, showing an ambiguous expression: "Ahahaha, thank you for that child."

"I think the young general enjoys it." Mr. Bernard's face was full of envy and hatred. Although it was done deliberately, it was actually quite real.

"Yes, you are right, Bernard. At this time, we just need to express our envy frankly, and at the same time accept the kindness." Mr. Qi picked up the Canchuan galaxy that he just sent from the table. The battle report: "The battle over the Snake Cave ended half an hour ago, and we have won. The Earth has also approved the plan to incorporate the Ten Treasures Ship Group. More than 30 immigrants, which are much more valuable than the equipment we applied for Yes. However, after all, these immigrants immigrated from the Helix Nebula, so they should be a little unruly, and everyone needs to be prepared."

Bernard smiled immediately: "Sir, this new China has never lacked unruly immigrants. Although the officials are newcomers, they are very experienced among colleagues. Our suggestion is that one-third of them will be arranged to One-third of the new Shenzhou will be placed in the newly built row house on Baichuan Star, and one-third will be placed on the No. 4 planet that has completely thawed in the Tianshu Galaxy."

"The first two are based on families, and the Tianshu Galaxy mainly selects single young adults." Mr. Qi added.

Bernard nodded and recorded these requests.

Mr. Qi continued: "Also, of the 520 billion loan from Hong Qiangwei, 100 billion is for the orbital high-energy laboratory of Tianshu Star. This is the money we promised Professor Zinov, and we must not misappropriate it at will."

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