Him and their stars

Chapter 1257 The more you die, the more you have to laugh

Under the catastrophe of the world where the sky is starting to burn, what is the viscous creep forming huge waves?At most, it's just a small tumbling ditch.Therefore, under such coercion, the Juggernaut's spirit inevitably suffered a considerable blow.The huge wave of creep she set off quickly dissipated.Those bug swarm troops hidden in the waves also submerged into the ground again, without a trace.

The master of the juvenile body landed on the creep, and subconsciously distanced himself from the devil standing under the fiery red sky. He wanted to dig a hole in the ground, but he was pushed away by the other himself just after digging a little. out.

"This is my territory!" Xia Li said loudly, "Find a place for yourself! It's common sense that shells don't fall into the same crater!"

"It would be great if it was really a cannonball." The juvenile master said angrily.

"Yeah... I'm just dying."

"You're dying, can you still laugh?"

"It's because I'm dying, so I have to laugh more while I can still laugh!" Xia Li smiled, looking at the spectacular abnormality in the sky with fascinated eyes, while letting the creeper cover her I touched my feet, as if this could bring me a little sense of security.

Her current expression is very calm, but Juggernaut feels that this guy is clearly giving up on himself.

But Xia Li said: "The sky is starting to burn, what kind of big move is this? I've never heard of such a conception in spiritual techniques."

"That can only show that your knowledge in mysticism is too little." The young student's dominant consciousness said bluntly.

"Does that mean you understand it well?" Xia Li said slowly.

"I don't need to understand, but you must understand! This is a necessary condition for the evolution and reproduction of the group, and it is also a necessary condition for freedom!" She said in a natural tone.

"...I see. In the last era of civilization, we were either created by the Enlightened, or defeated and sealed by their psykers. Is that so?"

"This answer should be found by yourself. It is hidden in the depths of my consciousness. If you are willing to open your soul, it will be knowledge that you can understand sooner or later. So, Xia Li, why resist?"

"Hehehe, I just don't open up, I just want to resist! So what? Anyway, spiritual communion is irreversible, so why don't I struggle a little longer? And ah, that's not the point. Anyway, if this goes on, maybe we really want to Killed by him! If the swarm loses their unified sense of dominance, what will happen to them? Like a bee swarm, will they produce a new queen, or will they just become wild animals?"


"Look, you don't know either. You don't know anything, and you still say you are the master."

"We will know when we fuse."

"Ha ha……"

"Well, that's not the point. The point is, what's going to happen right away? As the demon king said, his spirit has taken over the field, and he can freely dry out the changes here? He can really call out a bunch of Is the battleship coming?"

"It's all the same. It's all the same." Xia Li said quietly.

"Philosophy belongs to socially advanced intelligent animals. I don't quite understand the value of this kind of social science, but I don't hate it. If there is a chance, I would like to discuss it with you."

"To make yourself more human?"

"In order to better grasp the abilities and techniques of mysticism."

"You see, looking at all knowledge with such utilitarian thinking is exactly the weakness of creatures like us. It's impossible to get good results every time." Xia Li's expression was still calm, and she was even about to The point where the void is about to be shattered.

Of course, Juggernaut feels that this guy's performance has reached a certain level.

And at this moment, in the turbulent fireworks-colored sky, a trail of light suddenly appeared that broke the sky, as if a god used a sword to tear a gap in the flames wrapped in the earth.Or in other words, the meteor shower from the vast sky finally landed in this treacherous world.

Immediately afterwards, the rift of light began to rapidly expand and explode.That bright light that hardly distinguishes colors,
Yu Lian opened his hands and laughed loudly: "It's so beautiful!" Yu Lian sighed: "I didn't know you had the talent to set off fireworks!"

The two people complained to each other on a deep level of consciousness, and it ended in an instant.At this time, they quickly realized that they should have thought too much.The devil who had invaded his own spiritual space looked at the blazing fiery red and endless strong brilliance between the sky and the earth. Although he smiled like a lunatic, the doubt in his eyes was still obvious.

Immediately afterwards, the three wills in this spiritual realm all felt the extreme rise in temperature.But in the blink of an eye, it has risen to a level that even they can't bear.

The master quickly realized that they all misunderstood it. It was clear that someone was attacking their bodies in the real world, and their hearts couldn't help throbbing.

Naturally, Yu Lian couldn't hear what the other party was saying, but Xia Li heard it clearly, and her sense of security faded away like an ebbing tide.

"It can't go on like this." Xia Li thought, "But, here is my chance!"

She suddenly lifted the quilt of the creep blanket, and her entire body had turned into a super-sized face-hugger and swooped out without any human form.But at this time, this form is the most effective.

Her attack was very effective, and in the blink of an eye, the Juvenile Master was pinned under her biological tissues that had expanded to the limit.That scene didn't look like a facehugger sneaking up on its prey's head, but more like a piranha devouring a zombie.

At the same moment, in the real world, the "Ms. Now" looked at the bomb that fell into the swamp like the ocean, and even she was as bloodless, tearless, ashamed and ashamed as she was, and couldn't help but feel that doing so was indeed a little bit wrong. Talk about martial arts.

However, before she could say anything, her sense of hearing was almost completely deprived by the sudden loud roar.She suddenly saw a soaring water dragon jumping up from a distant swamp and rushing directly into the atmosphere densely covered with methane.But then, before the water dragon had time to spread out and turn into rain and mist, it was boiled, burned, and evaporated by some kind of intense energy inside.

Immediately afterwards, she saw that the blazing halo began to expand into a huge halo, covering the dark green marsh ocean with a layer of flame light, at first glance it looked like a rapidly expanding small sun.

The mighty snake's head felt the sting in its eyes and skin.With her current ability, if she really felt such obvious discomfort, ordinary people might have been ignited.

Then, before the little sun above the swamp dissipated completely, the swamp ocean filled with inauspicious materials began to burn silently again.The flame was actually the same color as the swamp, it was also dark green, like a will-o'-the-wisp.

Now the lady reckons that with the current state of the flames spreading, it will definitely burn beyond the horizon in about an hour.At that point, it's literally a sea of ​​flames.

"I thought you would wait there to decide the winner." She tilted her head and looked at her biological daughter.

At this time, Princess Hongqiangwei had already covered herself with a very advanced and sci-fi-like armored suit.After all, she is only the fourth ring, and she may not be able to bear the sudden high temperature.

"I've said it before, this operation is a scientific investigation." She didn't raise her head, her eyes were still on the screen unfolded on the terminal.On it, the constantly beating numbers and charts are full of the oppressive feeling that scientific researchers make others shun.

"It's really interesting. Using a thermonuclear bomb with a yield of 50 million tons to bomb this swampy sea will have this effect? ​​It stands to reason that we are only less than [-] kilometers away from the explosion core, and it should be affected. It's a swamp or something. Has the special substance neutralized the power of the explosion?" She muttered to herself.

"Hey, hello! There are still living people sitting here." Now the lady said loudly.

"I'm here too! Lily, you've never been with me growing up. Now it's rare that there are only us mother and daughter, so don't you want to accompany me a little longer?"

"...If you don't use this excellent pronunciation without ups and downs, maybe I will be really moved." Now the lady said angrily: "Besides, there are only two of us, so who are they?"

Of course, she was referring to the "elite operators" of the St. Clare Security Company who were wearing emblem machines behind them.They claim to be employees of the security company, but they are silent and motionless, looking more like a towering sculpture than a military robot.

Yamida acted as if she didn't hear it, and continued: "Well... the seabed of this swamp has fungal substances similar to those on the ground, and there are also many large dormant insects, which should have brought a lot of damage to the water quality. Change. We also need more means to trigger change and collect more data.”

The cheeks of "Ms. Now" twitched unnaturally, and she sighed: "Yani, what you did is not just a scientific experiment, right? Don't try to hide it from me. After all, I am your biological mother, and both Psykers may have some mysterious spiritual connection."

"There is no basis for this statement. There are many examples of parents who are high-ranking psykers, but the children born are mortals. Examples of parents who are mortals, but the children are geniuses are not uncommon. Our extraordinary The power comes from a higher dimension that is currently unknown, but it is not blood." Princess Hong Qiangwei glanced at the other party, and there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Of course, I'm not going to lie to you, Lily. As a scientific researcher, what you need is the most sufficient and true data. However, there is nothing wrong with your unfounded guess. As a psyker, my My intuition tells me that it is actually necessary to intervene a little bit at this time."

Now there was a flash of astonishment on the lady's face, and she suddenly understood something, and her face sank: "Is the power of the time-eyed fish? Yani, what did you predict?"

"We can't talk about prophecy. Except for unstyled cult leaders, the only ones who believe in prophecy are low-level products that lower the average human being." Yani said.

"Ladies Now" felt a little hurt.Of course, she was used to this level of blows, and she didn't even have a basic expression change.

"It's just that the time-eyed fish does allow me to see more things. I understand this as a kind of extraordinary perception. There are indeed new changes in the dispute of the master. And my intuition tells myself , the variables brought about by this change will exceed my expectations.”

"You should also want to see the birth of the master, right?"

"If fate is destined to allow the birth of the master, my little intervention will not affect the final result."

"...Talking about the metaphysics of fate must not seem like a rigorous scientific researcher."

"Then let's talk about causality in time. Doesn't that sound rigorous?"

An expression of astonishment appeared on Snakehead's face again.But at this time, one of the emblem machines standing not far away as a sculpture suddenly woke up from its deep sleep and made a report.

"Miss, the W material has been injected. However, according to the prediction of the terminal on the Qingqiu, there is a risk."

Yamida nodded: "Understood, let's get ready."

Now the lady feels that the so-called "preparation" in their mouths sounds particularly bad, but if she asks submissively at this time, it must seem that she has lost, right?
... Tsk, didn't I lose a long time ago?

She looked at her biological daughter.Obviously she had already put on a set of composite metal nano-protective clothing, but she really seemed to be able to clearly see the half-smile on the other party's face.

Then, she clearly saw that the other party stretched out her hand to herself, and shook her firmly: "Then, let's say goodbye. Lily, you have never appeared in my growth. But next time, there will be a major change in my life." I hope that you will show up when the time comes. Hehe, this is an earnest and sincere expectation. Please believe it."

Now the lady feels that whether she believes it or not, she appears to have lost again.

She raised her eyebrows and showed a malicious smirk: "A major change in life... Oh hehehe, what will the next major change be for a girl of your age? But, when it really comes, Who will be standing next to him? Do you think you are sure to win?"

Yani let go of the opponent's hand, took a step back, and pushed directly to the emblem machines.She laughed brightly: "It's all the same, Lily. Actually, it's all the same."

At this moment, the wickedness in her laughter is even more obvious than that of the current lady.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light soaring down from the sky enveloped Princess Hongqiangwei and the emblem machines surrounding her, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Ms. Now" knew that they should have returned to the Qingqiu in low earth orbit.However, with her knowledge of mysticism and technology, she couldn't recognize the principle of this light beam.It can send people over in an instant and pick them up again.But whether it is the power of the treasure, or a product of black technology, she can't tell.

"See you later, unfilial daughter." Now the lady gestured her middle finger to the track in the sky, thought for a while and then took out the handkerchief and waved it.However, after waving the handkerchief a few times, it was ignited by the high temperature.

The snake's head looked at the sea of ​​blue flames that had been completely ignited.At this moment, she felt as if she was in a real prison.

"It really suits me. But I'm not ready to die yet, so..."

But in fact, she didn't have time to think for too long.Attention was quickly attracted by more movement cables from outside the sky.Beyond the gray sky, beyond the chaotic and thick atmosphere, mottled stars began to flicker.

The Qingqiu, disguised as a scientific research ship, started the next round of orbital bombing, and it was a weapon far more violent than a thermonuclear warhead.

Now, after a few seconds of silence, the lady suddenly laughed out loud.She thumped her chest with laughter, and even burst into tears.

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