Him and their stars

Chapter 1253 This guy is completely crazy

Half of Xia Li's head was immediately disintegrated by Yu Lian's punches into pulverized particles that were completely invisible to the naked eye.Half of the body was also blasted into wreckage by the aftermath of the impact.

The rest of her body rolled upside down into the smoke and dust like a rag doll that was constantly being run over by a dump truck.By the time one end was stuck on the creep, there were no more than one-third of all limbs left.But even after paying such a heavy price, it still cannot dissipate all the kinetic energy.

The broken body continued to rub against the creep, pulling out a 30-meter-long brake mark with a width and depth of more than two meters.Those gray hyphae were affected by the violent friction, and even a wisp of sparks hung out.

At this time, Xia Li twitched twice like a salted fish being pulled ashore, and then completely stopped moving.

It wasn't that she was actually beaten to death.

If it were changed to the real world outside, this level of damage might not be fatal to the swarm master, but it should be enough to put it in a dormant state.However, this is originally a dream world composed of spirit and will, and it is not so easy to lose consciousness again.

In other words, in the real world, as the master of the swarm (one of the candidates), there are countless ways to shield oneself from pain. It is in this space of consciousness that Xia Li can more clearly experience the intense pain intuitively.

She even felt that the moment her head was disassembled, the brains were boiled and splashed into her mouth... Well, the taste was even very salty.

Of course, she no longer has a brain in theory, and the above feelings are naturally produced subconsciously.

So, am I really still a human now?I continue to insist, is it really meaningful?
The thought just crossed her mind.The creeps rushed over as if they had life, buried her body under the gray fungus colony, and began to repair those shocking fatal injuries.

"Don't be stupid, you guys are just imagining it, why are you so dedicated?" Xia Li couldn't laugh or cry for a while, but a warm current flashed in her heart.

She suddenly realized that it wasn't that the imaginary creeps in the conscious space were really so dedicated, but that she had a deep-rooted belief that the swarm would not betray her.Whether it is the starship worms in the orbit of the universe, or these most inconspicuous fungi, they can always rely on their backs.

In fact, I already knew it.I have nothing left, but I have you all the time!

"So, no one should try to take you away! Whether it is the snake around the world, or the original will to dominate! I am the real queen of the swarm!"

"Now I have nothing to be afraid of!"

She had just made this realization, and the missing half of her head suddenly swelled up like an inflated ball, and then abruptly returned to its original shape.Those limbs that had been shattered and severed also began to reorganize at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And at the same moment, a hundred meters away from Xia Li, a humanoid alien species covered in a scarlet insect carapace, with a body over one foot, and dozens of insect limbs spread out from its back, had already crawled out of the creeper. come out.

It was very much like another self, except that the face completely lacked the outline and facial features of a human girl, only six pairs of crimson compound eyes, and a large row of twitching and trembling mouthparts.

She seems to have human limbs, but still retains more insect features.

Charlie suddenly realized that that should be the battle form of the master.You know, the body carrying that will should actually be a huge insect monster, just like the brains of the entire group, bloated but clumsy, although it looks like a mountain full of magic, but itself is There is no combat capability.

So, is this the so-called evolution and integration she is seeking?Hahahaha, it is clearly imitating my appearance.

Did he think he could fight like a psyker after simulating my appearance?
Charlie wanted to laugh a little.She was obviously numb from the pain, but she still wanted to laugh very much.

But at this moment, Yu Lian, who was still hanging in the sky, let out a cheerful laugh again, like a pike that got into a school of sardines and started to have fun.

"There's really another one! Hahahaha, if there's anything in this world that makes you happier than beating your enemies, it's beating twice as many enemies!"

He stood in the air, raising the spear in his hand above his head.But the spiritual light began to condense little by little, and soon formed a beam of burning light, as if it were fragments of the sun.

The master who turned into a humanoid alien opened his mouthparts and let out a roar.That roar should be a high frequency that human ears can't catch at all, but it forms an airflow that continuously spreads around.Beside her, more swarms of war behemoths got out of the creep, and raised their ferocious horns towards the bright sun fragments.

Xia Li knew that it was the so-called "Fort Bug", which, like the Thunder Beast, was listed as the largest and most powerful ground warfare weapon of the bug swarm.If the latter is an MT that charges into battle, the former is output.

Their tails either have sharp horns or deep muzzles.The former can condense beams, or eject plasma cannonballs into orbit.Inside those huge worm bodies is a small energy furnace that runs all the time.

Whether it is used as ground air defense or surface firepower projection, it is competent enough.

It's just that, like the Thunder Beast, this kind of bug needs too many biological resources, and needs more other Zerg units to serve as assistants. It's not something that Xia Li, who is currently hiding in XZ, can accumulate.

Fortunately, now in the space of consciousness, everyone can naturally let their imaginations fly a little bit and be a little bit more self-conscious.

In an instant, countless beams of light were pointed at the gray sky, as if a large-scale and well-defended ground air defense position was ready for combat.

It's just that those artillery fires are not dealing with space battleships stationed in low-Earth orbit, but just a person suspended in the air.

The master roared in a silent growl: "Die! Die! Be wiped out, you horrible demon! Why do I say such things?"

Xia Li also inevitably had similar grievances in her heart and slowly thought: "Die! Die! Human stuff... Uh, wait? Why did I say that?"

She patted her forehead hard, wanting to cry for a moment.

Yes, things have developed to the present, I am more and more like her, and she is more and more like me.

At this time, the air defense positions formed by the Fort Worms also began to fire.For a moment, it seemed as if countless blazing lightsabers tore through the haze, bringing the dark space into a gorgeous but fanatical world.

"Wrong." Xia Li shook her head in her heart.

She had just flashed this thought, and she could clearly see that the humanoid mutant who dominated the avatar in the distance also shook his head quite humanely: "Yes, it's wrong."

Why the hell are you trying to learn from me.Xia Li suddenly felt tired, but she also knew that the fusion of the dominant will had already begun.To some extent, the consciousness of oneself and the other party are already common.

She doesn't want to merge with you!However, as long as this field of consciousness continues to exist, this process is irreversible.

At this time, although the artillery fire was fierce, it seemed to be submerged in an invisible vortex when it was less than ten meters away from that person, and it disappeared completely in an instant.

As a result, Yu Lian's figure was still standing high in the sky, unscathed, like a god.

The master's consciousness sighed quite humanely: "I'm still used to thinking of myself as a brain, not a soldier. I still don't know how to adapt to the new life mode."

She seemed to be talking to herself, but the words had reached Charlie in due course.

"Soldier, I can't. Integration, you can't. Miss Chalamir, don't you understand? Only when we fuse together can we be a complete master. A newer and more powerful master. One can be like the most powerful Fighting like psykers, but can also unify the masters of all the swarm units like controlling siblings! Only in this way can we take revenge and kill our world in this universe. Only then can we... expel this powerful invader !"

Xia Li sneered, and continued to lie on the creeper to fill the salted fish.Now she doesn't even know how the other party came in, so how can she talk about expulsion?

"This is the world constructed by the will of the master. I am the growing consciousness of the swarm, and you are the carrier of the marrow of the hive. We are all young organisms that completely dominate the consciousness. No matter who the divine person is, this spiritual realm , should be at our disposal."

Ah ha ha ha ha, you finally admitted it.Now you dare not say "substitute"?
"Us? Domination? Haha, so, who is in charge?"

"It's all the same. Miss Chalamel, it's all the same."

However, at this time, it seems a little too late to have this kind of awareness.

Then, there was only a wild laughter that suddenly exploded, which directly interrupted the spiritual communication between the two.The man who looked like a god still stood in the sky like a god, facing the countless artillery fires that hit him.His voice was still sonorous and powerful, and even overwhelmed the sound of all the energy beams tearing through the space: "Dreams should be like this. If you can't do your own thing here, how can you have it in the real world?" The Heart of the Brave that you read online?"

Standing in the sky, he still had endless firepower directed at him, but it completely dissipated before hitting him, and then he stretched out his hand, letting the sun fragments in his hand that had swelled to the extreme fall to the ground.

"Yujian is coming by the wind, see you in the world of exorcising demons! Wahahaha! The sword is coming!"

Demon you big head ah!In this scene, you are obviously more like a demon king, right?

Xia Li snorted, and then moved her body, trying her best to sink continuously into the depths of the creep blanket, like a marmot digging hard to escape.

She had just hidden all of her body in a place tens of meters deep in the creep blanket. The strong light fell directly on the ground accompanied by a thunderous howling sound, and immediately turned into a rumbling earthquake.She felt that her whole skeleton and even every cell of her body were under the full impact, and she was feedbacking the overwhelmed wailing to herself.

But even so, Xia Li wanted to laugh on the whole.After all, she and "that master" have almost shared the vision and senses now.So, I also saw with my own eyes that the moment the radiance fell to the ground, the latter's body was completely included in it, and immediately began to fall apart.

"Yes, that's how it feels! You should try it too!" Xia Li almost applauded.

Of course, at the moment when the glorious sun fragments fell to the ground, the chains of strong light continuously spread from the center of the beam of light to the surroundings.Those fortress worms with their teeth and claws were naturally involved, and once they came into contact with the light chain, they would directly form a light explosion.These behemoths of war, which were able to strut under the bombardment of steel bullets, were engulfed by strong light, and immediately fell apart in an instant as if the energy torrent from the main cannon of a battleship was concentrated.

This magnificent scene is not at all like the supernatural powers of a psyker, but more like an all-round bombardment launched by a space battleship outside the orbit.

At this time, Xia Li also felt a severe burning pain, so she still climbed a few steps deeper into the creep.At this time, the voice of the other half also sounded in her ears:

"I can be sure that this intruder is most likely a psychic with nine rings. In the world of mysticism, he is already called a god. If not, it should be impossible for him to invade our will."

Xia Li felt that the other party really thought too much.If this big devil called Yu Lian is really the Nine Rings, why hide his head and show his tail as a small general in the army of the earth people?Shouldn't he return to the snake around the world long ago, take over the authority of "Future Lord", and turn the universe upside down?
However, this young and mysterious snake head did have a way to intrude into the spiritual network belonging to the species. Last time, he even touched it directly in front of him, killing himself by surprise.

However, it is one thing to enter the essence network of the swarm, but it is another thing to enter the domain of the dominant will at the core of the swarm.Of course, Xia Li was also puzzled by this point.

"However, this is a domain formed by our will after all, and it is still a world structured by our world. As long as we let go of the connection and join hands, we can still fight against him. At least, we must have a way to expel him go out."

Her tone was still as calm as a barbeque, without any elements of panic or pleading, but there was still a hint of haste.

But at this time, the arrogant and unruly voice sounded again, the volume swelled like thunder: "Three thousand guests are full of flowers and drunk, one sword is frosty and cold fourteen states! Wahahahaha! The sword is coming!"

So where is the sword?

Accompanied by this utterly irrational voice, the owner of that voice fell from the sky, punching the layers of thick creep on the ground.Immediately afterwards, there was a roar like thunder, and a trap was directly raised on the ground.In the center of the pit, mycelium wrapped a newly formed humanoid alien, but it was the body of a new master.

With a crazy and broken smile, Yu Lian reached out and grabbed the alien that was nearly twice as tall as him, and pulled it up directly, just like pulling another thin scarecrow.

The Juggernaut opened his mouth again, and the sharp insect limbs on his back turned upside down, twisting and biting, like a group of dying snakes.However, before his attack broke out, the latter smashed the row of ferocious worm-like mouthparts with one punch.As for those twisted insect limbs, even before they touched Yu Lian's limbs, they hit the invisible body protection force field and were completely shattered.

Yu Lian lifted Juggernaut's body upside down like this, and kept waving it to the ground, like waving another rag bag.

"That's right! That's what I want!" Xia Li, who was hiding in the creep, almost clapped her hands.

However, before she could dive a little deeper into the ground, Yu Lian had already thrown aside the half-drawn body that was dying in his hand, and rushed towards the former.

While rushing, he was still using an unremarkable plosive sound, shouting loudly: "Meteor white feather is inserted in the waist, and the sword flower and autumn lotus light come out of the box!"

This guy has gone completely crazy!Charlie thought.

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