Him and their stars

Chapter 1251 I Am Me

Chapter 1251 I Am Me

Charlie's eyes widened in horror.At the end of the ever-spreading and deriving space, she vaguely saw a shadow, and there was a slight fluctuation at the end of the field of vision and the gray fog.She also vaguely felt a familiar and dangerous spiritual pressure.

But then, the palpitating wave disappeared silently in the gray mist, and the sudden change made her even suspect that it was just her own illusion.

She withdrew her horrified expression and glanced around suspiciously.However, there is still an indescribable gray fog in the field of vision, and Xiang can't see clearly even ten meters away.

The young ruler clearly knew something.She is seriously thinking about her current problems, considering everything
The chrysalis on the opposite side didn't seem to realize the change in Xia Li's expression at all.Of course, it is possible that He is now a chrysalis, and organs such as eyes no longer exist.The luster flickered on and off in the purple-red gaps in the carapace of the chrysalis, like flickering will-o'-the-wisps.

That is a dark voice that does not belong to human language, but more like a foreign language: "I am the master of the swarm. I am the brain of the swarm. I am the will of the swarm. However, this kind of me, in the eternal In the era, I finally realized a truth, even with my eternal life form, there is a limit."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Xia Li glanced at the other party, but still derived her perception into the gray mist.

"I am the master, Miss Chalamel, and I am only the master. There is a limit to such a traditional master, and I need more possibilities from you. So, I made a deal with your father, Earl Salvin .”


"Yes, why can't the independent individual representing human beings and the supreme will representing the hive be integrated into one? It is possible to obtain the fusion of the advantages of both sides. Moreover, we can also use the natural, independent individual perspective, Get in touch with the profound meaning of occultism. This is one of the ways for the evolution of the entire population, and I firmly believe in this." The ruler said: "Besides, you were already dying at that time. In this transaction, Earl Salvin and you originally You don’t need to pay anything, just use your dying life to make a gamble, and use your dying light to gamble on the possibility.”

"So I should thank you, isn't that right?" Charlie sneered.

"The concept of gratitude does not actually exist in my consciousness. However, I do not reject positive emotional feedback. In other words, it is precisely because of the deal provided by your father that I can understand you from this emotional feedback." Everything. Miss Chalamel, emotion is the door to the soul, and the soul is the door to the truth side of occultism, isn’t that true?”

Xia Li snorted: "XX is the door leading to the depths of the soul. Why don't you try it?"

The master may not have heard it, or maybe he didn't understand it, but he just continued to talk: "The snake around the world is arranging your destiny, and your father is also arranging your destiny. Embrace all this. Miss Shalamir , united together, we can wreak havoc on this universe. We can seek evolution in the catastrophe, and we can pursue eternity on the side of truth through evolution.”

"Hehehe, so, have you figured out who hugs whom?"

"What is about to happen, you can only experience everything if you do it. So, Miss Chalamel, are you ready?"

"Ready." Xia Li put away all the resentment and anger in her heart, and said in a low voice: "I dedicate myself to the dominant will of the only insect swarm. I will follow the evolution of the population and seek prosperity and evolution." the way. Let the Great Supreme Will guide my future."

At this moment, she has indeed completely dispelled all the violent emotional fluctuations that made her lose her mind, allowing her soul to resonate peacefully with the empty spiritual world.

Since the monster says that emotions are the door to the depths of the soul, I will close the door.

Anyway, in the spiritual battle of psykers, whoever breaks the defense first will lose.This is already common knowledge in the field of mysticism.

...Yes, in the field of occultism, I, a half-baked human being, is an expert, while the other party is just a half-baked guy who comes to rubbish hot spots.Xia Li thought so, and her sanity and momentum immediately began to climb.She raised her head to look at the latter one last time, silently recited a rune of meditation, and then knelt down silently, posing in a posture full of flaws, lowering her head and covering her head and face in the shadows.

The purple-gold chrysalis continued to shine with a bewitching cold light, connecting the indescribable consciousness that "represents" a population into the gray fog space formed by consciousness.

"Will our destiny be permanently linked with the future of a new civilization?"

Xia Li did not hesitate, neither happy nor sad, and her emotions entered a permanent silence: "I am extremely eager for this. However, you cannot represent this race, and you are not qualified to discuss the future."

"None of us have the qualifications. Miss Chalamel."

The Overlord paused for a very brief moment.Then, the weird purple light finally seeped into the gray space.Immediately afterwards, in the gray world where you can't reach your fingers, blurred outlines emerge little by little, forming a spectacular ups and downs, as if the brushstrokes of the gods are finally beginning to outline the mountains.

Immediately afterwards, the field covered with mucus and fungal tissues seemed to grow directly from the mist in the void, supporting the huge chrysalis swaying in the mist, and also supported the tightly closed double chrysalis. Purpose Charlie.

The ground where these mucus and mycelium tissues are spread constitutes the most beloved growth environment for the swarm.In such an environment, they are like lying in the safest mother body, they hibernate, hatch, grow and evolve.

Yes, for the swarm, the creeps filled with nutrients and gene molecules are the cornerstone of their homeland.For a long time, the master has not yet awakened, and the swarms can only hide in all the inaccessible corners of the universe.However, whether it is caves, rocks, swamps or even deep seas, or even high-temperature planets and toxin planets where most creatures cannot gain a foothold, these creeps will silently fill, grow, and transform the world.

Now, in this gray spiritual world, a huge swarm home is about to take shape.

Xia Li felt all these changes, and also felt the voice without emotion and vitality, and whispered two sounds in her head.

"Zerut! Solinger!"

These treacherous and dark notes seem to constitute some inexplicable and meaningless words, but to Xia Li, they seem to contain inexplicable mysterious and profound mysteries, as if they can lead it into the eternity of the group. .At that moment, she seemed to see the past and future of this group, from the germination that appeared in the underwater mycelium, to being discovered by the existence of higher latitudes, and then slowly growing new emotions.

"Thank you, my substitute." Xia Li said in her own consciousness.How the other party calls herself, she decides how to call the other party.

"No, it should be me thanking you. Thank you for your hard work too. Miss Chalamir, my substitute, my half body, my past. Our population represents another direction of civilization development, do you believe this? "

"Yes! My substitute."

"The civilization of social mammals will only be destroyed by their individual selfishness in the end. This kind of civilization has limits after all! The civilization of the previous generation has proved this point. Their existence will only continue to kill forever and civil war. Their existence will become the nourishment for our evolution. Miss Shalamir, are you willing to admit this?"

Xia Li also had a brief stagnation, but her overall mood remained stable and calm: "My substitute, what was the civilization of the previous generation like? Isn't it just what you say?"

"Your hesitation, your pity, and your sentimentality are just a fragile part of human beings. However, our evolving race does not need these superfluous things. From now on, this will be the last time I call Your name. Shalamir Emma Salvin. In your language, it seems to have the meaning of eternity. Does this mean that person has unlimited expectations for you? From today on, you should forget the name."

The girl who was once called "Shalamir Salvin", now the master of half of the swarm, raised her head in the space of consciousness, and suddenly opened her eyes.At this moment, the dim yellow vertical pupils that seemed to be made of boiling sulfur, the vertical pupils that were full of madness and tyranny, had completely turned into round pupils that belonged to humans at this moment, appearing even more azure blue of light.

She didn't look at the purple light worm pupae in front of her, didn't look at the creep land covering the whole world, didn't look at the zerg that gradually solidified from the creep.She stared at her heart, and then unlocked the warmest world in her heart.

She felt that a new world was beginning to form, located in the world of the swarm.It was a small noble city hall, located in the deepest part of the mountain stream.On both sides of the mountain stream, there are well-arranged houses, forming a mountain town with branches on both sides of the mountain.

A road paved with blue tiles and stones is derived from the outside of the mountain stream to the inside, passing through the houses on the slopes on both sides, and connecting to the clear lakeside of the highland flat lake.

This is her hometown.She grew up here.She spent her best childhood years here.

Now, the town has disappeared, and all traces of civilization are buried in the lush mountains and vegetation.As for the city hall that carried all the good memories of my childhood, it was completely buried in the deep pool.

However, such an inconspicuous rural lakeside town on a remote planet descended like an eternal temple in the creep world of the swarm.

At that moment, she felt the emotional fluctuations on the other side.Dumbness, regret, or anger are just fleeting emotions.However, this is indeed a fluctuation, and it is a manifestation of humanity.

Yes, this is melting.When the will of the swarm is affecting him, he is also affecting the other party.

But, I am me!she said in her heart.

"My name is Charlie!" she said loudly.

The monster belonging to the other half of the will of the swarm did not try to speak again, and once again tried to frighten it with the inevitable communion, using the will of the swarm to represent a creature, a sense of oppression of civilization. intimidate her.

However, Charlie held out a hand. The "integrated will" began to stagnate, forming her mental offensive and defensive system.

She used to always believe that "integrated will" is actually the ability to dominate the population, not a psionic skill that can really be used in combat.

However, a guy who once got into his spiritual realm and almost killed himself on the spot has already told himself with practical examples that everything is possible.In the field of occultism, imagination is the real king.

Yes, when it comes to imagination, we are hopelessly selfish social mammals who are able to explore the boundaries of imagination.

"Here, I want light!" she shouted loudly, "Who said the swarms can't have light!"

Then, the light really shines into the world.As a result, the fairy tale town in Xia Li's mind gradually became clear.This picturesque landscape with beautiful mountains and clear waters is like a dream town in a fairy tale. Accompanied by the entire valley, it is abruptly inserted into the sticky creeper.A lush valley town appeared directly on the scarlet brown that stretched to the end of the world, and the green low mountains and creepers merged together, creating a strange blur.

This scene is really like a princess who has never experienced reality. Wearing a silk dress inlaid with crystals and gemstones, she stepped out of the castle, and then stepped into the dirty and cruel corpse mountain and blood sea.

However, this fragile and pitiful princess directly pulled out the chainsaw and the blue-fired Gatling from under her dress.

"I said, you are the filth, you should be eliminated." She said loudly.

As a result, the quaint bell tower full of fairy-tale charm in the center of the city hall swelled by hundreds of meters, and the triangular bell tower spire was bounced off on the spot, protruding from the ion cannon mouth that was accumulating energy.

The fiery plasma torrent rushed towards the giant chrysalis on the other side of the creep.

The master of the swarm was indeed unable to make a sound.Everything in front of him seems to be beyond its comprehension.It stood there like a clumsy rock, only to be covered by the raging torrent.

The girl witnessed the bombardment of the light beam and drowned the enemies belonging to her "other half" in the bombardment of the strong light.At this time, she is already communicating with the other party's senses, and is also sharing the other party's emotions.She felt the other party's astonishment and horror.

I'm Charlie.I am the sole master of the swarm, and I am also human.I want to guide the growth and evolution of the group, and I want to avenge that Galactic Empire.No one is qualified to judge me, no one is qualified to annihilate my existence.

As she repeated it, she used cannon fire in her mind to crush the other half of her body into dust, watching the boiling dust and smoke disintegrate in the psychological flames.

She knew that she was about to become the existence everyone wanted to be.The father who has passed away, the evil and despicable snakes, and the "children" who have always been with him.

"Children" do not have their own thinking, but what "children" need must be my present.

"In the sky and in the world, I am the only one!" The girl stood in the middle of the Qingshi Road in the valley, pointing to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other.She watched the artillery fire from the city hall blast into the distance like scattered meteor showers, and for a moment felt that she had obtained the whole world.

However, at this moment, the sound of clanging footsteps passed through the empty passageway, echoed around, and echoed in her heart.

Xia Li's heart began to feel cold, even though she no longer had the heart as an organ.She was sure that she should only feel the existence of one person, but she always felt that there was an entire army with live ammunition rushing over from outside the small town.

The corners of her mouth trembled uncontrollably, and her neck twisted stiffly, twisting 180 degrees like an elderly rag doll, and then she saw a human figure.

It's that person!

(End of this chapter)

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