Him and their stars

Chapter 1254 All I Know

Chapter 1254 All I Know

Yamita Senge Berenkast stood by the edge of the swamp as vast as the ocean, put her hands on her browbones, and looked into the distance.

A few minutes later, she withdrew her gaze and said to the "Ms. Now" beside her: "The harmful components in the atmosphere even exceed those of specialized chemical factories, but the oxygen content is extremely high. Hahahaha, I really feel sorry for you, We still found such a planet. But, is this planet really born like this?"

Now the lady shrugged her shoulders: "I don't know that. However, Yani, you should know about the Serpent Around the World. We have black technology and masters in mysticism, but we don't have the ability to do such a big project as planetary transformation. "

To put it bluntly, a truly large-scale project requires the concerted efforts of dozens or even hundreds of design and planning units, as well as an executive department that can integrate a large-scale army-like working doll.What this requires is a big government or a super giant company with a lot of resources and executive power, not one or two mysterious associations with black technology hidden.

"Besides, can the planetary transformation technology we currently possess achieve such an effect?" she asked again.

Of course it cannot be achieved.Yani thought.She has just calculated that the atmosphere of this planet contains a large amount of nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide, and there is even a considerable amount of methane.But even so, the oxygen content in the atmosphere remains above 20.00%.In addition, its average density is more than 5 times that of a naturally habitable planet like Nefe, Tirero, or Earth.

Theoretically, such a peculiar atmospheric environment should not naturally produce organisms.Of course, it may also be because the atmospheric environment is too colorful, and it always brings a sense of design that cannot be ignored.

Qingqiu has already proved in extraterrestrial orbit that this planet actually contains a lot of water.Most of them are distributed on the surface of the planet in the form of swamps, forming a swamp ocean that occupies more than [-]% of its surface.

In addition, a substance very close to a fungus stretched out like a carpet from the depths of the swampy ocean, covering most of the surface bit by bit.Seen from space, they may be obscured by the overly dense atmosphere, presenting a nearly dead dark brown effect, but once they enter the atmosphere, they appear still surging gray.

The composition of this fungus is even more complex than those swamps.Even with Qingqiu's current technical strength, it will take some time to fully understand it.

However, Yani knows that if this planet is to be transformed into a planet where carbon-based mammals can live, even with the national power of the alliance, it is necessary to formulate a century-long transformation plan.

She smiled and said, "You're right, Lily. For this kind of worm-like creature, maybe this natural environment is the most suitable for them to thrive?"

so rude.Now the lady glared at Princess Hong Qiangwei viciously, but she still had self-knowledge after all, she really couldn't pretend to be a mother.

The current Princess Hongqiangwei is only wearing a very light anti-g power suit, standing on the ground of the planet.She didn't wear a helmet, allowing her head and face to be exposed to an atmospheric environment that would be fatal to ordinary people.

She is still only a psychic with four rings, but when the superhuman really grows to this level, she no longer looks like a human being in all aspects.

It's just that, even for a fourth-ring psyker, if he put on such a flawed appearance in front of the majestic "Ms. Now", the intention of fishing is too obvious.

"Ms. Now" knew that with her own abilities, she didn't even need a second round to take down an undefended psyker who was only two or three meters away from her.However, she couldn't ignore the few psykers wearing heraldry machines hiding in the mist standing ten meters away, nor could she ignore the thousands of drones of various types around her, let alone the ship that lay nearby. The "scientific research ship" in Earth orbit.

It was even said that once he was in trouble, a beam of light would fall from the sky in an instant and bring Princess Hong Qiangwei back to the boat.Just the same way she just came here.

At that time, what I will face is an all-round destructive blow.She didn't think that Princess Hong Qiangwei would show her any respect just because she was a biological mother.

"So, Lily, you want to say that this planet was actually transformed by enlightened people, and it is specially used as a petri dish for those worm species, is that true?"

"I never said that, everything is just 'future public' speculation."

"So, what is the 'Future Lord''s guess about these alien species? New creatures bred by nature, or biological weapons made by enlightened people?" Yani asked with great interest.

"He never gave any instructions on the existence and significance of the swarm, but just let Earl Salvin and us do as we please."

"...Hehe, I knew that Future Lord is a mystic, but I never thought that He would be so mysterious. But, Lily, mysticism has really developed to this level. You can really be sure that He is real. Is it?"

Now the lady shrugged and didn't answer.She couldn't answer either.

"It seems that the competition to determine the subject of the will in the future is still very fierce."

"It's better to be more intense. Only when it is intense can a more efficient fusion be formed. This is also the intention of the previous public and the organization." Now the lady paused: "By the way, where did we come from? "

"...Speaking of the modification strategy for this planet?" Now the lady blinked her eyes.

"Ms. Lily, you didn't accompany me growing up. You may not know that your biological daughter has never been a very patient type."

It would be fine for Yani to call her "Lily" directly, but adding "Ms" should be very serious, second only to calling her mother directly.You know, after she called her mother just now, she just dropped hundreds of missiles.

"Ms. Now" felt very sad, helpless, and pitiful when she thought of this, so she could only helplessly raise her hands and said, "Well, speaking of Earl Salvin's adventures in the Helix Nebula, he happened to find this planet..."

"Oh, did you find it by chance?" Princess Hong Qiangwei smiled.

"Yani, you also know about psykers. The relics left by the enlightened ones, or other things left by the previous civilization generation, can be said to be found by chance, or they can be said to have been obtained from the dark. But at least it is certain that it was Earl Salvin himself who discovered the relic. In terms of time, it was the time when he finished his environmental management work with the Alliance and was preparing to return home."

Earl Salwen has always been staffed by environmental and climate experts, biologists, and masters of garden city design.This character setting has even been preserved until now, which is also an important reason why he remains in the orthodox history books.

Princess Hong Qiangwei smiled and said, "I heard that at the time of cooperation, he also collected a lot of star maps and information on human security in the alliance, and his efficiency was simply higher than that of the imperial embassy."

Now the lady said: "You should know the snake around the world. We snakeheads certainly have the identity of a secret association, but if the actions of the organization do not conflict with our identities on the surface, everyone is very happy to be a law-abiding The galactic citizens are dutiful."

Yani smiled and said, "I admit it. If you didn't engage in terrorist activities in Tianyu when the Empire held the God of War Festival, many of your peripheral departments would still be legal enterprises and charitable organizations."

"...This is what we can't understand now. I, or the past prince who has fallen, have never given an order to riot in Tianyu."

"Then it's possible that some members of the Thirteen Faces acted on their own. Anyway, the organizational structure of your World-Rounding Snake has always been loose, and it is impossible for an association that engages in a mysterious association to be organized."

Princess Hong Qiangwei spread her hands, with no trace of guilt visible on her face, she said confidently, "In fact, this has already happened. What's the point of arguing now?"

Now the lady sighed.yes!Because after a series of accidents caused by these shattering incidents, the tentacles of the snake around the world that had been in business for hundreds of years were swept away, the core members suffered heavy casualties, and even the snake's lair disappeared. What's the point of saying this?

At this time, Yani asked again: "So, Earl Salvin at that time, that is, the past Duke of the previous generation, was still planning to be a loyal minister and good minister of an empire. Is this the meaning?"

"That, is the previous generation's past..."

"Hehehe, the eredar elf named Thorild has fallen. I know your snake around the world. It's not so much a snake as it is a gecko. A new tail has grown out a long time ago. ?”

Now the lady said that she has no way to refute, but she has long been used to this embarrassment, so she said: "He does claim to be a loyal minister of the empire, but he is not a servant of the Dawn royal family. He believes that the Galactic Empire and us Generations of civilizations, if they want to move forward, they first need to knock down the Void Crown worn on the head of the Dawn Dragon King."

This was a bit beyond Yani's expectation.

"I just heard that he and Emperor Eliser had disagreements in political views. Therefore, 200 years ago, he supported the succession of the contemporary Bedor King, so he did not allow a new dynasty. Only in the center of the empire did there The reason why Earl Irwin cut down the feudal domain after he became extinct."

I couldn't help raising my eyebrows, a little wanting to laugh.Even if it was her, it was really hard to imagine that a Tiriello nobleman would rebel against the Chenxi royal family.You know, the Dragon King family had already worn the Void Crown in the era of Tirero's home planet. For more than 3000 years, they have already become the symbol of the Galactic Empire and the Tirero people.

What's more, today, more than 3000 years later, the dragon kings of the Dawn royal family still have not fallen.Among the huge number of royal family members, there are greedy, cruel, and cowardly, but all those who wear the crown of God must be political leaders far above the horizontal line.

Almost all Tirilo people, and even those alien races who have obtained the "identity" of the empire, firmly believe that the sages of the past generations will definitely lead the Galactic Empire to rule the entire universe, and one day they can even ascend to another dimension.

Of course, there have been civil wars in the history of the Galactic Empire, but they have always been bitten by the dragon kings themselves.The great princes other than the royal family can only choose one of them to stand on the street, but they have never heard of any great noble who dares to form his own faction.Not even the "Fu Bao Zhen Ming Son", who was a prime minister and a grand teacher.

The members of the Chenxi royal family can't be "Xiandi", but there are many ruthless people who dare to behead your dog's head in the court.

Earl Salvin was a celebrity in his own time, and he could be considered a figure in the central political arena of the imperial capital, but most of this came from his own abilities.His family has never been a particularly powerful imperial prince.Such a person would actually be the No. [-] traitor in the history of the Galactic Empire.

However, Yani couldn't laugh anymore.She suddenly discovered that all the current chaos was related to the cloudy grievances and grievances between Emperor Elisel and Earl Salvin in that era.

"Earl Salvin believes that the development of our civilization has been stagnant for a long time. All progress is due to the legacy of our ancestors. This is by no means a normal evolution of civilization."

"This sounds familiar. If that guy was born 200 years earlier, he would definitely become a confidant with Earl Salvin." Yani smiled, and then said seriously: "But, what does this have to do with the swarm What about the relationship? Didn’t he think that these insect swarms are needed to deal with the dragon king wearing the crown of the void?”

The lady was silent for several minutes now, then nodded emphatically.

"He said that psykers cannot knock down the crown of the void."

Yani finally took her eyes back from the swamp in the deep sea, and stopped on the face of the present lady: "Is this the personal judgment of Earl Salvin, or the future Duke's judgment?"

"At least Mr. Future has no objection," Ms. Now said.

Yani said "hehe" indifferently, and turned her gaze to the depths of the swamp over there: "Well, no matter whether these swarms are natural species that have never been seen before, or biological weapons, they are indeed A refreshing creature. The judgment of the snake around the world is at least not aimless. However, just because they are unprecedented existences, it is really impossible to say whether they will threaten the empire and the emperor, or our entire human civilization. I understand. That's why Earl Salvin's follow-up plan is there, right? He wants his daughter to master this race that seems to exist only for war, and become a popular ant queen?"

"Sounds whimsical, right? I also think it sounds like a nonsense plan. However, Earl Salvin did have the support of the future Duke. Therefore, the Leviathan's lair obtained from this planet... Uh, you can understand it as the terminals and databases that control the swarms, which are placed in treasure spots all over the universe by Earl Salvin."

"He's actually a treasure hunt fan," Yani said.

"He is this kind of person. And, Yani, treasure hunting can make people grow. Earl Salvin is a lover, and so are we psykers."

"What a hopeless group! We psykers..." Princess Hongqiangwei sneered mockingly.

Now the lady showed the same sneer.At this time, the two really look like mother and daughter.

"Then, there is the marrow of the worm's nest. This thing can be understood as the egg of the lord of the swarm. It can attach to any organism until it becomes the carrier of the new lord of the swarm. Earl Implanted it into her daughter. And converted the souls of both..."

"A magical method. I've never heard of such a method." Yani looked at the present lady meaningfully.

The latter said in a self-defeating tone: "I have never heard of it, but, as you said, this fact has already happened. Who can explain clearly what happened in Dangchu? Yani, this That's all I know."

(End of this chapter)

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