Him and their stars

Chapter 1259 There Are Many High Priority Things

Chapter 1259 There Are Many High Priority Things

Yu Lian woke up from his sleep, and the first thing he looked at was the ceiling he didn't recognize.

...Well, I actually know it.This was mainly because he had just woken up from an overly intense long dream, and his mind was still a bit shattered.

He lay on the bed for nearly half a minute before he was sure that he was indeed in his room on the Fuxi.

He stood up again, and made a call to the bridge, which was connected within half a second.The officer on duty said that the entire fleet is currently in good condition and has sailed out of the range of the spiral star field and entered the last section of the "high seas" channel.If the current sailing schedule is followed, it should enter the border of the Union in 72 hours and arrive in Turanca in a week.

All in all, although the timetable given by the masters of the earth is harsh, the whole fleet is united as one, and the fleet will definitely arrive on time, even a few days earlier.

It's just a little bit of high-speed sailing, not to the point of marching in a hurry. Why do we need such an exaggeration of "unity is strength"?However, Yu Lian felt very relieved that his subordinates were so energetic.

He is still worried.Simply open the panoramic sunroof.

As the commander of this fleet-although he has only served for a few days-he still has a well-equipped room.This includes a panoramic sunroof.Of course, the skylight is just a way of saying it, to put it bluntly, it’s just a holographic projection that feeds back the surrounding stars in real time.

For Yu Lian's perception and eyesight, the projected environment is somewhat distorted, but at least he can still distinguish the trajectory of the starry sky, which is enough for him.

He unfolded his spatial recognition ability and allowed himself to enter the pilot state of a psyker.

The duty officer was right.Now the entire fleet has indeed crossed the Helix Nebula channel and entered the relatively stable alliance sphere of influence.This is already a relatively prosperous commercial channel, and Yu Lian can even see a lot of merchant ships.

They kept a safe distance from the Earth Fleet, and let out a light signal representing friendship from a distance, quite like a businessman who saw the boss grinning.

It was only at this time that Yu Lian was finally sure that he was still on the Fuxi, and he should not have gone anywhere.

"So, what happened just now is swollen?" Yu Lian looked at the starry sky without knowing why, and then his heart moved, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the Helix Nebula again.

He has a very clear memory of the dream.

In a field where you can't see your fingers, the atmosphere is full of toxin haze, and under your feet is a fungal creep that extends beyond the horizon.It was a world as empty and dead as hell. Even if a tardigrade entered that ghostly place, it felt like he wouldn't be able to survive for a few minutes.

However, in such a hell-like world, he, Yu Lian, a man from Earth, a tracer of time, the eighth son of the Spiritual Research Society, the Dragon of Dawn in the Dawn Star Domain, and the nemesis of predators, expressed himself Not afraid at all.

He knew that environment all too well.Isn't it the planet transformed by the creep of the swarm?This kind of fungal substance that can provide basic nutrition to individual bugs is like a large cancer cell in some cases, but if it is attached to a certain planet and there is no external force to dry it, it will take three to five years at most, that The planet becomes this virtue.

Yu Lian had lurked, acted, fought, and of course cleaned up in that environment.He even beat Xia Li in this environment...

So, in the final analysis, isn't it just two Shirleys?It's not that I haven't played!
That little monster can simulate a clone of the soul through the dominant will, and attach to various special lord worms.She has as many avatars as she wants.The most time, Yu Lian even faced the siege of hundreds of Xia Li, and each of them could display more than [-]% of their own strength, which was really dangerous.

But, wasn't he still killed by himself?

But, then again, the two Charlies in the dream were vaguely different from what I remembered!They are not like clones, but they are all like the main body.However, it is clearly the main body, but it seems that there are some subtle differences.

Yu Lian took out a box of old knives and a lollipop from his bedside table, and fell into the long exam.

Xia Li in another timeline is not unhuman.In fact, although she is the master of the swarm, she is fully capable of disguising herself as a harmless ordinary human being.From a young girl to a dignified lady, from a coquettish witch to a harmless loli, they can be perfectly expressed.

This is probably because the swarm is a creature that is constantly evolving by devouring other biological groups and absorbing their nutrients and genetic genes.What they have built is a form of civilization incomprehensible to social, upright, carbon-based mammals.This kind of biological population, which seems to be only for war, devouring, expanding and evolving, is raging in the universe like a plague of locusts, devouring not only biological resources, but also the memories and knowledge of all destroyed intelligent creatures.

She represents a biological group that is incompatible with humans, but she understands humans very well.If not, it would be impossible to cause a cosmic catastrophe of that scale.

However, Juggernaut disguised himself as a human being, and could hide it from the most advanced equipment, but he couldn't hide it from a psychic like Yu Lian who was used to dealing with Him.

He, Yu Lian, was able to express with confidence that I could tell at a glance that you were not human.

However, thinking of the two he saw in the dream... Yu Lian suddenly felt a little hesitant.

So, was that a dream?Or an illusion invasion?If it is the latter, I am now on the Fuxi, floating in the universe.The closest inhabited planet or space city to our own fleet is hundreds of light years away from the two transitions.

Then, the question arises, what kind of master can launch a distance of hundreds of light years and pull a majestic saint into his environment?
Given Yu Lian's knowledge of the history of the Transcendent, it was almost impossible for this to happen.

Of course, this possibility also exists.The 1 crew members on the Fuxi actually hide a hostile master of illusion.He lurked to his side secretly, bypassing the premonition of crisis, dimensional perception, soul labyrinth, and the multiple protections of the soul domain by the will of the silver dragon, allowing himself to be tricked in his sleep.

Well, it makes sense to understand it that way.

...Yu Lian pressed his temples, feeling that things were really not that simple.

However, considering that it was Xia Li's problem, Yu Lian immediately recalled that he had just passed through the neurons of a certain lord bug, followed the swarm network, and gave Xia Li a big fight. .

But this time, I gave the two Xia Lis a big fight with at least three digits, then it was no longer double the happiness, double the dream time, it was a pleasure that was about to be refreshed to the top of the cloud.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian finally began to examine the soul world in his consciousness...Of course, there is no need to do this. When he wakes up again, he can already feel something.

After the high-intensity battle in Snake Cave, the "balanced" color has already filled most of the gaps in the sixth star ring.And now, these bright white colors have extended to a vast range.Ever since, in the spiritual universe that represents the spiritual realm, white almost always becomes the main color in this realm.At first glance, those twinkling light spots no longer look like stars twinkling in the universe, but rather like elves dancing in the clouds.

Although Yu Lian is still obsessed with the rust color of "Sura" and the blue color of "Control".But it must be admitted that once you get used to this pure and clear white, you can still see a sense of grandeur and holiness, which is still quite admirable.

Well, although he couldn't master all kinds of psionic skills after all, and he couldn't break through all kinds of spells with one sword, but the setting of the bucket number is indeed very fragrant as long as he accepts the setting.Especially in the case of adventure.

Yu Lian has already seen that two new glare lights are moving gently and rhythmically in the bright white of the outermost ring of the sixth ring, like some kind of mysterious syllable that can't be heard but can touch people's hearts.

He knew that this was a new "innate" spiritual ability, a progressive expression given to him by the original concept of occultism, which could not be analyzed intuitively.

…… To put it mildly, this is the great power bestowed by the spirit of the universe.

Of course, it doesn't matter.The important thing is that Yu Lian clearly felt that this so-called "high-dimensional authority" is clearly a derivative ability of "integrated will".

And the other so-called "will vortex" is an ability that I have never heard of.

The world of mysticism is indeed as vast as a sea of ​​smoke!No wonder Master and his elders feel that the more aggressive they are in this field, the more they feel that they have limits.The more advanced his cultivation, the more he felt like a child picking up shells by the sea.Even those nine-ring bosses in history have pointed out that the field of mysticism has never had a limit.

From this point of view, am I expanding the knowledge boundary of mysticism a little bit?

Yu Lian really wanted to order an ebony scepter to celebrate, anyway, Yani and Yani's gou... Uh, there is still a lot of top-quality cigars that Brother Krell gave him.However, after all, he was on a ship, and as a commander, he couldn't get away from ordinary officers and soldiers, so he changed into the most common old knife.

He calmed down, and vaguely felt that he seemed to have guessed something, but then shook his head at his whimsy.He didn't have sufficient information, and of course he had no evidence.Therefore, all guesses are just guesses.

He really wants to catch two more worms now, at least the kind of lord or elite soldier worm who can serve as the node of the swarm neuron network... But the problem is, in his own image, the last time the worm appeared was In last year's Devil's Eye campaign.As for Xia Li, she still fought along the network cable last time.

After that, not to mention the tough lord beetles, I had never even heard of springtails and worker bees.

Yu Lian suddenly felt a little demonic.He has always firmly believed that if you see one bug, there must be at least a thousand hidden within a radius of 1 meters.If you can't see the worm, at least [-] of them have lurked in your shadow.

Yu Lian turned on the terminal and found Yani's communication code in the "Focus on" list - this is the territory of the alliance, and the most well-informed person can only be the white-haired fox.

However, when he was about to dial, he stopped again.For some reason, at this moment, he suddenly felt that after the experience of beating those two weird "Xia Li" in the dream, the depression and killing intent that had been suppressed for two lifetimes suddenly vented. few.The sense of crisis to the swarm is not so strong and sensitive.

He didn't know if this was the consciousness of a psyker.But in fact, in his own arrangement, he has unknowingly accumulated a lot of things that are higher priority than the swarms that have disappeared.

Yu Lian found that he couldn't sleep at all.

So he put on his uniform and went straight to the bridge.

It is now 4:15 a.m. Galactic Standard Time, and the person on duty on the bridge is Colonel Madus, the first mate of the Fuxi.However, to his surprise, the chief of staff, Brigadier General Mkawa, and Colonel Singh, who wrote "Intelligence Staff", were also on the bridge, discussing something in a low voice at the conference table on the third floor.There is also a sound-shielding force field on the periphery.

It is of course very reasonable for the chief of staff to discuss matters with his subordinates.Besides, Chief of Staff Mkawa was originally the type of housekeeper who cared about every detail, so it was more reasonable for him to stay up late and drag his subordinates to work overtime.

However, considering that Colonel Singh's intelligence staff officer was only a temporary position, the official position was after all the "supervisor" sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Security directly under the National Defense Council, and the uniforms he wore were all black.These two people had a small meeting late at night, which somehow carried a little unnatural meaning.

Colonel Singer noticed Yu Lian's existence very quickly, and quickly reminded him with his eyes.The two tore off the sound-shielding force field and got up to salute.

Chief of Staff Mkawa said: "It seems that the officer disturbed you. I originally wanted to report to you tomorrow."

"Now that you're here, you can help us come up with an idea." Colonel Singer forcefully expressed relief, relief, and even emotion on his face, as if he had met a savior.He seems to have really encountered some difficult problems. Now "when the commander comes, Qingtian will come. When the commander comes, there will be peace."

Of course Colonel Singer didn't say that, but his expression did make it easy for Yu Lian to make the above associations.

The chief of staff said: "We have just received an urgent communication from the embassy in Nefe."

"Oh? Could it be that something happened to our main god?" Yu Lian felt that this kind of thing could make the embassy feel anxious.

Mkawa nodded, and shook his head again: "Ice Valley City has turned into a riot. Of course, the tractor beam group and turbo laser group provided by Raytheon Industry to the main god level cannot be completed on time. However, the alliance has already Said that the construction period will never be delayed, and will ask other arsenals to help me complete the construction period on time."

This is not surprising.With the background of the alliance, how could it be possible to delay the construction period of the dreadnought ship because of a small change in the security of a city?

Now the focus is not on this.

"Ice Valley City riots? I remember that three days ago, it was said that law and order had been restored in the whole city."

"Yes, they used coercive means to disperse the workers' demonstration, and arrested more than 2000 people at one time. However, there was news at the time that none of the leaders were arrested, and it was estimated that accidents would happen. Now it really happened." Singer The colonel sighed, but there seemed to be a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, probably because he despised the rough work of his colleagues in the alliance.

"These things are the internal affairs of the alliance, and it stands to reason that we shouldn't let some people think about them." Chief of Staff Mkawa smiled wryly: "However, the alliance government has already asked our embassy to give an explanation. "

(End of this chapter)

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