Him and their stars

Chapter 1256 The Sky Is Burning

Chapter 1256 The Sky Is Burning

However, thankfully, they can still play a role in being small from the beginning to the end.No, after pondering for a few minutes, Yu Lian on the opposite side actually sat back on the Thunder Beast's head again, and then fell into a state of deep contemplation.

"So, is this a dream? Or a high-level illusion invasion?" He asked quietly.

Invasion?Who is hacking whom?The Charlies might be so slanderous, but they all just bowed their heads sympathetically.Charlie A even squeezed out a flattering smile again, and grinned: "We will always encounter similar problems."

"There is such a saying. People who say they are dreaming must not realize that they are dreaming, but psykers are different. Qualified psykers are different from psychic orangutans who abuse their power."

The two Xia Ligan quickly put on an appearance of listening attentively.Although the other party looked at them talking to themselves, it did not prevent them from being good students.

"A qualified psyker must learn to perceive dreams, understand dreams, and control dreams in order to complete the defense line of the soul domain. Only in this way can he show basic qualities when facing spiritual offense and defense. At that time, even the highest Even Ming’s illusion can’t do anything to you.”

Xia Li A was slightly taken aback, and also entered into a state of thinking: "This is a brand new theory."

After thinking for a while, Charlie B suddenly said, "I've never heard of this theory, but it makes a lot of sense!"

"Of course, this is the true inheritance of the master. I have only recently come into contact with a lot of theoretical knowledge of occultism, so I learned by analogy, and now I have the understanding!" Yu Lian laughed, showing a complacent expression full of a sense of accomplishment .

In short, Yu Lian now feels more and more that it is a very happy thing for Yehu Chan to have an organization, just like social horror has a like-minded friend.This is not only the satisfaction of emotional value, but also an ideal sense of security.

As the eighth son of the second-generation seven sons of the Spiritual Research Association, Yu Lian admired his master even more when he had the opportunity to study more esoteric theoretical works.

He firmly believed that Master, an old man, would not be able to enter the side of the Ninth Ring of Truth even in this life, and he would be a master of the generation who could shake the past and present in the field of mysticism.

Yang Mingzhao, whose dao name is "Ju Que", was able to develop the Lingyan Society to such a scale after most of the brothers and sisters in the bloody battle in the later generations of the previous timeline. It should be attributed to the heritage left to him by the patriarch.

...Uh, in the spiritual realm, maybe it's the elder uncle (mother) who has contributed more?
But that's not the point.The point is that Yu Lian's experience and skills in overcoming obstacles in his previous life, as well as his legendary experience and insights in this life, have all been confirmed by the theory of the Spiritual Research Association.

He felt that all the above knowledge and information should be integrated.He must be able to leave a unique practice system and offensive and defensive skills in the spiritual field to the "swordman" descendants of the Spiritual Research Association.

Well, I, Yu Lian, maybe I can also be called a master in mysticism.he thought so.

The two "Xiali" looked at each other's triumphant expressions, and could only laugh awkwardly.The real Xia Li felt that this should be the true meaning of the World-Round Serpent in the realm of spirit and soul.

You know, the offense and defense in the spiritual realm are really important to psykers.In a sense, it is also the most important field that divides extraordinary barbarians and masters.

However, they have never revealed anything to me, and they still claim to be a partner?These guys who are not human are really not human in terms of not being human!

...Although she is no longer a human being in the biological sense, Xia Li believes that after she has the sense of responsibility to be the master of the swarm, she still retains the loyalty, filial piety and righteousness of giving birth to children, which is enough to keep the snake around the world. moral superiority.

She didn't know what the master thought, anyway, she felt that the spirit of her human side could still be salvaged.

"Then, teacher, what should be the boundary between dreams and illusions? Or, what is the invasion of external evils, and what is natural generation?" Xia Li A raised her hand obediently.

Yu Lian showed a childish expression, and gently took out a small hammer with spikes from behind, and knocked DuangDuangDuang on the opponent's forehead three times, until the opponent's skull was shattered and brains rolled, and he was on the spot. A large string of transparent slime came out, and then he said: "Young man, good question. In the final analysis, this situation still needs to be focused on. The master of the dream is yourself, but the master of the illusion is the enemy. In your world , You can say what you want, but you can’t do what you want in someone else’s domain.”

Having said that, Yu Lian dropped the vodka, and took out a bottle of Bingkuoluo from his non-existent pocket.

"Look, all I can do now is magic tricks. Bingkuoluo, tobacco and alcohol, no matter how hard I try, the most I can produce is a roast chicken."

Charlie B, and Charlie A who had just grown their heads, looked at the light spear leaning on each other's knees like a fishing rod, and looked at his left fist that had not yet faded from the metallic luster. I almost believed it.

"Look, the creeps of this swarm are covering beyond the horizon. Even with my current ability, it is impossible to burn them all. I have been calling for battleships since just now. Bombed, but still found nothing, which should explain a lot of problems. This is an undoubted illusion invasion!" He stood up again, sticking the unsheathed spear by his side like a cane.

The two Xia Li subconsciously twitched a few times, rubbed their knees against the ground and took a few steps back, holding their heads and trembling.

...Well, a loli as big as a pea ding can still be called a cute element when playing squatting with her head in her arms, but when two alien monsters with a height of three meters do this, the scene is quite dark.

However, as a good teacher, Yu Lian still said in an earnest and kind tone: "However, I clearly know that the master of the swarm is a monster with no heart, and all imitations of adults are means of deceiving the enemy. The swarm Its existence is a catastrophe that cannot be avoided, cannot be resolved, and can only be fought and eliminated!"

Well, there's no need to be so extreme.Charlies thought.

"However, the master who appeared here is actually communicable, and strangely harmless? Is this the influence of my own subconscious?" Yu Lian pondered: "That is to say, I have actually been using my own Does thinking affect illusion? In the final analysis, this is only a side manifestation of mental offense and defense."

From this point of view, even if you have mastered such a powerful spiritual secret, it seems that you are not too smart.Charlie couldn't help thinking.

Yu Lian also felt that there seemed to be something wrong, but he still said seriously: "In short, the most important thing is to perceive the existence of illusions. This is the basis of all offense and defense. Only when you know that you are not in reality can you consider Defend and even counter."

The two Charlies probably felt the tenderness in Yu Lian's tone.So, after a brief silence, one of them, who didn't know whether it was Xia Li A or B, raised her head cautiously: "So, how should I practice to see whether I am in a dream or an illusion?"

Yu Lian smiled slightly, showing a compassionate expression, holding a flower in one hand and pointing a light spear at the sky with the other: "All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew or electricity, and should be viewed in this way."

"Huh?" Xia Li said that they knew every word, but they didn't know each word at all.

Yu Lian turned the Nianhua finger into the seal of the three mountains again, with a calm and illusory expression on his face, and said in a more ethereal tone: "The soul is also the body of consciousness. Consciousness is continuous, Then life after life, there is no end to the transformation and quality of the soul. Only the soul, which is hidden by the gods. The soul resides in the eyes during the day, and dwells in the liver at night, and sees with the eyes, and dreams without the liver, and the dreamer wanders."

The Charlies already showed dazed and even empty expressions.They have completely given up thinking now, and even feel that the other party is playing themselves.

One of them, Xia Li, raised her hand cautiously: "Well, isn't there any more intuitive teaching material?"

Yu Lian laughed, his eyes narrowed, and he withdrew his handprints: "Hahahaha, evil heretics! Don't even think about my true biography! Die dead! Bugs! Only dead bugs are good bugs!"

Then, the scorching sun-like light blade cut through the thick gray fog again.

As the light rotated, the heads of the two Xia Li soared into the sky, and soon fell into the gloomy illusory space of heaven and earth.

"Yes! In the spiritual realm, as long as you believe that you can live, you will always be able to live. However, I am already invading this world. I make you hurt, and you can hurt! I can chop you up for a whole day ! Guess, I was exhausted first, or you couldn't bear it first?"

There is no way to go on like this!When Xia Li's head was caught by the creep, she couldn't help but think so.

This nameless snake head... No, this "Future Duke" who is not in place is right, she can indeed be resurrected infinitely, but the realization every time she is hacked to death is also real.She could feel the oppressive feeling that her throat was torn and her trachea burst and she couldn't breathe, although she no longer had a trachea.She could feel the heart and lungs being pierced, and the expansion of the arterial blood flowing backwards, although she has no heart and lungs now.Of course, she could also feel that her head was smashed, and the brains splashed into her mouth and even tasted salty. Although she now... She actually has a head now, but theoretically, she should have no brains.

Of course, what is more painful is that the other party took the trouble to cut into saozi.Obviously, the effectiveness of the atomic light spear is to collapse at the atomic level, but combined with the faint power of the law of space on the opponent's left glove, every time it cuts, it can really cut out a uniformly fat and thin one, with distinct red and white.

...Although theoretically she has long since had no such organization as red meat and white meat.

Xia Li knew very well that every attack did put a huge burden on her spirit.If it were an ordinary person, she would probably have a mental breakdown after being hit seven or eight times, but she has experienced it hundreds of times.

She thinks she can still continue for a while, but this is a very metaphysical concept after all.

"It's not an option to go on like this! Of the two of us, one of us will survive!" A voice was heard in her spiritual realm.

Charlie thought this was nonsense.However, if only you survive, I would rather neither of us survive.

...Well, but I don't know why, once she figured it out, she didn't feel such pain anymore.

"This is the ruler's will world, our domain! But I can feel that he takes over here normally!"

I already feel it.Xia Li thought, now it's just a light spear, gloves and other treasures, maybe sometime the battleship will really be able to drive in!
"But now, the sovereignty has not been completely dumped. We still have a chance to completely expel him! We still have this chance, as long as we join hands."

"Hehehe~~~~Okay, what should I do?"

"do not know."


"Charlie, I'm just a big bug, I don't understand psionic abilities."

This guy really learned a lot in the process of merging with himself, and he can even talk shit.

Gritting her teeth, Xia Li said, "Huh? You can also call Xia Li?"

Having said that, she still saw it the moment her head was completely covered by the creep.The other party's head had already been grabbed by the completely insane demon.The latter held the snake-shaped "braids" upside down, with a crazy smile still flashing on his face.

The cold wind pierced through the gaps in the creep blanket at some point, blowing against Xia Li's carapace-covered head.At this moment, she actually felt a chill.

Then, those broken and ferocious carapace fragments began to twitch, and forced a smile.

"You are really afraid! You are the will of a group, are you afraid?"

"I feel the possibility of the destruction of the ethnic group." Her consciousness said so.

But then, this conscious dialogue was suddenly interrupted.Her head was used to the creep by the enemy, and it was smashed into a puddle of flesh and blood. Of course, the large piece of creep was smashed at the same time.The fungal substance looks flaky, but it's actually so tough that it would take an entire day to tear apart with a military flamethrower and a chainsaw.But under the attack of this monster, they seemed to have really turned into the most fragile cotton.

"So, what are you going to do?" Charlie asked coldly.She felt like she had used up all her patience.

Then, she suddenly saw that the creeping blanket in the distance suddenly rose up, and suddenly turned from a flat and solid ground into a huge wave that covered the sky.

"Remember, Charlie, this is our domain. We are the masters of the swarm. We should control everything in the swarm, including the swarm, including our creep, including the world itself! See clearly, Charlie, I only do it once! Next time, let's do it together! We must do it together!"

Her voice is full of confidence, or it is simulated, which seems to be much more confident than many human warriors.

Xia Li sighed: "It's very imposing, but it's not very useful!"

The fact is indeed the case. Facing such a stormy sea, Yu Lian on the opposite side showed a dull expression.He just stood there, posing a flawless posture, looking up at the sky, showing a thoughtful expression.

"The air is trembling, as if the sky is burning," he murmured.

"The burning sky? What sky?" For the first time, a trace of doubt appeared in the master's consciousness.He probably put all his attention on the opponent, but he really didn't realize that there was a horrifying abnormality in this space.

At this moment, the gray sky surrounding this space seems to have started to burn.Even under the cover of the turbid barrier, a palpitating fiery red was revealed.

Immediately afterwards, the bright but fiery color became brighter, as if the flame was shrinking, it was incomparably magnificent, incomparably magnificent, but also incomparably chilling and terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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