Him and their stars

Chapter 1248 Embracing Fear and Fate

Now the lady still stands a thousand meters above the ground.In her line of sight, the mountains and rocks with a radius of tens of thousands of meters have been completely wiped off from the surface of this planet, leaving only a vast sea of ​​sand.

Even though the snake head spins a smug smile, it seems that he is very satisfied with the scene he created.

"In the era of any civilization's parent star, I am also the demon god who caused natural disasters!"

The girl hanging next to her still had an expression of not being pleased with things or feeling sad for herself, and said indifferently in a voice without ups and downs: "This approach will not cause death, it is just a way to vent power." It's just a means."

"My control over psionic energy is not yet that precise. In addition, you are a believer in efficiency, and I am a fun person who pays the most attention to inner balance." Now the lady is wearing a steady smile, sweeping He glanced at the other party: "Speaking of which, how far has your spiritual connection with her reached? Why do you always give me cursing words when you give me feedback?"

"At present, I can only connect to her superficial consciousness. This is probably because the superficial spirit of social mammalian intelligent creatures is scolding. This situation is very interesting, but it has no research value."

Now women choose to trust each other.In short, although it was only connected to the superficial spirit, it was enough for them to determine Xia Li's location.

During the four consecutive days of high-intensity combat, the main reason why Xia Li wanted to escape from this planet, but was still unsuccessful, was this.

The girl said again with an unwavering voice: "The spiritual connection between me and her is always deepening. This is not something that can be transferred by the will of me and her, but by the will of the ethnic group. So, as long as you give me enough When the time is right, the deep consciousness will inevitably be unimpeded, and the competition for domination will always begin."

"However, we don't have enough time. According to the latest news, my colleagues have resisted to the last step, and this place is no longer safe." Now the lady said.

"...I slept in this galaxy for 180 years, and I thought it was a safe place."

"The civilization era of the great expansion of the universe has developed to this day. Where in this galaxy is it truly safe?"

"This is not correct. Civilization can only guarantee diversity if enough space is left for the universe." The girl was still calm, full of the sense of superiority of the dimensional level.

"Yes, the diversity of civilizations is so grand that even we feel that it is too heavy a proposition. However, this is a later story, and our time is limited." Ms. Future said.

The girl pondered for a moment, then pointed to her four o'clock direction.

Now the lady nodded slightly, using spiritual energy to lead the girl beside her to speed up.In the blink of an eye, the bodies of these two seemingly delicate ladies easily broke the sound barrier, and then increased their forward speed to Mach 10 within two seconds.

It only took them half a minute to pass over the thousands of miles of mountains, and what they saw was another swamp as vast as the ocean.The water surface of the swamp is hidden under the atmosphere full of toxins, but it is constantly bubbling, but it is unknown how many strange-shaped individuals are hiding under the gloomy and sticky water surface.

However, these are not the main focus.The point is, a figure has staggered out of the swamp, but it is a humanoid creature with a body close to three meters, covered with a carapace, and dozens of spider-like jointed limbs stretched out from behind, but it is the swarm. dominate.

Her body has clearly been broken down into an atomic state by the explosion dust and high-frequency friction sand grains.However, her other body grew out like a rapidly expanding mushroom in a swamp thousands of miles away.

Now the lady showed an expression of astonishment, with admiration and pity in her smile.

"Is this the ninth time?" she said.

Yes, during the four days and four nights of fighting, Madam "Now" successfully intercepted Xia Li within the poisonous atmosphere of this planet, but she still couldn't completely destroy her.

The "Sanwu Delicate Girl" with an indifferent and distant expression beside her said: "There will be a hundred more times. I am gradually penetrating into her spirit, and so is she. The Leviathans she brought cannot attack me, and the same , the individual units of this planet are also accepting her. We are the masters of the swarm, and every individual unit of the swarm can undertake our recovery."

Now the lady smiled and said: "Yes, when you reach this point, you still can't be considered powerful, but the most powerful model has appeared."

The girl said: "Please continue to shoot. Every time her body is destroyed, there will be a fleeting gap in her spirit. However, this will help me deepen the spiritual link between the two. If you are really in a hurry, just Time to end this pointless hunting game."

"Hunting games? How can I be in the mood to play games now." Now the lady raised her eyebrows and sighed: "Perhaps you think highly of me, but of course you also look down on her too much. I haven't seen you for a while, little Xia Li is at least sneaking , Invisibility and protection have shown great progress, no, it should be said to be evolution. I don't know what these years of life have brought to her. But, if you didn't wake up, if you didn't have spiritual channels to Locking each other's positions, she must have escaped."

"I hope so. But there's a level of playfulness and tyranny in your mood right now, much like a small feline juggling its prey."

The girl wanted to say something, but beside her, a silver-gray nano-cluster suddenly appeared out of thin air.The shape of a shield formed around her shoulders.Then I saw a strong halo suddenly exploded behind the gap in the shield.However, the barrier formed by the nano-machines seems to form an absolute field that cannot be broken through, and no trace of temperature or impact can bypass its protection.

The glare faded.The nanoshield disintegrated again and re-integrated into Ms. "Now"'s mechanical armor.She clapped her palms and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Xia Li, you finally fought back? Have you finally accepted your fate?"

The girl looked down at Xia Li who was standing on the shore with a blank expression.One of them is a girl with a supple figure, and the other is a humanoid alien species with a height of more than two meters wearing an insect carapace.But for some reason, at this moment, Xia Li somehow felt like looking in a mirror.

Xia Li suddenly remembered the ghost stories her father told her when she was a child.What scares her the most is not the messy and bizarre zombies, ghosts, chainsaw demons that eat children, but the other self in the mirror.

Yes, you are about to cry, but the "self" in the mirror is smiling at you.In this world, is there anything more terrifying than this?
However, Xia Li at this time, apart from the fear caused by a little childhood shadow, is more bored and even disgusted.She allowed her jointed limbs to spread out behind her back, allowing the energy to recondense at the tips.

She knew that she was by no means an opponent of Ms. "Now", let alone that "monster" with unknown identity and abilities, who had her own face, but which she had to hate.

However, in just four days, she had been "killed" nine times, and each time she died quite strangely.Even if she is used to being bombarded by the main battleship, covered by neutron bomb fire, and beaten by wild saints passing by, her spirit has been honed to be extremely strong, and now she is starting to get angry.

"Yeah, I'm going to fight back!" Xia Li pointed her middle finger at the other party: "There are tens of millions of square kilometers of creeps on this planet, and there are tens of millions of dormant bug swarms everywhere. Let's see how many times you can kill me! And me? I can fight you here for a whole year!"

Speaking of this, she made another boxing gesture, waved it to the air, and then said to the "girl": "And you, little monster, who is a substitute for us? Don't use other people's faces here to pretend X is cold, come down if you have the ability! Let's solve it openly!"

Anyway, I'm alone now!There is nothing to be afraid of anymore!she thinks.

And the "girl" pondered for a moment, and finally the corner of her mouth curled up in a slight arc.She didn't seem to be laughing, but more like some kind of mechanism thought she should laugh now: "Very good, very energetic!"

"..." Xia Li felt as if she had knocked down the air with a fist, she simply gritted her teeth and threw two more psionic light arrows at the opponent.Of course, needless to say, he was easily stopped by the "now" lady next to him.

Her voice softened. "Very well. If you don't run away, we can have a good talk. Okay? Little Charlie, okay?"

Xia Li responded with a cold and haughty smile, but her little heart was beating like a conditioned reflex... Although she actually had no heart at this moment.

She took a step back and extended her spirit again, trying to communicate with the Leviathans on the track.Then, just like the past few days, she could indeed feel their existence, and even give orders, but there was no response, as if they were her own siblings, but they couldn't move.

It's easy to get annoyed by this feeling.

"You know, it's useless, everything is useless." The monster didn't speak, but her voice reached her ears again.

Immediately afterwards, the lady's voice also floated in at the right time: "Xia Li, the only thing you can do now is to embrace your destiny. Yes, I understand that this is too soon, and you may not be ready. But, She is not ready either! Embracing your half body is embracing your future. At that time, you will have real power! Together, we can overthrow this universe, to the Galactic Empire, to Eli Emperor Seer's revenge! This is your father's last wish!"

Charlie looked at the "monster" with its own face, and thought I wouldn't hug such a thing.She can read my superficial thoughts, and so can I.But what can I feel?Just a desert of nothingness.

"I'm sorry, if this is my late father's last wish. Then, I was not an obedient girl since I was a child." She said coldly.

"I feel that she rejects me even more than the Galactic Empire." The girl said to "Now", "However, the spiritual link between her and me has become smoother. Such a contradictory phenomenon is your fault." Weakness, or source of strength?"

The lady did not answer the question.

There was already an elegant and charming smile on her face, but she was extremely astonished: "Little Xia Li, is this really the case? There is a place in your heart, in your soul, child. That place is pure and joyful, just like your father It is like a small amusement park carefully built brick by brick for children, fresh and clean, warm and happy. You will always find that place, where you can feel the innocence and joy of going away. Only when you gain strength from that time can you be able to Get through this ordeal."

Charlie trembled all over, out of her wits.The softest side of her heart was shown in front of the other party's eyes. This only refuge for the soul to rest in peace was about to fall into a landslide.

"Oh, she's scared." The unknown being who turned into a girl said, "She's been killed nine times, but she doesn't have such obvious fear,"

"Don't deny, don't refuse, little Xiali, observe calmly and experience the feeling now. You feel that your heart has lost its cover, and you have unprecedented fear. Fear at this level is the nourishment for sublimation of life. Now, you just need Keep this feeling firmly in mind, observe it in the palm of your hand, and observe it carefully as if you were dealing with a novelty. Yes, experiencing her is like experiencing your life, like sitting on your father for the first time The swing made by yourself is like your father holding you and observing the sea of ​​stars for the first time in the garden. Because it is yours and it is very precious.”

Now the lady's voice is like a century-old wine, extremely fragrant and intoxicating.Then, the words became a little bit real.They seem to have passed through the cold and boundless distance from the other side of the universe, entered Xia Li's spirit, and touched the hot emotion.

Xia Li felt that her feelings seemed to be dissected and then reassembled.They burned hotter.However, when this fierce soul fire poured into his body, a strange yet familiar, loathsome yet longing aura slowly approached.

"She found it. She can finally examine her own heart." Now the lady looked at the "girl", her voice was still like a snake's breath that was bewitching people's hearts, like a mutton like an orchid.

"how about you?"

The girl looked straight into the eyes of the other party that was burning with spiritual fire: "I have always been preparing. Embrace fate. No matter what, this universe, this era, will have a complete me."

The pure girl began to land lightly like a feather, until she landed in front of the ferocious humanoid alien.She spread out her hands, allowing her frail body to be surrounded by terrifying jointed limbs.

At that moment, the angel and the demon entered the same frame.

"So, who is the devil and who is the angel?" Now the lady sighed.

At this time, she can't do it anymore if she wants to continue to push the sidelines. She can only wait for the final result.

However, just as she took out an emerald cigarette stick from her interspatial bag, an alarm sounded in her ears.This is the signal from the surveillance satellite she left in orbit around the planet.

"It is found that there is a gravitational fluctuation in the gravity well 1 of this galaxy, and there is a 17% possibility that it is a transition reaction. The frequency band of the fluctuation is 12 to 48..."

Really small fluctuations.All gravity wells jump up hundreds of times a day. "Now," thought the lady, and then she reached out for her incense packet.

"The fluctuation event is the standard event at 17:11, which is 4 hours and 55 minutes from now."

Her eyes widened and she looked up suddenly.The extraordinary eyesight of a saint passed through the atmosphere, and saw the shadow of a huge ship suddenly appearing in the orbit of the planet.Immediately afterwards, hundreds of bolides broke away from the shadow of the boat, roaring and falling down.

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