Him and their stars

Chapter 1260 Have you lured a wolf into your house?

This statement sounds very confusing.

You know, no matter how big the incident in Ice Valley City is, whether it is a strike or a riot, even if it really turns into a civil war, it is still the internal affairs of the alliance and has nothing to do with the Blue Star Community Woolen cloth?

"Could it be that the intelligence department of the alliance discovered that the chaos in Ice Valley City was actually planned by the embassy of the community?" Yu Lian said.

...This sounds very unscientific, and it is even more unscientific than that there is a hidden master hidden on the Fuxi that he has not discovered.The group of people stationed in the Union Embassy has neither such ability, nor such appeal, nor such courage.

And we have to be reasonable and analyze from common sense: If anyone wants the alliance to be stable and prosperous more than the big shots of the alliance, it must be the Blue Star Community that counts on the alliance as its backer.

However, Chief of Staff Mkawa and Colonel Singh looked at each other, with some hesitation and distress in their expressions.

"Hey? Is that really the case?" Yu Lian immediately became interested: "I only know that Ambassador Lena Wilbart is... er, a gentle and dignified person, and General Oswood is also... woo, Good people who are dedicated to their duties don't know that they are such radicals in their bones?"

The corner of Chief of Staff Mkawa's mouth twitched. He always felt that the other party was mocking the ambassador and the chief military officer.

Although it is true that it is.

"You are so funny, ahahaha..." Colonel Singer laughed heartily as if he had only seen the first floor.He probably thinks that if the leader tells a joke and you don't laugh, it's more serious than turning tables when the leader is serving food.

Then, as the staff (supervisor) (military) in charge of intelligence work, he explained in detail the follow-up direction of various things.

In short, because of the shelling incident at the Thunder God Arsenal, the situation in Ice Valley City suddenly became tense.The originally peaceful parade was suddenly cast a shadow of blood.The tense stalemate didn't last long, and soon, the city boiled like a drop of water was poured into a hot oil pan.

Then, it was time for the military and police to end.These heavily armed court eagle dogs directly came with a three-piece suit of dispersing, attacking, and catching people. It seemed that they were the type of eagle dogs used to it.

In short, in just four hours, more than 2000 people were arrested, and law and order was temporarily restored in the city.

However, we should all know that the powder keg has only been temporarily cooled down, but it is far from being dismantled.

However, even if the gunpowder barrel is not removed, it will completely lose its effectiveness as long as it has been cooled for a long time.In the past history, there are more or less such examples.

But in fact, just when many people thought that this incident could be covered up in this way, late at night, that is, at 6:19 am on June 5, a sudden explosion ignited the power supply station in the city.Immediately afterwards, the rebel workers wielded their homemade weapons and began to attack a refinery of Furnace Industry on the outskirts of the city—because that place was large enough, it was requisitioned by the government and served as one of the temporary prisons for the arrested workers. It is also the biggest one.

The power supply station was destroyed, the circuit was interrupted, and the power grid and automatic sentry guns around the factory suddenly went down.The uprising workers pushed in the squad phase wave cannon that they did not know where to get, and blasted down the gate of the wall with three blows.

The insurgents rushed into the factory and clashed head-on with the hired security guards of Furnace Industry and the police who came to support them.Facts have proved that once the mass movement becomes large-scale, the mercenaries and the police cannot cope with this kind of scene.

It was later proved that more than 1000 rebels were bloodied in the conflict at the Forge Castle refinery alone.

Considering that there were only more than 600 workers rescued from the factory, this operation could not be considered a success in the military sense.However, its social significance is very far-reaching.

In the next two days, there were four successive waves of worker uprisings of the same size and organization.By this time, the riot had turned into an uprising.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye would know with their knees that it is absolutely impossible to achieve this step with the help of these ordinary people in Ice Valley City.There must be very professional guys working behind the scenes to fan the flames.

Colonel Singer paused for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "In addition, there are gossip that the Grand Commander Tatos was there when the parade took place."

"I know that. But he is not at the scene, but at the filming site more than 100 kilometers away from Ice Valley City." Yu Lian said.

"As expected of you, I can't hide anything from you." Colonel Singer gave Yu Lian a thumbs up, full of admiration.

Yu Lian showed a slightly uncomfortable smirk.He is actually not good at getting along with this kind of veteran official who is good at climbing along the pole, but it must be admitted that talent and ability do not constitute an affiliation relationship.

No, Colonel Singer said again: "...Yes, so it is rumored that His Excellency Commander Tatos has been killed."

Yu Lian frowned slightly.

Chief of Staff Mkawa said: "This is what Colonel Singh was discussing with me just now. I personally think that this is just a rumor. Your Excellency the Commander has a special security agency and evacuation plan. Who were injured in the riot? They should have escaped safely by now."

Yu Lian thought that this was hard to say. In the history of the alliance, there has never been a case where the general was assassinated.Of course, it must be admitted that because of these cases, the security measures of senior officials of the alliance have been upgraded many times, and they are still very professional.What's more, if Grand Commander Tatos really died at this time, he always felt that the timing was a little delicate.

Colonel Singer showed a strange expression, and said quietly: "However, since the incident in Ice Valley City, Your Excellency the Grand Commander has not appeared in public for a full 70 hours. It was the press conference that took place in Nefer yesterday. , also represented by a press spokesman."

Yu Lian felt more and more demonic, so he sneered and said, "Then, what does the alliance mean by asking our embassy to explain? Do you really think it was planned by our community?"

"The Alliance has come up with a wanted list. It includes several leaders of the Sons of Loha."

"Son of Loha?" Chief of Staff Mkawa wondered.

Colonel Singer hurriedly said: "A very fierce Losar rebel organization has been confirmed to be the mastermind of the Ice Valley incident. They have been cleared by the alliance many times, and they have been dormant during this period, but they did not expect to Ming Ze has become a blockbuster! This time, such a big thing happened."

Chief of Staff Mkawa nodded knowingly, but he felt a little gloating in his heart, thinking that the alliance's security and stability maintenance methods were actually not as clever as imagined.

Colonel Singer added: "The cadres of the Northland Workers' Federation who are on the wanted list are also listed as illegal organizations. In addition, the alliance also put 23 trade union organizations on the supervision list and required the cadres of these organizations to Accept detailed inquiries. The frugality society is included on the list."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sneak a glance at Yu Lian, seeing that the latter had no expression on his face, his heart trembled, and he suddenly became nervous for no reason.

The whole people of the frugal society is the mutual aid work-study society of Nefi international students. As the name suggests, it is an organization that unites the poor international students who are struggling to work and study. It sounds full of positive energy.

However, at the beginning, this organization only had international students from the community, but after three years of development, the scale has become quite different.There are many more races from all over the galaxy, even the "primitives" in the New World who were ripened by the colonists to enter the interstellar age.

In the sea capital and the university towns on the Jewel Coast, there are countless clubs and societies formed by various foreign students. This frugal society is the most struggling one, but it may also be the most influential one.

More importantly, the chairman of the frugal society is precisely because of the famous Babalu classmate.

This Lumina youth is really quite famous.You know, the popularity of "The Captain at the Red Maple Factory" is still very high.In the whole documentary, apart from Yu Lian, the only main protagonist, Babaru has the most appearances, and the set is still a strong and invincible male duo, but it is very suitable for the appetite of ordinary working people. There are countless fans.

And during his study abroad career in Niefei, he never made a move to be sorry for this character.Who would not like or respect such a classmate who is upright, resolute, eager for justice, and can speak nicely?

Before Yu Lian could speak, Chief of Staff Mkawa was already angry: "Aha? A mutual aid organization for overseas students, a group of children who work hard while studying! It's a group of children! The alliance means that it is this group of children who planned Did you stop the rebellion in Ice Valley City?"

Colonel Singer said helplessly: "This, the meaning of the alliance is that it is still under investigation. However, the Frugal Society is indeed closely related to the banned Northland Workers' Federation. Student Babaru even went to explain to the cadres there. After class."

Well, I never imagined that my giant beetle, without make-up, seamlessly played the fierce black beetle of the classic villain in the movie, and could preach to the workers' representatives in a serious way!

... But having said that, this kind of fierce and large black longhorn, with sticks, pointers, chalk and books in each of its limbs and arms, may be more suitable for the appetite of the workers.

Yu Lian's heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment for a moment, and he was so pleased with his little friend's growth that he even forgot to pay attention to his own safety.

Seeing that Yu Lian was expressionless, Colonel Singer couldn't help but panicked even more, and quickly added: "Student Babaru has already surrendered himself to the police in the capital of the sea. He was released after only two hours of questioning. The alliance also said that Oh, during this time, Babaru is not allowed to leave Haidu, and must be questioned at least twice a week. The rest of the time is free."

Yu Lian nodded.This is indeed the best result.If Babaru disappeared after the incident, the situation would become complicated instead.However, he chose to deliver it to his door with a candid attitude.In this way, the alliance must ensure its safety.

I don't know if this big beetle listened to Luo Zeshi's persuasion, or realized it by himself.

But no matter what kind, growth is gratifying!

Of course, there should be someone around Babalu who is always watching and enjoying the treatment Yu Lian had when he was in Tianyu.However, as long as you can ignore them, you will not be embarrassed and your life will not be affected.

Yu Lian believed that Comrade Babaru was still very rough in this regard.

"Wouldn't that remove the suspicion?" Chief of Staff Mkawa expressed his incomprehension.

Colonel Singer showed a helpless expression: "However, although Babaru himself is not there, there are indeed several student cadres of the Frugal Society who appeared at the scene of the riot, and the drone has already photographed their appearance. Moreover, among them There is also a student named Boulder, who is a high-achieving student of energy mechanics at Kagar University of Technology, and has already passed the engineer certificate. He was the one who debugged and operated the phase wave cannon that the rebels broke through the gate of the Furnace factory. of."


Although the chief of staff fell silent, Yu Lian himself also wanted to help his forehead.

When he was still in Nefe, Babaru introduced to Yu Lian the important cadres in the Frugal Society, and among the people he valued most was Bold.He is a high-achieving student of Kagal University of Technology, and he was admitted as an engineer before graduation. It is said that his ability and character are very good.

Babaru is even going to introduce him to the Pioneer Party.

The people recommended by the old bus are of course worthy of attention. Yu Lian originally planned to invite these student leaders to have a meal in the "Ronghui Building" to exchange feelings.It's a pity that we are busy with business and have not been able to make arrangements in time.

"So, what about this energetic classmate Bold?" Yu Lian asked.

"Missing." Colonel Singer said helplessly, "And he's also on the wanted list."

Yu Lian immediately guessed that there must be some evil spirit behind this incident.That classmate Bold who disappeared should not be as simple as he showed.

...Come on, Comrade Old Ba, you've just finished boasting and you're gone!Aren't you leading the wolf into the house?

Chief of Staff Mkawa said with a straight face: "However, even if there is a frugal society, there are some doubts. It is only a problem of civil organizations. What does it have to do with the embassy?"

Colonel Singer said in a low voice: "...the wave cannon that Bold debugged is handmade, but some core components are produced by the community."

Chief of Staff Mkawa suddenly became furious: "This is obviously framing. The alliance has handled the matter in a mess, but has it started to accuse the allies? It's just embarrassing!"

"Yes, the lower officials also think that this is the alliance's security department losing a lot of points and starting to throw the blame! It's more than shameless! It's simply a hooligan!" Colonel Singer echoed loudly.

Yu Lian felt that if the Chief of Staff hadn't been a decent person, the two of them might have scolded here for two or three hours.

He asked, "What's the current situation in Ice Valley City?"

"The 2nd Division and 14th Division of the Union Marine Corps have entered Ice Valley City. The fighting in the city is still going on, but most of the urban areas have restored law and order. It is said that more than 3 people have died... said Colonel Singer.

Yu Lian couldn't help but sighed.He estimated that the real number of deaths can only be more, not less.

Anyway, Ice Valley City is after all in Nefe, where the alliance's capital star is located.As one of the two poles of this universe, their governance ability is by no means comparable to that of the community.As long as the alliance reacts, it only takes one hour to completely surround Ice Valley City, and two hours to quell all resistance.

To put it bluntly, the reason why this battle lasted for more than 20 hours was already because of the mercy of the alliance army, not because it destroyed the city and the factory area too much.

But in comparison, what can the uprising workers do?They just stood up and resisted purely with a burst of depression and blood, but they didn't even know what the purpose of the resistance was.


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