Him and their stars

Chapter 1249 I, Master of the Swarm

It was a ship with elegant and smooth lines. The platinum-gold hull in the entire starry sky presented a more solemn and luxurious color than silver.The light of the blue stars in the local galaxy sprinkled on the warm surface armor of the ship, smearing a layer of deep and mysterious charm, which is very reminiscent of Mithril in myths and legends.

Like a swan at ease, the ship appeared gracefully above the planet's toxic atmosphere and foul swamps.She should have discovered the ugly Leviathan giant worms in low-earth orbit, but ignored them at all, just like elegant swans who don't want to pay attention to the wild dogs by the lake.

This scene has been captured by the "Ms. Now" who has extraordinary vision in the atmosphere.

It was Qingqiu, built by Poseidon Shipyard, and it is also one of the most famous luxury cruise ships in the galaxy.Of course, anyone with a discerning eye would know that it was a cruise ship, but they had never seen her open to the outside world, and it was clearly the ship belonging to Rainbow Rose Princess Amida Berenkast.People with a discerning eye also know that it is not so much a cruise ship as it is a well-equipped and advanced scientific research ship, and it can even undertake the functions of a space laboratory.

However, I have never heard that this ship has the ability to sneak and fight!

Now the lady said that she had dealt with the real rulers of the alliance a lot, and the snake around the world had infiltrated into the military and political high-level and the Standard Shipping Association, but this kind of development was indeed beyond her expectations.

She is a cautious snake head, and monitors are buried near the gravity well, and the alarms in the planetary orbit are connected with gravitational waves. Once a third-party aircraft arrives, it should get the news within a few minutes. of.

But in fact, the ship did not appear until it directly touched the top of his head.Her men's detectors were unresponsive, her siren unresponsive.It is even said that even the gravity well itself hardly responds.

What kind of elegant white swan is this? It is clearly a ghost!And it's the kind of horror game that can hurt people.

Now the lady is looking at the flickering light spot above the gray atmosphere, as if her eyes have passed through the shield and armor of the Qingqiu, and she has seen the owner of the ship.

Then, the snake head really seemed to see a pair of eyes.Those were a pair of azure eyes burning with colorless and dense spiritual fire, full of condescending banter and mockery.

She was silent for a few minutes, then sighed for no reason, and the exquisite emerald tobacco rod slipped out of her hand without a sound, and then fell directly into the ground.

"Tsk... little girl, you're so smug!" Now the lady didn't know whether to cry or laugh.She suddenly realized that before this unexpected guest arrived, she seemed to be looking at the struggling Xia Li in the same way.

What is this?Mantis?oriole?

At this time, the ghostly Qingqiu decisively launched a "hunt".The hatch at the bottom of her abdomen opened, revealing the complete bomb bay, and at the same time, a dozen bombs were thrown towards the planet.

These deadly weapons disperse automatically after entering the atmosphere, splitting apart a large radiant meteor shower.

Based on this attack alone, it can be confirmed that the performance of the Qingqiu at least in terms of orbital bombing is already comparable to that of most heavy warships.

Now the lady's pupils contracted a little.Although she is a psychic, she can also be regarded as half of an arms expert in the field of science and technology. She even has a serious engineer certificate, and she can smell it just by smell. It is a three-phase bomb that exudes a strong aroma of uranium.

...doesn't even use neutron bombs?Since when has the league been so rude?

Even with the power of a saint who is as powerful as the lady now, she doesn't think she can easily block the bombing of hundreds of three-phase bombs.She could only quickly spread out Nano's iron wings, ready to rush out of the explosion range at the fastest speed.

Of course, as an embarrassing and charming villain, she has not forgotten the two who are in a mental duel.She quickly descended to a low altitude, supported Xia Li and the "girl" who were hugging each other with her thoughts, and threw them directly into the swamp and quagmire next to it like a vast ocean.

Indeed, the swamp that stretches a little beyond the horizon is still deep.The turbid liquid, which looks like muddy water, also contains a lot of heavy metal elements.It should be able to withstand one or two hundred rounds of three-phase bombs, right?


However, when the pair of "sisters" who hugged tightly were thrown into the swamp, now the lady vaguely saw the face of the "girl".At this moment, there was indeed a hint of pain on the face that had never had any emotion.

This is by no means an illusion.

However, at this time, the lady doesn't have time to care about these anymore.Because he had not yet flown out of the destructive range of the meteor shower, the Qingqiu in orbit opened fire again.This time, what she threw out were hundreds of smart tracking bombs.These missiles, equipped with triple tracking devices and intelligent guidance chips, passed through the atmosphere like a pack of hungry wolves, roaring towards the direction of the present lady.

This is hitting me like a dreadnought!What am I really capable of?
Now the lady was distraught for a moment, and she roared angrily towards the sky: "White-haired girl, come and fight with me!"

...well, she didn't actually do that.If it really had such a throat, the leader of the World-Round Serpent would not have much style left, and it would really be gone.

She can only run away now, keep running away, on the one hand activate the concealment effect of the nano armor, on the other hand increase the speed to the extreme.This should have been somewhat conflicting, but the gear on her did.

In an instant, her figure had disappeared from the spot, leaving only the sound of the explosion of the airflow breaking through the sound barrier, as if stepping on a somersault cloud.

As a result, the smart missiles immediately lost their tracking targets, and confusion arose for a while.

But at this time, the ions from the space orbit penetrated the atmosphere at the speed of light, evaporated the dense toxins in the gas, and rushed to it, as if the divine sword from the heaven tore through the dark hell.Immediately afterwards, the fiery and bright light beam turned into a sky pillar, blocking the current lady's way.

This sky pillar will not exist for more than half a minute, but it landed directly in front of the current lady, forming a nearly perfect interception.

"My old waist..." Now the lady couldn't help baring her teeth.Relying on her well-trained waist, she forced her body to a sudden stop from the high speed of Mach [-] within a tenth of a second.

If it were a mortal, the body might have been torn into pieces of flesh and blood by inertia.As a saint, the current lady can at least hold her waist while watching the torrent of ions plummeting down at a super close distance of only a few meters away.

She was indeed not directly hit by high-powered artillery fire.However, the sudden high temperature and lingering violent magnetic field brought down the stealth function of the nano-armor.

And at this moment, when the beam of light dissipated, those missiles equipped with intelligent tracking AI roared towards them again.

Now the lady sighed.She actually felt now that she was playing chess with that "white-haired girl" from the Berenkester family.But after only taking a few steps, he was already at a disadvantage.

She even had the feeling that every move she took seemed to be expected, even foreseen, by the other party.

"Hahaha, that's how it is, my poor Miss Prophet!" She quickly guessed what was happening, and couldn't help laughing wildly: "But, you look down on me too much, don't you? The white-haired girl from Belen Kester's family ..."

What answered her was another fiery ion beam that fell from the sky.

But at this moment, in a world that outsiders couldn't understand, Xia Li suddenly opened her eyes, staring calmly at the beautiful, innocent and pitiful face opposite.It was his own face.

She is now standing in a gray space, between the heaven and the earth that has not yet been formed, only herself and the woman opposite.Of course she knew that she was in a primitive spiritual world.The gray mist of the original ecology is the derivation of consciousness that has not yet been concretely formed.

In this chaotic world, she only felt that her spirit had received a comforting sense of relief, and immediately calmed herself down.

She didn't even blink her eyes now, staring at the "monster" in front of her, the monster with her own appearance.The feeling of hatred still fills my heart, but once I get rid of the fear, I can accept this setting.As a result, hatred gradually became interesting.

"Light and shadow? Main body and clone? Soul or body? I see." Xia Li let out a full sigh.

She raised her hand.It was supposed to be made of swarm horns that have been tempered for thousands of years. Although it was simulated in a human form, it was closer to a real weapon.But now, what came into my eyes turned into a girl's jade hand again.

She lowered her head, bent a finger, and stared at the arched stripes on the back of her finger. She watched them form an irregular vortex, but then spread out, as if holding that life in her dream. Haunting, most beautiful flower.

Xia Li still remembered that before losing the consciousness of her own body, she was obviously in the shape of a humanoid alien octopod spider.In fact, this is also the form that he is best at fighting and stealth, and it should also be the most secure form.

But in the spiritual world, on the inner mountain, she weighed her human self against the swarm's self.

So, which one is me?

no doubt.it's all me!

She raised her head, looked at the other "self" on the opposite side again, and sighed: "There is no need to pretend. This is the spiritual world, so you should choose the appearance that suits you best."

"Then what is suitable for me? My substitute." Another "self" said.

"Perhaps a twisted bug? Well, a reptilian half-body, with a fat, fat, round belly? Or, a giant brain?"

The other party's calm cheeks twitched, and his body began to swell and twist.However, what was displayed in front of Xia Li was not an ugly and indescribable giant insect king, but more like a huge insect pupa, which seemed to be made of luxurious purple gold.There is no trace of evil, but it is full of mystery and majesty, like a work of art created by gods from another dimension.

Charlie had seen that thing.Leviathan's lair, the power core of the swarm.Every time she absorbs one, her strength increases by one point.Now, the largest Leviathan lair she had encountered in her life appeared in front of her like this.

"Sure enough, this is the main body." She sighed, "It's very much like a boss battle in a game!"

"I am the master of the swarm." The huge chrysalis made an abyss-like deep voice, it was no longer the girlish voice that was exactly like Xia Li's, but was formed by the fusion of the indifferent and deadly individual wills of countless swarms. It was made by some kind of indescribable fusion of forces.

Xia Li said loudly: "I finally remembered. My father dug you from the remains of the Enlightened Ones. He needs your knowledge. He needs your strength. He needs the power to avenge the empire. But, he Time is running out. He was Elithel's sworn enemy. When Elithel was destined to wear the crown of God, his life was destined to end. Whether it was a political life or a real life."

"Go on, little girl, go on. Gradually recovering memories can strengthen one's will."

"Then, he can only choose me. Anyway, everyone in the world thinks that I am dead, and died in an interstellar accident with my mother. But they don't know that I am still lying in the freezer of the World-Ring Serpent."

"Yes, yes. However, your father only wants you to survive, and at the same time give you the strength to protect yourself. As for living safely and freely, you still have to take revenge on the empire. It depends on your choice." The master said : "Your father believes that what is sad is not the fate that is determined, but the strength that has no choice."

"But, you lied to him! No! You and those snakes lied to him!"

The master said faintly: "He was originally a member of the snake. He is also a powerful psychic. He once really considered erasing my will and turning the power of the swarm into an unowned thing. However, losing What is the difference between a swarm that has lost its will and a swarm that has lost its queen bee? However, the little stand-in, the strong queen bee, is also produced by fighting."

Xia Li fell into silence, and after a few seconds, she couldn't help laughing again: "Yeah, this is indeed something that middle-aged man can do. He said that he gave me a choice, but it always made me go on the path he expected. The road. Now I suddenly want to ask Emperor Elisel how he made up my unscrupulous late father."

"From death to life, there is a price to pay. You were indeed dead at that time. You are indeed alive now." The master said.

"So, what is the price I have to pay?"

"Become my substitute, pay attention to the civilization of this era instead of me, and provide evolutionary information to the army of the swarm. Then, become a part of me. Only in this way can a real recovery be formed. Or, let me be a part of you."

"Is there a difference?"

"There is no difference. There is no difference between me who has your memory and you who have mastered my knowledge."

"Release X!" Xia Li pointed a middle finger at the other party: "I'd rather die!"

The Juggernaut did not show unexpected emotions, but kept a calm tone: "This is the spiritual realm that belongs only to the Juggernaut's will, beyond the constraints of time and space. When I activated it, the individual who inherited part of the Juggernaut's will, will enter into it. There is no death here, only fusion."

Charlie didn't believe it.Anyway, at this point, she is no longer afraid of anything, and it doesn't matter whether she believes it or not.In the past few years when she woke up and escaped from the snake around the world, she has been running and hiding.Now, she decides to fight to the death.

Then, she suddenly widened her eyes, and looked behind the lord of the swarm with a horrified look.

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