Charlie's body began to tremble uncontrollably.The feeling of pulling out the cold has spread from the heart to the limbs and internal organs, although at this time she actually doesn't have a heart.

Then, as the figure slowly approached, the elegant houses scattered on both sides of the street on the hills also seemed to be called, and the main doors slowly turned inward, and closed on the spot with a bang, like It was like shutting Charlie out of the door.Then, immediately after, these houses and the green mountains and green waters that supported them began to collapse.That fairy tale-like world began to collapse, and Xia Li's spiritual defense also began to collapse.

As a result, the "girl"'s figure began to change, as if she saw some inexplicable high-latitude natural enemy, and her sanity was completely lost.The body was also twitching, twisting, expanding, and changing. A solid carapace and sharp inverted blades grew out of her torso, breaking the white dress and covering every white spot on the body.Ugly and terrifying insect limbs stretched out from her back, forming sharp blades.Her long hair also began to gather together, and the strands of black silk seemed to be condensed into unpredictable snake shapes, lingering with gloomy toxins and evil spirits.

In just a blink of an eye, she changed from a delicate and delicate girl to a three-meter-long alien monster. She could barely see some human features, but more, she was vicious in every detail. And ferocious, as if every cell is evolving for fighting.

However, even in such a posture, she was still lingering behind her step by step, as if seeing a natural enemy that could arouse her greatest fear.

The reason why she changed into this form was not for fighting, but for self-protection... Or, just to make herself feel more secure.

At this moment, her pupils also changed from the pure azure blue to vertical pupils like boiling sulfur again.However, what was burning in those cracks was not high-spirited fighting spirit, but some unconcealable fear.

Through the carapace on her cheek, she quickly saw the face of that figure.That's Yu Lian, that deeply hidden snake head, he is alone.

Then, that Yu Lian opened his mouth and let out a nonsense laugh: "Ahahaha, sure enough, this is the existence you fear the most. It's really surprising."

Is it not himself, but the form that the Overlord becomes?

"Why should you be surprised? My substitute, you are observing me, and I am also observing you. You can only observe the consciousness of the species from me, but I can see such a colorful picture."

Yes, it is indeed a fake Yulian.

But even so, she still couldn't resist the fear that seemed to have been reflected in her bones.The "Yu Lian" on the opposite side just showed his morning-colored light spear and made a gesture of preparing to charge, and made himself take several steps back uncontrollably.

"Look at you now, how easy it is to regard a human being as a natural enemy so easily. Are you ashamed to lead the evolution of the group? Xiaoer Shalamir, what gave you such an illusion?"

The city hall behind her creaked and creaked, which was a sign that the bell tower was overwhelmed.At this time, not only the valley and the exquisite elegant houses on the foothills on both sides, but also the city hall behind him, which represented his spiritual barrier, also fell into a state of collapse.The artillery fire protruding from the pavilions and pavilions of the city hall was completely disintegrated in the dense fog.

Before she knew it, raindrops exuding an ominous aura had already fallen from behind the thick fog, and landed on her body sparsely.Her mighty and ferocious body was quickly covered by the rain curtain behind the boiling mist, and neither her expression nor her gaze could be seen clearly.

But in fact, this is a world where spirit and consciousness converge and merge.All weather changes, in the final analysis, are actually changes in emotion and will.

The person who dominated the incarnation closed his eyes, and his face seemed to be feeling all this now.

"I see, what a deep fear I feel. Why is this? You obviously want to take revenge on the Supreme of the Galactic Empire, but why are you so afraid of a young psyker? Why? Open Your soul, Miss Chalamel, enter deep meditation. Let me see why. Only in this way, we will not repeat the same mistake. Tell me, what did he do?"

The master can see the product that Xia Li fears the most from the superficial consciousness, but he can't see the source of the fear for the time being.This point really made him feel curious.

However, Xia Li on the opposite side took another step back, almost completely submerging herself in the dense fog, leaving only a vague shadow.As a result, those tentacles and insect limbs with teeth and claws looked even more sinister.However, in Juggernaut's view, it was more like a grasshopper hiding itself in the grass.

"You know, it's useless. Our fusion is irreversible. Sooner or later your deep thinking will be shared with me. My deep knowledge will belong to you sooner or later. Come on, Shalamir, Don't be afraid. I want to see you more rebellious before, I want to see you fighting spirit more. I want to see you resist your nightmare, we unite, the whole universe will be The paradise where we multiply! We, the lords of the swarm..."

"Don't come here!" Xia Li roared from behind the shadow.Rather than saying it was a domineering roar, it was better to say it was a kind of hysteria after extreme fear.

Juggernaut was very helpless for a moment, and wanted to shake his head vigorously.This is actually a very human reaction.In fact, in the process of interacting with the civilization of this generation, and even in the process of merging with Xia Li, the so-called "humanization" has gradually become the most natural reaction for him.And He, in fact, does not reject this.

"What a shame, and what a fool." He sighed, as if he was really in grief and regret.

However, at this moment, he suddenly realized that the other party was not looking at him, but behind him.In the psychedelic fog of the collapsing valley, it seems that there is a real monster hidden.

What Juggernaut then felt was that a fiery energy light blade penetrated his body.He felt this violent fiery energy burning through his body and igniting his life.That indescribable force seemed to be disintegrating his cell level from the atomic level.

There are intruders!He's attacking me with an atomic lance!

The master just had such thoughts, and then realized that this should not be correct.

...No, it really shouldn't be like this.This is the conscious world where spirits meet.All senses come from the fusion of spirit, will, knowledge and imagination.All the changes here come from the thoughts of the rulers.How can a mere intruder affect this world, why can he show his weapon here.

No, there shouldn't be an intruder here.Any intrusion of external will can't be hidden from the real director of this field, even those psykers who have reached the realm of demigods.Back then, he had already proved this when he made a deal with Earl Salvin.

Unless, there is someone else in the soul that represents the will of the swarm ruler?
No, this is not possible.This should be impossible.No matter how you think about it, it should be unscientific!
So, the intruder is likely to be a Nine Rings?Is it a real god?

Yes, compared to the former, which is completely lacking in science, although the latter sounds scary, it is actually more likely.

Then, who is the true God of the Nine Rings...

Just now such a thought flashed through the ruler's mind, but in the blink of an eye, he suddenly heard a voice.

"I'm so annoyed that someone uses my appearance to play tricks!"

Immediately afterwards, a golden halo bloomed in an instant, as if turning into a real scorching sun.The thick gray fog began to disintegrate as the strong light tore through it.

Xia Li, who had fully entered the fighting mode, witnessed the "new Yu Lian" wielding a light spear, cutting the "Yu Lian" who was the avatar of the ruler into two ends.

The opponent's actions were really ruthless and decisive.Obviously the enemy has his own face, but he can't see the slightest hesitation...or even more ferocious than usual.

Yes!So now this is real!The sense of crisis I felt at the beginning was actually him!The mysterious man who created the biggest nightmare for himself, the most mysterious snake head, the future leader of the world-circling snake.

...The latter two items are of course just Xia Li's guess, but she has always been very confident in her guess.

She doesn't know what expression to make now.

The good news is that the crisis from the Overmind seems to have lifted.The bad news is that a more ruthless one came.

So, sure enough, all of this is the conspiracy of the snake around the world, that is, the plan of the mysterious "Future Duke"?Yes, considering that the Snake Lair was besieged by the coalition forces, it should have fallen by now, and the eredar elf who is the "prince of the past" should have been sacrificed. Isn't this the prerequisite for the return of the "future"?
Xia Li felt that all her guesses in the past were right, she was frightened out of her wits, and wanted to turn around and run away.However, she always felt that this might only lead to a worse death.What's more, this place is only the spiritual world in the final analysis, whether it is close or far away, it's just a thought.

If you want to escape, where can you escape?

She almost gritted her silver teeth, forced herself to hold back a little bit of strength, and made an impeccable defensive move on the spot.The more than ten insect limbs covered with inverted blades and carapaces are waving their teeth and claws behind him, and their tips have even stored various attributes of attack energy.

However, Yu Lian ignored Xia Li, who regarded him as a natural enemy. He just kept waving the atomic light spear, and took the trouble to cut the monster disguised as his appearance into two ends, and then finely sliced ​​into dozens of pieces. piece.

He didn't seem to be at ease, waved the bloody wreckage together with his thoughts, raised his left hand to reveal the gleaming glove, and blasted them into unrecognizable dust with a bang.

Only then did he slowly put away the weapon in his hand.He shook his wrist, and then his eyes drifted to Xia Li over there. There seemed to be a trace of confusion in his eyes, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

"So, what exactly did I chop up just now? No sense of accomplishment at all? Oh hehehehe, so that's it, this guy is illusory, and the world I live in is also illusory?" He muttered to himself, and then issued He let out a heartless laugh: "Ahahahaha, interesting! The feeling now is obviously unreal, but it is more real than that time! Ahahaha, as long as you believe, you will be invincible!"

Xia Li swallowed subconsciously. Although she no longer had the inefficient digestive function of saliva at this time, her throat and neck still wriggled uncontrollably.

Her whole body is like a wild animal that has encountered a natural enemy, and the worm limbs standing upside down on the back have completely dissipated all the energy beams that are ready to go, and they all stand upright, as if they are counting. It's like a French military salute.

Of course, considering her wild nature, or more like a red panda in danger?

It is completely understandable for her to react like this, because at this time, Yu Lian on the opposite side has already pointed at her nose and let out a crazy and ferocious laugh: "Ahahaha, there is also a surprise? My Enemy! Charlie, you took everything from me! Now, it's time for you to pay back!"

So, I don't know you at all!Even if everything was the conspiracy of the World-Round Snake, Xia Li was so frightened that she retreated and rolled over again, tremblingly saying: "No, it's not me..."

What surprised her was that the other party didn't attack without saying a word like last time, but stood in place, and a suspicious look flashed in his eyes again.

"So, can anyone tell me what the hell is this place? I obviously caught up in my room. I was in a dream, eating hot pot and singing songs with everyone, and I was confused. Come in here?"

Xia Li didn't know if the other party was really stupid or was playing some unknown conspiracy again, but she still staggered back a few steps, thinking that it would be great if she could be ignored like this.However, she just walked a few steps away when she suddenly felt a huge killing intent, which did not come from herself, but the will of the other half.

That thing really didn't die...but that's not surprising.After all, it is the true master consciousness, so why is it so easy to annihilate?

Immediately afterwards, giant spores swelled out one after another like a forest after the rain on the creepy blanket covered with the conscious world.Immediately afterwards, a mountain-like monster in heavy armor and sharp fangs emerged from the burst mycelium, roaring and charged towards Yu Lian.

Xia Li knew that that thing was called Thunder Beast, and it was an elite individual among the swarms that was used to attack land and fortresses. Even if it hadn't improved its basics, it still had the ability to destroy an armored regiment.

However, facing the attack of these majestic giant beasts, that person showed a satisfied smile, and jumped into the air: "It's a pity. Why are you not strict? Why are you strict? Why are you strict?"

Like a cannonball that fell from the sky, he smashed towards a certain direction of the creeper, smashing a ten-meter-high Ultralisk through on the spot, and pulled out a bloody beast from the disintegrated corpse. Gooey shadows.

"Let's collapse!" Yu Lian took the bloody thing to the sky, and then smashed it to the ground.

He turned his head, looked at Xia Li who was flapping her wings and fled until there was only a small black spot in the sky, and laughed loudly: "Run! Run as hard as you can! You're going to die anyway! Just struggle as hard as you can!"

In an instant, Xia Li was dragged back backwards, and the distance of thousands of meters seemed to be erased directly.Her face seemed to meet Yu Lian's fist directly, and half of her head was instantly smashed into powder.

"So, just hit her! What's none of my business?" Xia Li almost cried out from her still consciousness.

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