Him and their stars

Chapter 1247 The Helix Nebula Will Be Calm

"Chester, you just said that the previous strike movement had more than 10 people participating in the initial stage?"

Yu Lian felt that an organization capable of launching such a large-scale strike movement must have a very high appeal among the local workers' groups.No matter how you look at it, this doesn't seem like something that armed groups like the "Sons of Loja" who fight guerrillas on outer planets can do.

"Sure! Because of the large number of participants, no matter how the alliance blocks the news, it is impossible to completely suppress the matter. Now, various claims have appeared on some small websites. The most exaggerated claim is that Ice Valley City appeared Large-scale occult disaster. The alliance has already razed the entire city, together with more than 200 citizens."

...Uh, this kind of rumor is a bit over the top.During the "Glorious Mission" exercise, a large-scale occult disaster really occurred in the empire.The ghosts in the Void Realm are so densely packed that it almost looks like a zombie siege.But even so, the empire didn't raze the city of Sarna to the ground.Anyway, the work of the alliance is still more refined than that of the empire.

"Actually?" Yu Lian asked.

"Ice Valley City has basically restored law and order. As far as I know, more than 2000 people have been arrested. The entire urban area is under martial law. In addition, the factory area of ​​​​Raytheon Industry has also been recovered, and the destroyed The factory is also finished. The tractor beam group that should be provided to us will be completed in 36 hours."

Yu Lian sighed, "It's really decisive and efficient!"

Luo Zeshi nodded in agreement, and said: "Director Clare Belmont informed me that the remaining three main god-class ships will be completed next week as scheduled, and then enter the testing stage. If everything goes well, you will return to Turan When stuck, all dreadnoughts are ready for long-range voyages."

Having said that, Yu Lian burst into laughter for a moment.I am obviously a general of the Blue Star Community, but I still have to spend so much time thinking about the security of the alliance. Isn't it a bit suspicious of overreaching?

He couldn't help laughing: "Strictly speaking, no matter what happens in the alliance, it has nothing to do with us. Our blue star community has no right to interfere with other people's internal diagnosis. Just do your own thing. Is that right?"

Luo Zeshi said straightly: "Yes! This is what the ambassador also meant. As for the earth, there has been no official response yet."

"It's understandable. Our democratic country and friendly countries have such a major security problem, and the officials on Capitol Hill must need time to discuss it. In addition, President Nishita is also a person with modesty, and the cabinet also needs to work together. Only then can we respond.”

Of course, Luo Zeshi could hear that the other party was satirizing the inefficiency of the Earth, but he just smiled: "But I think that the Earth will definitely adopt the embassy's opinion."

"Yes, that's all they can do."

"I will continue to pay attention to this matter. Any new developments will be reported immediately."

"It's been hard work. However, your main job should still be the testing of the three dreadnoughts."

"I understand, then...see you, Turanca."

Luo Zeshi saluted meticulously and prepared to close the communication.However, before the communication was completely shut down, he added another sentence: "In addition, Admiral Ferragu and the receivers he brought have arrived in the alliance territory. If there is no accident, they should arrive in Turan in 72 hours. Ke, at least a month earlier than you."

"Then suggest to Commander Ferragu, let all the new crew members start to adapt to training. Oh, yes, after he arrives, will you still be my adjutant?"

Luo Zeshi pondered for a while, and then forced a narrow expression on his face: "I will be transferred to the staff of the special mixed formation. Hehe, these don't have to continue to bear the embarrassment of being an adjutant for a fellow student It was a relief to experience it.”

Even if this guy is joking, there must be one to two percent sincerity.Thinking of this, Yu Lian still stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears that didn't exist: "My comrades in arms are all rebellious after all! Where did you learn this from? Why do they have a lot of sour red hair?" taste?"

"No. It's from you." Luo Zeshi put on a malicious smile and said firmly.

"...Then I really appreciate it. Need my compliment?"

Luo Zeshi suppressed his smile, and lowered his voice slightly: "I will also inform Babaru as soon as possible... The colleagues in the youth club are all passionate, but Babalu is indeed the purest one. The Nirvana team he leads The Philippine Overseas Students Association may intervene."

Yu Lian couldn't help but took a deep look at the other party.Among the friends of the 830 Party, Luo Zeshi is not considered the most influential type, but he is always the most reliable one.The so-called going out and entering the picture is for this kind of people, right?In another timeline, if he doesn't die early, this guy's future will definitely be brighter than that red-haired one.

"...No, I even think that they have already gone to help the place." Yu Lian sighed: "The general meeting of Babaru also organized a group of students to do odd jobs in the industrial area of ​​the North Continent. Let’s hook up with the workers’ organization nearby. When this guy is in Lumina, he can reorganize the workers’ self-police regiment to fight against pirates and bandits, let alone a strike.”

"We really can't rule out this possibility." Luo Zeshi said.

"Thank you, Chester." Yu Lian propped his elbows on the table, covering half of his face, and said sincerely, "I'm not just relieved when you do things, but I can feel at ease. You can rest easy here!"

The other party was slightly startled, and soft eyes flashed in his eyes: "Then you'd better not be too comfortable. Admiral Ferragu is not an easy person, but he..."

"I know. Mao Yuanzuo's cook." Yu Lian interrupted.

"His family is indeed running the Imperial Palace restaurant, and he did have a chef qualification certificate before applying for the National Defense University. However, this is not a reason to insult him. Don't you and Mr. Qi often say that occupation and birth are different? There is no distinction between high and low. Since ancient times, there have never been a few heroes and famous generals who were born in the head of Guizhou. What's more, the cook can at least be considered a petty bourgeoisie, right? Puff..."

"Hey, did you laugh just now? Did you laugh very happily just now?"

"Then, sir, see you in Turanca." Luo Zeshi gave a standard military salute to Yu Lian again, and then hung up the communication.

Yu Lian sat quietly in the office for half a minute, and first hung up a source wave communication for Babalu, but he didn't get through.His heart tightened, and he immediately realized that the expensive source wave ultra-beam communication is charged in two directions, and the communication fee is three figures per minute, and at least four figures are charged for the service fee every year.Babaru, such a simple and healthy boy, never started this business for his personal terminal.

Yu Lian thought for a while, and spent 10 minutes writing a long letter to Babalu.If the Lumina youth leader could receive it in time, he should have made the right choice.

Then, he dialed Feifei's communication again, but no one got through—apparently, as Luo Zeshi said, as one of the last witnesses of the "disappearance of the great commander", Feifei and the others were indeed arrested. quarantined.

Well, in this case, it's a good thing to be under house arrest, at least you don't have to worry about your own safety.Now I can only hope that Miss Gongsunqing can pick herself out safely.

But then again, is it true that someone really knows nothing about the actions of Gongsun Qing and his trio?

Yu Lian suddenly felt that he seemed to have discovered some blind spot.He found the code of Princess Rainbow Rose, but before the communication was hung up, he finally fell into deep thought.

And the task force of the Blue Star Community continued to march towards the alliance with a sense of honor of victory.

However, in any case, the short war in the Spiral Cross Nebula came to an end.The legendary ghost fortress became a spoil of war for the coalition forces. Two of the famous pirate kings "Seven Star Sea" were eliminated, and five surrendered and were recruited.At this time, all countries in the entire galaxy feel that the largest "high sea" in the galaxy will immediately restore law and order and prosperity.In other words, it will be more prosperous than any previous historical era.

In this case, almost no one will pay attention to the depths of this vast nebula.And some small battles that took place here, no one will know.

Xia Li's body was like a meteorite, tearing through the planet's dirty atmosphere with the flames, and crashing directly through a mountain wall.She felt a slight pain and sighed silently.At this time, she could only hide her body among the collapsed rocks. Dozens of worm limbs extending from her back kept cleaning the rocks, driving her body covered with solid carapaces into depths, as if preparing to Like hiding in the mantle.

"It's the fourth day. You know, Charlie, it's no use." Now the lady's clear and soft voice rang in her ears.

When the leader of the World-Round Serpent showed kindness to Xia Li, it was always this voice.

At the beginning, when the current lady represented the "moderate faction" of the World-Round Serpent, and expressed her intention to secretly form an alliance with the Great Khan of the Predator and Xia Li, it was this voice.

Yes, Xia Li once really thought that Ms. "Now" was different from the eredar who captured herself as a tool, as a test subject.She may be trustworthy.

But now, she finally knows.They are the same breed... No, the latter is actually more dangerous.The eredar elf was nothing more than a lumbering lizard that disguised itself as a scheming snake, only to end up wounding with brute force and claws, but the "now" lady was a reliable This gorgeous and elegant appearance confuses the venomous snake's prey.

"Xia Li, in fact, you should know that this is not my fault. Although I unblocked her, it was only because the entire Helix Nebula was not safe. I was just going to transfer her. If you hadn't followed me, she would have It will continue to sleep." Now the lady sighed faintly: "The spirit of the universe can testify, I want to give you time. In this era that is about to boil, you will have a lot of time to prove yourself."

The young Overlord didn't answer.Although she had already covered her whole body in the collapsed mountain, the flying insects floating in the air could still bring the opponent's appearance into her sight in a timely manner.She could clearly see that the "Now" lady in silver-gray nano-armor was floating above the sky like a god.

The air full of toxins doesn't seem to have any effect on her.

And next to the "now" lady who looks like a goddess, a young girl also stands in the sky.Her thin body was wrapped under thin single clothes, her figure was delicate and soft, like a feather that could be taken away by the breeze at any time.

This is obviously me!Xia Li gritted her teeth, this is obviously me who is still human.

...But, this shouldn't be me.If it were me, the expression shouldn't be so indifferent that it makes people shudder, it shouldn't be condescending overlooking the earth, and it shouldn't be full of alienation from the world.

"Aha, I think you are still very lively and human, little girl. You are more human than the dragon kings of the empire." Yes, that's what Tomiteri Khan said.

"But, Xia Li, you are obviously very lively." Yes, that's what the little bear said.

Or rather, the monster disguised as me!It is clear that he is treating everything now with a prey mentality.

It seems to be the same for myself, for this planet, and for this universe.

Charlie's left hand began to tremble continuously.Then, she spent almost all her strength to finally stop her trembling.

"Attack! Attack now!" she ordered to her group.

You must know that at this very moment, five Leviathan giant worm motherships are staying on this orbit wrapped in dirty air.Aside from No. 1, which has been serving as its own means of transportation and has been growing, the other four ships can also exert more firepower than destroyers.They can also spit deadly spores into the atmosphere, creating violent explosions, which constitute an attack equivalent to orbital bombing.

However, this time, those Leviathans let themselves down again.At that moment, Xia Li even felt their confusion.

confused?Charlie wanted to laugh for a moment.Aren't you the equivalent of worker bees in a bee colony?When are worker bees going to rebel against their masters too?
... No, no, this situation actually exists.She suddenly thought of an experience that she really didn't want to recall.

At this moment, the lady's voice sounded in her ears again: "It's either light or shadow. It's either her or you, Xia Li. Maybe I should make it clearer: you are all one. of."

The little master clenched his fist tightly.

"Tell me, Xia Li, you said, who is the main body of a life, the soul carried by the body, and the body controlled by the soul? Or should they be one? I know, you are still young after all, let you It's not easy to understand the concept."

I will understand.

As Xia Li thought about it, she kept trying to drill deeper into the ground.

At this time, the monster spoke, and what came out was the girl's gentle voice, but it was extremely indifferent: "She said, she will understand. If one day I can stuff the blaster into your xxx, let them and Your XXX is fused, and then sublimated in your XX, I will definitely understand."

The monster, the monster!

Chasing and escaping on this planet these days, Xia Li has experienced this feeling several times, but she is still too terrified to add anything.

At this time, Ms. "Now" has already raised her hand to where she is.In an instant, the broken rocks surrounding her suddenly turned into sand, rubbing against each other to form a deadly high-frequency cutting, attacking all the cells in her body.

Before she could make any resistance, the carapace, which was strong enough to withstand the bombardment of the battleship, was shattered from the atomic level.

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