Chapter 1255 It's All the Same
Yani seemed to believe the other party's words, she didn't ask any more questions, but sat down on the floor, and took out a bag of spicy potato chips from the interspatial bag: "Do you want some?"

Now the lady pursed her lips: "I only eat potato chips from Zidi Farm. The happy event is just made on a large scale, but the taste is not good at all."

"One of the major shareholders of Xi'an is Zi Xinhui."

"So?" Now the lady blinked.

Yani glanced at the other party meaningfully, and then took out a bag of potato chips from Zidi Farm and a piece of melon sprinkled with honey: "It seems that the competition for dominance will take some time to decide. We You can continue to wait."

Now the lady took the potato chips, tore them apart and ate a handful, and then said again: "Speaking of which, wait until the real master is successfully contested. What are you going to do?"

"Hehehe, of course it depends on her attitude and my own mood." Princess Hongqiangwei said in a natural tone.

Now the lady rolled her eyes and couldn't help but look at the sky.Her eyesight surpassed that of normal people, even comparable to that of advanced radar, once again passed through the thick atmosphere, and then she managed to see such an astonishing scene.

In the low-earth orbit, the four Leviathan mother starships that lost their command have been completely reduced to a large number of broken biological remains that are burning.

The Qingqiu, known as the most luxurious cruise ship and scientific research ship in the universe, has just finished its intensive shelling.She straddles the space orbit, like a predator that has just finished killing, swaggeringly licking her bloody minions.

At this time, even a bad woman like Ms. who has no blood or tears will inevitably feel a little bit sad, so she said in a calm and unusual tone, as if discussing life and death: "Then, what are you going to do with me?" ?”

Yani took a bite of melon and glanced at her biological mother: "Look at what you said, I'm not a devil after all, I think I'm still a very filial daughter. For the face of your father, just to keep yourself from getting upset, and not to do anything to you."

"This is really a dignified and decent girl!" Now the lady let out a sigh full of emotion, and even touched the tears that didn't exist in the corner of her eyes: "But, you forgot Is it? Yani, you are the special inspector of the Alliance Extraordinary Administration, and you are also the commander of this special military activity? Is it really okay to just let go of a real snake head like this?"

"When the Snake Lair became our spoils of war, my appointment as a commander has ended. The Qingqiu in the sky is my private ship, and all the crew members are my employees, and those behind are also St. Corey I signed a ten-year security contract with them as a senior operator of a security company. Now, it’s just my personal scientific research.” Yani smiled slightly, looking at her biological mother: “Yes Then a friend who can be regarded as a personal relationship told me that the snake around the world should be suppressed at any time, and it cannot be suppressed. I agree with her point of view, especially during the 'task time'."

Now it only took the lady half a second to understand what the other person meant, she showed a look of amazement for a while, shook her head and said, "Yani, I often feel that I don't fit in with you because I'm not shameless enough. But, I just want you to know , the reason why I had a past with your father back then was because he was not at all like someone from the Hong Qiangwei family."

"My unscrupulous foolish father is indeed a casual person, sorry to cause you trouble."

"It's not troublesome. After all, I dumped him, and he cried very sadly." Now the lady shrugged: "No way, I am also a casual person. When your father's charm is exhausted, , and my patience ran out."

"I think you are saying that my father is a superficial person, but there is no way, he is indeed this type. He is very attractive to young ladies and witches who have bad views, but after all, he has no background in long-term relationships, so Lack of the ability to make him go back. In the final analysis, probably only a good wife and mother who is as virtuous as the sea can tolerate such a guy." Yani shrugged and sighed.

Now the lady almost laughed out loud, but then realized that the other party seemed to be mocking her again casually, so the almost laughing turned into a cough.

She said: "Yani, the vitality of the World-Round Serpent is actually very strong."

"I know." Princess Hongqiangwei sighed and ate the last bite of melon.

"Some of our remaining companions are very pragmatic and know how to hide. Some are actually very narrow-minded. Some have a very clear purpose. I will soon be a member of the previous generation, and I can't order them."

"I guessed it. But it's all the same, Lily. It's all the same, Lily."

Princess Hongqiangwei threw the melon rind into the swamp.Before it touched the dark green unknown liquid, the skin of the melon began to emit ominous changes that were about to be corroded.

She looked at the marsh in the distance again, and her blue eyes wrapped in colorless mist seemed to have passed through the deep pool that exuded ominous poisonous gas.

Then, a trace of doubt finally flashed in her eyes, which was soon replaced by more lively interest.

At this moment, in the world constructed by the swarm's dominant consciousness and spiritual network, after reciting enough poems and chopping enough "worms", it seems that I am finally a little tired.

He sat on the back of a Ultralisk that was lying on the creeper and couldn't move.Putting away the morning-colored light spear and pressing it on the knee, the silver-gray Infinity Gauntlet has also lost its technological silver-gray metallic luster, revealing the original color of the hand.

Yu Lian snorted complacently, and looked at the two humanoid aliens kneeling beside him. To put it bluntly, they were the two swarm masters.They are both over ten feet tall, if not for the fact that they are sitting on the Thunder Beast's head, they would be taller when they are kneeling than when they are standing.

Their bodies are covered with hard biological armor like insect shells, sharp blades hang on every joint and complete armor, but they are as dim as if rusted.Dozens of steel-whip-like insect limbs on the back have been limply hanging on the ground, like a pile of dying eels waiting to be rouged.

Also drooping are their heads.They also have sharp and cold carapaces on their faces, and the tips of their hair are not so much thousands of black hairs, but rather a series of biological connective tissues.However, the facial features set off by these heterogeneous organizations can still recognize the outline of a human girl.

But if it wasn't Xia Li, who could it be?
It's just that these two are exactly the same in terms of appearance, body shape, demeanor and even breath, and it is completely impossible to tell which is real and which is fake.

Of course, Yu Lian didn't think there was anything worth caring about.

"Hahahahaha, you don't know how long I've been waiting for this day. I'm more complacent than kneeling down on one Charlie, but kneeling down on two Charlies." Yu Lian laughed loudly, and then casually With a wave, there was an extra bottle of high-quality Huoyan wine in his hand.

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, then looked thoughtfully at the spirits in his hand.With a flip of the palm, there was an extra box of his favorite old knives.

"Hehehe, that's how it is!" He said to himself.

At this time, Xia Li on the left finally raised her hand tremblingly, and said cautiously: "I still don't understand what enmity we have. The universe is so big, what can't we talk about properly?"

Yu Lian crossed his eyes, and once again put on a crazy and brutal grin on his face: "Now I'm the one asking!"

Behind him loomed the phantom of a silver dragon.The giant dragon opened its huge mouth, and a silent breath raged past.Then, that Xia Li's body swelled up like a balloon, and then exploded to pieces with a biu sound, falling into the creep, as if it constituted the nourishment for these gray slime molds.

The other Xia Li immediately lowered her head, not daring to take a breath.

But at the same time, a pupa-shaped protrusion grew on the creep, and after the mycelium spread out, a new Xia Li appeared.With a smiling face, she knelt down side by side with the former again with a low eyebrow.

Yu Lianton took a big sip of his wine and said with a sneer, "Are you guys going to hide now?"

"If I hide, I may be able to hold on for a few more rounds, but it's meaningless. In front of a true god with nine rings, struggling will only make me look less and less decent." Xia Li, who had just grown like a mushroom While wiping the mycelium on his body, he said cautiously.

Yu Lian couldn't help being amused: "Nine Rings? I don't even know I'm still a Nine Rings?"

"Is this a virtue called humility? It is also a virtue of human beings? I still need to learn more." The other Xia Li raised her head slightly, with a frightened and forced smile on her face, expressing her intentions vividly. fearful and harmless.

"However, it's not a solution to continue in such a stalemate." Xia Li, who had just grown up, said.

"That's the problem." Yu Lian downed all the wine in one gulp: "How many times did I kill you just now? Ten times, or twenty times? But, I know, this creep is endless, and your vitality is endless." .Need to use high temperature and neutron rays to carry out large-scale mass destruction. However, I can’t call out a warship capable of orbital bombing, which is a headache. Although I really don’t mind killing you dozens of times , but if the same fun is repeated too many times, I might get tired of it, right?"

He then withdrew his resentful gaze, shook his head and squeezed out a ferocious, even distorted smile, and every decree line that was squeezed out by muscle twitches was full of madness and anger : "No, this kind of pleasure will only make me feel double the pleasure. How could I feel tired?"

The two Xia Li showed panicked eyes at the same time.Until now, they still don't understand how they provoked this evil spirit.

"The great snake around the world is a cooperative relationship with us." Charlie A said.

"There's even an affiliation. The Future has awakened us." Xiali B said.

Yu Lian looked at Xia Li who was begging for mercy loudly, and felt a little dispirited for a while.

What's so fun about Xia Li, who has been softened?Only Xia Li, who resists fiercely but always resists being shot in the head, can meet all my beautiful needs.

He put away his ferocious smile, threw away the empty wine bottle, and took out a full bottle of vodka eau-de-vie, and said casually, "So, what does this have to do with me?"

The Charlies once again showed mournful and pleading eyes, and at the same time raised their hands above their heads.

"I understand, it's a kind of mysticism. But I've never had a grudge against you," Charlie A said.

"I get it, it's kind of inexplicable. But, I didn't even know you before," Charlie B said.

"Tsk, now I feel like I'm talking to two crappy repeating robots." Yu Lian spread his hands angrily.He took two mouthfuls of water of life, and said quietly: ""

"You are not human beings. No matter how much you pretend to be human, you still have no human heart. The swarm is a life type that is incompatible with social carbon-based mammals and cannot achieve symbiosis. In the process of your integrated ethnic group expansion and evolution In it, all organisms will only become your nourishment. Then, all planets will become what they are now."

He turned his head and looked at the gray fog around him, as well as the soft creep blanket, and frowned in disgust: "Bah, I actually think this environment is quite interesting. No, no, no, it must be my psychic power. The author has eaten too much fruit recently! Bah, bah, bah, how can a decent life survive in such an environment?"

Xia Li A said: "I like this environment very much, but I also think that the natural environment of human beings is also very beautiful. No, that's what I think!"

Xia Li B said: "The peaceful way of symbiosis must exist in some world."

But Yu Lian seemed to be unable to hear their voices at all, and said to himself: "For the swarm, ordinary people who have tried their best to escape the flames of war and struggle to find a life, they have finally found a unique The Taoyuan we are fighting for is just a prey we meet by chance? It is difficult to share the joys and sorrows of people, let alone between populations?"

His voice slowed down a bit, as if there was a touch of warmth and nostalgia, but soon, the murderous look was poured into his sight again: "If you wake up in another galaxy, there is still room for you to move around , maybe we can really find a paradise and develop a civilization that we cannot understand. A civilization that may coexist peacefully with us and complement us. However, this is the Milky Way, the fertile ground for social carbon-based mammals. This galaxy Not big enough to tolerate an unprecedented form of biology and civilization."

"When you wake up, you are destined to face only the encirclement of the armies of various countries. Then, you will scurry throughout the universe like locusts. Even if you are destined to perish in the end, you will only leave enough So much silence and crying. You have no hearts!"

"I have hearts!" Xia Li said loudly with the same voice full of emotion.

"Really?" Yu Lian raised his eyebrows, and grinned again, "I don't believe it!"

He dropped the wine bottle, stepped on the Ultralisk's head and stood up, one hand stretched across the light spear to reveal the dawn-colored energy blade, and the other hand covered it with a silver-gray glove.

Xia Li A raised her hands and cried loudly: "I don't know what happened to you. But this is the world of consciousness. With your wisdom and sharpness, can you really not feel our emotions?"

Yu Lian paused for a moment, and there was indeed a puzzled look on his face: "Yes. You are indeed... uh, different from the thing I imagined before. That thing is an efficient will to fight, just like It is a high-performance AI with too many mental templates, but you are like two scared birds."

Calling it a dumb bird is too much.Maybe it's better if you want to say it's a worm.The Charlies may have felt a little humiliated, and their smiles seemed a little forced.But at this time, apart from continuing to struggle to keep their smiles on, they really didn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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