Him and their stars

Chapter 1262 Good News and Big News

Chapter 1262 Good News and Big News

Looking at the scene that suddenly fell silent, Yellen was very satisfied with her appearance.Anyway, he is just a vice president, theoretically the second in command of the government, but in fact he plays the role of mascot.

But the problem is that he is also the leader of the Co-Prosperity Party and the leader of the opposition party.Although Mr. President always said that this government is a united multi-party coalition, such words can only fool the media and the public.As long as you don't become president, the opposition party is the opposition party.As an opposition party, isn't it the most basic professional ethics to seek trouble in the parliament and the cabinet to cause trouble for the ruling party?

Vice President Yellen feels that he is very moral anyway.

"Clang!" Then, only one sound was heard, but it was the impact of a very heavy object falling on the ground.

Everyone looked around after hearing the reputation, only to find that Mr. Bai was picking up an iron ball the size of half an adult's fist from under the table, and then placed it heavily on the table.

"What, what is this? How can you bring weapons into the meeting room?" President Nishita retreated tactically, wanting to call for his loyal guards and secretary.

"Everyone, don't be nervous. This is not a weapon, but an iron walnut, which is a fitness tool." Mr. Bai said solemnly: "As you all know, I am an ordinary 80-year-old man who uses an iron walnut to exercise his muscles and bones. Is it reasonable too?"

He chuckled, and then stared at the vice president: "However, the old man was very confused by the vice president's words just now. You said that you wanted to learn more about that Babaru, but you didn't know that he was a member of my pioneer party? Are you accusing the despicable party of being a terrorist organization? This old man will never tolerate such an insult! I heard that Mr. Yellen’s family has a long history, and his swordsmanship is outstanding, and his ancestors can be traced back to the Earl Yeika family of the Empire. After this meeting, everyone, don’t leave. This old man will have an honor duel with Vice President Yellen, and let the spirit of the universe witness our innocence!"

Vice President Yellen felt that this was a bit beyond his imagination.There is one thing to say, he just wanted to use an excuse to fight, but he didn't expect that the white old man opposite him would directly lift the table.

I'm just fulfilling the basic professional ethics of the opposition party.That Babalu was not only a pioneer party member, but also Yu Lian's servant.And he, Yulian, is the best friend of President Nishita.I'm so casually fighting, I can add obstacles to Nishita, and I can also hit Yu Lian, that hardcore anti-imperial war lunatic by the way.

Of course, we can also give eye drops to the Pioneer Party and Lumina by the way, maybe we can find an opportunity to use our sense of touch... Ah bah, our Communist Party's influence extends to Lumina Star and even New China.

However, isn't all of the above a political struggle that cannot be broken?It is a decent, elegant, bloodless political struggle that only the gentlemen can play.

If you are upset, you can fight back.But why did it involve a duel?

Is this a ministerial-level senior official of my community?No political decency at all?You might as well be a pirate!

Vice President Yellen bit the bullet and said: "This, this is an honor duel. The old man is really funny, but we are not psykers..."

"I'm a psychic!" Old Man Bai interrupted proudly.The aura of a frail, old man suddenly stood up in Yuan Tingyue.

Hmph, what about the first ring?So what if it's only one ring after eighty?Anyway, labor and capital are psykers!
But I saw that Vice President Yellen suddenly stood up after being silent for a few seconds, and said loudly: "Sorry, I made a slip of the tongue. Like you, Ms. Jessica, Mr. Babaru and all the pioneer party members, send your best wishes Sincere apologies."

ah?This is surrender?This time, those who didn't understand were replaced by Mr. Bai.He put down the iron walnut he was holding in his hand with some disinterest, and once again felt that he was out of place with the people in this conference room because he was not shameless enough.

At this time, the president who had watched the play for a long time had already stood up.He is now very proud of his brilliance.To form such a multi-party cabinet would require placing a fierce pike in the middle of a bunch of inattentive old eels.Although the pike occasionally bites itself, it's all worth the price.

Now, it's time for him, the big leader, to come forward and put an end to this unpleasant conflict.

"I propose that a half-minute silence should be observed for the misfortune of Grand Commander Tatos," he suggested.

Grand Commander Tatos had just disappeared rather than died, but that didn't seem to matter much at the moment.If you don't use this method to relieve your emotions, it seems that everyone will end badly.

As a result, all the high-ranking officials of the Alliance Cabinet present stood up and made gestures of remembrance, even Mr. Bai and Ms. Jessica Edward were no exception.

After the silence, the Foreign Minister also hurriedly said: "Secretary Brad Reid has disclosed to you in private that this is the self-righteousness of the security department. He actually supports us. The current posture is also for public opinion. It will affect our cooperation."

Although his words were meant to smooth things over, they still contained a bit of information after all.

"Oh? Secretary Brad Reid is indeed a good friend of the people of Earth!" President Nishita nodded.

"However, you also know that the alliance is a republic in the final analysis, and the issue of public opinion cannot be ignored. Therefore, some cooperation projects need to be reviewed again. Don't worry, they are all for public opinion, and it will only take a short time." Foreign Minister Again.

The president frowned slightly: "Will it affect the construction of our main god level? I heard that it has adopted a lot of new equipment, right? Will the alliance stop it?"

Chairman of the National Defense Committee Maxell hurriedly said: "The basic construction work has already been completed, and the important equipment is also fully in place. Considering national defense issues, we need to return these four dreadnoughts to China as soon as possible."

"Where is our hero? Where is it?" the President asked.

The old man Maxel always felt that the president's words seemed to have other meanings, but he still answered seriously: "I have already left the range of the Helix Nebula, and I can enter the border of the Union within [-] hours at most."

However, even if these four main gods return to China now, they are all the battleships owned by the community in the galaxy itself.As a conservative military and political officer, I always feel suspended in my heart.

Old Man Maxell thought of the troop withdrawal plan in the terminal again.

However, just as he was about to speak, the Prime Minister Konoe next to him asked with a bitter expression on his face:

"Will that affect our loans this year?"

A trace of guilt flashed across the face of the foreign minister, and he could only bite the bullet and say: "I, I will do my best to fight for it..."

"Oh, is it? Well, thank you for your hard work. I'm sorry." The prime minister's face became more distressed, as if he was bearing the burden of life.

President Nishita turned his face somewhat dissatisfied.He always felt that the grimace on his face and the appearance of the middle-aged Konoe Prime Minister who was a social animal every day really lowered the style and appearance of this government, but this type of housekeeper who is good at dealing with the civil service system is actually very good. If it is rare, it can only be tolerated temporarily.

He asked, "By the way, what's the main topic today?"

Don't you know the topics that should be presided over by you yourself?

Prime Minister Konoe said: "Of course it is still the development of the New World. You have also said that this will be the focus of this government's work in the next few years. The Congress's New World Investigation Team has returned from the Dawn Star Domain and took out a 500 The report on the page. The above mentioned that if we want to snatch the Dawn Star Domain from the Empire..."

"It is the main development right." The president corrected.

"Yes, if you want to take the lead in future large-scale development projects, you should spend at least 3 billion Blue Star Shield within 5000 years and emigrate 1 million people."

When it came to 5000 billion, Prime Minister Konoe's cheeks twitched uncontrollably.

"Within three years?" Vice President Yellen wondered.

"Yes, within the last three years." Xiao Na said.He also read the report.

Prime Minister Konoe sighed and said: "...In the past half century, our combined immigrant population in Xinyumen and Xinlushun was less than 1000 million. This still completely wiped out the separatists among the sand people, With the increasing investment intentions of enterprises from various countries in New Yumen.”

"This is understandable. So far, we have never organized large-scale immigration in an official way. Considering that the human resources of the empire far exceed ours, if you really want to compete with them for a song, you must Do things first." Xiaona said.

"Uh, it's not easy to do this. We are a democratic republic, and we must respect the wishes of ordinary citizens! It's not the same as the fierce empire over there. It's much easier for them to organize and mobilize than us. They can easily expropriate hundreds of millions slaves, then the settlement can be built." President Nishita pondered for a moment, then looked at Mr. Bai.

This old man may have done a good job as a cabinet disciplinary committee member, and most people have forgotten that he is actually the real Minister of Labor.However, Mr. President, who is illuminated by holy candles, will never forget this setting.

The old minister pondered: "I am organizing immigration. New Yumen and New Lushun provide a lot of jobs, and there are indeed a large number of unemployed young and middle-aged people in the mainland. The number of immigrants in the first half of this year exceeded 120 million. However, if Few people signed up for Dawn Star Domain as a settlement.

"However, the overall sovereignty of the Dawn Star Domain is still in chaos. But if the empire really sends hundreds of millions of people to the Dawn Star Domain and builds hundreds of space cities, our galaxy will be completely divided. Then Wouldn't it be an enclave?" Vice President Yellen said.

How fresh!That old monster Mao Yuanzuo's nephew was actually a patriot who worried about the country and the people, and was afraid of being taken advantage of by the empire.When I don't know you have a long list of relatives who haven't released the fifth server, do you have a good life in the empire?Among them, the best uncle is a first-class knight.Homeland Security Chairman Edward Shona sneered inwardly.

All the senior officials present knew on their knees that Vice President Yellen's words sounded quite pertinent, but in this context, he was blaming the Department of Labor for ineffectiveness.

This guy is actually very vengeful.

Sure enough, the vice president said again: "However, I heard that the new Shenzhou star area accepted more than 2000 million immigrants in the first half of the year. Is this why? It is because of the giant Leviathan that appeared in the new Shenzhou. Is the fertile soil of the Dawn Star Domain sweeter?"

This kind of accusation is a bit harsh, it's just a matter of directly naming and saying that Mr. Bai used his power for personal gain.

However, to their surprise, this hot-tempered Huotou did not take out the iron walnut this time, but patiently explained in a tone without ups and downs: "The Dawn Star Region is still a war zone controlled by the military, there will be no Enterprises are willing to take the risk of war to invest in areas, so there will be no jobs. Of course, we can also let the government take the lead in the development work. We can plan and build mines, factories, farms, and residential areas by ourselves. No need to pretend to be someone else."

Prime Minister Konoe's cheeks trembled again.

Mr. Bai glanced at the other party, knowing that this guy wanted to cry poor again.

... So, you have the money to maintain an entire expedition fleet in the Dawn Star Domain, right?

Mr. President knew that it was time for him to preside over the overall situation again, so he said loudly: "I hate enclaves, I hate enclaves. This reminds me of the early days of the Milky Way's great navigation age of more than 2000 years. The star map is like It’s a mosaic that was graffitied by kids!”

"Yes, it is our duty to recast the glory of the community! The Dawn Star Field is the chosen place for the people of the earth and the people of the community to fight bloody battles! For the sake of the blue and prosperous world, we must not give up!"

Shawna couldn't help but give the Vice President a sideways glance, thinking that you guys had a great time performing today.He's obviously the nephew of Mao Yuanzuo, the old bad guy, so how could he play the lunatics of the Alternative Party?
At this time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs interjected cautiously: "Uh...slaves can't be considered citizens, right? There is still room for discussion in terms of interstellar public law."

"Yes, we must be the first to raise questions at the Galactic Civilization Council." President Nishita waved his hand imposingly: "Diplomacy is also a battlefield, and we must preemptively strike!"

In theory, this seems to be no big problem.

"So, why didn't the empire do this in the first place?" the vice president mused.

"Because the main force of our fleet hasn't withdrawn yet? This is actually a very successful strategic deterrent! The empire is afraid of us." The Minister of Culture showed a complacent expression.He is an important figure in the People's Choice Party.

"Ahahaha, I can't imagine that one day we will also see such a lifeless day in the empire!"

"Back then, so many things happened at the Tianyu God of War Festival, I already had this feeling, hahahaha!"

The senior cabinet officials of the community laughed and laughed like this, and the scene was filled with a happy atmosphere.They seem to really feel that the Galactic Empire is nothing to worry about. Even the Alliance has just discovered the big eyes, and the scenery is really unique here.

So, what is the topic we are going to discuss in the first place?President Nishita fell into deep thought while being happy.

It wasn't until his secretary Yang Mingzhao tiptoed into the conference room, walked over without a sound, and whispered a few words in his ear, that Mr. President's smile faded away.

"Are you sure?" President Nishita's voice carried a trace of repressed heaviness.

Yang Mingzhao nodded slightly.

"Already started?"

"Half an hour ago."

The conversation between the two was brief, but enough to grab everyone's attention.

However, President Nishita once again showed a sunny and cheerful smile, and his whole person naturally became full of vitality.

"Ahahaha, good news, and a little sudden situation." The president smiled and said: "Good news, Commander Tatos has escaped safely, and the alliance is restoring peace."

He paused for a while, and then said: "From Earl Star Gorge, a Kaitai warship entered our territory, claiming it was a defection... Ah no, he came to freedom. He also brought important information from the empire!"

(End of this chapter)

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