Him and their stars

Chapter 1261 The community actually has a sense of superiority

Rebellion for the sake of resistance, uprising for the sake of uprising, but soon failed under the strong suppression of the enemy without any flaws.Isn't this a kind of putschism?Yu Lian couldn't help thinking of Teacher Li's evaluation of Comrade Che.

He felt that if he was at the scene of Ice Valley City, he would at least lead a group of capable rebels to break out of the siege immediately.There is no way, with the reaction speed and combat effectiveness of the alliance military, there is only a glimmer of life if the blockade is not completely completed at the beginning.

The west of Ice Valley City is the Ariel Plateau, but if you go east, you can escape into the vast Nive Forest through the hilly area of ​​more than 30 kilometers.It is a sub-frigid forest with a total area of ​​more than 800 million square kilometers, and it is also the second largest forest in Nefe.

Of course, with the alliance's control over Nefe, a mere thirty kilometers of hilly area would become a road of death.Even if they managed to escape from the siege, they would not be able to survive for long by hiding in the forest and fighting guerrillas, and it was absolutely impossible for the countryside to encircle the city.But no matter what, at least he can live for a while longer, maybe he can also leave some seeds of revolution?
As soon as he thought of this, he heard Colonel Singer say again: "The alliance has confirmed that a group of rebels have left the city and hid in the Nive Forest in the east. If the suspicious element in Boulder is not dead, it is very likely It may be hiding in this rebel army. When the alliance can wipe out the rebel army and capture that person, our suspicion will be cleared."

Oh yo?Someone really escaped?Yu Lian couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help looking at those rebels with admiration.

He was almost sure that during this period, there must be a black hand behind the scenes instigating and calculating.From the perspective of result theory, a non-violent strike march for peaceful resistance has turned into an armed riot. Of course, it is not the coalition government that has been hurt the most, let alone those capitalists who have lost a little factory building, but the iceberg. The workers in Gucheng and even the entire Northern Continent Industrial Zone are gone.

There have been too many examples of this in the history of my previous life.For example, before 412, gangsters from the youth gang who smashed, robbed and bought things for zero yuan got in among the workers.

Yu Lian could even guess that when the strike turned into an armed riot uncontrollably, the workers' leaders might be more confused than the government and the military and police.

But even at this time, there were still people with clear minds and decisive reactions who made the most correct choice on the spot.Based on this alone, the future of this rebel army may still be worth looking forward to.

... However, even if it is a future that can be expected, it is definitely not a future that can see a bright future, right?Yu Lian really couldn't think of any possibility of them winning.

In comparison, the success rate of those national liberation organizations within the empire may be higher.

At this time, Chief of Staff Mkawa said straightly: "What is clearing? This is the alliance's frame. Why do we want to clear?"

"Your Excellency is right! The league's security departments are shameless bastards! A deformed child who was fed up by Aunt Susan's rotten apple pie! Not only is it a bastard garbage, it is simply incombustible fun! A cow that can't even be washed by the Ganges River Dung!" Colonel Singer also scolded a few more words, but then smiled wryly: "However, it depends on how the embassy responds, er, and what the earth says. Your Excellency, this has nothing to do with us .”

"And we can't control it." Yu Lian added indifferently.

Chief of Staff Mkawa sighed heavily, but said again: "That's right, Your Excellency. But it is precisely because we can't control it that we can scold unscrupulously! In the final analysis, we are soldiers, and our bounden duty is to obey the National Defense Commission and the Military Command Headquarters." This kind of diplomatic dispute is nothing more than an after-dinner conversation."

Yu Lian glanced at the old chief of staff with great interest.It was the first time that he discovered that this rigid and rigorous chief of staff, who was even a bit like a housekeeper, was not as boring as he imagined.

Chief of Staff Mkawa finally sighed and said: "Your Excellency, we should return to our respective positions. There is nothing we can do now except wait for the next instruction from the Earth."

He paused, and then said: "Of course, if the Earth side is sober enough, it will definitely not make any instructions."

Colonel Singer smiled even brighter: "Your Excellency, I think that the lords of the earth may not regard this matter as a serious discussion topic."

He thought for a while, and then said: "Of course, it is also possible that they will use the issue to attack political opponents? Hehehe, anyway, the following officials know the masters of the earth, this is a basic operation."

You yourself are the supervisor sent by the masters of the earth, is it really okay to say that?

In fact, on Earth, in a routine high-level cabinet meeting, the issue of Nephi was indeed brought to the table.

Yes, it's really just a routine meeting and not an emergency meeting.Until this time, they didn't feel that this kind of thing was so urgent.

Ask our embassy to accept inquiries?Hehehe, the alliance was not so domineering on the first day.Compared with the operation of the empire's inspection of foreign embassies due to "fire accidents", the alliance's approach is already considered exquisite.

Therefore, the alliance wants the embassy to explain, so let Ambassador Wilbart explain it well.After all, Ms. Ambassador is an independent woman married to a rich family in the alliance, so she can be regarded as a member of the upper class of the alliance.Isn't this familiar face the reason why she was invited to be an ambassador?

"Okay, everyone, don't digress! Don't digress! How far have we just said?" His Excellency President Nishita tapped the pen holder with a ballpoint pen, trying to restore the buzzing and noisy environment in the conference room.

"Just now I was talking about the Empire's Extreme Berry Pie." Vice President Yellen next to him said quietly.

"Yes. I hate berry pie!" Mr. President quickly turned the page and covered the nut pie he drew in his notebook.

"Before, I was talking about the bamboo hat and rattan bamboo hat, which is a special product of the natives of the extreme star region. It can block the cold wind and snow." Edward Shona, the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, said.

"Yes, Madam, as a folklorist, has collected coir raincoats and bamboo hats from each era." The president neatly stuffed the bamboo hats he folded out of paper into his notebook.

"Before that, we were talking about the rebels in the extreme star region of the empire. They just attacked a tax station yesterday. Three tax collectors and six policemen were killed." Chairman Xiao Na added.

"...Uh, wasn't the first thing we were discussing about the inquiry application sent by the alliance? Why did we go off topic like this." The president wondered.

"We were discussing this matter at the beginning, then we started talking about the public security issue of Nefei, and then we mentioned the terrorist attack in the Empire's Tianyu." Xiaona said.

"That's right, that's right!" Mr. President slapped the table, with a sad and indignant expression on his face: "Everyone, it's only been three years, it's only been three years! The law and order in the Galaxy has already become like this? In the year when the domain is preparing to hold the God of War Festival, there have been so many vicious terrorist attacks. Now that there are rebels in the empire, it cannot but be said that there is no such influence."

In fact, it has not reached the point of "rebels swarming up".Most of those various national liberation organizations can only make a little noise in the border star area, and they can't even threaten large-scale human settlements, let alone infiltrate into the core star area.

"Look at the Alliance. Even the dignified Commander Tatos is missing? Can you imagine?" The president shook his head, showing a painful expression.

"You want to say that the scenery here is unique, right?" Labor Minister Bai Yantang said with a straight face.

"That's right, that's it... No, Senior White is really joking! I mean, because of the development of the New World, the demise of the snake organization, the opportunity for peaceful and prosperous development is in front of all civilizations. But that's exactly the case, say Not sure, but it will bring a certain period of turmoil. Peace on earth is hard-won now, and everyone must fulfill their duties and safeguard the rights and interests of the people." Mr. President said solemnly, and then said sadly: "In short, the earth must not be allowed to appear. Things like Tianyu and Nefei!"

Are you sad ass?You have been gloating all the time, and the smile on the corner of your mouth never stopped.You don't feel superior just because there are vicious incidents in the capitals of the empire and the alliance, do you?

Old man Bai stared at His Excellency the President very impolitely, without saving the other party's face at all.

Fortunately, everyone at the scene, including the president, knew old man Bai's style very well, and they were used to it afterward.

As for President Nishita himself, he must not be able to bear the behavior of Mr. Bai who often does not save face for himself.However, he also had to admit that without this fierce old man, the efficiency of the cabinet meeting would have been greatly reduced.

No, just watch this fierce old man slam the table hard and say loudly: "Now it's a diplomatic bullying incident! Do you know about diplomatic bullying?"

Facts have proved that an old-fashioned dean is still very effective in deterring bear children.Only then did everyone focus on the topics that were originally to be discussed.

"Yes, we must make a proper response, and we must not lose the national dignity of the Blue Star Community!" President Nishita nodded.

"Yes, we must let the Alliance understand that it is the main force of our expeditionary fleet stationed two million light years away that maintains the balance of the Dawn Star Domain. In order to maintain their operations in the New World, 200% of last year's and this year's finances were spent Go out." Prime Minister Konoe said with a bitter face: "If there is no loan provided by the alliance, I will not even be able to pay the salary of the civil servants. With the attitude of the alliance, is the loan not going to be given next year? I absolutely cannot accept this sort of thing."

This old politician, who had been the chief steward of the Community government since the time of the former president, took out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat, and from time to time looked at the opposite Chairman of the National Defense Council Maxel with resentful eyes.

Are you blaming me?However, maintaining a large-scale main fleet in the Dawn Star Domain was approved by a vote of all members.Maxel smiled helplessly, and began to think about how to get out the proposal hidden in the personal terminal.

Yes, the Military Command Headquarters and the General Staff actually formulated a troop withdrawal plan as early as a month ago.However, it is the military's business to formulate plans, and it is the business of politicians to adopt them or not.

Chairman Maxel said that he really knows these guys too well.At least a month ago, the proposal would have been impossible to pass.

"Yes, we must tell the alliance that the community is their most important ally. They cannot hurt the feelings of their allies so recklessly!" Edward Shona said loudly: "They must understand that if we lose us, the power of the two poles It will be out of balance. Even if the Dawn Star Domain is lost, at most a hundred years later, the Alliance will lose all its future in the New World. Make it clear to them that they don't want to lose all their future in the New World, right?"

...Uh, actually it doesn't need to be so intense.President Nishita thought to himself.Doesn't this in turn threaten the alliance?This is not good, the alliance can't stand the stimulus recently.There was a riot in their capital, their leader was missing after all, and their mental structure was not stable.

Thinking of this, he felt a little ashamed for his gloating just now.

As the new head of the community, Mr. Nishita had several phone conversations with the opposite Grand Commander Tatos.The latter is knowledgeable and elegant, and also very enthusiastically invited Nishita to visit the alliance. It seems that he is a decent gentleman who can get along with him.

However, the life and death of this respectable gentleman is uncertain... Nishita wiped away tears that did not exist, and felt that after the meeting, he had to ask the secretaries to write a proper obituary for him.

Well, let that kid Mingzhao take the lead.Oops, you must have never seen a perfect secretary who can help you with official duties and also act as a bodyguard with a nice voice and good writing skills?You must not understand such a perfect experience, right?
At this time, Vice President Yellen interjected: "The alliance's request is indeed rude. But anyway, after all, such a vicious incident happened in Neffi, we have to make some gestures."

"Posture, what kind of gesture? Let the embassy fully cooperate?" Xiao Na asked.

"Yes, we need to be high-profile in our posture and show our national dignity in front of public opinion. However, we must work hard to cooperate with their investigations in action. I believe that the gentlemen of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can handle this well." Yellen said.

Shawna sneered in his heart.If you don't know that you are the nephew of Mao Yuanzuo, the old ball traitor and imperial loyalist, but based on this, I think you are more pro-union than me and the president.

"Also, what's the name of that... that foreign student, the one who is said to be the main suspect in the Ice Valley City incident, what's his name?" the vice president asked again.

"Polder?" Shawna asked coldly.

"Yes, yes, this is it... No, no, no, I'm not talking about this, but the Lumina named Babaru."

Don't you remember it clearly?The president thought, but still put on a humble look and waited for the word of this very annoying deputy who had to get along with him.

"A lumina wilder... a lumina worker, who was admitted to Ocean University and even became the leader of the overseas student group. What an inspirational story!"

"What exactly do you want to say? Your Excellency, the Vice President. The alliance security department did not include Babaru on the list of suspects, but just let him accept some routine inquiries." Jessica Edward, who was sitting at the end of the long table in the conference room asked the minister, frowning.

"The reason why we have encountered such an embarrassing diplomatic problem is also related to the student union organization led by this young Lumina. Moreover, according to my understanding, when he was a worker in the Red Maple Factory before studying abroad, he was A very restless little guy. So, what role did he play in the riots in Ice Valley City?"

The vice president tapped his finger on the table, and before Ms. Jessica could retort, he sped up his speech and said, "I personally think that the alliance didn't mention it, and it's for the sake of the allies. Since we want to occupy the moral If you want to reach a high point, you need to do things before. I suggest that a thorough investigation should be conducted on his background and past..."

He paused, smiled and raised his hand: "Of course, this is a little immature suggestion."

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